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Everything posted by Lady_Thorne

  1. I apologize for not having specific mission names, etc. Last night I was completing the Rishi mission on Torch's Island where you have to go into three different options and fight different beasts, etc. On the one with the critters that are more like a cross between a t-rex and a tauntaun (which the word that keeps coming to mind is taunitron, and I know that's wrong...) and when I got to the door that exits to their area, there are weeds/reeds in the doorway. You can look up and sort of see sky once outside. The animals are there, and you can kill them. I did once walk off the side of the land, and die, but came bake reminded to use my mini-map. I ended up going straight forward until I hit rock, all the animals showed up once again, thankfully, including the boss of that area, and I was able to mini-map the directions back to the door. You can see where I am on the mini-map. I just think maybe Torch needs to hire some landscapers or something. It was REALLY difficult to finish the mission, but there was no place in that section that didn't look like the first two pictures, and as you can see, even just back inside the hallway door...it's a mess. Thought you should know she's not keeping the place too well. Hopefully, you guys can fix that up soon. (Yes, I'm kidding; I do understand the difference between truth and ficiton...)
  2. Hey, NeoBlakkrstal -- can you share any info you have on these, particularly the Leviathan server?
  3. While all this conversation was going on, I was developing something that put me in the hospital for a while. But I happened to see this tonight, and yes, while the sad truth is that crossover relationships -- be they friendships, romances, or working relationships will have to exist in our own headcanons and nowhere else.... my own has some really interesting relationships. The development of the relationship between Jorgan and Corso takes a good long while for them to appreciate one another because of assumptions being made. Var Suthra has a whole slew of different things people think about him or know about him. Playing enough time over enough years gets you to start to think about the different characters and if or how they know one another.
  4. Updated to own up to my blindness. I was complaiining about this to my husband who looked over (he plays a lot more than I do) and said, "um...if you're a shadow, shouldn't you have a double bladed lightsaber?" I didn't even notice I'd goofed in gearing up. The level was higher, and I didn't think one bit about it not being double bladed. Let the player beware, I guess! It's been a week; and I truly have a hard time seeing details visually sometimes, especially when I'm too tired. Oops! Original: Mine worked until the most recent weekly update. If it is a known issue, is there any kind of workaround that has been come up with since April? Oh, and Low Slash doesn't work anymore either. Fighting with two regularly used abilities is a challenge.
  5. Prompt: Left Alone: Your character won’t always have company. Sometimes they need solitude. Maybe they don’t need it, but they get it anyway. When has your character been left alone? Did they drive off all their friends on purpose, or were they abandoned because of hostile actions? Maybe another character is isolating them on purpose--for what end? Did your character need some alone time to process thoughts or feelings, without having to deal with other people? Are they so tuned in to others that they can’t relax and be themselves unless they’re alone? Are they in solitary confinement? Has some horrible event left them the last one alive? Is everyone else on vacation and they have the place to themselves? Write about a time when your character was left alone, whether voluntary or otherwise. Setting: Republic Military Academy, ~3 ATC, 0300 hours, End of Term Maioni Alone Maioni Savage's closest companion since she'd been 11 years old had blazed her way out of their shared room, out of the Republic Military Academy, and if Mai had any guesses, right off of the planet. She'd made certain that they didn't want to keep her there any more than she wanted to be there. Hiero and Maioni had fought for first place across all their shared courses and skills tests, and Mai had gleaned that Heiro had a point to prove, after having spent most of their school years avoiding producing academic work (but learning the material, nonethess). Then today, the last day of their first term, everything had exploded into a reality Mai hadn't at all predicted. She had no idea of what her friend – almost a sister – had done to arouse the ire of Academy leadership, but it was clearly both serious and of a nature that none of the officers or instructors wanted to speak about, so Mai figured that it might be something that would embarrass at least one, and possibly a good number, of those people. She admitted to herself that she wouldn't put it past Hie to do something like that if she thought it would put someone in their place. Or possibly, just for the sheer hilarity of it. Hiero was capable of either or a mix of those two motivations. In any case, Hiero had declined to tell her, just succeeding in looking simultaneously gleeful and absolutely unwilling to yield to the authority of the Academy or the military powers behind it. It was well past lights out now, and Mai had been just as happy to have an excuse to not see Hie's side of the room looking so void of everything that spoke of their camaraderie. Maioni gazed into the dim room, then rolled to her back. Hie would have described it as pitch black, but then, Hie was human, not Cathar, and didn't have terribly good night vision. As she thought about what had happened earlier that day, she didn't like to acknowledge that she hadn't given much -- any, she chided herself -- thought to how her friend was doing here at the academy in any way that wasn't directly related to the competition to prove themselves as the best of the best. She and Hie had been friends for almost seven years, ever since her benefactor Vessen had placed her to foster with the Thorne family on their ship a year before sending both of them off to what had turned out to be the surprisingly exclusive Cressa Military Pre-Prep, and later, Prep Academy. The actual Academy had been their 'next step' for so long; she'd known since Vessen had so persuasively explained that she was on the fast track to permanently destroying her life of freedom unless she learned some self-discipline when she was ten. She had figured out that she would eventually come here within days of accepting his offer to “do what she did best” – fighting – in a soldierly rather than a “socially unacceptable” manner. She recalled the time she'd threatened her first foster-father, which had started the chain of events that had led her here. She still harbored an irrational dislike of Twi'leks because of him not treating Jaffy the way his big sister knew worked best. She realized now what an odd child he'd been! Thinking once more about Vessen, she knew she would continue to do her damnedest to excel and show that his belief in her abilities had not been misplaced. Her thoughts bent between frustration that she hadn't realized or taken seriously that it wasn't really Hiero's choice of career, and what felt like a perverse pride in her friend's initiative in getting out. Hie hadn't left her any details on how to stay in touch, but had said she would - and that she figured she could always work out some way to contact her, "when she'd figured out what was next." Mai realized that she didn't know how to contact her brothers right now, either. Jaffy was probably on Tython, but they were irritatingly controlling about family contacts. Not that she and Hiero - and Vikkie, who'd been the third member of their little band in school - hadn't managed to actually travel there the first year the Jedi Academy was setting up there and "unofficially" get a grand tour as "exchange students" back when they were on break, back in Prep. Who knew where Jaffy's twin Danik was, and she'd even lost touch with Shevri, the next closest in age to her. He was likely to be here too, in a couple of years. He didn't have the advantages she'd been given; he'd been too well behaved, she pondered. She wondered where Vikkie was, and if she'd ever have to face her in battle – she'd probably been pressed to join their military one way or another, since she hadn't managed to contact Mai in almost four years. She missed the old “Triumph” crew -- Mai, Hie, and the Vikster had never lacked audacity back then, and had thought it was a grand name for their group of three buddies. They'd had wild plans to do great things --and always together. Then Vikkie's father had been killed, and get mother had, in Vikkie's words, gone crazy with grief, and insisted that they move back to her family home -- which was on an Imperial planet. She'd known that, and they'd talked about it, but none of them had ever felt they could do anything about it. It was one thing infiltrating Tython, so to speak, and another thing entirely thinking about trying to go break Vikkie out from her grandparents' estate on Veron. (Mai wondered briefly, for the millionth time, how Vikkie's parents had met and ended up sending their daughter to Cressa.) But the Vikster had staunchly said she'd figure out a way to come back to the Republic side. She hadn't seen Vikkie since they were 15. She sighed, and realized just how much she had assumed that Hie would simply always be there. And before that, that Vikkie, and before that, her brothers, and back and back – and everyone always, always ended up gone. She wondered if she'd ever get married, and if that would end in loss, too. Not that she had ever had time for boys. Again, she scolded herself -- she was an adult now, and certainly if she did ever find anyone interesting, it wouldn't be a boy, but a man. She needed to stop thinking of herself as a girl... She was a woman, granted one that wasn't feeling particularly successful in staying connected with anyone in this life, but a woman, nonetheless. She reached for her personal holo and hoped she wouldn't be calling Vessen in the middle of the night wherever he was. She paused, thinking how ridiculous that was, since it was about 0300 right now. She tried anyhow. What she got was a message that forwarded to a command post somewhere. "Co, er, General Var Suthra is unavailable. I can connect you to Colonel Durffelt, instead. She's handling the lower level items for him right now." Maioni didn't even bother leaving a message; the old guy had gotten promoted and not even let her know. She realized she'd been so absorbed in her own life, progress, and expectations that she hadn't made time for the people in her life that made it interesting -- worth living, in a lot of ways. Right now, she didn't have anyone who really knew her. Sure, there were a few others scattered in here at the Academy who had been at Cressa, but she didn't know them particularly well, and she knew that at least some of them didn't like her much, and viewed her (and Hie, and even Vikkie back in the beginning) as thinking they were better and smarter than everyone else. She always felt torn about that, because she knew the value of humility, but she also was well aware of their abilities, even if Hie had had a casual attitude about academics. They were good and they worked hard to build skills and to learn and know as much as they could. On the other hand, that didn't make the night any less lonely and frustrating. Tomorrow, or rather today, was the beginning of a brief break between sessions, and in a couple of hours she'd be finding out where they'd – she'd – be posted for an advanced course in survival skills and geographically specific training related to combat and logistics of one kind of another for the next term. Realizing that it was unlikely that she'd be getting any significant sleep, she reset her alarm for an hour, and decided she'd go knock out PT after that to try to convince herself that it was just another restart, and that she hadn't actually lost the people she cared about. She forced herself to relax, and resolved to try to treat her interactions with others in ways that would, she hoped, help her stay connected better with her family. Hie of course, was effectively family, as was Vessen. Right now she needed at least a modicum of sleep... Tomorrow she'd begin working on something just as important as her next posting; learning how to better hold on to the people she was really doing all this for. Doing it for only herself was useless. Closing her eyes and settling herself, she willed herself to put her losses behind her for now, and sleep.
  6. Why thank you! I'd been wondering if this thread had just died completely. For anyone else checking, is there a way we can encourage players who might want to join in on the action and reinvigorate the writing group? To that end, I am off the rest of this week (Yeah, I know it's Friday already) I will write something up in response to one of the (many) prompts that you've loaded. Welcome back! Laura/Maioni/Hiero/Viktarie/Viktarian/etc.
  7. If anyone else is on Leviathan, preferably who speaks English, let me know if you want to buddy up. I'm free in the next few days, and after that, evenings, west coast time, but this is ridiculous. My spouse doesn't have anyone high enough on that server. I have the delusion that I am learning French, but am brought to reality every time I see someone speaking French in chat. So until this is fixed (and yes, I'm going to put in a bug report, but not tonight...) let me know. I'll delete this message if and when I manage to beat the dratted thing. I mean, yeah, my gear is meh at just under 270, and Vette is all of level 4 -- and I'm a very casual player (though an alt-aholic) but I have never, ever, ever, EVER had anything like this series of wasted attempts. Gah!
  8. I'm not going to write it, but it seems like this week's prompt is screaming out "More roast gorak! You know you want some!"
  9. This may be true...but from now on, Torian is more likely to get saved, at least by me!
  10. Not going into the background of how she got ahold of the letters, but having some recent experience with letters from my dad to my mom, about 70 years ago, I thought I'd take the Dearest Love prompt, just a generation back from the character I most frequently play. I miss you. I know you won't see this for a long time, but I am writing it to you, because somehow, I feel like maybe you'll sense the feeling, even from so far away. That's why they took you, after all, isn't it? I don't understand the force thing at all, but it isn't right that they won't let people who seem to be able to use it just learn or not, and the way they want to if they do, without being forced to leave everyone they know. I know they don't care about people like me, and I'm nobody important or impressive, just a “mild mannered archaeologist” (albeit hyper-ancient extra-galactic archaeologist, with barely her foot in the door in her career) with a bent for learning about how everyone even got to this galaxy. Yes, I know, highly classified information that hardly anyone believes – but I am glad that you do. I don't know if I could love you – or you me – if we didn't agree on that! Right now I'm feeling bitter about not having you with me, and not being able to help you get out of there. I'll keep trying to find out more, and work with our friends and contacts to see if something can be done. I trust that you'll be working on your side, as much as you can, to come back to me, somehow, some way. I can't believe that this is a forever parting, like they made you say. I could see in your eyes that you didn't accept that, and I won't either! With all my love, and may we be together again, soon, Gean ---------------- We're coming, I can't wait to see you again. I don't want to put any details in this, even though probably nobody will ever read it but me – and maybe you, if this works. Let's just say I found some people who could help. I'm sure you don't know them. Anyhow, at least I know where you are supposed to be, a little more exactly. And we have a plan for later, too. I'm really sorry about the things we'll both lose, but at least we'll be able to be together again, and I arranged for appropriate messages to be sent to both our families. I'll tell you more about that when I see you in person. This is crazy, what I'm doing, but I know you'll agree it's for the best. Hope. It's the second most important thing in my life now, other than you. Your very own, Gean. --------------- What am I going to do if I can't find you, Vornhardt? All our plans blew away like dust in a windstorm. We went to the capital, only to find out that you'd been sent from there to the Academy over a month ago. Who knew anything about how this all works out. Certainly not archaeologists, that's who. I feel so stupid and like I wasted money we don't even have. But I'm going to keep searching, and I guess I must have melted a few stony hearts with my sob story, because they said they'd help me even though it's more dangerous, without charging me more. Something about them “owing a favor” to someone there. It didn't sound like a friendly favor. I hope you're OK, and not . . . well, not in as much danger as I think you are. I wish I knew what was going on. Then I wonder if I really do want to know. I just want us together Vor. I don't understand how they can rip people out of their own homes to force them to do something they don't want to do! I'm so mad that it is a good thing I'm not a force user, or I'd do some forcing of them, and damn the consequences! And with that, I'll say goodbye, and go have a good cry. You know that when I'm mad I cry! I miss you so much, Vor, and I'm going to get you out of there if it's the last thing I do. I hope you dream of me the way I dream of you – In a better future than it looks like from where I'm sitting tonight. Love you, kit. Gean --------------- Wow, Vor – you'll never believe the type of people I've been meeting on this journey to finding you and getting together again. Would you believe we've enlisted an actual Jedi in this thing now? Don't even ask how that happened. But he was able to inform us all a little more about how things work out there, and was more than willing to assist – in fact, he insisted on it. He says he has a contact there who also wants to get away, and that she's of sufficient rank that he thinks she can smooth the process at least some. So far, he's talked to her only once, but it sounds like she was both encouraged that she's not the only one there who is fed up with their policies, and wants to leave, permanently, but also very sad that we're all stuck in this mess. More soon, I hope, Your Gean. --------------- Dearest Geanna, my pet – I can't believe that I may be able to get out of here – and that I have you to thank! It's been a nightmare, and you know how I feel about random killing, “good cause” or not – and trust me, it's rarely anything like a good cause. Enough moping. Maia thinks she can get this smuggled out to you without getting us both executed (or worse – and yes, worse is possible, if it doesn't work – keep me – both of us-- in your thoughts). So I'm just going to tell you that I think about you every time I'm not being forced to do stupid errands for my captors. I haven't lost sight of that, though I can tell they wish I would, and think I should. You are always with me, and I can feel your presence and your worry for me. Don't lose heart! If anyone can make this work, or make other people make it work, you can. You get to people, and make them want to help you – and you're so wonderful as you do it – you're a much better person than I am. Unfortunately, I think that's what they want me to be here. I miss you, kit. So, so much. If I hadn't heard from Maia, I'd have done something stupid, because it's driving me crazy here! Trust me, this is no place for a Cathar. Here's hoping things work out, because I can't wait to see you, sweetie. At least I see you in my dreams – and by next week, that this will all be a bad memory. Until we meet again, I'll just be here, but with you in my heart Vornhardt --------------- Dearest Vor, Our Jedi friend told me all about Maia, and she got me your note, too! It was so good to hear from you – I heard it as I read it, almost like you were right there with me. That was hard, but also wonderful. I can't believe that we'd have been married by now if they hadn't taken you off the way they did. But honestly, this may be a blessing in disguise. I really think Master Vreoni is the right man for the job, and with the help of our other friend, that this is going to work. I can't actually send this letter – or any of the others I've written you, Vor, because they're too dangerous, of course. I'll copy down here, “for posterity” as they say, what I am going to send, and I hope you and Maia will understand and be able to make your part of this crazy plan work. But we're going to get you off of Korriban tomorrow night, or (may it never be so) die trying. Because I don't think that the Sith Lords and whatnot are going to cheerfully let either of you go, willingly. But we have plans for later, and I think we'll be able to keep out of harms way once we're out of Imperial Space. We may have to lie low for a long time, but at least we will be together. Words can't express my emotions, so I'll just say, I do love you Vor. Now and always! No matter what! Your Gean --------------- Vornhardt and Geanna Savage were married aboard the ship that took them to Coruscant. After some heated negotiation, Vornhardt convinced the Jedi that he was not cut out to be one of them, and really didn't have any interest in learning more about using his “talents” (as he'd always thought of them) for anything beyond his studies and work in his field. With Master Vreoni's continuing support, they were connected with a team studying hyper-ancient/extra-galactic history, with whom they worked for the following ten years, rarely leaving their small ship other than at dig sites and libraries.
  11. I admit to not reading all the way through 20 pages of posts. However, in the pages I did read, I didn't see anyone considering the effect on the Mandalorians potentially seeing his death as important and actually more glorious than many here apparently see it as. Martyrdom is a thing, and I could easily see them looking to Torian's death as something they should look up to, and that that might well strengthen the Alliance / Mandalorian alliance as well as his living. All I will say is that my trooper is getting a little tired of having to choose; she eventually always chooses Torian. I get frustrated by then having the one you don't choose (in this case, and a trooper story quest, as well) not accept their fate, choosing instead to beg and whine. She'd respect them more in memory if they'd either gotten mad (rather than whiny) or were more like yet another choice situation, where a former squadmate is a little more stoic in the end. Yes, she chooses Torian -- but at this point, when I replay the situation, it's at least somewhat because Vette doesn't have that resolution in the face of death. (Huh. Maybe I *am* the monster some folks think of me as... [in game, not IRL])
  12. That was a fun little story. Note to my troopers: get rid of anything that would be kept of Tanno Vik's records. Dirty linen my trooper never asked for or wanted. (She wants her own younger brother, tyvm!) You did a nice job with all the crewmembers - 4X was perfect. Oh, and . . . I LOVED your ending! Ha!
  13. I certainly don't want to put any pressure on you! I work in a school (supervising 60+ students' work done at home, similar to homeschooling, but with support from teachers, curriculum assistance, etc.) and I know how hard it is on parents these days, especially if remote schooling is involved, but really, just about anywhere this year! But I've had personal history that also leads me to question "disappearances" and follow up to be sure things are OK! (Pro-tip: If you're an administrator, and putting someone on administrative leave, letting their colleagues know is a really good idea. You know...before they call the police to do a well-person check to be sure they didn't have a car accident on the way to work or something. True story with a former boss, about something that amounted to nothing, but had to be investigated. It really was a fumble on the part of upper admin to not think to let us know that the boss would be out, and not making a presentation that was planned for that afternoon, etc. We were wrecks!) I'm very glad to hear that all is well! Best wishes on living a busy life amidst the pandemic!
  14. Hey, Alaurin -- Just checking to see if you're OK. I haven't been good about writing things for a few years (my mom was sick, and passed away recently) - but I notice you were really good about posting prompts, and then nothing, for over a month. I should have checked in sooner! Anyhow, hoping you're well.
  15. I've known this about Hiero for a long time. (At least in some iterations of my story...) I chose not to actually write about being there, just setting the stage. But it is what it is, as they say. Prompt: Never Going There and That's Final! Main Character: Hiero Thorne of Thorne Line Shipping (class: smuggler/scrapper) Setting: XS Freighter (Danged if I can remember the name; something Thorney) Title: Home Sweet Prison
  16. Not a story, per se, but I just found a copy of an email about the event that inspired my story about Maioni searching for the dead drop. Turns out it happened a year ago today. --------------------- When doing 7/24 of something is quite good enough to call it a "win.".... I got 7 punches on an orienteering course as it was set in 1980, on a 1977 map. I'm over 50, and obese. I got punch 5, which was, IMO, treacherous, and I didn't fall or break bones or twist joints, but I did get the punch. I also walked right through a spider web that I hadn't seen, and have been reminded to trust my own judgment, not listen to what other people think they know. I might have gotten 8 if I hadn't gone off track at 5 because someone announced that they had hung 5 at a different spot (which turned out to be control 13, if I'm reading my map correctly). I love orienteering! I need to do it more often. But my feet are wet, as it were, and I consider it my review stretch before the winter events begin. Maybe next time I'll finish the course. Maybe not. But getting out and doing any of it is a win for me! I meant to get a picture of 5, but forgot and wasn't going back. Suffice it to say that I was hanging onto trunks of trees and large rocks; one side of the area was a wall made of 2' rocks. I genuinely was afraid of losing my footing and tumbling about 15 feet down the slope. Then I went to the pool... ----------------------------------
  17. Nice work, Soldier! I appreciate how you came to do a job that couldn't be done. I like how you saved the "Kobiashi Maru" (Yes, I know. Hush.) Minor spoiler for A-77, but that's probably out of the bag if you read the stories posted above.
  18. Prompt: How Hard Can It Be? Captain Maioni Savage & Ltieutenant Aric Jorgan, no spoilers I can think of, since it isn't really [TOR] story based.
  19. A little late on last week's main prompt. I wasn't sure how to go about this one, and never defined details. These prompts are great at getting me to think outside my boxes. (For the record, one of my main job requirements is thinking outside the box, so I'm pretty good at it. As Jorgan would say, "It's not just what I do, it's who I am." So realizing I do have boxes is a very good thing for me!) Prompt: Friends to Lovers Setting: BT-7 Thunderclap, which is a much smaller ship than you might think, especially when EVERYBODY has to be Right There (except Yuun, who is quietly staying out of everyone's way, because he's a great guy, like that...) Characters: Havoc Squad (minus Yuun, who saw the signs and chose the wisest path of invisibility...) Title: "Huh. Really? Interesting...."
  20. One of the most personally terrifying experiences of my own life involved a 7 year old with behavior disorders, wielding one of those old fashioned, solid wood school chairs. I sometimes wonder how that kid turned out... And we used to have a cat that we literally couldn't handle. My husband, fully armored with a leather jacket and gloves wasn't able to hold her. (We didn't know when we named the 4 year old "indoor feral" cat that she would grow into her new name of Janga Pett.) In some ways, Mai is something of a cross between those two, at least with how feisty she can be. :sy_galaxy: I didn't quote your story, but I love how you used the rocket tram to good effect. And good for Risha - glad she found someone! (I can't run a Smuggler who follows through with a romance with her. I've tried, and it just doesn't gel.)
  21. I may respond to a different prompt later this week, but I had a lot of fun writing this piece. I had thought through some of the broad strokes of the background long ago, but never fussed with the details about how this particular conversation and scene went until tonight. Prompt: Rites of Passage (one of many, I suppose, but certainly a turning point for Mai) Characters: Maioni Savage, age 9 and a Republic Captain (age mid-30s, because of course, the 9 year old had asked at some point...) Setting: an undisclosed military facility, roughly 3657 BBY / a couple years before the Sacking of Coruscant.
  22. Prompt: Friends Title: No Time for Sergeants (nothing to do with the movie) Characters: Cadet Maioni Savage and her roomie, Hiero (Both roughly 18 years old) Date: ~ 4-5 years ATC About Hiero
  23. <Waves back> I am so glad I did not kill this thread.
  24. This week is a follow-up to last week's Looking Back story, and eventually gets back to Looking Back this time, too. I had to just keep going on that train of thought! The events following a short side trip to Nar Shadda, to fulfill a companion mission ... (This "spoiler" is actual content info, not part of the story.) Actual new content: Lt. Maioni Savage - Trooper/Vanguard First conversation is lifted directly from one set of options from a companion cut-scene.
  25. "The Pink Apprentice" -- I really enjoyed this, but that may have been the best. Even better than Pink Lord. Light side, I take it? Or more halfway?
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