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Everything posted by Likomg

  1. I just recently returned to the game after 9 yrs away, myself. My sons got me back into playing again, and it's been a blast. The folks in this thread have some great points, often echoed by my on kids -- bring back currently unavailable sets, at least on a temporary basis, throughout the year. There are sets that I have from when I originally played that they would like, and sets they've since gotten that I would love to get my hands on -- this Force-Veteran set among them. Had I been playing when it was available, I'd already have it :( As far as exclusivity goes, having several exclusive sets myself, after several years it just makes sense to make them available again. After all, many who have gotten it when it was available may not play anymore and it gives new and returning players a chance to get the look(s) they are going for on their characters (very important for folks like me who tire of playing a character that no longer looks 'cool' lol). imo, it's a win-win for everyone
  2. Rofl... so you hate that some have found a way to stockpile comms, then explain to everyone (in a public forum) how to do it? Priceless
  3. It is something you can voice your opinion on; for your companions to bring it up is not offensive -- at times, many in this thread will choose to view everything as a personal attack on their liberties, when they are not. When it is mentioned, except for possibly in the "love letters" you receive after the final convos with your romanced companion, you can express your disinterest in having children.
  4. What makes this even funnier is that you can be Dark V and still have her making this argument, through the use of gifts -- my sorcerer is evil and mean for the fun of it, and married her despite it all. I think of the lies he told her through conversation as just another aspect of his evil, toying with this naïve and obviously stupid (as he is blatant in his darksidedness) person.
  5. Don't judge the imperial storyline on the inquisitor story, tbh -- it tends to be more depressing (particularly if you are trying to go the light side route) than the other imperial classes. The Agent and Warrior lines tend to be more creative in dealing with the choices you make. If it's the Sith coolness that attracts you, LS sith warrior works very well, particularly when paired with Vette and Jaesa; won't spoil anything, but it is hardly depressing, imo, as a LS sith warrior -- it actually made sense to me when played as either LS or DS, whereas Inquisitor makes no sense at all when played LS. As far as companions, Knight gets Lord Scourge, whom I like more than any of the Consular companions (whom I found to be dull, across the board, along with the VA). Tatile is correct, though -- Talos Drelik, for the inquisitor, is a very cool companion.
  6. They could have avoided all of this just by making the title Master Crafter, from the get go. I think few, if any, would have perceived it as an attempt at political correctness. While I see nothing even remotely insensitive with the current title, this would have likely been acceptable across the board. /shrug As far as what image comes into my head when you say "man", again, context would affect that. But without context, as in "a man" (or does that count as context? Think it might, in which case context is the defining factor in what image presents itself mentally), then I do think "male", yes.
  7. I find it ironic that the PC cries are to change it from Master Craftsman (which IS gender neutral, you are choosing to change the term to fit a PC agenda) to Master Craftswoman. You DO realize that Master is also a masculine term, when taken on it's own? Because what you are doing is separating words from their context in order to fit your so-called insensitivity rather that the entire title in-context. Mistress Craftswoman? Go for it, would be good for laughs imo. As far as what image pops in my mind when someone says "mankind", I see a mass of humanity -- men, women and children (boys and girls, even!) -- not just men OR women. It IS perfectly appropriately gender neutral, it only becomes otherwise when intentionally made to be so. **EDIT** upon further review, huMANity is offensive. We should change that, too... maybe huPEOPLEity would be more considerate of everyone. As far as titles changed for men's sakes, I am perfectly fine with nurse, secretary, etc. -- I see nothing wrong with those terms used for males or females.
  8. The only real issue I have with this expansion is the lack of truly new FPs. Harder difficulty versions of old FPs, while appreciated, do not = new. Beyond the planet storyline and 1 OP, there is no new content (am not counting dailies... dear god, more danged dailies!). Am hopeful that new FPs will be created, as the game has become a drag, for me, doing the same exact content over and over. Before creating an alt is suggested, I have 12 50s, and repeatedly leveling through the exact same content is no longer bearable for me lol. Love the SW property, but if things remain stagnant for too long then I think longevity here will be difficult.
  9. Nobody has researched you, anywhere -- SithK was referring to a post only a page or 2 back by Tarotmage. Way to channel Carly Simon
  10. Yes, they can -- I do it every single day while running dailies.
  11. About 20 on one of my toons atm. I don't intend on doing it on all my toons (I do currently have 12 50s), only 1 just to see how far it gets him. It's a toon I currently only use running dailies, will likely be the last of my 50s to actually level to 55. Generally speaking, I lack the willpower to not turn in a quest as soon as it is ready to be turned in, thus the reason I used a toon that I can easily ignore lol. I don't expect a full plate of 25 quests to get me even 1 level, but am curious to see how much it does grant, merely out of curiousity.
  12. Didn't bother to watch your video, but can say with 100% certainty they haven't put a stop to it. There are certain quests that will autocomplete, but any that require a turn in can just be *not* turned in until after 2.0 goes live. This hasn't changed, am sitting on quite a few right now that are waiting on turn in.
  13. LucasArts forced SoE to implement the NGE, it was not a lack of communication with the community. Just saying.
  14. Read the whole post you quoted, I didn't say it was tolerable on every server. But X-server gf would make it intolerable on EVERY server, so it would screw those of us on servers where it isn't totally terrible. On my dps, queues are rarely longer than 30 mins (and often much shorter). A cross server queue would not fix your problem, there would be a tremendous increase in the amount of dps lfg with an even proportionally lower amount of tanks / healers than there already is. The problem is not with gf, but with lack of players queuing in needed roles.
  15. Because it would not fix a single problem -- you would still have too many dps and too few tanks / healers. It would actually make things worse for those currently on servers where the wait is tolerable.
  16. Yoshi and Hagg are correct, it is 1 million creds (or however many cartel coins) to unlock PER CHARACTER, not legacy-wide.
  17. It would not result in a permaban, but would require you to contact CS in order to unlock your account AND require the use of a different credit card from that point forward. Since you end up having to contact CS regardless of the route you take, having a chargeback done isn't worth the trouble -- if you plan to continue playing the game. If you don't, a chargeback would be less hassle on your end.
  18. Cross server GF would not change this. Lack of tanks queued tends to be what slows things down; cross server queues will potentially make your wait even longer, as you will have dps across all servers in the queue waiting on the few tanks from across all servers to do the same. At least with server only queues your queue is likely to be a much shorter one.
  19. Responses highlighted... I know, got a bit wordy in that last paragraph No more posts from me, this has quickly descended into a back and forth where we all keep taking each other out of context. No harm, no foul, much love
  20. Read what I said in context. Your statement has no correlation to what you actually quoted.
  21. I actually can see your perspective now, tbh. Due to a well presented explanation, rather than from thought experiments and volatile posts by people (admittedly on both sides of the issue) annoyed with others' perceptions of them.
  22. I had no plans to make an issue of it, for or against, would be why. I tend to lurk the forums, only posting if something annoys me (most often in the CS threads lol); seeing the argument against a toggle by Marky annoyed me due to the choice in wording and implication that only homophobes would want any sort of toggle. I wasn't asking for it, only stating the reasons I would personally be ok with one and under what circumstances. Also as mentioned, Twiggy actually gave a well reasoned explanation against having one at all (even all encompassing), and I find I cannot disagree with his (her) reasoning.
  23. Responses highlighted. As far as it being a "thought experiment", we both know that's a load of crap. As much as you dislike it when others on these forums discriminate, talk down to or insult you, you are similarly just as guilty of it. Twiggy made a phenomenal argument in the case against any toggle, and I do now see why having one could be a bad idea. All it took was a good explanation; no "thought experiments", insults or discriminatory comments were needed.
  24. This is a great argument, well done.
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