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Phantom and Spymaster gear changes


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Now we get to the heart of the matter.


If everyone was happy to play male characters in game, there would be no reason for female characters. To finally have tastefully attractive gear options, then lose them after paying RL money for them, is not right.

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Hi folks,


This change was unintentional and will be corrected in a future patch. Apologies for the inconvenience.


I'm digging in to this today. I'm going to see what happened and clarify what the gear should look like. Apologies for the confusion.


wait... now you're just making the situation worse...

Edited by xeraphyne
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Here: Phantom AS IT SHOULD BE AND NOW IS http://imageshack.us/a/img801/6895/phantomq.jpg

Here: Spymaster AS IT SHOULD BE AND NOW IS http://imageshack.us/a/img69/2060/spymaster.jpg


Previous versions were wrong, people complained same way as you do now, Oh I paid real cash did not get what I want... so what can they do?

And you know what, they probably did buy it with real cash, but people who complain now just bought it on GTN.


That is shown on a man, I play a female, why should I assume it will look like a man in an advert on my female character? I check the gear prieview and see it looks good on a female, BUY! and later they change it, not right.

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If everyone was happy to play male characters in game, there would be no reason for female characters. To finally have tastefully attractive gear options, then lose them after paying RL money for them, is not right.


There are many tasteful options for female characters. I know this because five out of my nine are female.

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Hi folks,


This change was unintentional and will be corrected in a future patch. Apologies for the inconvenience.


It was not unintentional as per your statement in the patchnotes:


"The appearance of the Phantom and Perceptor's armor now matches the appearance seen in the Cartel Market."


Furthermore you've stated that they should look like the pictures in the cartel market. Its saddening to see you making good on your word for the majority of people paying actual money to get what was advertised to later realize as soon as things get heated on the forums with all the babies crying its a breastfeed solution - silent the babies.


Such a horrible shame.


Edit: Would also like to add, this is nothing more than a screaming contest. You'd do whatever for whomever screams the loudest. Worrying, really, says a lot about the state of the game. Nevertheless, people who are honored by that you held your word and fixed this now instead of in 6 months as was expected (excuse the insult, just explaining the situation) wont come to the forums and thank you. They're in game enjoying the look they paid for - which appearently they wont get to keep.

Edited by AdamLKvist
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That is shown on a man, I play a female, why should I assume it will look like a man in an advert on my female character? I check the gear prieview and see it looks good on a female, BUY! and later they change it, not right.


Because all gear in this game (with very few exceptions of robes who show naked stomach) look the same on male and female. This is not the kind of MMO which displayed gear differently based on gender.

And Phantom set IS shown on female body 3, not male...

Edited by Aelther
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It was not unintentional as per your statement in the patchnotes:


"The appearance of the Phantom and Perceptor's armor now matches the appearance seen in the Cartel Market."


Furthermore you've stated that they should look like the pictures in the cartel market. Its saddening to see you making good on your word for the majority of people paying actual money to get what was advertised to later realize as soon as things get heated on the forums with all the babies crying its a breastfeed solution - silent the babies.


Such a horrible shame.




A thousand *********** times over. 3 weeks I have waited for the phantom set to be fixed to be INQUSITOR ROBES as they were meant for.

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It's obvious that the original "flat" looking appearances of these armor sets was a bug. They did not change the armor. They fixed a bug that was "hiding" the extra polygon mesh items on the armors such as the shoulder pads and chest gaurds.


If you want a cat suit style armor you will need to find something else.


I love the way they all look with the fixes. They were boring and lame before.

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Here: Phantom AS IT SHOULD BE AND NOW IS http://imageshack.us/a/img801/6895/phantomq.jpg

Here: Spymaster AS IT SHOULD BE AND NOW IS http://imageshack.us/a/img69/2060/spymaster.jpg


Previous versions were wrong, people complained same way as you do now, Oh I paid real cash did not get what I want... so what can they do?

And you know what, they probably did buy it with real cash, but people who complain now just bought it on GTN.


I got it out of a pack that I paid real money for. I did not buy it off the GTN. So eat your hat, sir, for making flagrantly false statements.

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It's obvious that the original "flat" looking appearances of these armor sets was a bug. They did not change the armor. They fixed a bug that was "hiding" the extra polygon mesh items on the armors such as the shoulder pads and chest gaurds.


If you want a cat suit style armor you will need to find something else.


I love the way they all look with the fixes. They were boring and lame before.



Agreed 100%. I really hope they don't mess them up by changing them back.

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A thousand *********** times over. 3 weeks I have waited for the phantom set to be fixed to be INQUSITOR ROBES as they were meant for.


Agreed. This patch fixed a lot of wrong items from Cartel Market. And for that I'm very thankful.

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Because all gear in this game (with very few exceptions of robes who show naked stomach) look the same on male and female. This is not the kind of MMO which displayed gear differently based on gender.

And Phantom set IS shown on female body 3, not male...


Half the inquisitor chest pieces, raid pieces, and a substantial number of the knights gear are different for a female, why shouldn't I assume that premium real life cash gear gets the extra attention to make it look good on both genders when it shows in the preview that it does? It makes more sense than not, you look at the item preview and buy what looks good on your character.

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I got it out of a pack that I paid real money for. I did not buy it off the GTN. So eat your hat, sir, for making flagrantly false statements.


Yeah and many people bought packs hoping for what was advertised only to get flat, painted on armor. Bioware finally fixed the issue and gave the outfits some character and people complain....

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Change it back! I built a whole (expensive) look around this set! If people want the advertisement version then send the advertisement version to everyone that currently owns the set! I want the set that I previewed and bought.


It will be coming soon to a Cartel Market near you. Just wait. for 1,200 cc we will be able to have the look we wanted instead of this horrible fluffy half robe creation.

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There are plenty of "Inquisitor Robe" options available (or, as we lovingly call them in my guild - "Disney Princess Robes"). It was nice for those of us who DON'T want to wear them to have something form-fitting that doesn't make us look like a bumblebee for a change.


Bad enough what we light armor wearers used to have to go through to even have a pair of pants...

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Here: Phantom AS IT SHOULD BE AND NOW IS http://imageshack.us/a/img801/6895/phantomq.jpg

Here: Spymaster AS IT SHOULD BE AND NOW IS http://imageshack.us/a/img69/2060/spymaster.jpg


Previous versions were wrong, people complained same way as you do now, Oh I paid real cash did not get what I want... so what can they do?

And you know what, they probably did buy it with real cash, but people who complain now just bought it on GTN.

Pretty simple: the advertisements were wrong, not the models we got in game for those two sets.

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Half the inquisitor chest pieces, raid pieces, and a substantial number of the knights gear are different for a female, why shouldn't I assume that premium real life cash gear gets the extra attention to make it look good on both genders when it shows in the preview that it does? It makes more sense than not, you look at the item preview and buy what looks good on your character.


Cowboy up, bro. The originals were broken and now they are fixed.

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Anyway, player, who used the previous model, bought it and slotted it - even on multiple chars.


Player, who didnt like it, shouldnt have used it and lost nothing this way.


Might be that the new model looks nice to some people, but it p.. off alot of player, who bought it, because they wanted the previous look.

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It's starting to become very clear there are two camps here.


1) We purchased the Cartel Packs hoping that we'd get lucky and get the gear we wanted from the random list of stuff possible. Any items we got we didn't like we could sell on the GTN. Very quickly found the item was not as depicted on the cartel pack and pointed this out to Bioware. Item still not bound. Still able to sell item on GTN.


2) We purchased the item on the GTN. We had no idea there was any fuss being made as to the look of the item in question as our purchasing choices were made based on an ingame model viewer and not Cartel Pack artwork. Once bought and equipped our choices were rendered permanent.


I fall in camp 2, if you hadn't gathered ;) I don't usually spend that much time on the forums but felt the need to protest this change.

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