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How can i stop xp/level?


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Is there any way to stop getting xp or level? I have 49 lvl and don't want 50 so far. Is there some kind of item to do that?




This is to stop level 49 players abusing PvP and face stomping lower levels for more than one level. They do this anyway, by quitting war zones before they end, but this would make it even easier.

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Been dreaming about this feature ever since the game was launched. I tremendously like questing in SWTOR (yes, including side chains) and always tried to complete everything the planet has to offer before moving on. Already on Corusant I was outleveling content badly (I always ended up at level 18) which made playing the game quite boring. =(


Not to mention that I had to forget about doing Warzones and Flashpoints. The only way was to also consistently abandon bonus quests to keep things somewhat challenging all the way to 50.

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This is to stop level 49 players abusing PvP and face stomping lower levels for more than one level. They do this anyway, by quitting war zones before they end, but this would make it even easier.


They can always either place players wuth XP-block into a different bracket (like in Warcraft) or if that's not technically possible can disable PvP queueing for such players. While this sounds a little extreme, the solution is still better than having no such feature.


But who am I kidding. Developers will never even know there are some players willing to block XP, not to mention suggestions about how to implement such an option. So we're just wasting our time.


There is no such feature and no plants to implement it in the foreseeable future.

Edited by Ceyvel
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Bullsh*t, but i dont want argue you anything.

I know everthing what i want, U can block topic.


Then what exactly is it that you want? You've already stated that you want to stay at 49 to team up with your friends for PVP Warzones. If this is really what your intent is, then you won't receive any sympathy from any of the playerbase, as they've already stated this can be construed as a bannable offense if you abuse the mechanics of the game in order to remain at 49 to avert gaining any XP.


There are no such items in the game, nor should there ever be any such items ever put into the game, as this would create a huge imbalance in sub-50 PVP warzones. Level locking pretty much goes against what this game is built around.

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Been dreaming about this feature ever since the game was launched. I tremendously like questing in SWTOR (yes, including side chains) and always tried to complete everything the planet has to offer before moving on. Already on Corusant I was outleveling content badly (I always ended up at level 18) which made playing the game quite boring. =(


Not to mention that I had to forget about doing Warzones and Flashpoints. The only way was to also consistently abandon bonus quests to keep things somewhat challenging all the way to 50.

I have been experiencing this a lot currently as well. It feels like I am leveling faster than I can go through all the content while doing my Class quest. It is like there is more XP than Required for the Areas/Planets as you progress through the game. It builds up to a point where you can move on to the next Area/Planet before finishing all the Quest for the planet you are currently at. If you do stay to finish them all before moving on then it starts to build up to where some of the later planets become to easy. Like I am currently experiencing with Quesh. :(


Also what I have noticed is that since I am above the levels of some of my areas the loot is pretty much useless to me other than to sell it or let others take it when grouped.

For example: When I grouped with someone yesterday to do a mission that we both had I was a couple of levels above that player and above the mission itself. All the loot was worthless for me other than to sell it so I let the person I grouped with have all of it as it was around his level.

I pretty much have to buy my loot or move ahead to areas with higher levels in order to get loot that I can actually use. Of coarse doing so makes me even further along in my level.


Maybe when I get near the end it will balance out but there is currently a gap in the middle where I am above the level for my area.


I do not even do Warzones and only a few Flashpoints. Heroics are really the only thing that stays near my level and gives me a challenge as I am doing my Class quest and even they are starting to be a little lower as I level up. My Class quest is just getting easier and easier. I hope it gets a little tougher when I get close to the end.

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Been dreaming about this feature ever since the game was launched. I tremendously like questing in SWTOR (yes, including side chains) and always tried to complete everything the planet has to offer before moving on. Already on Corusant I was outleveling content badly (I always ended up at level 18) which made playing the game quite boring. =(

You can just about stay within the intended level ranges of the planets if you avoid killing any more trash than you absolutely have to and don't complete bonus objectives. This is a lot easier if you play a class with sneaking ability. You'll have to leave the bonus series for later though.

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No, just no.


You wan't an easy way to win warzones, that is all. Your friends will become 50 soon enough.




Bullsh*t, but i dont want argue you anything.

I know everthing what i want, U can block topic.


Then what is it you want? You stated that you want to PVP in warzones with your friends. There is a way to do this. It involves an exploit and possible ban, but that was not your reason for not doing it.


Good adivce, but then i wont get any valors.



Your reason was you wouldn't get any valor of you did.


That statement alone is enough to prove to me all you want is easy kills in the 49 bracket.

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Yeah, i want get some valor, why not. If im on warzone, if i help my team to win, why i shouldnt get any reward for that? I just asked if there is same way to locked my lvl like in WoW, u let me know that there is not, and it is should be all. U dont have to belive me that i just want to play friends, and for sure u shouldnt jumped over me like i did something wrong. Jesus. Take it easy.


and btw, i wasnt talking about perma lock, just for few day.

Edited by mikkelos
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You can do what I did. I realized that having that many rest XP and quests, being a completionst, I overleveled my jedi sage, and now it has subpar equipment. So I just went back to lower level flashpoints and quests, I dont get any XP, but I still get drops and credits. Having credits I can buy gear on the gtn, and I enjoy content I skipped, or missed.
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The content you skip on your main character you can do when you make an alt.... Keeps the game fresh and we don't have to listen to people coming in here complaining it's so boring leveling alts and doing all the same quests again...


As others have mentioned any XP lock feature would be abused in PvP.

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Halting XP makes perfect sense to me.


PVP pre 50 is fun. The other guy may have more abilities on his bar than me, but Its roughly equal.


PVP @ 50 is junk. The starter PVP gear does nothing to help against people in full war hero.


They need to remove gear completely from PVP and then PVP at 50 will be fun.


The reason that they even have expertise is so that PVE gear is not also BiS for PVP, but if they instead had just said all jedi count as having these stats (and yes, that means removign the advantage from datacrons and stims too) then suddenly PVp is about skill, and not gear.

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I totally understand the feeling. Im about to hit 50 soon on an alt but I wish I could stay under 50 forever. PVP is just so much more fun. And when I hit 50 I cant play with my friends who are lower level any more.


Gear isn't the issue really, at least not for me. With how they changed it in 1.6, War Hero takes very little to get. I actually have a full WH set waiting for me already and have enough comms saved up to buy the rest, so I will have full War Hero even with some min-maxing done right when i hit 50. But I dont know, I guess I just find pre-50 a lot more fun than 50s.


I would gladly pay cartel coins to lock my Xp in at its current level.

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Halting XP makes perfect sense to me.


PVP pre 50 is fun. The other guy may have more abilities on his bar than me, but Its roughly equal.


PVP @ 50 is junk. The starter PVP gear does nothing to help against people in full war hero.


They need to remove gear completely from PVP and then PVP at 50 will be fun.


The reason that they even have expertise is so that PVE gear is not also BiS for PVP, but if they instead had just said all jedi count as having these stats (and yes, that means removign the advantage from datacrons and stims too) then suddenly PVp is about skill, and not gear.

How is this fair to the lvl 10-30s that are in with lvl 49s in full purple gear? It would be like sending you in to warzones against Elite War Hero geared players in green lvl 50 gear, not fun.


Now if low lvl pvp had a matchmaker, say match up lvl 10-20s 20-30s 30s-40s and 40s-50s then I would be ok with it, maybe.

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