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Kaon Under Siege final boss - hard mode

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as it has already been stated earlier, the "correct" kill order should be commander first, then it doesn't matter.

Why? Because the commander buff the other two so they are non tankable, they switch aggro and cannot be taunt.

once the commander dead, the other two have a normal aggro behavior and the tank can focus damage on him, which make healer job easier.


that beind said, the FP is very forgiving and damage quite low, so any order can be used, but not killing the commander first make it slighly harder (yet quite easy).

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The Tank should be on the Turret during the ambush. That's how I roll.


no, the tank should not be on the turret.


The tank should tank the silver mob while a melee dps is on the turret, if possible keep a range dps on foot.

but again, the encounter is so easy, it could be done with the healer on the turret.

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done this a million times with any kill order with well geared players and under geared players


it's stupid easy, order doesnt matter


the turret fight always causes new players trouble especially if they are the one on the turret


"it keeps kicking me off" and "how do I fire" etc..




I 2nd this, all the fights are easy - though it helps to have a little extra AoE for the turret fight so less trash makes it to the tank.

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no, the tank should not be on the turret.


The tank should tank the silver mob while a melee dps is on the turret, if possible keep a range dps on foot.

but again, the encounter is so easy, it could be done with the healer on the turret.

I can't believe you crack your eggs from the little end you disreputable Blefuscudian!

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no, the tank should not be on the turret.


Actually, it works best with the tank on the turret specifically because the tank isn't going to do stellar damage otherwise. The turret deals a static amount of damage, regardless of what your stats or spec are. However, the threat multiplication benefits of your tank stance *are* applied. As such, it's quite easy for a tank to sit in the turret and tank absolutely everything *including* the strong by throwing a couple shots at it while waiting for the hordes to spawn. The DPS should focus on killing the strong as quickly as possible.

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as it has already been stated earlier, the "correct" kill order should be commander first, then it doesn't matter.


That's a bit of a false conclusion. You're ignoring the fact that there are other mechanics to consider. Turning the fight into a tank-and-spank as quickly as possible is no more the "correct" kill order than taking care of the big guy so that you don't have to deal with having a random person stunned for an extended period of time; you're simply placing more value on the unquantifiable effect of being able to maintain aggro compared to the more quantifiable but still quite vague benefits of not having a random person stunned for an exceptional period of time. Honestly, you could easily argue that there *is* no correct kill order or that *all* kill orders are "correct" since all of them work and none of them are appreciably "better" than the others (barring killing the left Rakghoul first, though I'm sure someone, somewhere swears by it since it's got the highest damage of the lot); it's not as if the developers actually forced a specific kill order be taken like they did with the Dread Guard.

Edited by Kitru
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Best tactic for boss is to stick your rdps and healer up on the platforms on the side going up to the final conversation...stick em right up there on the rails and melt the big guy as he targets. It makes the fight incredibly easy and you can really kill any of them you want that way because the 2 adds end up running up to get their target. Using the rail tactic you can kill the commander and then finish off the big guy and medium guy or you can burn the big guy before he even gets close to anyone. If you are doing this with melee dps though no question kill the big guy first.


worse tactic ever. this is one of many fights where everyone regardless if range needs to be piled all together so the range dps doesnt pull all of the mobs to him out of the aoe heal, the aoe he just cast, the aoe the other dps has casted and or the tanks taunt range. done this way is so much easier when the adds come. i have been in pug groups with one and two range dps ping ponging the untauntables all over making the poor healer trying to decide whom to keep up. there is no issue if everyone is in one big pile. the adds all come to one spot, the healer can aoe heal and the tank doesnt run all over. so many fights with adds are easier like this.


in the past the commander or the one that pins is killed first. for the lesser geared groups it is better to take out the pin one first so the healers job is made easier.


to be honest if you got this far in the zone you shouldn't have a problem with the fight. previous bosses are much more difficult unless you used some of the exploits.

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Best tactic for boss is to stick your rdps and healer up on the platforms on the side going up to the final conversation...stick em right up there on the rails and melt the big guy as he targets. It makes the fight incredibly easy and you can really kill any of them you want that way because the 2 adds end up running up to get their target. Using the rail tactic you can kill the commander and then finish off the big guy and medium guy or you can burn the big guy before he even gets close to anyone. If you are doing this with melee dps though no question kill the big guy first.


Wrong, wrong, wrong. This tactic just makes a mess of things.

If everyone is a fresh 50, they should all be in AT LEAST Tionese gear, any order will work as long as EVERYONE focuses on the same target.

Stack up, kill, profit.

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Actually, it works best with the tank on the turret specifically because the tank isn't going to do stellar damage otherwise. The turret deals a static amount of damage, regardless of what your stats or spec are. However, the threat multiplication benefits of your tank stance *are* applied. As such, it's quite easy for a tank to sit in the turret and tank absolutely everything *including* the strong by throwing a couple shots at it while waiting for the hordes to spawn. The DPS should focus on killing the strong as quickly as possible.


On my old server it was always a mdps on turret. First one I did on current server tank hopped on it, DPS blew up strings and it was even more of a cakewalk than usual.


Diff'rent strokes I guess. The place is easy enough either way.

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On my old server it was always a mdps on turret. First one I did on current server tank hopped on it, DPS blew up strings and it was even more of a cakewalk than usual.


Diff'rent strokes I guess. The place is easy enough either way.


I can get through the turrent part even if my entire team dies (I am not the Tank either). Its not hard at all but only a RDPS can do what I do. If you go behind the turrent and past the chest ther are 3 barrels against the wall. Jump on the 3 barrels this will allow you to jump on a broken pipe just to the left of the barrels. Once your on the pipe you will be able to jump on the broken pipe above the one you are currently on. This will put you at a height & position that the monsters can not reach. Im a Sniper so, at this point I just stand up their and throw gernade's and use Orbital Strike until they are all dead or the timer runs out (yes, their is a timer and if you exceed the timer the wall blows up and all you have to do is finish off the monster that are currently attacking you).


Hope this helps :D

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I can get through the turrent part even if my entire team dies (I am not the Tank either). Its not hard at all but only a RDPS can do what I do. If you go behind the turrent and past the chest ther are 3 barrels against the wall. Jump on the 3 barrels this will allow you to jump on a broken pipe just to the left of the barrels. Once your on the pipe you will be able to jump on the broken pipe above the one you are currently on. This will put you at a height & position that the monsters can not reach. Im a Sniper so, at this point I just stand up their and throw gernade's and use Orbital Strike until they are all dead or the timer runs out (yes, their is a timer and if you exceed the timer the wall blows up and all you have to do is finish off the monster that are currently attacking you).


Hope this helps :D

I've had problems with the infected mercenaries yanking me off of my safe position in trying this strat. That doesn't happen to you?

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I've had problems with the infected mercenaries yanking me off of my safe position in trying this strat. That doesn't happen to you?


I did have that happen to me "once" but thats it. it's never happened to me since. :)


Maybe I'm lucky.:D


One more thing, don't stand on the 1st broken pipe. jump to the 2nd pipe above the 1st.

Edited by GalaxyStrong
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My friends used to let a dps take turret and tank would gather adds. Also the tank would taunt the exploding buggar away from the group so he didn´t explode in the group. It works realy well if the tank maily fokus on tanking adds and not killing them. Then the turret will hit more targets pr. hit.


In a pug however i would probably just stick with the tank in turret tactic. A good dps could just as easy pull the exploding buggar away from group as a tank. Ofc the chance of a dps dooing that isn´t big, but the same can be said for tanks.

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As a healer in the turret fight i try to stand in front of the cannon so i line up with the incoming hostiles. That way rarely any mobs get past the turret. The mobs run in my direction but before they reach me the turret will have hit them. If i was behind the turret the dps would have to protect me from the mobs i would get agro on. Most times i have more faith in turret than in dps to keep me safe.


Ofc you could just use the cheat. I just like to do fights as they were originally designed. Standing on some safe spot as healer isn´t the design. One safespot have been removed in an earlier patch so this other safespot will most likely also be removed some day.

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Hey guys,


I've seen some videos in youtube explaining the mechanics of the final boss fight. So, there are 3 guys to beat. The middle one is the commander, wich everyone says in the videos, should be the last one to take out.


I saw 1 video where the person talking said the commander should be the first to be killed. He didn't say the reason for it, but I imagine its because it's the commander who gives the order for the other 2 to attack a random group member. So by eliminating the commander first, no more orders can be given and the tank can control the other 2 as he pleases.


Am I correct or not? Opinions please.


I always ask my teams to kill the commander (middle one) first. Once he's down, the remaining two are easily controlled with threat generation. Second one to die should be the big one (initially on your right) becuase of his Heavy Pin ability.


Aside from the order of killing those three supersoldiers, group placement is very important if you want your encounter clean and manageable. That said, I ask the healers to stay close to me and the ranged to get behind the end chest. Most of them comply once I explain the general idea; which is them not pulling aggro from the adds and keeping the bosses together for easy aoe nukes. The stubborn ones get killed and learn the hard way.

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Really, any order is ok, as long as you know why.


With a decent group, it's ok to aoe or focus any target first.

With a weak healer or dps, it's far better to take the big thing down first, not because of its damage output, but because it's an unbreakable CC during which the other one hits you hard. Focus on the slim soldier should be ok, too, but we should all know CC > DPS.


The "ramp" thing is just good to reset the encounter and I highly recommend NOT doing this.


I noticed operatives are immune to the big thing "pin-down" when under cover and that's ok for them to stay behind the box, but really, everyone should be whithin 15m of the tank.

Edited by JMCH
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Easiest way to do the final boss is everyone stacks up on the 3 bosses and kill the commander first followed by the big guy who pins you down, by stacking up the healer just dumps his AOE heals on everyone.... You can even have range dps and your healer stand up top on the ledge above and heal and dps from there until the adds come after them, then they just drop down with the rest of the group...


It's a pretty easy fight...

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For this encounter, what we do is dps all three bosses down to 1%. Being low hp like that gives them the Demoralized Debuff. Then the tank (making sure the commander has 5 stacks of armor debuff) takes them all out simultaneously with Guardian Slash. It really is the best, hardest hitting tank ability in the game.
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The hunched over rak has a move where he pins the target to the ground for a very long time and he soft enrages, increasing his damage by a significant amount, if you kill him first it just makes your healer's job a lot easier. A geared and skilled enough group could honestly kill them in any order though.




This. As a healer it sucks when he does this to you. Cause not only can you not heal yourself you cant heal anyone else as your pinned to the ground.


I am geared mostly 61 as heals and if I have a group of about the same geared then it matters very little however if they are fresh 50s and the healer is pinned you may be screwed

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This. As a healer it sucks when he does this to you. Cause not only can you not heal yourself you cant heal anyone else as your pinned to the ground.


I am geared mostly 61 as heals and if I have a group of about the same geared then it matters very little however if they are fresh 50s and the healer is pinned you may be screwed



IL give a tip here and really have no idea why so many want to kill the boss last . one of my guildes do it that way only because its fun to him see others pined down while we kill all but the boss but if you kill the boss first and then the others the tank can pick them up, its like when you cut of the head everything else dies , and as a healer there is a allowed work around that's fun to .. go up the ramp before the fight just the healer watch your screen for your name , once your his target if your up over head when they come after you wait long enough then jump it so much fun lol ....

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