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Hand-to-Hand combat Class?


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Do you guys think this would be a good idea for swtor?


I imagine the advanced classes would be tank and dps and always using heavy armor, so a close range version of bounty hunters. The weapons could be gauntlets, i imagine lot's of bladed fists or gloves that have built in tazers or something. Obviously the first question would be "How could you fist fight a guy with a lightsaber?" and my answer would be "how do guys with rifles and pistols survive close range encounters with guys with lightsabers?"


I've always liked fist weapons personally, so I just thought it would be something cool to see. Not trying to demand a new class here, just trying to pass around ideas.

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You can already do this in game. Just get your afrementioned BH and unequip his main gun and only use the four legacy punches!


If a H2H character was introduced, i'd imagine it'd be the Teras-Kasi Master http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ter%C3%A4s_K%C3%A4si someling like a force weilding Monk, so i imagine it'll be light armour.


Ah, if it was like that then I guess it would just be a pure DPS class

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Do you guys think this would be a good idea for swtor?


I imagine the advanced classes would be tank and dps and always using heavy armor, so a close range version of bounty hunters. The weapons could be gauntlets, i imagine lot's of bladed fists or gloves that have built in tazers or something. Obviously the first question would be "How could you fist fight a guy with a lightsaber?" and my answer would be "how do guys with rifles and pistols survive close range encounters with guys with lightsabers?"


I've always liked fist weapons personally, so I just thought it would be something cool to see. Not trying to demand a new class here, just trying to pass around ideas.


Bao-Dur had some good ideas in that regard, although I can't remember entirely if his shield was anywhere near the strength level required to engage with a lightsaber. But I do remember his arm thingy being pretty damn strong...

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A Teras Kasi class would be awesome. There was a long thread about this way back... let me look for it...


Hmm, couldn't find it anywhere. Must've been on the old forums and doesn't exist any more.


Then, for authenticity, we all go to Corellia (or wherever your pop center was in SWG) and stand in a line for a doctor buff.

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You guys do know that a DPS Scoundrel is mostly hand to hand fighter right? Majority of their top damage comes from punching their targets.


Which brings up the questions: How do you punch a metal droid harder than a slash from a lightsaber? And how is punching considered Tech damage?

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You guys do know that a DPS Scoundrel is mostly hand to hand fighter right? Majority of their top damage comes from punching their targets.


Which brings up the questions: How do you punch a metal droid harder than a slash from a lightsaber? And how is punching considered Tech damage?


...That's not punching, that's shooting them with a shotgun

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I'd rather see the Lightsaber/Blaster dual wielding force user class, over a hand to hand fighter.


But if a hand to hand fighter was introduced, I wouldn't worry about how it protects iitself from a lightsaber, as lightsabers in this game dont match up to what they do in the movies anyways.

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Have you seen the intro vids? The Jedi chick blocks malgus' lightsabre with her hands...


That "Jedi chick" blocks malgus' saber with the force, something that "Jedi chick" is incredibly potent at given that, that "Jedi chick" is Satele Shan, descendant of Bastila Shan and Revan. Not a feat easily accomplished by even master jedi, let alone jedi, padawan, force sensitive, and non force users alike.


That being said, I'm all for a Teras Kasai or Echani Warrior class.

Edited by Nythain
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