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What part of the game matters most to you?


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1. Class story?


2. Planet Missions?


3. Flash points?


4. Pvp Missions?


5. Over all look of gear, and invirerment?


6. Companion conversions, storys, and Missions?


7. Space Missions?


Every thing else is pritty much going to stay in the game as time moves on, but what I put above with each one take alot of work and time. I want to know witch one out of the 7 matters most to each player. Keep it simple, and pick only one. I am interested to see what matters most to people.



Mine is class story out of every thing in the game.

Edited by Ashlockheart
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Probably the questgiving system: voice animations (they aren't cut scenes because you can see other player's live characters moving around in the scene's background) with player decision interactions with the NPCs.


Voice animation?

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Each to their own I guess, imo they are so ugly especially in closeup.
That's because the scenes themselves are live, thus low res (bandwidth considerations.) The avatar movements, their expressions and voiceovers are preprogrammed. But most camera angles while stationary are rolling in real time. Next time you play through (not skip through) a questgiver interaction in a crowded area look for other player characters moving around in the scene's background. Or simply look for your playing partner and their companion. That is the essence of voice animation as opposed to cutscenes which consist entirely of canned playback video. Pretty cool stuff. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Companion conversations, stories, depth, etc.


The companion seem to have a lot less to them compared to say Mass Effect. Just by having a couple repeatable dialogue lines it would help with this. Like how when you were done talking to say Liara you could still talk to her and get her to talk about a few things she had already said.

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Personally I'd say the following two are equally important, with a good tie-in to each other:


2. Planet Missions

3. Flash points


Currently many flashpoints feel to be a bit of a story on themselves, with little relation to the planetary missions. I'd like to see that change in a fashion where flashpoints and planetary missions have related stories. Essentially letting flashpoints be an extended heroic mission.


In a similar fashion, although not in your list, I believe operations should be handled as well. As as it stands, operations feel even further out of touch with the game world.


I believe a good integration of story in terms of planetary missions, flashpoints and operations is definitely something an MMO needs to help unify story, and make it feel less like a lobby based game with a singleplayer campaign on the side.

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1. Class story?


2. Planet Missions?


3. Flash points?


4. Pvp Missions?


5. Over all look of gear, and invirerment?


6. Companion conversions, storys, and Missions?



Every thing else is pritty much going to stay in the game as time moves on, but what I put above with each one take alot of work and time. I want to know witch one out of the 6 matters most to each player. Keep it simple, and pick only one. I am interested to see what matters most to people.



Mine is class story out of every thing in the game.


Why do people always forget SPACE, this is Star Wars afterall. Arguably it is the part of the game in most need of some serious attention. I don't want it to be a mini-game it should be a fully integrated part of the story and quests.

Also full 3D PvP space warzones would be great fun.

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From the things you listed, heres how I would rank them in order:


1. Class story

3. Companion conversions, storys, and Missions?

4. Over all look of gear, and environment?

5. PvP

6. Planet Missions

7. Flashpoints


All are important to me though. Class stories/companion conversations (which are really the same thing IMO) are by far the most important. I wouldnt have played this game for more than a month if it wasnt for the new stories and attachments I've built to my characters (which is why looks of gear comes third). Environment comes in third also because of the overall immersion it gives me in the game.


PvP is 5th. I play warzones on my main (Marauder) just about every day. I have a lot of fun with it and I love optimizing my stats. However, if it werent for 1-4, then I would be PvPing in Guild Wars 2. Planet missions would be rated higher, but they suck for the most part. And flashpoints are last because of how much potential they had to be great (with story), but instead just feel like a flashpoint in any other modern MMO.


I still have fun with them though. In reality, all aspects are very important, but anything story and character related is by far the most important for me.

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class story and companion story is way down my list. It´s nice features but imo have nothing to do with a mmo and swtor realy needs to feel more like a mmo. What i want most is more world story with some progression so the world story moves somewhere and if we could get FP´s that build on that story it would just make it even better.


The fact that it´s star wars is what matters most to me. I want EAware to build the world(s) not build the char(s)


Actually i think i could be a good thing to discontinue class quests and only do faction quests like with Makeb, The thing is we need more that just another world and some world quests and datacrons and what not. Makeb realy brings nothing new to the table, just more of the same. Ofc we might see something new, but i am loosing faith in EAware.

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That's because the scenes themselves are live, thus low res (bandwidth considerations.) The avatar movements, their expressions and voiceovers are preprogrammed. But most camera angles while stationary are rolling in real time. Next time you play through (not skip through) a questgiver interaction in a crowded area look for other player characters moving around in the scene's background. Or simply look for your playing partner and their companion. That is the essence of voice animation as opposed to cutscenes which consist entirely of canned playback video. Pretty cool stuff.


A lot of people on this forum simplify and dumb down the enormous amount if work that went into this game. Now work doesn't always mean a great product but at least someone here understands all if this is not just cut and dry computer work.




My favorite part of the game is the small, PUG content. I wish we had more FPs.

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For all of you posting what is most importen to you from the list. Thank you. And to those that didn't see space missions on the list. I'm sorry. I forgot about that. I will add that one to the list. And if you are wondering why I numbered them in that order. I wasn't really trying to number them. I was just trying to make the list easyer for people to post there comments. Like insted of type every thing out. People can just post the number of witch one they think is most importen to them.
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