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Juggernaut tank stats for endgame?


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Are these good stats? Could anyone give me any advice on how I can improve my stats.


Health - 28929

Armor rating - 8057

Damage Reduction - 49.73%

Defense Chance - 24.73%

Shield Chance - 49.00%

Shield absorption - 48.79%


Strength - 1639

Endurance - 2643

Melee Accuracy - 93%


Any advice would be great :)

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Someone is going to reply and tell you your endurance is too high. But, the fact is, if your healers can't heal you with the amount of mitigation you have, I don't think an extra couple percent of mitigation will matter much anyway.
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Honestly...you could stand to pickup more strength or power...it will help you hold better aggro and you could stand to lose a little endurance to pickup a tad more mitigation...but you are close enough for practical purposes.


I prefer might hilts and armors to keep my damage up for better aggro control. Damage helps keep dps from peeling bosses off of you quite as much.

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jeez there something i must have missed. I'm a lvl 50 jugg who has only played solo (no multiplayer) and my health/hp is ONLY 12000+. A few people have remarked on this. Most people are 20000+. What have i missed. I've got decent gear (i think) fully modded rating between 110 and 130. Please help.
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Okay, I was about to start a similar thread but no need for it I think



I got this numbers with mostly BH/Campaing stuff I sent through Legacy


This is an alt, so I won't be tanking TfB HM or EC NiM in a forseeable future tbh (at most I might be able to get the black mount), but still not a reason to not improve these stats if possible.


Endurance 2189

Health 24637 (with BH buff and Rakata stim )

Melee Accuracy 93.04 % ( Rating 57 )

Defense Chance 25.50 % ( Rating 392 )

Shield Chance 50.62 % ( Rating 602 )

Absorption 50.21 % ( Rating 413 )



What should I boost with my 14 augments ?

I'm kind of thinking about a mix of Endurance and Power ones, to boost health and threat generation, but I don't really know.



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You could stand to get defense chance closer to 30% then get power/strength up. Personally, given the choice, go strength as there is never a situation where strength is worse than power because you gain free critical linearly with each point of strength.
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jeez there something i must have missed. I'm a lvl 50 jugg who has only played solo (no multiplayer) and my health/hp is ONLY 12000+. A few people have remarked on this. Most people are 20000+. What have i missed. I've got decent gear (i think) fully modded rating between 110 and 130. Please help.


My sentinel in full dps gear mixed rakata/columi has about 17k HP. You are in need of gear...tionese is free to a 50 and it's all 126-128 rating. Grab the tank set and come back with your HP numbers before you min/Max. If you're dps get the vindicator gear...it is itemized rather well and post your HP.


Sounds like you chose might armors and low endurance mods/enhancements. Don't be afraid to get some endurance in your gear early...you have plenty of time to get full bh/campaign and min/Max later. A dead dps/tank does no damage and holds no aggro.

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That looks a bit better...next up...get on gtn and search for rakata relics with a lot of endurance or get someone to craft you a pair for the mats. If you're not in a guild already you may want to join one...if you're on harbinger send a pm to gyrok. My guild is always recruiting...


Edit- are you tank or dps? Your endurance state leads me to think dps...if so scratch the high endurance relics...you want a relic of boundless ages or 2. Those will help you out a lot.

Edited by planet_J
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So can anyone actually help with stats. this is my main and I'm currently doing TFB HM


Are these good stats? Could anyone give me any advice on how I can improve my stats.


Health - 28929

Armor rating - 8057

Damage Reduction - 49.73%

Defense Chance - 24.73%

Shield Chance - 49.00%

Shield absorption - 48.79%


Strength - 1639

Endurance - 2643

Melee Accuracy - 93%


Any advice would be great

Edited by Shotr-
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So can anyone actually help with stats. this is my main and I'm currently doing TFB HM


Are these good stats? Could anyone give me any advice on how I can improve my stats.


Health - 28929

Armor rating - 8057

Damage Reduction - 49.73%

Defense Chance - 24.73%

Shield Chance - 49.00%

Shield absorption - 48.79%


Strength - 1639

Endurance - 2643

Melee Accuracy - 93%


Any advice would be great


if i was in your shoes, i'd lower endurance to roughly 28k and utilized mods / enhancements with better protection stuff regarding the defense and get it to roughly 30.

I posted similar setup on tanking forum and got almost called blasphemer having so much HP and so 'low' def stats ... :DD

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So can anyone actually help with stats. this is my main and I'm currently doing TFB HM


Are these good stats? Could anyone give me any advice on how I can improve my stats.


Health - 28929

Armor rating - 8057

Damage Reduction - 49.73%

Defense Chance - 24.73%

Shield Chance - 49.00%

Shield absorption - 48.79%


Strength - 1639

Endurance - 2643

Melee Accuracy - 93%


Any advice would be great


Yes, you're right where you need to be for tanking any of the pve content (FP's/OP's/hardmodes etc). You have all the correct mitigation and defense ratings according to those that raid often. (25% defense, 50/50 shield and absorb, 95% accuracy). If you're having trouble keeping aggro you could think about swapping some of the guardian armorings for might ones and use power/str augments but other than that you're looking good.


For pvp, see the other debate that's still on the front page. (Tank gear vs DPS gear).

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hows mine?


Health - 21710

Armor rating - 7800

Damage Reduction - 47.94%

Defense Chance - 24.85%

Shield Chance - 45.35%

Shield absorption - 49.03%


Strength - 1567

Endurance - 1921

Melee Accuracy - 95.34%


my gear is a mix of rakata and blackhole. are these stats ok for hm ec?

Edited by sithgreyguard
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Augment all your gear and you should be. Your health is too low and I'm assuming that's why.

hows mine?


Health - 21710

Armor rating - 7800

Damage Reduction - 47.94%

Defense Chance - 24.85%

Shield Chance - 45.35%

Shield absorption - 49.03%


Strength - 1567

Endurance - 1921

Melee Accuracy - 95.34%


my gear is a mix of rakata and blackhole. are these stats ok for hm ec?

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You should be aiming for this roughly in defensive metrics:


23-26k HP

28-30% defense chance

50-55% shield chance

50-55% absorption

50% +/- armor damage reduction

92-95% accuracy


Once you get there...start stacking str/pwr/crit/surge


Ideally you would have crit about 20-25% and surge north of 70% but that's really unrealistic at this point. So just stack strength then power then surge then crit...you get crit for free from strength so it will help you get there on crit...

Edited by planet_J
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Defense could be a bit higher, even if you sacrifice a bit of health, but it's a really well geared toon and you knew it before you ever posted it.


93% accuracy? Even? So that means you're almost certainly running hybrid and put the three skill points into accuracy (or you have accuracy enhancements which you should ditch immediately). Here's one thing you can do that's pretty painless: finish all your companion class quests and enjoy that sweet 1% buff to accuracy, health .. and three other stats I can't recall at the moment. That will put you at 94% accuracy.

Edited by Powerrmongerr
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You should be aiming for this roughly in defensive metrics:


23-26k HP

28-30% defense chance

50-55% shield chance

50-55% absorption

50% +/- armor damage reduction

92-95% accuracy


Once you get there...start stacking str/pwr/crit/surge


Ideally you would have crit about 20-25% and surge north of 70% but that's really unrealistic at this point. So just stack strength then power then surge then crit...you get crit for free from strength so it will help you get there on crit...


lol, what the ****


You can barely hit those numbers in full 63's. And even if you could hit them sooner, it would be dumb to start stacking offensive stats instead of more mitigation.

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lol, what the ****


You can barely hit those numbers in full 63's. And even if you could hit them sooner, it would be dumb to start stacking offensive stats instead of more mitigation.


I didn't ask a question...I stated what is ideal. If I wanted someone's opinion I would have asked.


Furthermore...getting more offense helps threat generation to keep aggro, and that is never bad.

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I didn't ask a question...I stated what is ideal. If I wanted someone's opinion I would have asked.


Furthermore...getting more offense helps threat generation to keep aggro, and that is never bad.


Oh so I can say that you should stack Cunning instead of Strength, and then get an attitude and claim I didn't ask a question if someone calls me out on it?


I'm saying you are wrong to suggest those numbers are obtainable with breathing room, they are not. In full 63's, I'm currently at 26k HP, 30% defense, 46% shield (would be 50% in full Immortal) and 50% absorb. Full 63's... in other words, I couldn't possibly get higher stats, only move stats from 1 area to another.

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Oh so I can say that you should stack Cunning instead of Strength, and then get an attitude and claim I didn't ask a question if someone calls me out on it?


I'm saying you are wrong to suggest those numbers are obtainable with breathing room, they are not. In full 63's, I'm currently at 26k HP, 30% defense, 46% shield (would be 50% in full Immortal) and 50% absorb. Full 63's... in other words, I couldn't possibly get higher stats, only move stats from 1 area to another.


I have 28650 HP , 30% defence , 50% shield and 51% absorb and am min/maxed on all stuff except for two armourings. So you can go a little higher.

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Oh so I can say that you should stack Cunning instead of Strength, and then get an attitude and claim I didn't ask a question if someone calls me out on it?


I'm saying you are wrong to suggest those numbers are obtainable with breathing room, they are not. In full 63's, I'm currently at 26k HP, 30% defense, 46% shield (would be 50% in full Immortal) and 50% absorb. Full 63's... in other words, I couldn't possibly get higher stats, only move stats from 1 area to another.


Except that I didn't say something foolish or otherwise false...


Also, I never said they were attainable with breathing room...however, once the new expansion comes out, with 5 more new levels and new gear, you could start stacking offense...


Notice where I said, "At this point it is really unrealistic, but..."


Maybe you should read a little better...

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I have 28650 HP , 30% defence , 50% shield and 51% absorb and am min/maxed on all stuff except for two armourings. So you can go a little higher.


Not really, I also have 1800 strength, while you probably only have around 16-1700, I didn't use the lettered mods and also have a might hilt. And I have 2 Dread Guard relics (absorb proc and defense clicky), if I went with 2 EWH defense relics I'd be at 33% defense. Your shield is higher because you're a 31 point Immortal tank, or you have shield augments, guessing its the first.


Also for J, suggesting to start stacking offense even if we did have more stats to accumulate would not be the way to go, mitigation would still hold more value for a tank. On top of that, we have no idea how stats will be rebalanced for the expansion to account for DR's, although they almost certainly will be rebalanced.

Edited by wadecounty
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Let's call a spade, a spade...


We are worst at threat generation...I have switched to 18/23 recently to aid threat generation and even now I am not where we, as a class, should be. I think getting our dps to close to 900 is not an unreasonable idea to improve holding bosses in NiM ops. It is what it is...and we need to either start building more offensively to compensate....or we need a base damage adjustment to get to even keel. I tend to think an adjustment is not forthcoming....so I am going to do what I personally can to get my threat up.

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