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BW where is that priority list???


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A question for both you guys... Isn't this the same thing that's happening in pvp? We check dmg, we say we that sent isn't doing enough dmg he kinda sucks lets get someone else in. Should pvpers lose their stats and just ask themselves -

did you win?

Yes. Well done

No. Then maybe you need to focus targets more and work on strat.


Btw - I'm not a PvEer, i can't remember the last time I did an ops, just when you were saying these things it just reminded me of what pvpers do and you could make the same argument about their stats chart.


Anyone that bases their opinion of a PvPer strictly on their damage done or heals done does not know how to PvP. Does it effect the commendations you get? To an extent. Winning effects it much more and should be the main goal of team pvp. My operative is almost always near the bottom of the total damage done in a WZ. BUT I can almost guarantee you that no player on the team will have prevented more caps or accomplished more ninja caps than I did. The win is more important than any damage statistic.

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They cant even get companion lightsabers to turn off...

Yup. They do have a priority list though....


  1. Make more Cartel Market items, like armor recolors and the "Life Day Speeder" that they'll LOVE!
  2. Shift items to the Cartel Market that we promised to give via other means, like CE vendor.
  3. Sell more "expansions" for content that we promised to give free to subs and don't have any new features.


Basically, their priority list has been renamed the "cashgrab list"


You both have a point.

Also, I agree with the second point. Now, I expect CE owners get restitution. :mad:

Anyway, the Cartel Market is run by Cory Butler. And yes, it is a blatant cash grab.




(of bad behavior) Done openly and unashamedly: "blatant lies".

Completely lacking in subtlety; very obvious."

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Anyone that bases their opinion of a PvPer strictly on their damage done or heals done does not know how to PvP. Does it effect the commendations you get? To an extent. Winning effects it much more and should be the main goal of team pvp. My operative is almost always near the bottom of the total damage done in a WZ. BUT I can almost guarantee you that no player on the team will have prevented more caps or accomplished more ninja caps than I did. The win is more important than any damage statistic.


They should really adjust the medal system for ninja caps, although I'm guessing that would be hard to code.

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Anyone that bases their opinion of a PvPer strictly on their damage done or heals done does not know how to PvP. Does it effect the commendations you get? To an extent. Winning effects it much more and should be the main goal of team pvp. My operative is almost always near the bottom of the total damage done in a WZ. BUT I can almost guarantee you that no player on the team will have prevented more caps or accomplished more ninja caps than I did. The win is more important than any damage statistic.


^ This

And as long as PVP is objective-based and not deathmatches, there is no need for damage meters.

Of course it's one of those things that I don't care about but others find useful so OP, I hope you get it, although I honestly believe it will do more harm than good both in PVP and especially in PVE.


Oh and FYI, if you are replacing players based only on how much damage they do in a wz, then you might be the one who needs to "work on strat"

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Last year BW announced that Damage Meter is one of their top priority lists to be implementing in upcoming patches.

And now after one year passed nothing happen


I am absolutely happy the game stays away from damage meters given to masses. I am fine with hardcore guilds asking to using specific programs to parse performance, but there is absolutely no need to give server communities another feature to ambiguously evaluate player's skill.

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I was always under the impression Damage Meters was NOT on there list of things to do add.. (Personally I can live without them it just turns any instance into a look at the size of mine event)


And you have a little one which is why you oppose it.

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I liked damagemeters in wow for my personal use. Whenever a ran with another player of my class i could compare damage and optimize accordingly. Most times in dungeons people abused it to kick "noobs" though and loads of times even in the middle of a dungeon people would ask for damagemeters to be postet. Most times the people asking wouldn´t even be the top damagedealer. Well maybe they were but in my groups most times they would be second by some margin.


A postet damagemeter is pointless since it offers nothing exept damage done. You have no way of reading where this extra damage comes from unless you actually use the data within the damagemeters. People constantly asking for damagemeters to be postet should go get the damn addon themselfs and start using it the way it was ment to be used, then maybe they could start beeing competitive.


I´m totally fine without damagemeters in swtor. What i love most is i never hear anyone asking for damagemeter to be postet. Yes i miss some aspects of it but other aspects i´m glad to not have in this game.

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I liked damagemeters in wow for my personal use. Whenever a ran with another player of my class i could compare damage and optimize accordingly. Most times in dungeons people abused it to kick "noobs" though and loads of times even in the middle of a dungeon people would ask for damagemeters to be postet. Most times the people asking wouldn´t even be the top damagedealer. Well maybe they were but in my groups most times they would be second by some margin.


A postet damagemeter is pointless since it offers nothing exept damage done. You have no way of reading where this extra damage comes from unless you actually use the data within the damagemeters. People constantly asking for damagemeters to be postet should go get the damn addon themselfs and start using it the way it was ment to be used, then maybe they could start beeing competitive.


I´m totally fine without damagemeters in swtor. What i love most is i never hear anyone asking for damagemeter to be postet. Yes i miss some aspects of it but other aspects i´m glad to not have in this game.


We don't need them for public use. Agreed.

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1. It was never on the priority list.

2. It would be a bad idea from a gameplay perspective (read: lag).*


*In SWTOR adding chat bubbles causes excess lag (according to the devs anyway). I can't see them being able to program a damage meter that didn't drop your fps into the trash. If the OP wants to have crap dps due to lag then that's his business - but hey! at least he'd see what he was doing:p


Oh, wait: you can view your dps with MoX while play - it's easy to install and enable the overlay.

If the OP has an issue with 3rd party programs I'd advise him to never play WoW again - can't remember the last time I did a Heroic Raid without Deadly Boss Mods.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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Why do I need to use Mox (Not Practical at all). BW can make our life easy by making those add-ons available.

And please speck of yourself only if you think it’s not important for you, for other it’s so important if you are a gamer.:cool:


I use Mox with my guild, it's simple and easy. Let me guess, you're also holding out for Deadly Boss Mods and G.T.F.O. so you can stop standing in the fire.

Edited by chuixupu
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I use Mox with my guild, it's simple and easy. Let me guess, you're also holding out for Deadly Boss Mods and G.T.F.O. so you can stop standing in the fire.


Well, c'mon. It's HARD to see that glowy crap on the floor and your HP dropping when the entirety of your attention is fixed on making that number on the damage meter as big as possible. You don't expect DPS to actually pay attention to what they're standing in too, do you? Jeez, talk about unreasonable... :D

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