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1 Year and not much content? Should be B2P...


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1. They have stated that the expansion is bigger then what was originally planned and that is why they decided to charge for it...



2. But slamming something before you have a chance to see what their offering is a bit of "the sky is falling" mentality


1.Where did they state it? could you post a link please?

2. Not really it's called learning from experience. Company can disappoint only so many times before people lose faith in it.

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For the record (these are just the major points & does not include new gear additions) ... http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes




Kaon Under Siege (FP)

Karagga's Palace (Op) wing expansion

Rise of the Rakghouls (multi-week world event) Some daily quests, followed by standing around in the fleet exploding. Was fun for a little, though hardly on the calibur one would expect from holiday events after playing other games.



Black Hole (lvl 50 Zone) Daily quests. How exciting!

Explosive Conflict (Op)



World Boss weekly missions The world bosses (for the most part) were already there. This merely added some small incentive.



Terror from Beyond (Op)



Section X (lvl 50 Zone)

Dreadtooth (World Boss)

Explosive Conflict (Op) nightmare mode




Ancient Hypergate (WZ)

Weekly Heroic Space Missions




Legacy Was supposed to be in the game at release. On top of this, the first iteration of Legacy was barely half of what was supposed to go in.

Customizable UI/Interface Editor* Again, something you'd expect at release.



Group Finder Came, what, 4 months after release? 5? On top of that, the sole reason it was needed was because subs were dropping fast and people were having trouble finding groups.

Augment Slots Already existed, merely made more accessable.

Ranked War Zones Were supposed to come with 1.2, iirc. At any rate, they came far too late.


F2P & Cartel Market I wouldn't call this a good thing.



Artifact (purples) starship upgrades Yay. Stuff to grind for so that we can grind space missions. How exillerating.


* A friend gave me a 30-day WoW resub to come party with the guild as a Christmas present; but this time I played without addons. There is nothing a player can do with WoW's UI except add a couple more bars. They can't be moved around or resized. Need Bartender for that. The layout itself looked like a plageurization of LOTRO's UI ... just can't do anything with it.


After taking 3 hours to complete the Pandarean starting area with a monk it was back to Orgrimmar and the same old WoW. The new 85 - 90 PvE content is okay, but every raider in the guild had completed everything up to the Mogu'Shan Vaults - and already had 4/6 bosses down - in less than a week. If WoW remains the industry benchmark then the industry has issues.


Essentially, we've got some new FPs, Raids and Warzones. Which is nice, for the people that like those things. (Actually, I do enjoy WZs, though the same old iteration of 8v8 is getting tiresome).


So what about all the things that we don't have?


*No multiplayer minigames. Where's pazaak and swoop racing? They'd even work well with the cartel market; custom skins for your pazaak deck and swoop bike, without pissing people off by creating shortcuts and pay2win.


*Still no chat bubbles. Still no seating. They're small things, I know, but Bioware have said that they're coming for months on end now.


*Still no SGRAs. Again, we've been told they were coming this year, followed by... Silence.


*Still nothing on the 'super secret space project'. Again, we were told more information before the end of the year. I don't think Bioware will be obliging us in the next few days.


*Still no grey alignment gear, which they've said they;d be coming out with from near the game's release.


And that's just the things that Bioware have said that are in the works (maybe not minigames, can't remember what they've said about that). I'm not even touching on the various problems with the game that Bioware haven't addressed (Shall I mention Ilum?)


Yes, we've gotten new content. But can you honestly say that this content is up to the standard of other MMOs in the same time frame?

Edited by Thaed
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There really has been far too little end game content.


But also the types of end game content is very limiting. The star wars feel has been removed for the convenience of generic general enemies that both sides can be worked into fighting and it looks like the expanion is going to be very similar. It would be nice if there was end game content that was faction specific.


And for all the content that has been added there has been nothing added to class story or companions, the legacy system has been ignored since patch 1.3 and despite comments about the end game armour looking rubbish and new armour in the works we are still on black hole/campaign/dread guard armour. Things aren't exactly flying along despite promises early on that it would be worth the subscription because of the high levels of content that would be implamented post launch.

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TSW was a fun game and failed because it had no end game content the same as why SWTOR died after 3 months, TSW went B2P now has a lot more people playing it and now they can buy dlc packs every few weeks, SWTOR should have gone the same way, people quit swtor for the exact same reasons as TSW remember that.


TSW did not fail.....:rolleyes:


You know, because you dont play a game, does not mean it is a failure, i wish people would understand that.

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They also lost over 2 mill subs in that time....


How do you look at yourself in the mirror everyday after you say such things?


Its more than 2m now? I say its more than 4 million! No reason not to keep making numbers up.

Edited by Nemmar
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Just so you know dailies and a world boss arent "content" and neither is a NiM mode OP where all they did was buff life and damage and make you use a med pac but sure try to pad that list. KP and KUS were going to be in the game and almost done but EA pushed up the release date for christmas so dont act like they got that finished real quick for us. This game severely lacked any updates we went 6 months from 1.2 to 1.4. Now redo your list. Most people finished endgame here in less than 2 months hence why so many left and the biggest complaint has BEEN that theres NOTHING to do at 50.


You haven't done any of the NiM EC fights have you? The only one your statement is relevant for is Nightmare Zorn & Toth.

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Ive been subscribing since I got access to the game early as a pre-order.


I still haven't finished end game. Two mid level 40s and a level 34 inquisitor. Most people have social lives and other business to attend too. We dont power level, we take it easy and play a few hours a week if we can.


These people that rush through everything are insane and should find some other hobbies. There is a **** ton of content I haven't even sniffed yet.


Side Note.....I've never PVP'd...nor care to involve myself in it at all.


I'm pretty much with you, only I primarily PvP and rarely if ever to FP's or Ops. I still haven't scratched the surface of all there is to do and I play a decent amount. There's always some neckbeard in momma's basement who is going to complete all $10 worth of content within 48 hours and then complain they didn't get anything cool for their money.



Short of an entirely new MMO that can be purchased with in game credits, you can't please everyone. I'm no EA apologist, but I've been happy with the content updates we've had at a rapid pace lately...black hole, section x, hard mode space, HK - it's been good stuff.

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This is completely false, I take it you don't raid. You want to see lack of content updates? Before WoW released MoP they went a YEAR without ANY content updates. A year. I quit AoC because so little content was released. When they finally did release something we had to pay for it.


There has been a lot of content released this year. I play daily and 90% of the time I'm on the same level 50 and I always have something to do. Sorry it's not the same for you.


All im going to do is get "flamed for being an elitist" but I was in the Harbingers server first 16 man for KP, EV NiM. Also downed TfB HM in the first week and got 3/4 NiM EC before my guild fell apart like so many others and the videos are on youtube. Sorry you like running the daily area zone but most people hate dailies. Stop trying to make it sound like they released a ton of content. Its all **** weve been doing for months and months now. We went 7 months with no update and when we did get an update it was one raid beaten in under a week and a daily area. I dont care what any other game does but at least WoW daily areas have some kind of rewards to make you keep doing them whether they are mounts, pets, etc whatever. I really do like how people justify lack on content by saying "but this game did it too!"

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You haven't done any of the NiM EC fights have you? The only one your statement is relevant for is Nightmare Zorn & Toth.


Dont make it sound like pushing DD because the timer is shorter for the second and being unable to interupt Overload and having to go up the left or right side are some kind of game changing mechanics or even really change the fight. Its the same thing.

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Essentially, we've got some new FPs, Raids and Warzones. Which is nice, for the people that like those things. (Actually, I do enjoy WZs, though the same old iteration of 8v8 is getting tiresome).


So what about all the things that we don't have?


*No multiplayer minigames. Where's pazaak and swoop racing? They'd even work well with the cartel market; custom skins for your pazaak deck and swoop bike, without pissing people off by creating shortcuts and pay2win.


*Still no chat bubbles. Still no seating. They're small things, I know, but Bioware have said that they're coming for months on end now.


*Still no SGRAs. Again, we've been told they were coming this year, followed by... Silence.


*Still nothing on the 'super secret space project'. Again, we were told more information before the end of the year. I don't think Bioware will be obliging us in the next few days.


*Still no grey alignment gear, which they've said they;d be coming out with from near the game's release.


And that's just the things that Bioware have said that are in the works (maybe not minigames, can't remember what they've said about that). I'm not even touching on the various problems with the game that Bioware haven't addressed (Shall I mention Ilum?)


Yes, we've gotten new content. But can you honestly say that this content is up to the standard of other MMOs in the same time frame?

As others have pointed out, besides maybe Rift (and that's not exactly a massive world by comparison) TOR has released more content this year than pretty much any other established AAA did. And your post quoted my short list. Up to the standard of other MMOs? That's pure subjectivity, not case law. What's been released works well and fits in with the game.


MMO perfection is a pipe dream. It's as much fantasy as the games themselves, and anyone griping about it will be doing so until they've cried themselves to sleep. I personally would never expect any one game to possess my wish list of features from every other game that not only preceeded it but would follow it - working or not. That's simply ludicrous if not narcissistic.


Bioware (it appears) has exchanged Ilum for open PvP and heroic zones on other planets. In essence, they changed that course in favor of something with greater variety and less bugs. But that's cool. What Bioware has addressed through all of this however were the releases of a fully customizable UI (after 9 years "industry standard" WoW doesn't even have one), RWZs, Legacy, Group Finder and the Cartel store to name a few things. Too bad the big bang theory can't be applied to code development.


Pointing out every deficiency a game possesses like some myopic smear campaign podcast stuck in a replay loop is such a waste of energy. We've heard it since launch and we'll still be hearing it 5 years from now. Again, because perfection in an MMO is not achievable. I pity the folks holding out for it, kicking & screaming or not.


Though I too would very much like to see Paazak in the cantinas, PvP swoop/speeder racing and flight sim starship piloting & combat.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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did you miss 90% of the servers on low pop? did you see the servers that literally im not shi you had 3 people on fleet at prime time with no server transfers? did you seriously miss that?


Did you miss that he replied to someone saying lack of endgame was the reason the game 'died'? And his answer was that there were 2 new ops in 4 content patches in the first 6 months of TOR. So, technically, that can't be the reason TOR died when comparing it to SWTOR.


Did you seriously miss that? Because that was the post you were quoting.


Just so you know dailies and a world boss arent "content" and neither is a NiM mode OP where all they did was buff life and damage and make you use a med pac but sure try to pad that list. KP and KUS were going to be in the game and almost done but EA pushed up the release date for christmas so dont act like they got that finished real quick for us. This game severely lacked any updates we went 6 months from 1.2 to 1.4. Now redo your list. Most people finished endgame here in less than 2 months hence why so many left and the biggest complaint has BEEN that theres NOTHING to do at 50.


Thank you so much for your unbiased and totally factual view of what content is and what should have been in at launch and whatnot.

Really, this post just reeks completely of being an uninformed hater. I'll tell you what was supposed to be in at launch at 20th of December 2011: What was finished and ready to ship at that time. So basicly.. your point that it wasn't ready because launch was 20th of December and not later is really a very empty one. If it's not ready to launch, it's not ready to launch. So how was it supposed to be in there?


And your point of people finishing endgame in less than 2 months is indeed true. You know what? Most serious raiders finished WoW endgame of all their latest expansions in less than 2-4 weeks. So what you are pointing out is either and industry issue, or a player issue. Maybe current endgame is no longer designed for the 'world first' crew that just hunt to be as quick as possible and is more catered to the 'serious casual' as I like to put them. People with little time to invest, but a serious commitment to do the best they can with the limited time they have.

But oh yes.. Raiding Elitezors hate those people because they make them look bad. Because, ya know, they make their 'efforts' seem less special because the 'serious casual' prooves that with less time investment you can get the same results, even if a bit later.

Edited by Devlonir
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I love the game, i really do think we are at a critical point for the games future. I think it's going to be hard to erase the past. but me personally, I have let that go to look ahead. But being as I'm older and have been down this road many times, I'm still a bit jaded about this games future. it's all based on can they start delivering or are they happy on coasting it out.


Is this team capable enough and large enough to tackle some of the big issues with the game? or are we just coasting on fumes until they have to make a call as to the fact, should they shut this puppie down and take a loss? or are they prepared to start addressing these issues and get to work on them.


I will fully support them with my subscription, but they need to start working on optimizing this engine and working out the very long list of immersion breaking bugs first, forget cartel shop, it's not the most primary thing at this point that needs more adding to.


If the various broken features and bugs continue without any fixes the servers will start to become unstable very fast. it will grow and at some point you'll have multiple systems/sub-systems breaking down. it's like treating someone for cancer, and then sending home after one treatment, and telling them it will fix it self over time.


My fear is this team has one engineer who is familiar with those systems and the rest are people who once were allowed to watch the art team make a posed character during the tour, but now they're working on main content and just seen Star Wars A New Hope for the first time last year.


But all that aside, I will keep my fingers crossed and stay as positive as I can about the game.

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Did you miss that he replied to someone saying lack of endgame was the reason the game 'died'? And his answer was that there were 2 new ops in 4 content patches in the first 6 months of TOR. So, technically, that can't be the reason TOR died when comparing it to SWTOR.


Did you seriously miss that? Because that was the post you were quoting.




Thank you so much for your unbiased and totally factual view of what content is and what should have been in at launch and whatnot.

Really, this post just reeks completely of being an uninformed hater. I'll tell you what was supposed to be in at launch at 20th of December 2011: What was finished and ready to ship at that time. So basicly.. your point that it wasn't ready because launch was 20th of December and not later is really a very empty one. If it's not ready to launch, it's not ready to launch. So how was it supposed to be in there?


And your point of people finishing endgame in less than 2 months is indeed true. You know what? Most serious raiders finished WoW endgame of all their latest expansions in less than 2-4 weeks. So what you are pointing out is either and industry issue, or a player issue. Maybe current endgame is no longer designed for the 'world first' crew that just hunt to be as quick as possible and is more catered to the 'serious casual' as I like to put them. People with little time to invest, but a serious commitment to do the best they can with the limited time they have.

But oh yes.. Raiding Elitezors hate those people because they make them look bad. Because, ya know, they make their 'efforts' seem less special because the 'serious casual' prooves that with less time investment you can get the same results, even if a bit later.


Its really cute how you cant deal with the truth so you get mad and rant. Its ok Ill explain it so even you can understand it. EA pushed the release back and kept doing so until they hit right before Christmas and they werent willing to miss the holiday money. Its sad you couldnt even understand that OR that you didnt even check that fact before posting. Second you think they finished KP and KUS a month into the game? With all the bugs they were trying to fix, the horrible month and a half CS waits, the server queues and opening new servers...you really think they got that done and yet we went HALF A YEAR with no new content? It must be nice to live in a fantasy world where everything is perfect. I also like how you brought up your special snowflake argument that no one mentioned. Projecting much? Or maybe you are just a "casual" as you put it because you arent good enough? No one will take you along? Regardless the fact that some hardcore guilds in WoW beat the new raid (They had 4 and they were on timers so yea no one beat them all in 2-4 weeks as some werent even unlocked but good try) not near everyone had. In the first 2 weeks an australian guild whos name I cant remember beat NiM EV. Those are extraordinary examples. It doesnt change that endgame is WAY too easy in here. Even casuals walk through the HMs. Anyway next time you reply try with someone that actually responds to what I say not your own insecurities and a little less "Nu uh! I dont like what you say cause you obviously hate the game" Waaaaaaah!" Damn fanbois cant even come up with arguments to defend BW anymore you just cry now.

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Its really cute how you cant deal with the truth so you get mad and rant. Its ok Ill explain it so even you can understand it. EA pushed the release back and kept doing so until they hit right before Christmas and they werent willing to miss the holiday money. Its sad you couldnt even understand that OR that you didnt even check that fact before posting. Second you think they finished KP and KUS a month into the game? With all the bugs they were trying to fix, the horrible month and a half CS waits, the server queues and opening new servers...you really think they got that done and yet we went HALF A YEAR with no new content? It must be nice to live in a fantasy world where everything is perfect. I also like how you brought up your special snowflake argument that no one mentioned. Projecting much? Or maybe you are just a "casual" as you put it because you arent good enough? No one will take you along? Regardless the fact that some hardcore guilds in WoW beat the new raid (They had 4 and they were on timers so yea no one beat them all in 2-4 weeks as some werent even unlocked but good try) not near everyone had. In the first 2 weeks an australian guild whos name I cant remember beat NiM EV. Those are extraordinary examples. It doesnt change that endgame is WAY too easy in here. Even casuals walk through the HMs. Anyway next time you reply try with someone that actually responds to what I say not your own insecurities and a little less "Nu uh! I dont like what you say cause you obviously hate the game" Waaaaaaah!" Damn fanbois cant even come up with arguments to defend BW anymore you just cry now.


Wow.. what a huge rant.. I must've hit a nerve when I mention that 'elitezors raiders' have nothing to feel special about. And you call me projecting?


About your first part: Different teams are responsible for bug fixing than are responsible for new content. Most probable: The Ops additions to the game in the first weeks/months were indeed Out of Development by the launch in December. But they were now in Testing/Stabilization phase. With testers putting a lot more effort into it than developers. Usually, testing takes as much time as actual development. But yeah, you need to have actual knowledge of development cycles to know these kinds of things, not of DPS rotations.


Also funny how you bring WoW 'gating' in here as a good thing, but then say the one 'gating' TOR did with the last bit of KP coming later after launch was 'because it should have been in at launch'. Double standards much?


Also, you seem to not understand the point I initially made: Whatever was done at the eventual release date is what was 'meant to be in Release'. Whatever else was planned and not reached that deadline is, by definition, not meant to be in Release because of the simple fact that it is not ready.

Or wait, you are in the camp that feels there is proof that everything was ready to go at launch and just held back just because there were references to these things in earlier file versions and/or beta? How cute.. I refer back to my earlier comment concerning development cycles.

Edited by Devlonir
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How do you look at yourself in the mirror everyday after you say such things?


Its more than 2m now? I say its more than 4 million! No reason not to keep making numbers up.


Going off this they have sold 2.55 million box copies. In another thread, someone said the last official statement was 400k-600k, but I know in July they said well over 500k. Most took this as 650k-750k.


While they may not have lost 2 million "subscribers" per se, as the game peaked at 1.7 million subscribers, and has dropped 300k-400k every quarter since. They did fail to retain about 2 million people, if not more, as subscribers.


I'm assuming that's what grombrinda was trying to get at.


I love the game, i really do think we are at a critical point for the games future. I think it's going to be hard to erase the past. but me personally, I have let that go to look ahead. But being as I'm older and have been down this road many times, I'm still a bit jaded about this games future. it's all based on can they start delivering or are they happy on coasting it out.


Is this team capable enough and large enough to tackle some of the big issues with the game? or are we just coasting on fumes until they have to make a call as to the fact, should they shut this puppie down and take a loss? or are they prepared to start addressing these issues and get to work on them.

I will fully support them with my subscription, but they need to start working on optimizing this engine and working out the very long list of immersion breaking bugs first, forget cartel shop, it's not the most primary thing at this point that needs more adding to.


If the various broken features and bugs continue without any fixes the servers will start to become unstable very fast. it will grow and at some point you'll have multiple systems/sub-systems breaking down. it's like treating someone for cancer, and then sending home after one treatment, and telling them it will fix it self over time.


My fear is this team has one engineer who is familiar with those systems and the rest are people who once were allowed to watch the art team make a posed character during the tour, but now they're working on main content and just seen Star Wars A New Hope for the first time last year.


But all that aside, I will keep my fingers crossed and stay as positive as I can about the game.


That's the multi-million dollar question right now. And honestly, it feels like they're choosing the coasting option.


It already feels like people are running out of patience with the bugs still lingering around since...forever. Now with the servers getting very laggy, as we can see by some of the post on the first page of General Discussion, people are getting tired of the bugs and the bad optimization.


We had another thread discussing this like last week, and most of us would be happy if the next patch or 2 was nothing but optimization and bug squashing.

Edited by Katsuragisama
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Wow.. what a huge rant.. I must've hit a nerve when I mention that 'elitezors raiders' have nothing to feel special about. And you call me projecting?


About your first part: Different teams are responsible for bug fixing than are responsible for new content. Most probable: The Ops additions to the game in the first weeks/months were indeed Out of Development by the launch in December. But they were now in Testing/Stabilization phase. With testers putting a lot more effort into it than developers. Usually, testing takes as much time as actual development. But yeah, you need to have actual knowledge of development cycles to know these kinds of things, not of DPS rotations.


Also funny how you bring WoW 'gating' in here as a good thing, but then say the one 'gating' TOR did with the last bit of KP coming later after launch was 'because it should have been in at launch'. Double standards much?


Also, you seem to not understand the point I initially made: Whatever was done at the eventual release date is what was 'meant to be in Release'. Whatever else was planned and not reached that deadline is, by definition, not meant to be in Release because of the simple fact that it is not ready.

Or wait, you are in the camp that feels there is proof that everything was ready to go at launch and just held back just because there were references to these things in earlier file versions and/or beta? How cute.. I refer back to my earlier comment concerning development cycles.


Gotcha. I was ranting because I had to correct alot of your mistakes. I understand different teams are responsible. Im kind of wondering how many teams or people are even on teams considering almost all the bugs from Beta are STILL in this game PLUS the ones they introduce everytime they "fix" something. LOL So wait...If something is supposed to be included but it didnt make it it "wasnt meant to be in"? Are you kidding me? Seriously man you need to give up now. You just look worse and worse. I was actually IN Beta which you obviously were not. You do know the Fatality was in as well as all the quest givers on Hoth for HK right? It was all there they just didnt unlock it like EA does with DLC for games like ME3. You do know that Ancient Hypergates WAS fully playable MONTHS ago at Gamescom and was ready to go. They havent been hitting their 6 week cycle. They cut up what was supposed to be the last (incredibly late) Game Update and are delivering it piece by piece to make it look that way. Content already finished, done by the team theyve fired long ago. Take a long hard look at wows content released and SW:ToRs like raids for example and tell me with a straight face they are even close to even. They almost always have twice as many bosses, multiple gear paths, etc. We have a serious problem in this game with gear hell most people are maxing stats and having to throw **** into stuff thats useless. You are a complete joke Im starting to wonder if you even play this game lol.

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A few thoughts:


Isn't it the case the the MMO industry is moving away from the WoW/EQ game as hobby style of MMO?

It's probably the case that WoW is a one off (right game at the right time) and that noone else will able to capture it. Probably not even Blizzard.


Surely the way forward is to make an MMO that people dip in and out of ie play some new content when it arrives. Buy a few things from the market etc. as and when and expect that that will be the majority of your playerbase with those who are really into the game subscribing for a few months? And that year after year subscribers as found in WoW are probably things of the past?


And of course, that's how BW are running the game.


So maybe it's something that is now designed for most players to dip in and out of and that we've all got to accept that!

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I'm sorry, but you're flat out wrong here. Maybe if someone just goes out for the sole purpose of ganking lowbies, but that's just plain stupid. There is way more skill involved in world pvp because you don't have 1200+ expertise to fall back on, and there is no objective that players are mindlessly running towards and bashing each other's faces in to get to. You have to skillfully figure out your escape routes, LoS points, mobs to use in your favor, etc. the second that someone jumps you. The best part is that because players typically do not wear their pvp gear while doing dailies, you don't get 2-3 shot in open world pvp. In a full on 1-2 minute fight between players, you definitely see who has more skill with their class; unlike warzones where you either win or lose a fight in 3-10 seconds, less if you are a juggernaut/guardian smash spec....


Sorry sir but YOU are flat out WRONG...


Im killing 5 mobs and get jumped by a dam sith marauder in the back how am i to kill 5 mobs and a sith? think use you're brain, this is ganking, when im on 5% health resting and get attacked by a sith assassin and 1 shotted in the back, this is useless, open world pvp is a fail in SWTOR, it has very fun pvp when its balanced and structured but the open world has no goal or objective, its a 2006 WOW Stranglethorn vale moment all over again, they are apparently remaking ilum in some big pvp plan update but as it is right now if you like to be 1 shotted and ganked and call that skillfull pvp then be my guest.

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