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Pvp Bullying


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I'm a paying subscriber and have been since day one. I just started a new character with my mate who i brought to this game and have just started to notice when i don't have my founder title on i get alot of abuse people laughing and taking the mick because im low level asking me to not come back till around level 30... My friend also is getting this plus even more abuse something ive never had before. You have the legacy there for a reason to "Level up the way you want to" Aka we want to pvp level as normal class missions and Pve leveling is a little slow... Because of this and the bullying we keep getting my friend keeps giving up on the game and im thinking doing the same. Is there a reason for this? Is it fair? What can we do? I don't want to leave but i also don't want to play pvp when i spend most the time texting back at the abuse than playing the damn warzone :( Its very off putting and fun draining i think since F2P started the trolls arrived. :confused:
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I'm a paying subscriber and have been since day one. I just started a new character with my mate who i brought to this game and have just started to notice when i don't have my founder title on i get alot of abuse people laughing and taking the mick because im low level asking me to not come back till around level 30... My friend also is getting this plus even more abuse something ive never had before. You have the legacy there for a reason to "Level up the way you want to" Aka we want to pvp level as normal class missions and Pve leveling is a little slow... Because of this and the bullying we keep getting my friend keeps giving up on the game and im thinking doing the same. Is there a reason for this? Is it fair? What can we do? I don't want to leave but i also don't want to play pvp when i spend most the time texting back at the abuse than playing the damn warzone :( Its very off putting and fun draining i think since F2P started the trolls arrived. :confused:


Do you play well? There's no better way to stick to the jerks then to out perform them. The stat boost is very generous to low level characters , at least enough that a smart player can make a difference. However, if you're clueless and a deadwieght to the team, then perhaps pvp isn't for you.

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The Red Eclipse Server i leveled a alt to on the American servers a while back and was ok to maybe its just the Europe ones that have the issue its a shame .. Adding to ignore does that make you have less chance of getting into a group for PVP?
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There are always ***-holes; I'm sorry they're getting you down.

But they wrong for thinking you need to be level 30 before you should play PvP, if they tell you that you already know you're more of a player than they are (I've seen people so ignorant to the game they don't know that all players are buffed to 49 and thought they had higher damage then lowbies). Some of those higher skills are useful but your personal skill at your class can still make you a contender with the limited skills you have in the teens.


Different classes may get better in later levels, my Scoundrel transformed from average to team lead scoring from level 20 to 30. Now I'm playing a Juggernaut and it's stupid easy. At level 13 I'm usual leading the scoreboard mashing the same 3 buttons.


Keep playing, learn your class as well as you can, know what rotation and play style is best at your level. You can still do better than most of the team if you know what you're doing.

And when your skill as a low level player outperforms the bully at level 40 feel free to rub his face in it at the end of the match.

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There are always ***-holes; I'm sorry they're getting you down.

But they wrong for thinking you need to be level 30 before you should play PvP, if they tell you that you already know you're more of a player than they are (I've seen people so ignorant to the game they don't know that all players are buffed to 49 and thought they had higher damage then lowbies). Some of those higher skills are useful but your personal skill at your class can still make you a contender with the limited skills you have in the teens.


Different classes may get better in later levels, my Scoundrel transformed from average to team lead scoring from level 20 to 30. Now I'm playing a Juggernaut and it's stupid easy. At level 13 I'm usual leading the scoreboard mashing the same 3 buttons.


Keep playing, learn your class as well as you can, know what rotation and play style is best at your level. You can still do better than most of the team if you know what you're doing.

And when your skill as a low level player outperforms the bully at level 40 feel free to rub his face in it at the end of the match.


You are right its just all about mastering your class and your playing skill i do think its the fact they don't understand the level 49 buff thing which means they know nothing about PVP themselfs.. We wont let them get us down im one of the kinda people that just let it go and ignore it but my friend is a little more touche than me. The class im paying just now ive played all year i keep remaking its like i love playing a inquisitor lol So im pretty sure i know my way around :)

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The best way to get back at the ragers and bullies is to respond to their rage with indifference, even if you aren't really indifferent. When I see a guy fuming, I try to push him over the edge with "meh" or "what are you gonna do?"


As far as I'm concerned, if you're raging over an event that only lasts 15 min, you are way too tightly wound.

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The best way to get back at the ragers and bullies is to respond to their rage with indifference, even if you aren't really indifferent. When I see a guy fuming, I try to push him over the edge with "meh" or "what are you gonna do?"


As far as I'm concerned, if you're raging over an event that only lasts 15 min, you are way too tightly wound.


Hah i like your idea good one i will do :D

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Nope your ignore list will not prevent you from getting into warzones just means you won't be able to hear them. Sorry it is getting you down never had that problem really you get a few ***holes but usually they are complaining about the whole team lol. Just ignore them you pay just as much as them to play so play what you want. And if you ever want to roll an alt think about the Harbinger server :)
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Nope your ignore list will not prevent you from getting into warzones just means you won't be able to hear them. Sorry it is getting you down never had that problem really you get a few ***holes but usually they are complaining about the whole team lol. Just ignore them you pay just as much as them to play so play what you want. And if you ever want to roll an alt think about the Harbinger server :)


Thanks so much the support of the nice people in the forums has for sure cheered me up :) And i have some Toons over on that server i may come back i think though my friend will have to start from scratch... I'm sure we can level to 20 in 2 days lol

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I'm not sure if it's a server specific issue, but I've never had an issue with being in wz's from lv 10-13 since I just top damage in every warzone. Most pre-50 players are horrible and they tend to shut up when your lv 13 commando breaks 300k while their lv 40 commando only scratch 200k :p
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This reminds me of the guy who turned off the profanity filter, was greeted by language he didnt like and decided to go out of his way to report an F-bomb. You can find him in the customer service forum, where he's complaining about how in-game CS is ignoring him.


There are two options here:

1. It happened once and the OP is blowing it out of proportion.


2. The OP is consistently pissing people off and whatever behaviour he's greeted by is actually warranted.

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This reminds me of the guy who turned off the profanity filter, was greeted by language he didnt like and decided to go out of his way to report an F-bomb. You can find him in the customer service forum, where he's complaining about how in-game CS is ignoring him.


There are two options here:

1. It happened once and the OP is blowing it out of proportion.


2. The OP is consistently pissing people off and whatever behaviour he's greeted by is actually warranted.


Wow way to make the bullies be the good guys. Completely miss out on the fact that people are responsible for their own behavior and that the whole you deserve it thing has been used by some of the most horrendous people to ever walk the earth. Here is bit of fact sometimes people do terrible things to people just because they can. Yep no good reason at all they just enjoy doing it. Maybe if you think hard you will remember when someone did something to you just because they could.


You don't know this guy but you automatically judge him harshly as either a liar or as an a**h***.

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You don't know this guy but you automatically judge him harshly as either a liar or as an a**h***.

I'm not judging him, I'm judging the way he percieves the game. One would think that I atleast once, just once, would have experienced the behaviour the OP is talking about if it was indeed such a plague. My latest lvl 50 isnt more than 14 days old so that's well into the F2P era and the current enviroment.


The ONLY somewhat snarky comment I've recieved happened in a 50 warzone as I was trying to prove a point by pvp'ing in pve gear. I saw no reason to reply so that was the end of that UNTIL the guy who had originally said it apologized at the end of the game.


That said, I'm not denying that the climate has changed since F2P. There seems to be much more BS going on in chat, most of it seemingly coming from subscribers, and people do argue but I've never seen anyone being randomely attacked, which is kind of what the OP implies.

Edited by Washingtoon
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Do you play well? There's no better way to stick to the jerks then to out perform them. The stat boost is very generous to low level characters , at least enough that a smart player can make a difference. However, if you're clueless and a deadwieght to the team, then perhaps pvp isn't for you.


^ 100% agree Out perform them and before you can make a remark theyll ditch out and leave when that board pops up.

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I'm not judging him, I'm judging the way he percieves the game. One would think that I atleast once, just once, would have experienced the behaviour the OP is talking about if it was indeed such a plague. My latest lvl 50 isnt more than 14 days old so that's well into the F2P era and the current enviroment.


The ONLY somewhat snarky comment I've recieved happened in a 50 warzone as I was trying to prove a point by pvp'ing in pve gear. I saw no reason to reply so that was the end of that UNTIL the guy who had originally said it apologized at the end of the game.


That said, I'm not denying that the climate has changed since F2P. There seems to be much more BS going on in chat, most of it seemingly coming from subscribers, and people do argue but I've never seen anyone being randomely attacked, which is kind of what the OP implies.


Sorry did not mean to jump down your throat I obviously took your post differently then how you meant it. And yes I am being sincere no sarcasm. Back to point I don't know if it is just the server he is on as on my server I have not noticed it either. But from his posts my guess is that it seems to have happened more than one time and we all know that on some servers you get the same people in the ques so maybe it is just a few people that are very vocal either way the ignore button is your friend.

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I'm a paying subscriber and have been since day one. I just started a new character with my mate who i brought to this game and have just started to notice when i don't have my founder title on i get alot of abuse people laughing and taking the mick because im low level asking me to not come back till around level 30... My friend also is getting this plus even more abuse something ive never had before. You have the legacy there for a reason to "Level up the way you want to" Aka we want to pvp level as normal class missions and Pve leveling is a little slow... Because of this and the bullying we keep getting my friend keeps giving up on the game and im thinking doing the same. Is there a reason for this? Is it fair? What can we do? I don't want to leave but i also don't want to play pvp when i spend most the time texting back at the abuse than playing the damn warzone :( Its very off putting and fun draining i think since F2P started the trolls arrived. :confused:


Smack talk and bullies in my PVP!? What a surprise... Wait, wait. No it's not. Is this your first pvp game? :rolleyes:

Aholes are everywhere. You're not in a mother womb anymore. You have to bite a bullet and get over it. Don't listen and don't replay. They can't do anything about you. Tell them to eat ****. Put them on ignore list for 24h. There are many possibilities. Why do you even care?


If a specific person doesn't stop harass you you can always report him to CS droid.

Edited by MelodicSixNine
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Never happened to me, and thats that I start pvping as soon as I hit the fleet at level 10...but looking at the thread there are quite a few ppl here from the Harbinger. This is not saying that the Harbinger doesn't have its fair share but I guess (key word "guess" since I never played on any other server after the transfers) it isn't as bad as others.


The toon in the sig is now my main (been playing "him" since the merger and rarely my other 50's) and my legacy name is like my guild (none of my toons are in guilds and will probably stay that way) name. On my lowbies I shut off the name from time to time. Try this for those that pvp. See if other ppl will make comments. Then show the name. The reaction may interest you. Hell the only time I can recall that someone had something to say to me was when I did this, and this was outside of a wz while doing some class missions. The worse part was that s/he wasnt complaining of the toon I was using, but was complaing about my main...go figure. Thus the shutting off/on of the legacy name.

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I must admit though, I do inwardly groan when I see a 'grey' Level 10 who hasn't even chosen his Advanced Class yet appearing in the same team as me. Don't usually make any comments in Ops chat -- and that's not because the Ops chat usually isn't working... :rolleyes:


It also appears that F2P'ers don't get the Sprint skill now until level 14 again? It's amazing how slow they move!

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