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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I found a multi-boxer... So obvious.


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Multi boxing has never been against the game rules in any game I've played. I hate it especially in pvp... but most game companies don't care unless they are using software to bot the extra toons. As long as they are using "physical" gestures to control the extra toons they don't care
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Lol, was actually kind of fun to watch 4 marrauders leaping at once with all different lightsaber colors. If I had the money and time I'd do it for the fun of it. Not like it's that big of deal. He can't do warzones like that he'd get crushed by anyone with half a brain. All though would be fun to do it with 4 assault commandos.... 4 sticky grenades, 4 assault plastique, 4 stacks of IR and 4 stacks of plasma cell, and 4 HiBs lmao. Can use 4 medical probes on whichever guy has agro for full heal practically. Would just eat through anything. Dang, wish I could do it for the lolz.
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To be fair, I don't believe that multi-boxing is hacking. The really obvious third party software used to control four characters at the same time, on the other hand, I do consider hacking.


That's not software. You can do that with one wireless keyboard and mouse set-up.



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Multiboxing isn't hacking. I remember it was a real issue in WoW, people said it was cheating/hacking/EULA violation.. then blizzard came and gave it the green light... as long as the character was being controlled by a human.


There are program which Blizzard deemed legal to use that allowed for multiboxing (I only played 2 characters at the same time in WoW), but they all required me to be at my PC, pushing the buttons.

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To be fair, I don't believe that multi-boxing is hacking. The really obvious third party software used to control four characters at the same time, on the other hand, I do consider hacking.


Don't need third party software to do that.

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I Multi-box in every MMO I have ever played. You just need two PCs to do it with this MMO. In Wow I use to run raids with both my characters in the group. In EVE you always have to have a second account, same with SWG since you were only allowed 1 slot per server unless you unlocked Jedi, or you stuck it out until NGE. Edited by nartiuslightlord
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When did Swtor allow multiple clients open on one machine? or is he using 4 different computers?


four different computers. sometimes you can use one machine with two clients running but not with the new mmos of today as the graphics will cause lagging in one client or both.


boxing has been done since eq1 and is in almost every mmo i have played. this one is a little more difficult as there are no "macros" to aid oneself.


just the other day i saw 4 commandos being boxed in fleet on my server. found it rather humorous as all wore the same gear and had similar names running single file all over.

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I ran into a multi-boxer in a WZ a couple days after F2P started. He was a group of 4 identical looking level 20 Snipers. It obviously completely bombed our warzone team, but it was pretty hilarious to see 4 clones focus targeting people. He took people down almost instantly.
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Multi-boxers used to be an issue waaay back in the day when you could "train" agro a crap-ton of mobs and then zone or port out, effectively mass-killing anyone in a common area that you pass by.


As far as I know, that kinda stuff stopped with WoW, so not sure why anyone would care about someone else multi-boxing. If someone wants to pay for multiple accounts and control a bunch of toons for some unknown reason, more power to them. Unless I'm missing something here...is there a reason we should care?

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Think you guys are missing the point. This guy is using macros and multiple F2P accounts to level up faster. I'm pretty sure being able to do that is not in the best interest of the game. It's not one guy paying for multiple accounts.


I think they have restrictions about mailing money from bot accounts to your main account, so maybe this isn't as big of an exploit as it could be, yet still I think this has some implications at the very least on open world PVP servers.

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