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A REAL Solution to gear imbalance in level 50 Warzones


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You people that assume everyone should have max comms pre-50 make me sad. Now personally, I did have max comms on all of my chars as I mainly pvp. However, not being a total ahole and understanding that this game's pvp would benefit from an influx of new players then it is plain to see that players that decide to pvp after 50 should not be punished this severely.


I am sorry for you people that can't see this as you must be really angry to hate them so much even when it will hurt your gameplay experience as there will be less players and less development money going into pvp if they don't continue to play pvp.


Also, remember this game's main focus was the pre-50 pve experience. Many new players might get into the game for that. Then, if they have a decent experience, they might find pvp fun and start pvp'n. Some of these players will be great pvp'rs as well. Get over yourselves.


I think many of you are just afraid of having any competition. I bet many of the people against better gear for new 50s are against premade matching as well.


Er, war hero costs bugger all now. I am sure the majority of new players will be able to gain a new set of gear in a very short space of time. At some point they will have to learn like anyone else, and it is ALOT easier for them now to gear up. Pvp should not be about holding new players hands all the time.

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I feel like my grandparents as I begin to type this post but here we go....


When I played this game back in the day....like a year ago.... we had to grind up comms to buy bags with other comms in them to get Centurian gear...and then Champion gear...and then we had to buy bags for Battlemaster gear on the CHANCE that we would get a Battlemaster comm...and the chance you'd get one was really pretty lame.


Currently in game....


You youngins now get a nice little present at level 50...you can either start out with a full set of recruit gear or get a nice little chunk of change.


Not only that but you can buy weapons prior to level 50 that have expertise in them, and if you so desire you can build your own set of expertise gear with a little patience and coin.


Not only that but the regular warzone comm cap has been raised quite a bit since the game's release so you can horde a bunch of comms for when you hit 50.


Not only that but you can start buying rated warzone comms at level 40 to cap those comms as well.


Not only that but you have the option to remove mod/armor/enhance from your other toons' gear and ship them to your newbie via Legacy gear.


Not only that but the price on the same War Hero gear that many of us spent months grinding comms to purchase now costs the same as the Battlemaster gear did.


Not only that but the Elite War Hero gear is a TINY step up from the regular War Hero gear which in ITSELF closes whatever gap you THINK might have existed before its release.


In conclusion...the gear gap has never been more closed. It's sealed. So stop wasting your time complaining on forums and start PVPing...which will then allow you to personally close your own gap in more ways than one.


And while you're at it...get off of my lawn.



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I feel like my grandparents as I begin to type this post but here we go....


When I played this game back in the day....like a year ago.... we had to grind up comms to buy bags with other comms in them to get Centurian gear...and then Champion gear...and then we had to buy bags for Battlemaster gear on the CHANCE that we would get a Battlemaster comm...and the chance you'd get one was really pretty lame.


Currently in game....


You youngins now get a nice little present at level 50...you can either start out with a full set of recruit gear or get a nice little chunk of change.


Not only that but you can buy weapons prior to level 50 that have expertise in them, and if you so desire you can build your own set of expertise gear with a little patience and coin.


Not only that but the regular warzone comm cap has been raised quite a bit since the game's release so you can horde a bunch of comms for when you hit 50.


Not only that but you can start buying rated warzone comms at level 40 to cap those comms as well.


Not only that but you have the option to remove mod/armor/enhance from your other toons' gear and ship them to your newbie via Legacy gear.


Not only that but the price on the same War Hero gear that many of us spent months grinding comms to purchase now costs the same as the Battlemaster gear did.


Not only that but the Elite War Hero gear is a TINY step up from the regular War Hero gear which in ITSELF closes whatever gap you THINK might have existed before its release.


In conclusion...the gear gap has never been more closed. It's sealed. So stop wasting your time complaining on forums and start PVPing...which will then allow you to personally close your own gap in more ways than one.


And while you're at it...get off of my lawn.




Spoken like a true PvPer. I completely agree :rak_03:

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I just think recruit could use a slight boost. I do agree that the gap is much closer and for any serious pvp'r there isn't an issue. I just think with the lack of premade matching then pvp is pretty hard on newcomers. So giving recruit gear a small boost may help some of them stick around.
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I feel like my grandparents as I begin to type this post but here we go....


When I played this game back in the day....like a year ago.... we had to grind up comms to buy bags with other comms in them to get Centurian gear...and then Champion gear...and then we had to buy bags for Battlemaster gear on the CHANCE that we would get a Battlemaster comm...and the chance you'd get one was really pretty lame.


Currently in game....


You youngins now get a nice little present at level 50...you can either start out with a full set of recruit gear or get a nice little chunk of change.


Not only that but you can buy weapons prior to level 50 that have expertise in them, and if you so desire you can build your own set of expertise gear with a little patience and coin.


Not only that but the regular warzone comm cap has been raised quite a bit since the game's release so you can horde a bunch of comms for when you hit 50.


Not only that but you can start buying rated warzone comms at level 40 to cap those comms as well.


Not only that but you have the option to remove mod/armor/enhance from your other toons' gear and ship them to your newbie via Legacy gear.


Not only that but the price on the same War Hero gear that many of us spent months grinding comms to purchase now costs the same as the Battlemaster gear did.


Not only that but the Elite War Hero gear is a TINY step up from the regular War Hero gear which in ITSELF closes whatever gap you THINK might have existed before its release.


In conclusion...the gear gap has never been more closed. It's sealed. So stop wasting your time complaining on forums and start PVPing...which will then allow you to personally close your own gap in more ways than one.


And while you're at it...get off of my lawn.




Pretty much everything I was thinking, laid out perfectly for this newbies. In fact this should be stickied for all of the complainers that come on here and they they have a valid point to make lol.

Edited by Sleprock
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If you're planning on pvp theres a lot of things you can do to prepare for 50+ WZs if you don't it's your fault and yours alone.



Pretty much this. All i did 40-50 was pvp and I was capped on both ranked/regular comms the moment I hit 50.

Even if you don't save any comms it's still stupid easy to get WH gear now and the difference between WH and EWH is like 3%.


People like OP are just lazy ****s prolly living on welfare in RL.

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Bros, i have played since this game came out. I know how bad the gear grind was to start. HOWEVER, all i was trying to say was the fact that some people either did not know about saving comms+buying EWH comms or forgot until it was too late. I understand that people think that this is so called "welfare" gear. However, adding augments and increasing the stats of the gear does NOT at all make it on the same tier of gear, its just that it REDUCES the gap of gear. Remember, people who are new to this game cannot be expected to automatically know exactly how to get max gear right at 50. Also, i geared up my gunslinger in full WH in about a month, as i had full BM gear, and a couple of WH pieces bought from before, so i didn't have this massive reserve of comms.
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The current puny gap is an opportune time for new 50s to refine their skills for their next challenge and do a little bit of gear earning.


If they got to 50 without doing a quick google search or asking somebody about 50 gearing I have 0 sympathy, and would be glad to learn them about gear mk I vs, war hero, or the friggin' bags that we ground endlessly that provided crap or less than crap.

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Bros, i have played since this game came out. I know how bad the gear grind was to start. HOWEVER, all i was trying to say was the fact that some people either did not know about saving comms+buying EWH comms or forgot until it was too late. I understand that people think that this is so called "welfare" gear. However, adding augments and increasing the stats of the gear does NOT at all make it on the same tier of gear, its just that it REDUCES the gap of gear. Remember, people who are new to this game cannot be expected to automatically know exactly how to get max gear right at 50. Also, i geared up my gunslinger in full WH in about a month, as i had full BM gear, and a couple of WH pieces bought from before, so i didn't have this massive reserve of comms.


When the comms price went down i was grinding a Wh piece a day for my incomplete tanking set. It really isnt hard if you put the time in. If one doesn't they won't grind the gear as fast will they??.

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Most of these players either:


A. Want to keep stomping new 50s or new players and don't want them to get stronger.

B. Don't like the fact that its possible some players wouldn't have to do the grind they did.

C. Or think that everyone has tons of time or wins most of their games.


To the people that keep posting about how it only takes a bit of time to get it on my server Imps lose most of the time. I also have a job and a plethora of other responsibilities. Plenty of people are in a similar situation. When I do get to play it takes forever to get any amount of commendations. So no it'll take forever just to get a full set of War Hero.


The OP is totally right. PvP should be more about skill and less about gear. I think BioWare is thinking the same thing too. The game shouldn't have massive gaps between players that makes it less about skill and strategy and more about gear. I'm not sure what needs to happen but TOR PvP needs a smaller gap.

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Shock! You can trade in WZ coms for RWZ coms starting at lvl 40! So you can *shock* get EWH and WH gear by the time you hit 50! ZOMG!


Pre-EWH, I leveled my Commando from 40-50 with only Warzones, so I had enough RWZ coms to buy a WH weapon and offhand as I hit 50. So....STOP WHINING!

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Oh my......


It takes so little time to get War hero armor now, and we still see these posts. Everyone has to pay their dues ie. take a beating as Henry Hill once put it. Man up, and deal with it until you get the gear. It does not take long.


I had to wear recruit mk-1 which was more poor in stats than what you get now and I had to pay 300k credits for it. Then I had to grind a week's worth of comms to get my battlemaster gear. Then I had to grind literally a couple months almost to get my War Hero Gear. Then many many more months to BIS the gear. Others before I started playing had to grind battlemaster pvp bags to get gear. All random mind you. So, Seriously quit your complaining. You have it easy now.


Play the damn game.


This... seriously.


I was one of those people who had to grind endlessly with Champion Bags and armaments and then with the WH gear. Quick complaining, it's retardedly easy to gear up now.

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To the people that keep posting about how it only takes a bit of time to get it on my server Imps lose most of the time. I also have a job and a plethora of other responsibilities. Plenty of people are in a similar situation. When I do get to play it takes forever to get any amount of commendations. So no it'll take forever just to get a full set of War Hero.


The OP is totally right. PvP should be more about skill and less about gear. I think BioWare is thinking the same thing too. The game shouldn't have massive gaps between players that makes it less about skill and strategy and more about gear. I'm not sure what needs to happen but TOR PvP needs a smaller gap.

The gap is tiny right now. I understand that you don't have a lot of time. I don't either. A lot of players don't. But it just doesn't take very long to get gear these days. Let's just assume that you have enough time to get in 3 WZs per day, winning 1 and losing 2 on average. Let's also assume that you can complete the weekly in 7 days by sneaking in 2 more wins over the course of a week.


I am also going to assume that you are earning well below average commendations: 100 for a win and 60 for a loss. To be honest, earning 100 for a win is pretty awful, and you really need to be getting more. It isn't that hard under the new medal system. So with all that factored in, how does that work for our weekly commendation income?


1x Weekly

300 Ranked

300 WZ


7x Daily

700 Ranked

700 WZ


9x wins

900 Comms


14x losses

840 Comms



1000 Ranked WZ Commendations

2740 WZ Commendations


That is a lot of weekly commendations in an extremely conservative estimate. In one week, that lets you purchase the following:

2 Relics (550 each / 1100 total)

2 Implants (625 each / 1250 total)

1 Earpiece (625)


At that rate, you would have full WH in no more than 3 weeks.


Now, you mentioned that "it takes forever to get any amount of commendations" when you are playing in a WZ. This is a big alarm bell for me. It really isn't that hard to get commendations if you are trying to win and are remotely decent at the game. You earn 2 medals just by earning 500 attacker and defender points. You earn another medal for dealing a laughable 75k damage. You earn another medal for killing just 10 enemies. That puts you halfway to the 8 medals you want, the remainder of which should be super easy to get either by defending, tanking, healing, or attacking.


If you are having such a hard time earning commendations, you might need to get better at PvP. I haven't played with you so I don't want to judge you, but just based on what you said about earning commendations, your problem might not be with gear but with skill.

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Let me say this again: WHEN I WAS GEARING MY GUNSLINGER, THEY WERE ALREADY LEVEL 50! I had ZERO comms to buy anything and had to start from scratch. (oddly enough, i was in pretty much full champion), as i had just started to play them again. It took a long time to gear back up. Just because it is easy to physically obtain warzone comms doesn't mean it is quick. It also makes me want to poke my eyes out with a spork when I post in a different thread and specifically say "I save Warzone comms to 2750 and RWZ comms to 4500" and people say things like "well thought out post" and here i don't say that and get flamed. Yes, i know that people want to be the cool kids when they are fully geared up. HOWEVER<, that doesn't mean you should have the right to have like 5K more health than them, if they just improved the stats and gave free BLUE augments, they still wouldn't have the expertise, but they could at least HELP in a warzone. Some of the players are hypocrites, as they are the same people who complain about having recruit geared players in their warzones, and they quote "can't do anything because they have no gear".
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Also, I pretty much always get 8+ medals in a warzone. It's not a skill thing. I have dueled one of the best scoundrel healers on my server back when i was on rubat crystal and beat them consistently. It is more about the fact that it makes it really hard to gear alts due to how frustrating it can be to gear them up.
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Anyone who tells you to cap ranked warzone comms and regular warzone comms before hitting 50 is wrong. There are only so many comms you can carry and you're going to want that min/maxed War Hero right away. Instead, do this.


Purchase a 900 comm weapon from the weapon vendor right next to the PvP terminals. It has a two hour played time timer on it, as in, two hours logged in and it binds. After an hour of PvP, sell the weapon back to the vendor, receive your 900 comms back, buy the weapon again, refresh the timer. The timer only ticks while you're logged in, so no worries there as long as you just PvP and you're anal about the timers. Keep buying weapons, keep cycling them, over and over. When I dinged 50 on my Sentinel not long ago I had something like 50 weapons in my inventory, by selling these back to the weapon vendor I was able to fully Min/Max myself in WH before I stepped foot in a 50 Warzone, as well as pick up my EWH MH and get a big chunk done on my OH.


You're welcome.

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