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Companions 101: Aric Jorgan


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Played him before the game released. hated him at first. but as I played after release with him in my group, I enjoyed having his expertise.He always has some cool military saying to say. heavy armor uses the cannon, he has kept me alive when I should have died due to arrogance many times. Him and Dorn are my main posse.


Did we get Corso yet, that guy provides me with some funny moments when the farm boy starts to killing.

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Jorgan is strong, smart, determined, more handsome than most male human companions, and truly has a heart of gold. I've been around all classes already, and Jorgan is definitely my favorite romance partner.

He's terribly cute when he's trying (and often failing) to be romantic, but his affection once earned, is earned forever <3

For BioWare fans who loved the Mass Effect saga, Jorgan is a grumpy Garrus. YUMMY !

Congrats to the team who gave light to this amazing character, all I can wish now is that the next Star Wars movie will have one Aric Jorgan-like character. You have one like him, you have a golden story.



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Yea, it's one of the bigger holes in how the companion weapon choices got laid out there. It doesn't seem like it would be too hard to actually let him use Sniper Rifles either.



Oh well :p


And Tanno can be seen using a blaster rifle in cutscenes, and the Trooper can be seen with a sidearm pistol in cutscenes. :rolleyes:

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I didn't get to play much Trooper myself, but I've watched my sister play the class, and I've enjoyed his character in the cutscenes. Does make me wanna play one, but I'm working on other classes atm.


I'd love to see a Companions 101 with Malavai Quinn, or Corso Riggs soon though.

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He's supposed to be a sniper. In fact he claims to have been in the most elite sniper squad in the Republic. He can't use sniper rifles (last time I checked). It's silly. Bioware needs to match story with mechanics more I think.


It's my understanding that he was able to use sniper rifles in beta but was switched to assault cannon after player complaints. I cannot confirm this, as I did not play beta, and I forget where I had read it lol. Would be nice for them to give him the ability to use them, as many companions have the ability to use more than 1 type of weapon (I love that Kaliyo can use a Blaster Rifle rather than just a pistol, for example).


Seeing as how they did the Companion 101 on a republic toon this time, next will hopefully be imperial. Vector, Mako or even Talos (think that's his name -- inquis healer companion, tends to not be given a lot of respect from many player, from what I've seen lol) should be interesting, imo.

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Jorgan! Hooray. :)


I liked Jorgan's character from the start because he was gruff, no-nonsense and wouldn't accept any excuses. I know that a lot of people resented the fact that he treated the trooper harshly initially, but that won me over. He had high standards and that just made me want to meet those standards, then exceed them.


When he became a companion, I couldn't believe it. I felt bad for him because of the demotion, but it was amazing that I now had such an awesome character on my team. Jorgan and Qyzen were the only companions I didn't know in advance would be joining my characters in their adventures (since my consular and trooper got off their starting planets first, and after that the companion list became obvious from seeing everyone's companions following them around).


At one point pursuing his personal mission, I created the following thread to describe my experiences: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=278369 It can be summed up as follows: Jorgan's mission is the first one that was ever red for me in the mission log but I kept trying anyway because I didn't want to let him down. I think that says a lot about the quality of the writing.


I found my trooper getting a lot of approval from Jorgan just by the way she approached things, mainly because she has an attitude quite similar to his own. That said, I did once - just the once! - hit a conversational response that I knew would irk him, just out of a desire to see how he'd react. At the hearing on Coruscant after Ord Mantell, if you blame the defection of Havoc Squad on Jorgan, his astonished outrage is absolutely priceless. I guiltily escaped out of the conversation at that point, very much feeling that I'd trolled him, but unable to stop laughing.


The romance was really sweet and, just like Jorgan being a companion at all, not something I expected. Getting a character as awesome as him in my team was one thing, but actually being able to roleplay a relationship of love that got closer and closer was another. It really does help to show that all the harshness you see in his character from the first time you meet him comes from the fact that he cares; he's not an unfeeling stone. As others have said, he's a complex character and getting to know him better by peeling layer after layer is wonderful.


I have to post agreement with those saying that Jorgan should be able to use sniper rifles. Several companions can use a couple of different weapons (e.g. pistols/rifles for Corso, techstaff/techblade for Torian), so why shouldn't there be the option for Jorgan to use sniper rifles as well as the assault cannon? It wouldn't necessitate adding a whole range of sniper rifles with Aim as their base stat; it would rely on players to put aim mods in orange sniper rifles instead. All Jorgan's weapons from missions could remain assault cannons. It would just be a nice option, you know?


Anyway, this article was great. Some brilliant questions for Jorgan's writer and even better answers! This was a real treat. Thanks so much.


I suppose we've got to have a companion from the sith inquisitor or the bounty hunter yet. My assassin only has Khem so far and my powertech only has her first three. Honestly, I like all of that bunch, but I haven't seen the end of their stories so it's hard to pick a favourite.

Edited by Estelindis
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My "can I bait Jorgan" moment was on Nar Shaddaa, when I said something about Jonas Balkar knowing how to treat a lady. Sputtering, embarrassed Aric Jorgan is priceless! Another here who feels a little awkward w/ the Cathar Human romance, and who would most likely replay it as Cathar if/when given a chance. (...or you can just go by my own reconciliation of the whole idea w/ my insistence that most/many "non-human" species were originally experimentally created and farmed out into the galaxy, and are essentially human, particularly between feet and head/upper torso, LOL.)


I do have to say that his post-marriage gifts and comments in letters are hysterically Jorgan-esque. :rolleyes:


Companions I'd like to know more about are Corso Riggs (I was surprised to not hear more folks say that, honestly), Akaavi Spar, and Elara Dorne. Doc was interesting too, in his own way. Oh, and Scourge, between the book Revan and TOR--how he got from the one to the other. :confused:


GREAT writing--I just want to encourage other writers, as I've been pretty impressed by the depth of writing evident across the board.


I have to throw in with the sniper rifle (at least) comments. It would gain consistency points, and what would the harm be?

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I was actually impressed with Aric Jorgan's character development. He goes from a cantankerous old kitty to a mellowed, seasoned officer who never crosses the indelible line that separates loyalty from insubordination. My wife hasn't pursued any romance options with him yet, but after reading this article, I may suggest she do so. Aric genuinely grew on me as a companion as the game went on. As my Commando became a bit more of a combat medic, the purpose of having Elara Dorne around served only to foster a romance with her. I otherwise had Aric on the frontlines with me at all times, saving the galaxy, one slain bucket-head at a time.


As far as playing Cathar: I want this. I want to roll one as a Gunslinger. My wife wants to run one as a Sith Warrior. Overall, I'm sure MANY players want to see Cathar as playable, as well as many other races. The addition of new races can only further diversify the gameplay of SWTOR in the years to come.

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He's supposed to be a sniper. In fact he claims to have been in the most elite sniper squad in the Republic. He can't use sniper rifles (last time I checked). It's silly. Bioware needs to match story with mechanics more I think.


Agreement: This.


Opinion: I loved M1-47 the most, and I'm not saying that because I'm a droid. I loved hearing about his missions that he goes on and hearing his one-liners when defeating an enemy.

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When I first started playing as the Trooper, I relied heavily on Aric to help pull me through some of the tougher battles as we mowed down enemies left and right with our assault cannons. As the game progressed, however, Elara Dorne has surpassed him as my go-to companion although I did make Aric my XO over Elara.


I like that Timothy Omundson plays Aric Jorgan as if he were Detective Lassiter from Psych....the icing on the cake for me regarding that would have been if Aric had a pair of friends, former squadmates, or whatever being played by James Roday and Dule Hill and they played them similarly to Shawn and Gus.

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I actually don't like Aric and I think that is a credit to the writers. I feel that while he might be loyal to Havoc Squad as an ideal he only tollerates me as his boss in a position he feels should be his. I do think the voice acting for the character is fantastic - gruff and hard to get along with. I still haven't forgiven Aric for the way he treated me as a rookie. Not being racist but I am not overly fond of the Cathars full stop when I come to think about it . Maybe I am just a dog person at heart!!


I agree he should be able to use a sniper rifle if that is his training.


Also casting my vote for Mako for your next review...that girl has stolen my heart (....can I have it back please?).

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Last week I went to do a space combat mission and when I got to my flight controls, who do I see but Aric up on the control console.


I said "Get down off of there Aric! I need to do a space combat mission now."


So, I shoo'd him off and sat down at the controls and wouldn't you know it, Aric jumped right back up onto the console.


Well! I was just speechless. I said, "Aric! There's nothing up here for you and I need to do my space mission. Now go back to the weapons locker!"


Well, Aric just wouldn't have it! He kept pacing around the cockpit and trying to jump up onto the console. I'd never seen him act like that before.


Then he started scratching at the console. So, I opened it up and wouldn't you just have figured. There was a mouse in there!

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Aric <3 wow! Great companion. One of the reasons why I'll probably have 3 troopers all in all. Tank, dps and healer. Got one now, saving the other two until the Cathar comes out :D


Keeping my fingers crossed that if you have a Cathar FemTrooper it will be get some comment in his romance-arc. That would make me silly happy!

Edited by SilentKitty
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For an Imperial companion? I'd go with Mako. I just hope we don't have to wait a MONTH to get another Companions 101 blog.


personally i would go with talks drelliik cause he has a carbonate stream and can stun an enemy for like a minute



but i hate it when he says stupid things:hope_01::rak_09:

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Initially I started off sympathetic towards what happened to Aric, but he continued to disregard procedure and the chain of command while letting his emotions get in the way. I left him on the ship as soon as I could and passed him over for promotion, which only made him more bitter. Later, when he confronted and berated my trooper (who was still his CO), I knew I made the right decision by not letting a bad apple like Aric get promoted further. If I could, I would have dismissed him from Havoc, along with Tanno Vik. Neither of them belonged on an elite squad.


I'm surprised to see that many people like Aric, but it's good to get that perspective and what people like about him. Apparently he's a good romance option, which I never would have guessed.

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FINALLY, another Companion 101 article! These are great I just wish they would stay weekly like promised. I thought it was hilarious that at the beginning of the article it said Vette was "Last Week". LOL Please BioWare, keep this weekly. As far as next week since it has to be Imperial I would like to see Mako.
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My favorite moment with Jorgan was after he became my companion. He told me he should lead Havoc Squad. I explained that I was chosen not him. And then he got on my side after a bit of mumbling. I think for the next 2 planets he reminded me that I was the better choice to lead. The romance part has been really cute. If a Cathar could blush I'm sure Jorgan would. Glad to know he still wants military and weapon gifts, instead of just courting. He's so flustered by emotion I want to hug him. Then he can be so sure of himself only to find he was wrong. He handles his mistakes well, like a trooper. I really enjoy how complicated the companions are. Good job on Jorgan. :cool:
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