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Stop complaining about stun bubble...


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Hello, my main is a sorcerer and I've played since beta, let me explain why people need to stop complaining...

People claim sorc healers are hybriding heals/bubble, and this makes them super OP, however there is no way the skill tree can even get both revivification and backlash, really if you think a true healing sorc is going to give up something that can be placed all the time over something that as a healing sorc honestly I only use a maybe 8 times a minute(3 of which would be on myself). The reason is if you're a healer you need Line of Sight, and there is a debuff applied to players who have received the bubble(can be improved to only a 17 second debuff). Do people assume someone really wants to run around the whole match checking for the debuff and so that their teammates can have literally the lowest stun in the game? Sorry I'm a team player but there is no way I'm sacrificing all of my own fun to do that, let alone the the fact you give up a much better team utility(the group heal). I would never do bubble stun spec as a healer, if there is a bubblestun healer who can tell me how giving up your best heal to hybrid would be more efficient go ahead and post stats, I know for a fact you couldn't put heal me in that spec and pretty sure your damage would be maybe slightly higher from the lightning talents you pick up. Also, for pure lightning spec I don't think backlash is an issue as they wouldn't be putting bubbles on teammates a whole lot unless hybriding, in which case they'd give up more dps. I'd like to point out I'm talking about overall efficiency, what you give up to get. Heal spec you would have to give up AoE heal and dps you'd have to act like a healer at times and sacrifice dps. Also, there is no incentive to put bubbles on people, guarding people gives points, healing people gives points, bubbles are not heals they're damage prevention and give no points, so especially in pugs people should worry about stun bubble heals, for the same reason up to this last match people didn't guard pylons because there were no defender points. Why sacrifice my fun so my team can have a 2 second stun, in a pug id almost rather them take damage so I can heal points...

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Needs to be fixed to give the correct amount of resolve, and would be happy to see the Stun part of it be caster only.



Also, no one is going to read your wall of text. If I could, I'd copy/paste your post to your English teacher that instructed you, and ask "U mad?"

Edited by KettleBelll
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global cooldown = 1.5 seconds... cast time of bubble in a hybrid spec = instant. 8 players * 1.5 = 12 seconds or 10.5 seconds total cast time starting at point zero


Debuff = 17 seconds


Do you see where i'm going with this? You can cast a bubble on every *********** teammate and just tab bubble. It's game breaking dude. It's absolutely retarded to even try and defend this ****. If one side has a bubbler and the other side does not.. the side without the bubbler will do anywhere from half to 1/3rd their standard DPS. That's how game breaking it is.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but the bubbles do count towards healing. That's why you can get a DPS sage/sorc with 250k damage and 100k healing in a wz when that sage/sorc never actually cast anything.


Not actually. That 100k healing your seeing is from a hybrid DPS Sorcerer healing themselves. I know, I average 120k healing a match with Unnatural Preservation, MedPaks, with Dark Heal and Infusion. On the rare occasion will I be able to channel a heal on a teammate, when the opportunity presents itself for me to do so. The only thing Static Barrier does is absorb a buttload of damage. It is a stretch to call that a heal, you do not receive any points towards medals for Static Barrier or Force Armor.

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Also, there is no incentive to put bubbles on people, guarding people gives points, healing people gives points, bubbles are not heals they're damage prevention and give no points,


Bubbles give heals.

Next time bubble yourself and run through the fire before you engage. you'll get your 2.5k heal medal.

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Needs to be fixed to give the correct amount of resolve, and would be happy to see the Stun part of it be caster only.



Also, no one is going to read your wall of text. If I could, I'd copy/paste your post to your English teacher that instructed you, and ask "U mad?"


Don't worry that is coming soon with a fix to right clicking the bubble off as well. The sorc/sage will get the stun affect only and resolve will be just like the other stuns. So no more bubble pop video and yes a nerf is incoming as hole premade have used this to gain advantage over others.

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Not actually. That 100k healing your seeing is from a hybrid DPS Sorcerer healing themselves. I know, I average 120k healing a match with Unnatural Preservation, MedPaks, with Dark Heal and Infusion. On the rare occasion will I be able to channel a heal on a teammate, when the opportunity presents itself for me to do so. The only thing Static Barrier does is absorb a buttload of damage. It is a stretch to call that a heal, you do not receive any points towards medals for Static Barrier or Force Armor.


Wrong and wrong. Bubbles count as heals. MedPaks do not. Otherwise...don't you think you'd see a Powertech/Vanguard with heal #s?

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Remove the stun from all but the sorc, problem solved. This has to be one of THE single biggest dumbest idiots I have seen from Bioware. Adding 8 more 8 second stuns in to a game, and in close quarters like Ancient gate, voidstar etc, its just stun stun stun stun.


Needs fixing and NOW not in a few months time

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Remove the stun from all but the sorc, problem solved. This has to be one of THE single biggest dumbest idiots I have seen from Bioware. Adding 8 more 8 second stuns in to a game, and in close quarters like Ancient gate, voidstar etc, its just stun stun stun stun.


Needs fixing and NOW not in a few months time


Okay, let's say they do that. Then without anything to compensate for the lost ability to share that with others, the Sorcerer has no more use in PvP except as a pure spec healer. Might as well delete the Lightning & Madness trees. Better yet, just do away with the Sorcerer and Sage if they do not give these ACs something that makes them viable in 31+ builds in these skill trees. Otherwise, they are useless.

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My main is a sage that runs the hybrid heal/stun bubble spec in PvP, so I pretty much disagree with everything you said. Yes, a full 31pt healer will put up bigger numbers than me, consistently. I usually pull 300-500k in healing and 100-150k in damage in a typical match. But so what? Salvation is basically pointless....you are saying "Hey team, go stand in this 8m area for the next 10 seconds...I'm sure the smashies will leave you alone."


My bubble stuns however can and do prevent death...they allow the other healer to escape, allow me to get a 2.2s heal off on someone in a close fight, stun the entire group beating on us while we wait to cross the fire, etc.


Plus, in hybrid you pick up the root on knockbacks. I cannot even begin to tell you how useful that is in huttball and voidstar.


And yes, it is ridiculous that I can give an extra stun to my entire team on a 17s cooldown, one that can be used even when they are stunned themselves. It is basically a griefing mechanic at this point that needs to be addressed. My preferences are they boost the resolve value, or make the stun break on damage, but w/e.

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I tried Backlash spec once and never looked back. It's insanely powerful. You stop so much incoming damage with the stuns that you fulfil the task of keeping your team alive far more effectively than if you went with Revivication. Overload is icing on the cake.


Try it, really.

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Remove the stun from all but the sorc, problem solved. This has to be one of THE single biggest dumbest idiots I have seen from Bioware. Adding 8 more 8 second stuns in to a game, and in close quarters like Ancient gate, voidstar etc, its just stun stun stun stun.


Needs fixing and NOW not in a few months time


Again. bubble yourself at the start of a huttball. run through the fire. you will get your heal medal

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Bubbles count toward heals. I bubbled myself, ran into the fire in Huttball and received the 2k heal medal about five seconds into the match. I generally rack up about 75k in healing with just my bubbles and the odd self heal thrown in.
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Um no, not it does not. I've done it plenty of times and never once have I received any healing from it. Sorry, but you're wrong.


Bubbles definitely do count as healing, and everyone playing a sorc is going to disagree with you here because this is a fact.


As for people still whining about the stun bubble- if we're going to get such a massive nerf of having it not work on allies, we're going to need massive buffs to other things in return or it's back to nothing but operative healers once again.

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