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If you could have a lightsaber, what colour/style would it be and why?


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A lightsaber pike with an all black color crystal (not black-white or other secondary color), the hilt black or just a dark color coated with subtle gold ornaments (decorations like the Satele lightsaber or Thexan's). The pike part would be detachable to make it a normal lightsaber aswell or would be fully retractable likes Senya's.

For a name I would probably go with Imperator or something.

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First, a curved hilt. I fell in love with the curved hilt the first time I saw it, it's so elegant. I don't need anything flashy on the hilt, I'd like it silver with a basic leather wrap around the centre.


For color, I've always loved the yellow. Yellow was the first non-standard lightsaber color I learned about, and it was so mysterious and different. Everyone used blue, green, or red, but to know that there was yellow out there just added a tinge of intrigue to it. Of course SWTOR has given us every color under the rainbow, but I sill love that basic yellow.


As for form, I've gotta go form II. Such elegance and precision.

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My thought would be "why a lightsaber at all?" They're actually kinda fragile if you think about it and have had really no innovation for thousands of years. If anything it would be a white-bladed lightkatana. Katanas are inherently better than other sword types anyway. And most lightsabers suffer from poor design anyway. The cross-guard saber is one of the poorest of all, making the hilt look like a glowing tetris block. The idea that you can go "hey look I can burn people with the exhaust port!" doesn't work when they are on both sides and can just as equally burn a hole through your own stupid chest.


The crossguard section shouldn't have perfect 90 degree angles because it's absolutely pointless for a lightsaber. You'd want the extra beams/energy at a 45 degree angle and near the blade hilt in order to catch the opponents blade there and take control of it since it would be trapped between the two beams. The way it's designed both in the movie and shown in SWTOR would allow anyone smart enough to just cut off the exhaust pipes and let the thing explode in your hand.


If anything, I'd rather have a Sith Sword in the form of a katana or Chinese blades such as the jian, which is made for speed and flexibility, light and mobile for close quarters combat and was used in conjunction with martial arts. It would be far more formidable in actual combat than your standard lightsaber.


Okay wow... this made me lol... so much is false


Wielding a light saber is like using a mag light .78 - .88 lb vs katana 3 lb or jian 2 lb. sabers weight is also all in the hilt... which makes twirling and tip control super easy, as you don't need any weight in your swing (it burns through objects based of the heat/energy discharged not the pressure of a metal edge cutting through.


Metal can not cut any better then a lightsaber in theory could if I put in active lightsaber into a 4 inch thick ship hull I could effortlessly cut a door that a man could pass through, good luck using a katana.


Also curved edge on a light saber would not cut any better then a straight lightsaber in fact the straight lightsaber allows for more surface contact which equals more energy/heat transference which would allow for a faster burn through.


There is a reason that as we left the shields behind (in history) hilts and cross guards became more elaborate. I would disagree with the efficiency of a 45 degree guard vs 90 degree but i'll say its a matter of personal opinion.


Personally I'd have a saber (1h) with a curve to the hilt (to better fit my hand) and a thin basket cross guard if I can get a material resistant to light sabers I would also have a (1H) dagger style saber with a simple cross guard for parry assist and close stab. My style would be very much like the Spanish dueling.


I would be in heavy armor with a shield generator (if that made me projectile resistant). I wouldn't be jumping around like a ninja I'm stab, parry, thrust, with the occasional over thrust and slice. I could cleave just as easy with a 1h vs 2h (with a lightsaber) but cleave or slash is not as efficient against a ready foe (just ask the axe).

Edited by TBDNicodemus
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The blade would be purple interior with bright white trim. The hit itself would look like one of those old sabers with the handguard, jewel-encrusted and so on. The activation button would be just on the interior under the protective handguard. I'd call it Love, as it conquers all... :o
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  • 3 weeks later...

Pink/Magenta Crystal (going by colors available in game and that's my FAVE) double bladed lightsaber.


One, I just love the double bladed light saber. Two, it can be used as a single bladed saber when need be (even if the game won't allow it).


Besides that, and if I could go beyond what we've seen in game. I have to wonder why none have made lightsaber guantlett to just surprise the hell out of people. :p Would have to have that too! >_>

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would dual-wield two ambivalent yellow blades forged in the catacombs of an ancient order.


Both hilts machined by a blade smith with craftsmanship that can only be harnessed through true mastery of the dark side, with tireless care given to every detail of their construction, to create what can only be described as a work of art.


My elegant sabers would be instruments of sublime destruction, suited for the hands of a worthy master.


~Lord Sadist.

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Lightsaber Type: Crossguard Lightsaber

Blade Type: Unstable Blade

Blade color: Violet/Purple


Why: I like the crossguard design, and it's actually pretty useful in combat aswell. Unstable blade, though it would only look unstable and sound like it. Violet/Purple as the blade color since Violet/Purple is my favorite color, and it's kinda cool that Blue & Red combined equals purple, which can be seen as a combination of the light and dark side in a way. :)

Edited by ShenLongKazama
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I'd go with a standard purple saber because of what purple represents, but I'd have a hilt with some nice etchings and accents that would make it look like it could be a display only piece. It would be seldomly used though since I could easily see myself using the Force itself to solve a fight.


As far as styles go. I would train hard to be proficient in the use of Zatoichi, it's just not a style used often.

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