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Playing as a female character


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i generally play female characters only with the exception of my fat body type twilek sith inq in the cartel invisible chest armor


in swtor i'm finding that there is not as much as the derpy "knight in shining armor wanting to save the poor little girl" as in other mmo's


although, if you gear your female toon in scantily clad attire be ready for some players to follow you around fleet


usually a /shoo scurries the hangers-on

Edited by Daxy
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No real change on how others talk or treat you since there are SO many female characters out there.


As for voice overs, I LOVE the IA's voice actor (same person as Fem Hawke in DAII) and ofc a sith warrior comp has the best va in the game

Jaesa voiced by Rachel Leigh Cook


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I am a guy and I only have female characters. Now my friend call me names sometimes but the reason is not that I like to be a girl or anything like that, I just love the female voices AND the fact that it is really cool to be a ****** girl. My very first character was a Male jedi knight and I deleted him because I thought he was a drag to listen to.
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Do you get bugged allot by idiots?.


not so much idiots here


but my guildies were a bit disappointed when they got that there is a 40 year old brute behind female smuggler in slavedancer outfit :-)

but i prefer have a look all the game at girl's buttocks!

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Like many others, I mix it up based heavily on voice actor and then role. Also outfits. My female toons get treated exactly the same as my male toons.

Male Consular

Female Knight

Male Trooper

Female Smuggler

Male Warrior

Female Imp Agent

Male Bounty Hunter

Female Inquisitor

Wow, that's actually perfectly even.

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Once I had a guy start bugging me because my female character was in a dancing girl outfit, he kept saying I looked hot and how it was distracting for him.


It wasn't even an RP server either. Some people really need to spend some time away from the game...

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Once I had a guy start bugging me because my female character was in a dancing girl outfit, he kept saying I looked hot and how it was distracting for him.


It wasn't even an RP server either. Some people really need to spend some time away from the game...


Yup, same here.


My level 20 Shadow is dressed in the Elegant outfit. Looks very much like the slave outfit, but a bit more classy.

2 or 3 times already I had this guy going "sexy lady, let's ****" Geez.


But most people don't go like that fortunately.

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As a female who plays as female characters and sometimes male, I haven't noticed any difference between the two in terms of how you are treated by other players. People still usually presume that I am a dude regardless of my character's gender.


I pretend everyone is a dude lol

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I'm a lady in real life and all my characters are ladies. I don't get bother that much but that might be because my charcters are actually with someone and I don't wear the slave outfits. I have worn the tops I just don't particulary like the shorts on them.


My guild knows I'm a lady.


I also assume when I see a female toon they are female and if male a male until proven otherwise as I know both play the game.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Aren't they?!


Excluding myself there are two other people in my guild that are female that I know of. I don't really make it a habbit to go around asking everyone's gender, but there you go. But yes, the majority of female characters are probably played by an adult male. :rolleyes:


I also assume when I see a female toon they are female and if male a male until proven otherwise as I know both play the game.


I do the same thing. If someone's character is female, I will refer to them as a "she" unless they correct me or I found out otherwise and vice versa.

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I haven't noticed anything odd when playing a female character. Not been hit on yet, at least...


Generally, I don't see the characters I play as "me" so it's no real problem playing female characters. Just like a character in a book, I guess.

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I have a mix of male/female characters and have never really been bugged by playing either. However, I must admit, overall, so far, I feel the character story lines for flirting and such seem to work better when playing the male toons. But I imagine that's more a societal thing (men probably mostly drove development).
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My female Smuggler got hit hit on a few times in pvp matches lol. But when I start typing...I think they realize I'm a guy.


Normally, I assume all toons are played by guys on the other end. When it turns out to be a woman it's a pleasant surprise.

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Of my characters, I have six males and two females, with my female Operative being my main. I've never had an issue with how I was treated in-game based on my avatar's gender, in this game or others. My viewpoint might be different based on my prior experience, but there's no issue in this game. Every once in a while or so, somebody might make a comment with the implication that my real life gender matches the gender of my avatar, but it's never been an issue to correct them or wave it off if appropriate. I


I don't really assume specific characters are played by male or females but do realize most players will be male. I generally avoid certain pronouns unless I know specifically. It doesn't really make a difference.


There will always be the horror stories of female characters getting stalked by creeps or people who assume your avatar must be a reflection of yourself (something I don't understand, but whatever floats your boat), but these are a drop in a bucket compared to the experiences of most.

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  • 2 months later...
I have a mix of male/female characters and have never really been bugged by playing either. However, I must admit, overall, so far, I feel the character story lines for flirting and such seem to work better when playing the male toons. But I imagine that's more a societal thing (men probably mostly drove development).


It's more like, I have no interest in romancing a fellow male (fictional or otherwise).


I'm a guy with 3 male & 4 fem characters (although 2 are just getting started). One reason is the voice actors:


The male consular's voice is downright awful. He sounds like a bored Sesame Street character.


Both trooper voices are good, but the girl is just a bit better and, of course, is Lady Shepard., ergo great as a b****.


The Inquisitor actress does a very good job, too, as a purring, sarcastic, cynical succubus.


I'm not happy with the lady knight's voice, but I'm not changing it now since the male isn't much of an improvement.


The other reason is, yeah, they're easier on the eyes.


Sometimes I get dumb messages, like one that was "how much?" (I guess in reference to my character being dressed like a prostitute). A few random group & guild invites (it also happens to my male char's, albeit less often), and maybe a "hot" comment or two. These turkeys usually go on ignore.


For the most part it's not a big deal playing a girl character. And same-sex romance will make it all the better :cool:

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I'm a male that's played female chars for the last decade. In this game I don't notice any snarky comments. Occasionally I'll get someone to compliment the way my avatar looks. The only downside I've seen is that sometimes one of your male companions might be flirty with you. For my inquisitor one of my male companions is always talking sexy to me when I send him on crew missions. "Sounds fun" in a seductive voice. "I got what you need" in an affirmative tone.
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