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Think they will extend pre-order date for RotHC?


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They have extended the cut off date for players to return to the game and receive CC 2 or 3 times now, they always seem to extend the cut off date which to me shows they are not getting the numbers they want. Desperation perhaps?


Whats the chances of BW doing the same with this content patch, err expansion?

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Standard marketing gimmick. Create demand by manufacturing false urgency.


"But wait!!! Order right now and recieve a second Snuggy....."


QFT- truth is, they'll keep the offer open indefinately.


As for the preorder offer on the RotHC - I don't know... I'm hoping /not holding my breath. But the RotHC DCL may be a lot closer to going live than anyone realizes.

Edited by Cleet_Xia
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QFT- truth is, they'll keep the offer open indefinately.


As for the preorder offer on the RotHC - I don't know... I'm hoping /not holding my breath. But the RotHC DCL may be a lot closer to going live than anyone realizes.


If this game was doing well enough to not go F2P I think we would have had Makeb by now, as I believe it has been ready for some time now. I think they sat on it so they could sell it to us at a later date once they reaslised they had to go down the F2P route.


Also, since the game is F2P, how does this patch fit in with that? They will probably offer it as a free upgrade in 6 months time or something right? How can the game be F2P but charge for DLC?


I digress, I wont be surprised if they delay this again, and again so we are calling this now BW just so we can say "told ya so" lol

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If this game was doing well enough to not go F2P I think we would have had Makeb by now, as I believe it has been ready for some time now. I think they sat on it so they could sell it to us at a later date once they reaslised they had to go down the F2P route.


Also, since the game is F2P, how does this patch fit in with that? They will probably offer it as a free upgrade in 6 months time or something right? How can the game be F2P but charge for DLC?


yeah-- I'm right there with ya- Makeb was on the front burner until they had to back step to work f2p & the cash shop. I bet everything and more than they've listed as part of RotHC is actually finished & they're just deciding how many more FP's, OPs, WZs need to be included to make players feel like they got a good deal. We'll know when it hit's the PTS.


With the game being f2p, they're selling it to the free playing crowd for less than what a sub pays. I don't imagine it will ever be a "free" upgrade - but sometime before the next DLC it will become an unlock on the cash shop.

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It may show up on the cartel market, but I wouldn't be surprised if they just downgrade it to free very shortly after it releases.


They're going to make all the money they're ever going to get for it in the first month. After that, it's just going to be a barrier and cause people to stop playing the game.


Considering the first 17 planets cost $15 right now, there's no way new customers are going to see $10 (or $20) for just one more to be any sort of value.

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Honestly, I dont think they will. Unless very few have purchased it. My guess is they are sitting on all the info hoping you dont buy it, then the day after the preorder deadline hits, they start telling you whats in it and all the stuff they havent told us yet, just so you buy it at the higher price.
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The price doesn't change, just the day you get access to the content. The price is higher for F2Pers than subs, but nowhere does it say that the pre-order is a discount price.


yeah I really don't get why so many people think it will be more expensive after the 7th... there was actually a huge argument on our fleet about it earlier. gave me quite the headache...

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Considering the first 17 planets cost $15 right now, there's no way new customers are going to see $10 (or $20) for just one more to be any sort of value.


And it's exactly that sort of mentality amongst MMO players which is continuing to kill off the genre.


Developers do not live off of air alone. They too need to be paid. The same goes for the other parties involved. Software licensing, hardware maintenance, etc. And for that to work, an income needs to be generated.


Do we ever wish to see new content coming in? SWTOR will need to show to EA to be able to be profitable. If so, EA will invest heavily into it just like as to how they do with for example generating new content for The Sims, producing new titles for their NFS franchise or keeping up the expensive licensing for their FIFA titles.


However, if players in the MMO genre keep being as reluctant as they are to spend money, it's going to be over for the genre real soon. It'll just be a matter of a few years before the major western developers conclude there's no real profit to be made, our generated revenue is higher from social facebook games, we're dropping this thing. And all what we remain with is a mass production of Korean grinders with terribly translated English content.


Also for starter ups it's already getting exceedingly hard in the western market to find investors for MMO's due to their track records, more and more are desperately trying to turn towards the gaming community through various fundraisers.

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ofc the DEV need to get paid to run a MMO, but that´s what my sub should do. Dont give me this crap with my sub pays for server maintenance when it´s a F2P. My sub atm only pays for the thing i get extra over what some F2P(preffered) players gets. And it´s not that much imo. Having DLC for cash only and not available for CC have imo further devalued my subscipsion.
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And it's exactly that sort of mentality amongst MMO players which is continuing to kill off the genre.


Developers do not live off of air alone. They too need to be paid. The same goes for the other parties involved. Software licensing, hardware maintenance, etc. And for that to work, an income needs to be generated.


Do we ever wish to see new content coming in? SWTOR will need to show to EA to be able to be profitable. If so, EA will invest heavily into it just like as to how they do with for example generating new content for The Sims, producing new titles for their NFS franchise or keeping up the expensive licensing for their FIFA titles.


However, if players in the MMO genre keep being as reluctant as they are to spend money, it's going to be over for the genre real soon. It'll just be a matter of a few years before the major western developers conclude there's no real profit to be made, our generated revenue is higher from social facebook games, we're dropping this thing. And all what we remain with is a mass production of Korean grinders with terribly translated English content.


Also for starter ups it's already getting exceedingly hard in the western market to find investors for MMO's due to their track records, more and more are desperately trying to turn towards the gaming community through various fundraisers.


Actually it is this attitude which is killing off MMOs.


Nothing you mentioned there is about keeping people paid its about greed. The designers, coders, artists ... you know the folks that make the game happen all get paid a set wage, its the suits at the top and the shareholders that reep the rewards from maximising profit. And lets be honest there is never enough profit to satisfy these folks.


Lets fling out some random figures as so many people like to do. Lets say on a very low estimate this game has 300k subs at $15 per month, thats 4.5 million per month which adds up to 54 million per year now this figure is probably out a few million but even so were not talking peanuts. Now lets fling in the money they make from f2p I can only speculate wildly on how much that will be but you can bet it is quit a few million per year.


Now in my book that is alot of money, more than enough to keep a game going and pay your staff. Unfortunatly its not for the folks at the top because they want as much profit as they can squeeze out of you to invest in other ventures to make them even more money and the cycle goes on.


It is folks with your attitude that help this culture of greed because you are standing up and saying hey its ok I dont mind being nickle and dimed here take my money.


Personaly if it comes to a choice were MMOs all turn down the road of charging you for everything .... hey your lvl 2 grats now go to our shop to buy your upgrades happy gaming :) then I hope they die out because then you will have companies coming back making decent games for the love of it and realising they can make a living from running one MMO and the suits will move on to bleed some other venture dry.


Sorry if this seems a bit harsh Im just fed up with this whole they have to make money argument its not about money its about greed pure and simple.

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Actually it is this attitude which is killing off MMOs.


Nothing you mentioned there is about keeping people paid its about greed. The designers, coders, artists ... you know the folks that make the game happen all get paid a set wage, its the suits at the top and the shareholders that reep the rewards from maximising profit. And lets be honest there is never enough profit to satisfy these folks.


Lets fling out some random figures as so many people like to do. Lets say on a very low estimate this game has 300k subs at $15 per month, thats 4.5 million per month which adds up to 54 million per year now this figure is probably out a few million but even so were not talking peanuts. Now lets fling in the money they make from f2p I can only speculate wildly on how much that will be but you can bet it is quit a few million per year.


Now in my book that is alot of money, more than enough to keep a game going and pay your staff. Unfortunatly its not for the folks at the top because they want as much profit as they can squeeze out of you to invest in other ventures to make them even more money and the cycle goes on.


It is folks with your attitude that help this culture of greed because you are standing up and saying hey its ok I dont mind being nickle and dimed here take my money.


Personaly if it comes to a choice were MMOs all turn down the road of charging you for everything .... hey your lvl 2 grats now go to our shop to buy your upgrades happy gaming :) then I hope they die out because then you will have companies coming back making decent games for the love of it and realising they can make a living from running one MMO and the suits will move on to bleed some other venture dry.


Sorry if this seems a bit harsh Im just fed up with this whole they have to make money argument its not about money its about greed pure and simple.


I could not agree more with this. In fact it has infected society as a whole, people are willing to simply pay whatever companies tell them to pay and anyone who has an opinion on the matter usually faces a backlash from folk with arguments like 'if you don't wanna pay it then don't pay it, im going to though' or 'its only £10' when in fact they are interested in purchasing something but have the sense and self respect to not buy it - they do miss out to a degree just because too many people simply say hey I dont mind being nickle and dimed as you said above.


The fact is, we the consumer have a lot of power over these people as we are their life blood - the fact they offer the main part of this game freely is proof of this. If people actually stood up for themselves more and stopped this stupid attitude of just taking what the corporations hand out then life would be better for themselves as it means what they end up paying is worth it and get better quality purchases and hopefully by extension there would be better working environments for the devs and other folk who find themselves working in these places, to let their creativity flourish.


That in my opinion can only benefit us

Edited by smexymage
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And it's exactly that sort of mentality amongst MMO players which is continuing to kill off the genre.


Developers do not live off of air alone. They too need to be paid. The same goes for the other parties involved. Software licensing, hardware maintenance, etc. And for that to work, an income needs to be generated.


Do we ever wish to see new content coming in? SWTOR will need to show to EA to be able to be profitable. If so, EA will invest heavily into it just like as to how they do with for example generating new content for The Sims, producing new titles for their NFS franchise or keeping up the expensive licensing for their FIFA titles.


However, if players in the MMO genre keep being as reluctant as they are to spend money, it's going to be over for the genre real soon. It'll just be a matter of a few years before the major western developers conclude there's no real profit to be made, our generated revenue is higher from social facebook games, we're dropping this thing. And all what we remain with is a mass production of Korean grinders with terribly translated English content.


Also for starter ups it's already getting exceedingly hard in the western market to find investors for MMO's due to their track records, more and more are desperately trying to turn towards the gaming community through various fundraisers.


Oh give me a break, they are making more money now than ever with the cartel market.

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