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Everything posted by Corpsecandle

  1. It did, you had to click the "Color Crystal" link associated with the description.
  2. Gotta point out that there were several locations on this site that indicated the intended color of the color crystal. I think I found the first one 3 weeks after pre-order popped up. Can't find any of them now (naturally since pre-order is over), but they were there (you had to click the link for the crystal description if I recall correctly).
  3. Still need to pay for the riding skill so the mount only saves you about 8k out of the 48k you'd need to spend to get riding. Also, the way your character rides it makes me wince. As for the droid, well it's not a "pet" as one would expect. Naturally it has no combat value, however you can only summon it in combat - on a foe. It's...odd.
  4. Also, I noticed that you mentioned your friends. Are you grouping together while leveling (aside from flashpoints and heroics?). You get a solid XP bump for being in a group and turning in quests. From what I've observed you get XP for everyone else who turns in the same quest.
  5. This feature was removed because the Devs had a look at the logs and found that Empire players got a little...aggressive.
  6. Adding my vote! All very valid issues that periodically bug the bejeezus outa me.
  7. They ping your account for the full value, then refund all but $5.00. Sometimes (depending on your bank) it only shows as a single transaction for 5.00.
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