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Leaving WZs early is a serious problem on my server


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Really the problem is pubs on Pot5 are just straight up bad. Lvled a smuggler and won maybe 1/3 of my matches while putting out 300+k heals(for lowbies its a damn good number). Now i'm leveling a Sorc healer and my record is 110-6. I regularly see 24+ names for the other team meaning 16 people came in and left. Novre Coast is almost always 3 cap and a 4-5 min game. CW about the same lil less 3 caps. Voidstar pubs are lucky to make it past the 1st doors. And huttball lol damn near 6-0 everytime. I have yet to lose at hypergates. I honestly had a VG standing next to me for an entire CW last night trying to kill me with rapid shots lol.


To be quite frank i'm nothing more than an average pvper at most. It's a nice change cause back on the Fatman pubs were always more organized and played much better as a team than imps.

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It's a nice change cause back on the Fatman pubs were always more organized and played much better as a team than imps.


The Pubs from Fatman went to canderous ordo Imp side because that server had some good pvp. Since super servers transfers there now on Jedi Covenant. Great pvpers it why are pvp is a lot of fun. Sound like to me would not mater if POT5 had deserter timers with that many people leaving it fail before you load in to a wz.



P.s sound like to me raither the a debuff you all need faction transfers and roll imp and que same faction least then your wins might increase.

Edited by Neoforcer
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I leave a WZ anytime I am reasonably sure I will not enjoy myself for the next 10-15 minutes. This is the only justification I need.


Put a debuff on me, I will just go play another game.


Please do.

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On the imp side, I won 3 matches from pubs leaving and the queue not refilling on pot5 last night. That hasn't happened in months.


Usually when you see this kind of behavior is when the non pvpers are trying to get their weekly's done. Sucks for the pubs, great for me trying to finish 4 dailies for pvp.

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I also want to add that, I leave games when my team are full of derps because it will make me rage less. Less rage = I enjoy playing this game more. Leaving also means I have a better chance at not being grouped with those same derps again.


LOL...this is so true though!

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I also want to add that, I leave games when my team are full of derps because it will make me rage less. Less rage = I enjoy playing this game more. Leaving also means I have a better chance at not being grouped with those same derps again.


If im dps, I just stay an kill and dont care too much, but if im a healer and its no guard/taunt/peel day, then im outta there.


To cap comms pre 50 you gotta win pretty much 90% or so. To complete daily/weeklies at 50 you gotta win. No chance of winning means no completions, and thus wasted time.


I dont mind losing, but i do mind getting nearly nothing for it but frustration, so sometimes, its just time to go.

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I would like to point out that "leaving warzones early" is not the problem. It is merely a symptom of the problem. The real problem is the imbalances that people are seeing in WZ's, which gives them a feeling of "zero chance to win", so then they leave. Or RL stuff pops up. It's usually one or the other. ymmv. ;)
Some PvP for the glory hound aspects. Some like to match wits (twitch-quick chess match) with warm body-controlled opponents. Some are stats junkies who enjoy the scoreboard as much as they do the actual contest. Some like me, play for the satisfaction of grinding through an evenly fought battle with team players who enjoy playing off of and complimenting each other's strengths & weaknesses.


I've seen a number of rage quitters on Harbinger who in leaving actually benefitted the team's chemistry. Besides those vacated spots fill up pretty quickly. In the end there's lots of reasons to play, but only one real reason (other than RL situations arising) to quit early ... crybaby needs a nap. :eek:

Edited by GalacticKegger
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In the end there's lots of reasons to play, but only one real reason (other than RL situations arising) to quit early ... crybaby needs a nap. :eek:


Well said. It's like the guy that posted about the game where the opposing faction had over 8 people quit the game. It's not a coincidence that the faction that sucks is also the faction the does alot of rage quitting.


Here's some news to the people that are quitting when 2 turrets are capped or you lost your pylon and couldn't get it back before it blew: You're not quitting to get away from the bad players. You are the bad player. If you run from the fight that gets tough, or keep quitting games till you find an easy win you are not as good of player as you think. A good PvP player makes a win, they don't look for one.


The greater problem is the cancer of rage quitters infects the good players too. When 2 turrets on ACW goto the enemy and 2 people quit the 6 good players have to fight a 3 to 4 disadvantage for 1-2 minutes for the backfill to arrive. That weakens their position more and makes a comeback that much more bleak. Which in turn encourages more people to quit, exacerbating the problem.


And if a large portion of your faction PvP community is quitters you soon find yourself in a position where you can't trust your teammates going into a match. How many of the will abandon you if the odds aren't in your favor?


Tl;Dr - Rage Quitters are the cause of the very problems they are quitting to avoid. If you can't fight in the face of difficult odds, or advise a noob on how to be a better player, then PvP is too tough for you. Quit dragging the rest of us down while you search for the easy win.

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Well said. It's like the guy that posted about the game where the opposing faction had over 8 people quit the game. It's not a coincidence that the faction that sucks is also the faction the does alot of rage quitting.


Here's some news to the people that are quitting when 2 turrets are capped or you lost your pylon and couldn't get it back before it blew: You're not quitting to get away from the bad players. You are the bad player. If you run from the fight that gets tough, or keep quitting games till you find an easy win you are not as good of player as you think. A good PvP player makes a win, they don't look for one.


The greater problem is the cancer of rage quitters infects the good players too. When 2 turrets on ACW goto the enemy and 2 people quit the 6 good players have to fight a 3 to 4 disadvantage for 1-2 minutes for the backfill to arrive. That weakens their position more and makes a comeback that much more bleak. Which in turn encourages more people to quit, exacerbating the problem.


And if a large portion of your faction PvP community is quitters you soon find yourself in a position where you can't trust your teammates going into a match. How many of the will abandon you if the odds aren't in your favor?


Tl;Dr - Rage Quitters are the cause of the very problems they are quitting to avoid. If you can't fight in the face of difficult odds, or advise a noob on how to be a better player, then PvP is too tough for you. Quit dragging the rest of us down while you search for the easy win.


Or BW refusal to balance the game at least to the point of being farmed or standing around for defender points....sorry you think I or anyone should sacrifice our enjoyment for yours.


Oh by the way the most skilled recruits are never going to compete with a full geared premade...so "skill" has little to do with the subject.

Edited by Hexdoll
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Or BW refusal to balance the game at least to the point of being farmed or standing around for defender points....sorry you think I or anyone should sacrifice our enjoyment for yours.


Oh by the way the most skilled recruits are never going to compete with a full geared premade...so "skill" has little to do with the subject.


These kinds of excuses are 100% pathetic.

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To be quite frank i'm nothing more than an average pvper at most. It's a nice change cause back on the Fatman pubs were always more organized and played much better as a team than imps.


Oh I was a large part of that, I erased my toon after the merges on whatever server that I ended up on. O'Reilly should still be around, I assume almost everyone else quit out of boredom at the terrible balance.


I might as well go look and see if anybody I remember is still on these forums. I know there was some silly e-peen thread full of people I'd constantly owned, I wonder if they're all still around.

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These kinds of excuses are 100% pathetic.


Yes, you can call excuses pathetic all you want- however, that is what many of the people quitting are thinking. It doesn't matter whether you disprove or not, all that truly matters is the reality of the situation and the reasons behind it.


For decades the response to people being suicidal or having suicidal thoughts has been 'you're pathetic.' Guess how many people suddenly didn't want to kill themselves because they were being insulted?


If you honestly, truly want people to stop rage quitting all the time in WZ- I can promise you, 100%, that your method of calling them names is not going to be the solution.


Simple steps for problem solving-

1- Find out why people are doing the undesired behaviour; as the person you just insulted told you.

2- Find out what that person wants- as he told you, he wants to enjoy playing without feeling like he's being just farmed/has no chance

3- Put it something that makes that more likely, so he has less reason to quit. Rewards for sticking to matches, rewards for entering a match late, penalties for leaving matches (deserter debuff), an ELO system that puts a balance of good and bad players on each side, a pug queue and a premade queue, better class balance/reduction of out of control TTK and CC, WZs that you don't feel are impossible to come back from after a certain point.



There's dozens of ideas- ideas that won't just make quitters stop quitting, but will make pvp more enjoyable for everyone.


Or, we can just point fingers and scream 'you are stupid!' and hope that fixes the problem.

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On Jedi Covenant Imps bail early all the time.



If you are leaving to join a winning team it wont happen and you will just quit out early of every single WZ because we are just terrible and you will never end up on a winning team. Might as well stay cause some comms from losing are still better than ZERO.

Edited by Dabrixmgp
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Whenever I see someone quitting a WZ, I just think that it's for the better. Clearly this person didn't want to grit his or her teeth and go in and actually do something to win the match. Of course, this can be extremely frustrating and even absolutely useless, especially when the other team has the other 2 nodes all the time and 5 people on your team are guarding your node... :rolleyes:

It's much worse if they stay but chose not to do anything at all and just stand around the home node. I absolutely hate that. No matter how bad we seem to lose I always try to go in and do something, but what am I supposed to do if half of the team gave up? This way I only rack up the kill counter of my enemies. Really annoying. So please quit if you don't want to actually PLAY the game so that someone who will can backfill. Of course I get frustrated if we get pwnd really bad and sometimes even I think it would just be better to sit at the own base and just let them quickly win... but I don't give up and try to do something. And I guess this is what most people who quit are lacking - the ability to lose. Sometimes, no matter how good you are, you can get ownd really really bad. I know of some player on my side who is pretty good and I'm always happy when I end up on a team with him, though sometimes he is also in the enemy team and in a bad one at that (since 90% of night pvp on my server is imp vs. imp), but he never ever gives up and starts guarding. He always goes to the enemies to do something and I think that's pretty cool.


Oh and quitting right at the start of a match is pretty stupid, too. Was in a AH match recently and I was wondering why they were people joining and almost immediately quitting - until a team mate told me it's because most of the others didn't even have 15k HP. But we still managed to win just so and that was only because everyone did their best to do so.

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There are bigger isssues with pvp right now than people leaving warzones.
Well ... don't just leave us troll hanging ... please elaborate. I'll start: +41 crystals available in the Cartel Shop for level 35s (changed from level 10 - ty Bioware) when people who want to earn theirs the old fashioned way have to wait until level 50. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Only time I quit is when we have people wearing leveling greens and blues in 50s. Or if there's very bad lag like as of late. Some of us have legitimate reasons. ;)


And like I said in a previous post, I'm not talking about the legit reasons. Technical issues abound in SWTOR so getting DC'd or having lag spikes that make the game unplayable are all legitimate reasons.


And to the other poster above that said I insulted someone for call his/her excuses pathetic, the emphasis is on the excuse, not the person. I said the excuse was pathetic, not whoever said it. He or she could be an outstanding players. But that doesn't change his or her reasoning to bail early as any less pathetic.

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I support this thread 100%, I have made countless threads and all of them was deleted by Bioware. I even got infractions for making threads about this exact topic being warned not to make another one, they don't like bad mouthing the system at hand which is a no care policy when people leave which makes bad habits and lazy pvp in this game.


I know all servers deal with this, PO5 is pathetic with guilds and players leaving when the going gets tough.


I don't see a bat of a eye lash at this, I assume it will never be fixed in regular.


Ranked will be treated different.

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I support this thread 100%, I have made countless threads and all of them was deleted by Bioware. I even got infractions for making threads about this exact topic being warned not to make another one, they don't like bad mouthing the system at hand which is a no care policy when people leave which makes bad habits and lazy pvp in this game.


I know all servers deal with this, PO5 is pathetic with guilds and players leaving when the going gets tough.


I don't see a bat of a eye lash at this, I assume it will never be fixed in regular.


Ranked will be treated different.


You got warned because you threatened to call peoples characters out on the forums. You can't honestly be surprised at this.

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It's cause weekly requires wins. I'm not staying in a ****** game when my daily is already done, and I need wins to complete my weekly.


This exactly. I've got multiple 50s I have to do the weekly on and I need wins.


I feel like it's a waste of my time going for a node, when more than half of the team is 1v1ing all over the map. It is also a waste of my warzone medpacs and adrenals to keep using them on a failing team.

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