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What is the most useless pvp spec?


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If the cast times werent retarded long Lightening would be pretty good. If chain lightening was instant like Smash and Thundering Blast was also instant and you could also spec into Death Field and then Wrath for instant Lightening Strike as well then we would have nerf Lightening sorc threads everywhere. Just wondering if stacking alacrity to the max would make them at least playable? I dont know how well haste works in this game compared to WoW.


With enough alacrity one could achieve about 20% reduction in activation time and channeled time.

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Results so far:


Sorceror - Lightning / Sage - Telekinetics: +6

Operative - Lethality / Scoundrel - Dirty Fighting: +3

Mercenary - Arsenal / Commando - Gunnery: +2

Powertech - Shieldtech / Vanguard - Shield Specialist: +2


Lethality Operative dots everything which hurts the team more often than not. Gets attacked by 2+ things vanishes. If its off cooldown dies instantly. Arsenal Merc does decent damage if free casting and at max range, can live longer than anything else on that list expect shieldtech. Tele Sage same thing but gets 2 or more people on them dies instantly. At least brings shields if theres no other sages around. Probably Lethality Operative in a team game. 1v1 it would be gunnery commando.


Shieldtech only seems useless, because the other tanks offer more and you're really doing yourself a disservice by not speccing assault/Pyro. But a good tank is still a good tank.

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Concealment Ops is what everyone says is awful, and in a bad players hands, I agree it might be the single worst class in the game, maybe even in an OK players hands too. I have faced an Op before who made me search him out on fleet after before though, just to tell him that was the most embarrassed I have ever been in PvP in any game. Literally my entire chat box was filled up with death messages from him, and every one of them was over 4k, with at least half over 5k. He solo killed me on my Sniper 12 times in a full voidstar. Got to the point where I was popping Entrench on CD with nobody in sight because I knew he was someplace close just waiting to pop that acid blade in my ***..


Yeah the thing about concealment ops is that they are crap in the hands of a bad player, crap in the hands of a mediocre player and 'WHAT IN HELL WAS THAT?!' in the hands of a good player heh. Steep learning curve I guess.

Edited by Jherad
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so far lightning and telekinetics is leading. Noone mentioned advanced prototype. Those any good?


No, but why wouldn't you use a pyro right now. I did see a few ap's the other day when they all popped their hydraulic overrides, but my one complaint is that they have to stand still to use their main flamethrower attack. It's pretty easy to dodge, but at least they have good heat economy.

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Right now, the classes that do bad in PvP are those which the best abilities need to be casted and don't have many CCs or "utilities". The great champion of sucking, IMO, would be Arsenal Mercenary / Gunnery Commando. They don't have any game utility at all; have one instant 4 sec. / 10 m. stun and one 2 sec. cast mez (with 2 min. CD) and no "oh sh**t" running away button. No AoE CC. The only thing they can offer to a team is DPS, and to be really effective in DPSing, they must remain gently "forgotten" by the other team, for about 4,5 sec. to cast 3 tracer missiles and make their burst damage. They are in the bottom of the food chain in 1vs1 fight and only can do something in ranked WZs if their team play focusing in protect them. It is a PvE class. Edited by Millem
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Lethality/Dirty Fighting Operative/Scoundrel wins hands down. Crap damage, dots don't interrupt casts anymore if you're dead but they do break other people's CC. Weak to mediocre burst, 0 sustained DPS and only works against bad/weak/light armor/undergeared people and even then only if you attack them first.


Lightning/Telekinetics would be close 2nd. Weaker version of Arsenal/Gunnery, too long cast times and too many dots and my favorite rofl skills: dots with cast times! I mean they only do damage in the time span of 6-8-10 seconds, let's add 2 more seconds as cast time!


Arsenal/Gunnery: the damage of this spec is not that bad actually and if left unchecked, a Merc/Mando can put up decent number in this spec. The problem is, however, that they are not left alone. Blessed with next to no mobility and survivabilty, real DPS classes consider them a free kill. Whereas Operatives can stealth away and Sorcerers Force Speed away in a tight situation, the poor Mercenary has no such skills.


Then there are specs that are not extremely bad but are so much weaker compared to the other talent trees of the same AC, that there is no point in playing them. These would include:


-Annihiliation/Watchman Marauders/Sentinels: good spec on its own (hell 100000x better than the ones listed above) but no point in playing that really when Carnage/Combat and Rage/Focus do so much more damage


-Vengeance/Vigilance Juggernauts/Guardians: not a particularly bad spec but does only a fraction of the damage of Rage/Focus, hence it's rarely (if ever) played


-Tactics/Advanced Prototype Vanguards/Powertechs: can do decent damage but why would anyone play them when Assault/Pyro does so much better damage


-Dirty Fighting/Lethality Gunslingers/Snipers: see above

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powertech tank is one of most useless classes


Not even close. Even if all the PT did was guard the healer and taunt he would be more useful than half the team. Not even gonna bring up oil slick or the fact that having jet charge and pull is a ton of utility. Just no. L2P.

Edited by Phasersablaze
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Lethality ops. You can't get much worse than a talent that keeps you in combat after dying and prevents you from stealthing when you run out of the gates. When I look at that whole talent tree it looks like a big cluster**** of a mess that has no clear direction. You're supposed to be kind of half melee and half ranged but you suck at both. It doesn't help that you're a dot spec that needs time to ramp up damage but have no survability to stay in a prolonged fight. Even the rotation is dull as hell if we're talking from a PvE perspective. Atleast the other ops specs have those random gains of TA. Edited by byteresistor
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Not even close. Even if all the PT did was guard the healer and taunt he would be more useful than half the team. Not even gonna bring up oil slick or the fact that having jet charge and pull is a ton of utility. Just no. L2P.


This.. me and my healer bud went on a +10 to 15+ win streak with a Tank Vanguard, Healer Sage combo. The only times things would get challenging is when a bunch of Boom spec Mara's would swarm us, or teams with massive DPS who focus fired,stun locked or interrupt,,, Lucky for us we rerolled on the harbinger server and a very few people on that server know of such things! ;)


Just my input for PVP would be Immortal spec Jugg as the most useless PVP spec. The DPS is so laughable and with the mechanics of Jugg/Guardian building rage/focus on leap its real easy to separate the tank from healer to make guard useless. Not to mention you can just bypass them as they wont hurt you anyway at all. Melee range with guard range plus heal range and with all the cc with blow backs(Pushes,harpoons ect ect) all these do not sync up well in PVP, the lack of synergy of that class in tank mode and its abilities hurt a team more than help imo.


BTW an ex Jugg tank here, Jugg DPS is fine and the CC capabilities useful for aggression, but the tank spec needs to be reworked a bit. Hybrids do ok with but a lot of min maxing, itemization and for the love of all that is good in the world just do Biochem as its a must for Jugg. If Data sheets, number crunching and grinding multiple sets of gear not your thing I would suggest the other two tank options as they are more forgiving, but at the end of the Jugg min max grind you do get a character that can Tank ok or DPS ok depending on Rakata stims, Stance and a few minor gear changes on the fly , with that you can pretty much adapt to any situation, In the end however the other tank classes will tank better and dps classes still do a job better than a Hybrid Jugg will do its just nice to have that option though and try to contribute to what needs to be done.


Tank Juggs do have a niche in Huttball though...... That is if you play Hutball.

I do not so whatever..

Edited by Razot
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Shieldtech spec with DPS gear is great for pvp, Ive played both Pyro and ST DPS and love Shield tech, you will do less damage overall but you have so much more toughness and mobility yet I'll still be 2nd or 3rd in damage. If you like a Darkness Assassin with DPS gear this build fells very similar.
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Gunnery commandos/Arsenal mercenaries for 1v1s, with Telekinetics sages/Lightning sorcerers coming in at a close second.


However, in terms of team play, Dirty Fighting scoundrels/Lethality operatives can't even assist their team in burning down targets because of the absurdly long set-up time for their damage, and generally hinder CC capability. I mean they have to use Vital Shot, Shrap Bomb, Hemorrhaging Blast (within 10m), and Blaster Whip just to have the privilege of using Wounding Shots. Then they have to wait 6 seconds for the cooldown on Blaster Whip, so they use Back Blast and two Quick Shots, then Blaster Whip and Wounding Shots, but by now they probably have to set up their DoTs again.


Of course, all that is only accurate if the scoundrel already has Pugnacity up and doesn't have any energy problems, because otherwise they'd have to waste the Upper Hand from a Blaster Whip on Pugnacity and add in Flurry of Bolts, and this becomes an even greater problem in sustained fights.


TL;DR: I'm actually going to go for Dirty Fighting Scoundrel/Lethality Operative, despite being a major supporter for Commando/Merc and Sage/Sorc buffs.

Edited by Chaoskyx
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DPS Merc/Commando, both trees - arsenal/gunnery is a little worse than pyro.

Any other class can contribute to the team and wz objective, but these can't.


I'm not implying that all the other classes/specs are balanced, only that they can contribute in a meaningful way.

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