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Kaon Under Siege final boss - hard mode

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Yes we are, cover is not enough however if you used entrench, the mechanic wont work.

/A Sniper

i said becuase it is false becuase it is false. i have a gunslinger, the republic side sniper, and have been pinned while hunker down was active. your statement is false.

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I try to kill the commander first because it breaks the mind shield and then the tank can taunt properly and now you have a classic tank and spank text-book situation which should be totally do-able. Some-one mentioned this as well but ill reiterate. RDPS should be on the 2nd floor right where you meet the pilot chick and then climb out on the light-post just slighting stick out of the wall. This give RDPS a great advantage they can not be attacked (except for the commander of course). If the RDPS grabs arrgo the 2 bosses will have to run all the way up the stairs to 2nd floor once they get close just jump off the ledge ( they wont jump off with you instead their *******es will run all the back down to the 1st floor).


That my take on the Kaon boss :D


HERE HERE best way and a lot wont do it they insist its not doable that way Idc ether way its all fun to me ...

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This is probably the worst order ever. One year ago, when we were tanking with 16-17K HP, this order was simply asking "let's wipe please" :)



whys that ? I have wiped more not killing the commander first ...eve with a low HP tank ...to be honest thats not a bad amount of HP for that fight anything below that is bad thu ...

Edited by tanktest
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while were on kaon how many skip that one group before the jump over the ship for the event fight , I don't like to and most of the time I wont , I will just pull that one group, I have wiped to many times for not killing them and it takes like 1 min more to kill them over 5 mins because of a wipe ...



:) ..

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whys that ? I have wiped more not killing the commander first ...eve with a low HP tank ...to be honest thats not a bad amount of HP for that fight anything below that is bad thu ...


Because, way back when, before everyone was painfully overgeared and HMs actually represented some non-marginal level of difficulty and risk, if your healer got pinned, your tank stood a pretty good chance of dying due to attrition if they didn't burn a CD, that is, if your healer didn't die from it as well (at which point your tank would die from attrition anyways). For people that are in "appropriate" gear and can't simply laugh at the now laughably poor damage that represent, the pin represents the single biggest risk in that entire fight, especially when the only thing you're giving up is a bit of damage distribution.

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(barring killing the left Rakghoul first, though I'm sure someone, somewhere swears by it since it's got the highest damage of the lot);.


While I personally prefer to take out the Commander first (I play Tank, MDPS and RDPS) because as a tank I value control over the fight above all else. That being said I understand the reasons behind the other strats, but since you mentioned killing the left rakghoul first, there is an interesting strategy I ran with one group when I was playing my sniper.


They claimed that if you killed the left guy first, the pin of the big guy became just a minor annoyance, afterall, the majority of the damage that comes from the pin is the Sword guy coming up and smacking you. Surprise surprise the kill order worked just as well as the other two kill orders.



I do remember when the flashpoint first came out, and I remember running it on hard mode for the first time (group was a good mix of Columi and tio equivelent). We wipped quite a few times leading up to the final encounter but actually managed to one pull the boss using a commander first, sword guy second and actually killing the big guy last (We kill the big guy second now though).


Different strokes for different folks really, all in all I just go with whatever strategy the tank is most comfortable with.

Edited by EnalisNailo
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Honestly I have little preference in kill order but one issue I've encountered on several occasions when healing Kaon is when the big Rak is deemed the first to die the tank often seems to forget the commander is tauntable. I've lost track of the number of times my healer has "tanked" the commander for most of the fight while trying to keep the rest of the party alive.
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when the big Rak is deemed the first to die the tank often seems to forget the commander is tauntable.


If this is a problem, it's because the tanks you're running with a bad. Any tank should be able to maintain aggro on the commander Rak purely with tangential AoE (Guardian Force Sweep and Guardian Slash, VG Pulse Cannon/Mortar Volley/HiB cleaves, Shadow Slow Time and Force Breach). On all 3 of my tanks, I completely ignore the other bosses and almost never have a problem keeping aggro on the commander purely by virtual of tangential AoE providing all I would ever need. I think the only time I actually *do* have some issue is when there is a well geared Gunslinger that drops Flyby right on top of them and, even then, the time it takes to land the hits generally gives me more than enough time to build up enough threat to not have it stolen.

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This. As a healer it sucks when he does this to you. Cause not only can you not heal yourself you cant heal anyone else as your pinned to the ground.


I am geared mostly 61 as heals and if I have a group of about the same geared then it matters very little however if they are fresh 50s and the healer is pinned you may be screwed


This a million times and this is the reason why G'klarg should go down first. If anyone got pinned by him it's not an issue - it's just some lost DPS - but if your healer gets pinned (s)he won't be able to heal him/herself and it's going to hurt.


Not to boast but I'm not a bad healer and I am overgeared for this fp with 22k HP yet I died being pinned right at the start as the other untauntable guy kept hitting me (pretty sure our tank hadn't taunted the commander though). There was simply nothing I could do.


Now you're going to acknowledge the fact that kill order would have changed nothing to my death since I was targetted right from the start, I agree, I'm just underlining the fact that this guy is the most annoying of the trio, hence he should be dealt with in priority.

Edited by demotivator
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This a million times and this is the reason why G'klarg should go down first. If anyone got pinned by him it's not an issue - it's just some lost DPS - but if your healer gets pinned (s)he won't be able to heal him/herself and it's going to hurt.


Not to boast but I'm not a bad healer and I am overgeared for this fp with 22k HP yet I died being pinned right at the start as the other untauntable guy kept hitting me (pretty sure our tank hadn't taunted the commander though). There was simply nothing I could do.


Now you're going to acknowledge the fact that kill order would have changed nothing to my death since I was targetted right from the start, I agree, I'm just underlining the fact that this guy is the most annoying of the trio, hence he should be dealt with in priority.

Interesting. Early on, when my healer was in average gear (only part Columi), I've been pinned more than once by G’klarg right at the start of the fight, and have never been killed by it.


I wonder what happened during your fight. It seems odd to me that you could be killed right off the bat during the pin (having that much health).

Edited by Khevar
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I wonder what happened during your fight. It seems odd to me that you could be killed right off the bat during the pin (having that much health).


It's entirely possible he was using a Sage (worst DR) and grouped with a tank that didn't get the commander off of him. That's pretty much worst case scenario.

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This a million times and this is the reason why G'klarg should go down first. If anyone got pinned by him it's not an issue - it's just some lost DPS - but if your healer gets pinned (s)he won't be able to heal him/herself and it's going to hurt.


Not to boast but I'm not a bad healer and I am overgeared for this fp with 22k HP yet I died being pinned right at the start as the other untauntable guy kept hitting me (pretty sure our tank hadn't taunted the commander though). There was simply nothing I could do.


Now you're going to acknowledge the fact that kill order would have changed nothing to my death since I was targetted right from the start, I agree, I'm just underlining the fact that this guy is the most annoying of the trio, hence he should be dealt with in priority.


Uhh, why not just take the healer up stairs with the RDPS and follow the same tactic's. If the healer catches arggo then the big guy has to run through the Team, up the stairs, quick left, another quick left, more stairs, down a very long corridor (hallway) and then take another left to get to you. Then, when he does get close to you just jump off the ledge (he wont jump after you instead he will have to take the path he used to get there in the 1st place to go all the way back. this should give you enough time to kill the commander and were back to good old tank and spank.


That should keep the healer pretty safe. :)

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Uhh, why not just take the healer up stairs with the RDPS and follow the same tactic's. If the healer catches arggo then the big guy has to run through the Team, up the stairs, quick left, another quick left, more stairs, down a very long corridor (hallway) and then take another left to get to you. Then, when he does get close to you just jump off the ledge (he wont jump after you instead he will have to take the path he used to get there in the 1st place to go all the way back. this should give you enough time to kill the commander and were back to good old tank and spank.


That should keep the healer pretty safe. :)


If you have to come to this it still shows one thing: G'klarg is the most annoying in this group. And one rule when clearing a group is to take care of the annoying element first.


That reminds me of Directive 7 where DPS just don't care about the fuse pistol droids and focus on the silvers (or worse but rare on the gold) yet these guys will crush the tank with their very damaging ray.


If something is annoying you don't want it to stay for the whole fight and you deal with it first (another example is mercs in Kaon that you need to kill first or medics in LI if you don't have enough CC or the stunning astromechs in LI again and so on).


It all comes down to this, in a group of mobs annoying elements are either CCed or dealt with first... you know so that you can actually avoid their annoyance for the rest of the fight.

Edited by demotivator
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I prefer to kill the big boy first, then commander, then the one on the left. The "pin" just annoys the crap out of me that much, plus if the healer gets pinned things can go south pretty fast.


If the group wants to kill the commander first I can live with it, but it's not what I'd choose.


The trash is still more dangerous than any of the bosses in Kaon, IMO. The chairs are downright deadly! :eek:

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Little story:


Commander dies.

Adds come.

I, the tank, get pinned by the big guy.

DPS tunnel visions on the big guy and the sword guy.

Adds surround the squishy healer and kill him in 3s flat.(no joke, a single add deals almost as much damage as the sword guy)


Two lessens can be learned from this:

1.) the DPS sucked for not killing the adds before they surrounded the healer

2.) If the big guy died first, I would've been able to save the healer


We still won while the healer was down because the sword guy and big guy hit like wet noodles, but still....

Edited by ruminate
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Little story:


Commander dies.

Adds come.

I, the tank, get pinned by the big guy.

DPS tunnel visions on the big guy and the sword guy.

Adds surround the squishy healer and kill him in 3s flat.(no joke, a single add deals almost as much damage as the sword guy)


Two lessens can be learned from this:

1.) the DPS sucked for not killing the adds before they surrounded the healer

2.) If the big guy died first, I would've been able to save the healer


We still won while the healer was down because the sword guy and big guy hit like wet noodles, but still....


This is a pretty good example of why the Healer and RDPS (assuming you have RDPS) should go on the second floor and climb-out on the light post. If the adds come up stairs just send them all flying back to 1st floor using an AOE knockback.

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If you have to come to this it still shows one thing: G'klarg is the most annoying in this group. And one rule when clearing a group is to take care of the annoying element first.


Dude, your acting like this some sort of super crafty plan. I'm just running to the 2nd lvl and shooting them on the lower lvl.


That reminds me of Directive 7 where DPS just don't care about the fuse pistol droids and focus on the silvers (or worse but rare on the gold) yet these guys will crush the tank with their very damaging ray.


Comparing the Koan boss fight to a Directive 7 Mob is ........................well kinda ridiculous.


If something is annoying you don't want it to stay for the whole fight and you deal with it first (another example is mercs in Kaon that you need to kill first or medics in LI if you don't have enough CC or the stunning astromechs in LI again and so on).


He's not very annoying if he cant get to your healer and by using the very simple tactic's that I have explained he's not going to get your healer (at least not before the comander is dead then the tank can taunt and then it doesnt matter.


It all comes down to this, in a group of mobs annoying elements are either CCed or dealt with first... you know so that you can actually avoid their annoyance for the rest of the fight.


What it comes down to is a lack of creativity on your part.

Edited by GalaxyStrong
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I hate Kaon with an absolute passion. I run it once a week for the weekly and with guildies. Both the other Mara and myself spec to Rage and the Jugg tanks in rage. We just smash away in the middle. They all die at the same time. Doesn't really matter. I know this isn't really what the OP was talking about but I figured we could just throw the simplest version out there
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I hate Kaon with an absolute passion. I run it once a week for the weekly and with guildies. Both the other Mara and myself spec to Rage and the Jugg tanks in rage. We just smash away in the middle. They all die at the same time. Doesn't really matter. I know this isn't really what the OP was talking about but I figured we could just throw the simplest version out there


I get Kaon at least half the time I queue up these days. I've killed them in every order possible using all kinds of 'strategies', including just grouping in the middle and aoe'ing everything to death, which is the simplest way to handle this fight.


The only thing that matters is to agree on the plan and communicate with your group rather than act like a bunch of idiots and spread out all over the room trying to do your own thing.

Edited by DawnAskham
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