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So Lv 55 cap is being held ransom with this Makeb even if I am a sub?


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I have no problems with micro-transactions. Every game is doing them. Knock yourself out as long as it's not P2W stuff (which TOR has done, but that's another topic).


What new games have come out as F2P right on release?


Just to make a couple that I play - Planetside 2, Guild Wars 2.


Guys...ask WoW if they charge their subs $50 an expansion. You aren't special, stop acting like it. Pay the 10 damn dollars and hush


Spoken like a true corporate fanboy.

Edited by Amodin
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Since when was increasing the level cap equal to being held hostage? Well, I want to stay at level 1 forever, but those bastards in the game industry wants me to level up. What type of ******** is that, I should be able to get the same content everyone else gets and see it all even though I'm level 1! I pay the same they do and I am entitled to EVERYTHING without doing **** to get it.


Does my sarcasm get the point across?

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i completely agree OP. I recently bought a car. Gas should be free forever ! i mean...i bought the car! now i gotta pay for gas too ?!?!?!


THEN i went to burger king. because mcdonalds sucks. but anyways i bought this meal deal for $4.99...and they offer an EXPANSION to large size ! and GET THIS ! they want to charge extra for it ?!?!! zomg !!!


seriously, how many of these people crying about paying for an expansion threads do we have to tolerate?


ROFLMAOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know.... LMAO I can't stop laughing here LMAO ... This comment ends the debate on ten USD I think... LOL Very nice post very nice !!! =D

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@ Juma - This is neither here nor there, but you do know that TSW is published by EA?


I do. It's the same arrangement as SOE publishing Pirates of the Burning Sea, or Cubicle 7 Entertainment publishing/distributing the RPG books my company designs and produces.


They publish/distribute TSW, but have absolutely no say in design or direction, nor any investment in development or production. That is purely FunCom, for good or bad (and I won't pretend that AO or AoC were anywhere near stellar).


I'm okay with EA being a publisher. I would never have bought TSW if they had any further involvement. And yes, I am aware that they get a piece of the money-pie for being the publisher/distributor. That's fine. They don't have a say in any development, though, and that's what matters for me.



Touche, he does seem poorly informed indeed.


Actually, quite the opposite. I am well aware of the extent of EA's relationship with TSW. There is a huge difference in being the publisher/distributor, and the developer. EA is the former for TSW, not the latter. And that has been confirmed several times.


It does appear as though you are poorly informed, however. :rolleyes:

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I can hardly believe that if i pay a sub fee to pvp, that my cap increase is held hostage by EA until i pay them more money. This is outrageous.


I have zero interest in class quests or other random theme park missions, yet the only thing i pay for, pvp, will no longer be competetive for me unless i pay the ransom. If this turns out to be so...Shame on you EA.


They are in the business of making money also they haven't released all the details yet and probably won't until they are ready to do so. Also it's $10 which is like 1 lunch @ Subway.

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That's not really true. You're referring to non-subs. In a lot of those games subs don't pay for any of those expansions/DLC. If TOR wants to charge non-subs for Makeb, that's fine. Charging subs for it is an entirely different animal.


Um, I was a subscriber of SWG, EQ, and my Dad & Sister plays WoW.


And last I checked, I HAD to Pay for the Expansions for SWG and Everquest and I just double checked, both my dad & sister had to buy the Expansions of WoW to experience the stuff that was introduced in those Expansions. So yeah, Subscribers STILL have to and had to buy the Expansions in order to experience everything that got added through the Expansions.


In WoW, in order to make a Monk, you have to have had bought the Panda Expansion. Back in SWG, in order to go to Mustafar, you had to have bought the Expansion Trials of Obi-Wan

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In WoW, in order to make a Panda, you have to have had bought the Panda Expansion.


That part is not true. Blizzard changed that when MoP released. All MoP gives you is the Battle Pets, the level 85-90 zones, and the new raids and such.


As of the launch of MoP, ALL races from ALL expansions, and ALL starting areas, are included as a basic part of WoW, now.


You do need MoP to play the Monk class, just as you still need WoTLK to play a Death Knight, however.

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That part is not true. Blizzard changed that when MoP released. All MoP gives you is the Battle Pets, the level 85-90 zones, and the new raids and such.


As of the launch of MoP, ALL races from ALL expansions, and ALL starting areas, are included as a basic part of WoW, now.


You do need MoP to play the Monk class, just as you still need WoTLK to play a Death Knight, however.


Ah ok, I knew that you needed to have bought the Expansion in order to create something that was brought in by the Expansion. I just couldn't remember if it was the Class or Race. But regardless, the point still stands.

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They are in the business of making money also they haven't released all the details yet and probably won't until they are ready to do so. Also it's $10 which is like 1 lunch @ Subway.


I thought they were supposed to make money with the cartel market ? I mean why is it there in the first place ??

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I thought they were supposed to make money with the cartel market ? I mean why is it there in the first place ??


What does that have to do with anything? You expect them to simply implement one single point of income (2 if you count sub's)..............and everything after that is FREE?


Again........it's $10 - if people are that hard up for $10, you should seriously re-think your gaming lifestyle. Games are expensive - $10 is not - deal with it.

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I can hardly believe that if i pay a sub fee to pvp, that my cap increase is held hostage by EA until i pay them more money. This is outrageous.


I have zero interest in class quests or other random theme park missions, yet the only thing i pay for, pvp, will no longer be competetive for me unless i pay the ransom. If this turns out to be so...Shame on you EA.


Industry standard...

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Ransom? Lol!


By that logic all games are held for ransom. In order to play you have to pay. WTH?


The lack of imagination is astounding. Do so many who take issue need me to hold their hands? Ok, then. Come, come!


Purchase price $59.99

Monthly sub fee $14.99x12 = $179.88

Total=$ 239.87


It's very unsightly to observe the number of comments that imply not wanting to add further to these expenses above makes one a cheap skate by virtue of wallet size.


If like myself, you bought the game at retail, theres nothing "free" about this. I'm not clawing for the game for "free".

So enough with the unfounded accusation of "wanting something for nothing". I simply want what i pay for. Unfortunately, i am not granted even that without incurring additional expense.


As a note, i realize there are some of you, according to a small survey i made, who have spent $500 and even $1000 on cartel coins! I'm afraid If you are sitting on an elder dragons horde of cartel coins, we may never see eye to eye on any of this(exception being that Makeb should be purchasable with coins ).

Edited by RaulTheConquerer
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I've been playing since release. in fact, i have preordered (and I still wish they made lvl 50 crystals cheaper from preorder vendor, but I'll live) I bought digital deluxe upgrade when it was still $20 and not 5 like it is right now. I've been a subscriber all this time.


I have preordered Rise of the hutt cartel. why? for the same reason I pay for single player DLC's. for the same reason I paid for expansions both for MMO's and for single player games. I've farily sure that "YOU SHALL NOT PAY" lotro ALSO charges you for expansions. whether you are lifetime subscriber, monthly subscriber or free player. because there's a difference between base game being free and extra content being free. SWTOR base game is now free. subscribers get small content patches for free (like section x), similar to how subscribing to LOTRO gives you full access to all the quest packs, minus the expansions.


if you chose to enjoy only a singular aspect of the game, its not a developers fault. its your choice.

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I've been playing since release. in fact, i have preordered (and I still wish they made lvl 50 crystals cheaper from preorder vendor, but I'll live) I bought digital deluxe upgrade when it was still $20 and not 5 like it is right now. I've been a subscriber all this time.


I have preordered Rise of the hutt cartel. why? for the same reason I pay for single player DLC's. for the same reason I paid for expansions both for MMO's and for single player games. I've farily sure that "YOU SHALL NOT PAY" lotro ALSO charges you for expansions. whether you are lifetime subscriber, monthly subscriber or free player. because there's a difference between base game being free and extra content being free. SWTOR base game is now free. subscribers get small content patches for free (like section x), similar to how subscribing to LOTRO gives you full access to all the quest packs, minus the expansions.


if you chose to enjoy only a singular aspect of the game, its not a developers fault. its your choice.


Can you choose to enjoy liver and onions? Can you choose to enjoy My Little Pony(Great production quality, so not knocking those that do)? Can you choose to have an affinity for foot arousal?


Do you really "choose" to enjoy anything at all?


It is however their choice to cripple the most important aspect of the game, for me, pvp, until I give them even more money.

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