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Leveling too fast...


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Greetings friends of the galaxy! First off let me say Congrats to EA/BioWare....Really enjoying the game - I have a major concern with the speed of leveling though - Obviously you have your hardcore peeps which will cap really fast. (10-12 hour a day players) I was in early access starting on the 13th and have only played a few hours each day no more than 3 maybe because of my work schedule...And my friends and I are already in the 22-25 range.


I think that's way too fast for the average player...It's unsettling because I want this game to just keep on going, but I think allowing people to hit the level cap, with just a few hours each day and even skipping some days altogether, within a months time is not good at all...I don't think it's good to allow the average gamer to hit the cap within a month for reasons such as the first month being free. This is a major reason retention is really bad with new MMO's that launch because people reach the cap before their month's sub is up and then they are just like w/e.


I could go on but I want to know what you guys think? I know they're banking on people rolling alts to go through the diff stories, but you can't expect people to reach cap and then just re-roll right away...You still want to improve your character as much as possible first.



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Greetings friends of the galaxy! First off let me say Congrats to EA/BioWare....Really enjoying the game - I have a major concern with the speed of leveling though - Obviously you have your hardcore peeps which will cap really fast. (10-12 hour a day players) I was in early access starting on the 13th and have only played a few hours each day no more than 3 maybe because of my work schedule...And my friends and I are already in the 22-25 range.


I think that's way too fast for the average player...It's unsettling because I want this game to just keep on going, but I think allowing people to hit the level cap, with just a few hours each day and even skipping some days altogether, within a months time is not good at all...I don't think it's good to allow the average gamer to hit the cap within a month for reasons such as the first month being free. This is a major reason retention is really bad with new MMO's that launch because people reach the cap before their month's sub is up and then they are just like w/e.


I could go on but I want to know what you guys think? I know they're banking on people rolling alts to go through the diff stories, but you can't expect people to reach cap and then just re-roll right away...You still want to improve your character as much as possible first.




It slows down in the 30's, no worries. Just keep playing

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Should take longer than a month for the average player, especially after 30-40+ as it kind of slows down a bit. Do keep in mind that it'll possibly take longer than it has for people that have powerleveled through the content, as there will be more competition for mobs, loot and what not.


We're about 8-9 people Republic side on my server at 50, and pretty much just as many on Imp. I think the pace of leveling seemed fine, considering that Bioware pretty much expects you too make alts.


There's what? Eight storylines to go through? If they made it much harder to level the casuals would come after them with pitchforks as it would take them "too long" to go through multiple characters.


- Elim

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Just a few points to make here.. first off, you have to realize that the last 25 levels will take *considerably* longer than the first 25 did. At your rate of play I'd be surprised if you hit 50 in less than 3 months. Also, if fast leveling is a concern, then I would recommend not doing pvp, space combat, or bonus quest areas on planets. This will only speed your leveling, which will make your level start surpassing your zone. That way, it will take longer to cap, and you'll have time then to focus on the other parts of the game, or roll another character. Just some suggestions.
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Greetings friends of the galaxy! First off let me say Congrats to EA/BioWare....Really enjoying the game - I have a major concern with the speed of leveling though - Obviously you have your hardcore peeps which will cap really fast. (10-12 hour a day players) I was in early access starting on the 13th and have only played a few hours each day no more than 3 maybe because of my work schedule...And my friends and I are already in the 22-25 range.


I think that's way too fast for the average player...It's unsettling because I want this game to just keep on going, but I think allowing people to hit the level cap, with just a few hours each day and even skipping some days altogether, within a months time is not good at all...I don't think it's good to allow the average gamer to hit the cap within a month for reasons such as the first month being free. This is a major reason retention is really bad with new MMO's that launch because people reach the cap before their month's sub is up and then they are just like w/e.


I could go on but I want to know what you guys think? I know they're banking on people rolling alts to go through the diff stories, but you can't expect people to reach cap and then just re-roll right away...You still want to improve your character as much as possible first.





Ignore this guy. Nothing at all wrong with the leveling curve.

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Also, I noticed that you mentioned your friends. Are you grouping together while leveling (aside from flashpoints and heroics?). You get a solid XP bump for being in a group and turning in quests. From what I've observed you get XP for everyone else who turns in the same quest.
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I was in early access starting on the 13th and have only played a few hours each day no more than 3 maybe because of my work schedule...And my friends and I are already in the 22-25 range.


Lies...utter lies. :D Unless you are skipping the story, skipping crew skills, have created no other character to far around on, and skipping a bunch of other stuff.



Regardless, the solution is...play less, pace yourself if you find yourself leveling too fast.

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Personally I like that the leveling time isn't extremely high. This allows me to play the other classes and experience what their storylines have to offer, and for me MMOs generally don't really begin until the level cap anyway. By time I get there (I'm not a powerleveler per say), Bioware is likely to be in the position to start rolling out more and more end game content.


It's all good to me.

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at firsi thought, "damn i'm leveling to fast" but i think i will be all ok. I did the most Quests in Groups an a few Flashpoints an HERO2+ two times (Black Talon for it as such a nice Story) But in the End it didnt matter to me what lvl i have. if i only have something to do it dowsnt matter. even if the quests are all green! not a Problem, because Story is much more important to me than the lvl. besides, you have lots of competition in the Flashpoints an HERO Missions. And as said you can choose to leave some of the sidequest unfinished for now. if you play an alt you can sidequest these if you dont know them allready.
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Also, I noticed that you mentioned your friends. Are you grouping together while leveling (aside from flashpoints and heroics?). You get a solid XP bump for being in a group and turning in quests. From what I've observed you get XP for everyone else who turns in the same quest.


This is probably what has happened then...As we were doing all the quests on Coruscant together. And also good to know the curve kicks in after 25...I was definitely worried. Being on Taris already at 22 and all the quests are green is what made us start scratching our heads.



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Unfortunately, the days of an MMORPG taking months or years to reach level cap are over. People want to get to that top level in a reasonable amount of time, and power levelers want to do it in a week or less. Just the way the genre has progressed. I am looking forward to hearing about the coming content patches, as I really feel that Bioware has less than a month to get one out before things get ugly.
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Greetings friends of the galaxy! First off let me say Congrats to EA/BioWare....Really enjoying the game - I have a major concern with the speed of leveling though - Obviously you have your hardcore peeps which will cap really fast. (10-12 hour a day players) I was in early access starting on the 13th and have only played a few hours each day no more than 3 maybe because of my work schedule...And my friends and I are already in the 22-25 range.


I think that's way too fast for the average player...It's unsettling because I want this game to just keep on going, but I think allowing people to hit the level cap, with just a few hours each day and even skipping some days altogether, within a months time is not good at all...I don't think it's good to allow the average gamer to hit the cap within a month for reasons such as the first month being free. This is a major reason retention is really bad with new MMO's that launch because people reach the cap before their month's sub is up and then they are just like w/e.


I could go on but I want to know what you guys think? I know they're banking on people rolling alts to go through the diff stories, but you can't expect people to reach cap and then just re-roll right away...You still want to improve your character as much as possible first.



Don't worry, after Alderaan, you start hitting the brick wall. Day 1 of Early access I went 1-23 before sleeping, the next day I finished Chapter 1. Since then, I have managed to from 33-43 and a half in a week, and I am only playing 6-8 hours a day now. I still got 2-3 days to hit 50 unless I decide to put in another 24 hour session. Don't worry about it, it'll slow down a lot after Chapter 1, and once you hit Hoth, it really starts to slow down.



P.S - I predict you'll be back here complaining about how slow it is for the average player in a week or two once you get past Hoth.

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Don't worry, after Alderaan, you start hitting the brick wall. Day 1 of Early access I went 1-23 before sleeping, the next day I finished Chapter 1. Since then, I have managed to from 33-43 and a half in a week, and I am only playing 6-8 hours a day now. I still got 2-3 days to hit 50 unless I decide to put in another 24 hour session. Don't worry about it, it'll slow down a lot after Chapter 1, and once you hit Hoth, it really starts to slow down.



P.S - I predict you'll be back here complaining about how slow it is for the average player in a week or two once you get past Hoth.


Quite honestly that doesn't make any sense...Did I complain in my first post? Didn't think so - I expressed a concern and asked if others had experienced it and many said it would slow down - Which is good...So why would I complain about it becoming slower when that's what I was hoping for. I swear we as people get so damn defensive without thinking about what we say or write beforehand.

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