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Guild Protest


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Hi there.


I saw this thread and thought I would post.


Firstly I would like to say that scaling players down so they will group with lower level characters won't work in the long run. Most people have complained about having to do the same old content over and over again. So this would last around a week I estimate until people got sick of it and stopped doing it again.


What we could do instead is scale everyone in a guild group to the same level when doing all flashpoints. Then at the end you are given a list of adaptive gear or other funky stuff (Like mounts, pets, rare colour crystals etc..) that you can chose from so you have an incentive to keep coming back. Perhaps some rare stuff could be bind on legacy, other really rare stuff might actually scale with level. So you could start doing FPs when you are level one. and you would get rewarded with stuff still when you are level 50. I believe an incentive to do these kinds of things is absolutely essential.


Imagine if the above was true of OPs too. You could play a level one character (Or perhaps starting at level ten would be best for these things) and do Operations right away with your guild mates. Some kind of gear scaling needs to take place sure but I like this idea for getting people involved and participating in guild events. Even having guild events at all.


Secondly I would like to see guild teams. I have harped on about Pazaak and Swoop Racing in the past (Still can't believe they left these things out) But imagine having a guild group of three card players meeting up with three from another guild, playing on the space station bar listening to space jazz as an example. You have some sort of system where you all join an instance or something and it's the team that wins two out of three matches that takes the spoils.


These rewards could change from season to season.


Lastly, I think this game's strongest point is it's role playing aspect. Not enough of the Flashpoints expanded on this. I would have loved to see Flashpoints that didn't even have a level requirement, and had everyone in it needing to do a certain job to complete the thing for everyone. Like splitting up inside the Flashpoint and everyone had a task to do, or a person to convince or save as an example. Kind of like what we see in the Deceived trailer, everyone splitting up (kinda) to achieve an outcome. This way you don't need a tank/healer/dps (trinity) structure for your group. You can go in with anyone. Make these guild only FPs maybe.


I would like to see some thinking out of the box with SWTOR. It's what I expected in the beginning and was a bit disappointed to see it was just another MMO clone. Not too late to change it though!

Edited by timmyw
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just copy the eq2 mentoring model where a higher level toon "mentors" someone in the group. doing so drops the higher level toon to that toons level and each has a exp bonus. the higher level toon had a aa exp boost while the lower level has a regular exp boost. i think each was 50%. since this game has no aa just make it legacy exp.


the guild stuff i dont understand as guild websites offer better features and can be free too. it appears some people are trying to make this young mmo far too quickly into the old mature one they have left. although such features are nice i can almost guarantee resources now will be used to make instant measurable cash rather than cash indirectly with less tangible means to measure it.

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Great thread and nice too see some good ideas =)

I've decided to add to it because I am a Guild Leader myself and feel somethings can be improved on. The guild I run has, at peak time, anywhere from 15 - 20 active members. To give you a background we're a social guild that caters mostly to casuals, we do have a solid group for PvP and for PvE and I hold events where possible for the Guild to come together and socialise though sometimes we find it doesn't work; like when we tried to bring Bullrush into SWTOR but turns out guild members couldn't attack each other in the Outlaws Den so we just did our Secret Santa and left it at that.

We focus more or enjoying the game and seeing content so that's the mindset where most of my below suggestions will be coming from.

Some might be out there or might not work at all, you may agree or disagree or hate the very idea itself but the point will be to just read them and improve on them and shape them into something that hopefully can work.

Its a long list I know, I tried to be as detailed as possible. Enjoy the novel ^^


Ideas For Guild Improvement


- Mentor Option; so you can scale down to that players level to help them out in quests/flashpoints without decreasing their experience gain. Maybe even adding in a Mentor Exp Bar, more people you Mentor the more exp you get (Think the Social/Valor Rank) and have a Vendor that lets you buy fluff and stuff.


- Guild Calender; Guild Leader can set permissions on which ranks can post events, people that sign up to events can be messaged in advanced as a reminder. Maybe when creating an event, the Event Creator can make a request to those that sign up to fill in a form that asks for details on level, spec/role, class, gear etc if the event requires details on these things (the person creating this event could just tick an option to have this form or not; if requesting sign ups to fill one in then the Event Creator can select which questions they want asked.)


- Mass Guild Mail; To avoid unwanted spam being sent to guildies you could make this feature an option also that the Guild Leader can set up in Permissions. Have it so you can select which ranks to send it too (if you don't want to flood the inboxs of everyones alts with messages theyll see on their main.)


- Guild Search; Those looking for a Guild could head to the Guild Register to find out which guilds their are on the server. Guild Leaders can submit their guild details and a description and details on their Recruitment (what classes they are looking for etc) and if they are recruiting.


- Guild Ships/Bases; If you bring these in make them beneficial to guilds. When purchased, Guilds can start out with the a basic Meeting Room or whatever and in time can purchase different buildings that brings something else to those in the guild. For example: Meeting Room - Able to create an Alliance with another guild on the Server, Barracks - When resting in the Barracks you gain rest experience at a faster rate or you get a refreshed buff that gives you an Endurace boost, Armory - Go here, use something an gain a temp buff to increase crafting times/criticals, Common Room - Games for guilds to partake in Socially (Guild can enter a Huttball map and play a game, no comms will be awarded etc as it is done socially and maybe help guildies practice their warzones.) Ship Hanger - Gives an exp to Space Combat missions or a boost to ship defences.


- Raidable Guild Ships/Bases; Have it so Guilds can set up an attack on another guilds base. Bases can have defences built inside and members protecting their base from the oncomming attack. Attack must be agreed upon. Repairs can cost either credits or guild members going in with craft materials to rebuild the base. Nothing drastic or people will be put off doing it.


- G/quit Log; For the Guild Leader to see who has left and when they left. I know as a GM I like to find out why people leave so it can be improved upon. Most of the time it is because raid times don't suit or they want something more dedicated to raiding but sometimes it might be because they felt bullied by another member which is a problem that would need to be solved. But as Im not on 24/7 I might miss a person leaving so it would be good to have a log saying who and when. (If there is one that does exist can someone point it out to me lol)


- A More Descriptive Guild Panel; When opening up your Guild Panel I believe the layout could be alot nicer - some people I've found don't realise they need to scroll down with their mouse wheel on the Guild Description to read more so miss important info like Vent Details, Website details etc. So improve the layout. You dont need to clutter it either, Have the guild description shown then below the guild description and above the Member List, have a buttons that say Website, Voice Server, Rules so that when a Guild Member clicks on these buttons a box pops up with the information the Guild Leader has entered.


- Alt Linking - If most people are like me in SWTOR they'll have alot of alts, currenlty I have members name their main in their Alts Member Note and put them in a Member Alt rank. This can get messy though so if there was a way Members could link their Alts to their Main or a way for the Guild Leader to do it then I would be quite handy. Would also help during an Inactive clean out as sometimes alts can be removed.


- Tax System - Ability to opt in or out of course, but when questing take a % off the credits you loot from a body or missions you complete. Have it in the Ledger to show what Members have contributed from this System so that if Guild Leaders want to reward Members for doing this they have a way to see who is contributing and who isn't.


- Guild Bannar/Armor Logo/Tattoo (Wishing with the Guild tattoo I know hehe) - Depending on what your character wants to wear; the Trooper could have his guild logo painted on his armor where as a Sage might wear it on their bracers. Guild Banner could be bought and used as a Buff during fights which affects those in guild.


Very sorry if reading that was hard for some, no doubt Ill think of more ideas. ^^


You sir/melady just took the words of my mouth, /clap :). I make his/her words mine.

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just copy the eq2 mentoring model where a higher level toon "mentors" someone in the group. doing so drops the higher level toon to that toons level and each has a exp bonus. the higher level toon had a aa exp boost while the lower level has a regular exp boost. i think each was 50%. since this game has no aa just make it legacy exp.


the guild stuff i dont understand as guild websites offer better features and can be free too. it appears some people are trying to make this young mmo far too quickly into the old mature one they have left. although such features are nice i can almost guarantee resources now will be used to make instant measurable cash rather than cash indirectly with less tangible means to measure it.


While I agree with the first paragraph of your post, the second one just doesn't make sense to me.


There's no reason a new, "young" mmo shouldn't have the features that an "old mature one that they left" does. When an MMO is being developed, the successes and failures of other MMOs should definitely be taken into account.


I agree that some of the things being requested in here are very long term goals, as in, "I would really like to see guild base raiding, but I accept that there are a lot of infrastructure tools that are far more important." Some of these features are absolutely retarded for not being implemented.


Guild Mail: That should be in the game. Even if only the Guild Leader can do it, it should be in the game.


Guild Bank Taxing: Some form of this should be in game. As it stands, the guild bank is a real pain to keep filled when you have to rely on donations. If you could volunteer to have a certain percentage of dropped and/or quested credits go to the guild bank, it would really help things out.


Cross-faction sister guilds and/or cross-faction guilds: The fact that I'm completely out of touch from my guild when I play a character of the opposing faction is ridiculous. They can't even add me to their friends lists or whisper me. I accept (but don't really agree with) the PvP reasons for not letting Empire and Republic players group, but, for PvE it really baffles me. If my enemy is exclusively a third-party bent on destroying Republic and Empire alike, why can I not recruit someone from the other side to fight with me? We speak the same language and share a common goal. It shouldn't be hard to say, "Hey, I see you're off to kill Karagga, too. Would you like some help?"


Guild Searching: Right now, it's an incredible pain trying to find a good raiding guild, at least on Jedi Covenant. You have to sit on the fleet and watch for guild tags, then go look those names up on the internet and pray that the guild offers its recruitment and raiding hours. It would be really nice to see a Guilds Looking For Players and Player Looking For Guild option. Guilds could list: Raid Schedule, Bosses Cleared, AC's Needed, and then any extra notes. Players could list: Level, Class, Availability, Gear, and notes. This way both sides of the equation could be assisted in what they're searching for.


Guild Perks: It doesn't really matter what the perks are... Any kind of reason to join a guild would be nice to see. Every MMO I've ever played has had reasons to join a guild, whether explicit or implicit. Everquest didn't have top-end PU raids, so joining a guild was the only way to raid, later it added explicit perks like teleports. EQ2 had an entire guild leveling experience, and so did WoW. Heck, WoW went so far as to give you bonus EXP if you were in a guild.


The whole point here is that this MMO doesn't feel very social. You can PUG almost everything in the game without a ton of coordination. There is currently no good way to play with low-level friends or guildmates. There is no way incentive to join a guild. It definitely makes the post-50 grind feel a lot more like a grind and a lot less fun.

Edited by Ikselent
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Thank you! everyone for showing your interest and want to express your views on how this game should change in order to keep our attention and also help the game grow into something grand.... because of each of you and your views, this game will hopefully stay strong... for years to come. Help me reach 100,000 views with our fellow gamer's, guildies, friends and whoever else to give them a reason to come here and tell us what they want in the game even if it's posted, tell us what will keep you from leaving this game, again express why the current guild functions just dont work, explore why they should change things even in details. :cool:



Thanks again

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Hey Everyone,


Addition to my other post, I would like to see if we came together as guild leaders and guild members and express our views on why the current system is failing us in this post. Please when you reply, tell us what function you want and why it would help your guild and its members to stay around, lets show them why they need more functions for the backbone of this game! Many might think this is pointless but im hoping with help from all of you... our voice will be heard strong, so bump this tread when you can, reply to this tread when you can, post this link on your guild websites, spread the word if you would to all members of the game to give there idea's and maybe with some group luck we can push some stuff onto them and make it a better game for all of us. My Goal is 1k + People post/sign and giving there idea's so lets see how many of you want more guild functions.


Thanks to all the players that really love the game and want to see it expand and make us want to stick around longer!


Bioware is aware of this, however it's not on the top of their to do list. Cartel Market items are however.

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Great thread and nice too see some good ideas =)

I've decided to add to it because I am a Guild Leader myself and feel somethings can be improved on. The guild I run has, at peak time, anywhere from 15 - 20 active members. To give you a background we're a social guild that caters mostly to casuals, we do have a solid group for PvP and for PvE and I hold events where possible for the Guild to come together and socialise though sometimes we find it doesn't work; like when we tried to bring Bullrush into SWTOR but turns out guild members couldn't attack each other in the Outlaws Den so we just did our Secret Santa and left it at that.

We focus more or enjoying the game and seeing content so that's the mindset where most of my below suggestions will be coming from.

Some might be out there or might not work at all, you may agree or disagree or hate the very idea itself but the point will be to just read them and improve on them and shape them into something that hopefully can work.

Its a long list I know, I tried to be as detailed as possible. Enjoy the novel ^^


Ideas For Guild Improvement


- Mentor Option; so you can scale down to that players level to help them out in quests/flashpoints without decreasing their experience gain. Maybe even adding in a Mentor Exp Bar, more people you Mentor the more exp you get (Think the Social/Valor Rank) and have a Vendor that lets you buy fluff and stuff.


- Guild Calender; Guild Leader can set permissions on which ranks can post events, people that sign up to events can be messaged in advanced as a reminder. Maybe when creating an event, the Event Creator can make a request to those that sign up to fill in a form that asks for details on level, spec/role, class, gear etc if the event requires details on these things (the person creating this event could just tick an option to have this form or not; if requesting sign ups to fill one in then the Event Creator can select which questions they want asked.)


- Mass Guild Mail; To avoid unwanted spam being sent to guildies you could make this feature an option also that the Guild Leader can set up in Permissions. Have it so you can select which ranks to send it too (if you don't want to flood the inboxs of everyones alts with messages theyll see on their main.)


- Guild Search; Those looking for a Guild could head to the Guild Register to find out which guilds their are on the server. Guild Leaders can submit their guild details and a description and details on their Recruitment (what classes they are looking for etc) and if they are recruiting.


- Guild Ships/Bases; If you bring these in make them beneficial to guilds. When purchased, Guilds can start out with the a basic Meeting Room or whatever and in time can purchase different buildings that brings something else to those in the guild. For example: Meeting Room - Able to create an Alliance with another guild on the Server, Barracks - When resting in the Barracks you gain rest experience at a faster rate or you get a refreshed buff that gives you an Endurace boost, Armory - Go here, use something an gain a temp buff to increase crafting times/criticals, Common Room - Games for guilds to partake in Socially (Guild can enter a Huttball map and play a game, no comms will be awarded etc as it is done socially and maybe help guildies practice their warzones.) Ship Hanger - Gives an exp to Space Combat missions or a boost to ship defences.


- Raidable Guild Ships/Bases; Have it so Guilds can set up an attack on another guilds base. Bases can have defences built inside and members protecting their base from the oncomming attack. Attack must be agreed upon. Repairs can cost either credits or guild members going in with craft materials to rebuild the base. Nothing drastic or people will be put off doing it.


- G/quit Log; For the Guild Leader to see who has left and when they left. I know as a GM I like to find out why people leave so it can be improved upon. Most of the time it is because raid times don't suit or they want something more dedicated to raiding but sometimes it might be because they felt bullied by another member which is a problem that would need to be solved. But as Im not on 24/7 I might miss a person leaving so it would be good to have a log saying who and when. (If there is one that does exist can someone point it out to me lol)


- A More Descriptive Guild Panel; When opening up your Guild Panel I believe the layout could be alot nicer - some people I've found don't realise they need to scroll down with their mouse wheel on the Guild Description to read more so miss important info like Vent Details, Website details etc. So improve the layout. You dont need to clutter it either, Have the guild description shown then below the guild description and above the Member List, have a buttons that say Website, Voice Server, Rules so that when a Guild Member clicks on these buttons a box pops up with the information the Guild Leader has entered.


- Alt Linking - If most people are like me in SWTOR they'll have alot of alts, currenlty I have members name their main in their Alts Member Note and put them in a Member Alt rank. This can get messy though so if there was a way Members could link their Alts to their Main or a way for the Guild Leader to do it then I would be quite handy. Would also help during an Inactive clean out as sometimes alts can be removed.


- Tax System - Ability to opt in or out of course, but when questing take a % off the credits you loot from a body or missions you complete. Have it in the Ledger to show what Members have contributed from this System so that if Guild Leaders want to reward Members for doing this they have a way to see who is contributing and who isn't.


- Guild Bannar/Armor Logo/Tattoo (Wishing with the Guild tattoo I know hehe) - Depending on what your character wants to wear; the Trooper could have his guild logo painted on his armor where as a Sage might wear it on their bracers. Guild Banner could be bought and used as a Buff during fights which affects those in guild.


Very sorry if reading that was hard for some, no doubt Ill think of more ideas. ^^


Very nice post,couldn't agree more.

I would like to also add Guild Unlock:

_Cross-faction function: For example people on the republic guild can chat with people on the empire guild through /guild channel. Also the ability to see who are online on Rep guild when you're on Empire guild and the other way around for instance.

This unlock could cost a lot (like guild bank) if the devs are afraid that people may abuse it.

Edited by Alduinsm
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Bioware is aware of this, however it's not on the top of their to do list. Cartel Market items are however.


If they value this game it should be, the cartel market could have this type of thing "Guild Ship Progression Unlock" ha just something random coming out there but you get my point. Make a unlock in the cartel to start a mission to be able to get the ship or functions i guess if it would have to be this way.

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I cannot begin to tell how often the lack of quality of life and general rpg elements is brought up within our RP guild and on forums such as MMORPG. The lack of interaction with the game world is a major joke amongst the mmo community.


This has been discussed during the guild conference yet never brought up again after F2P conversion. Updates or at least some information on this is required. A major class balancing pass is required asap and prior to the major expansion and pvp updates.


I did not bring up additional guild feature suggestions as most important ones are already mentioned.

Edited by Tamanous
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This is a great post by Greywatcher and sums up most of what I'd like to see added. There's a few others of my own;-


Allies/Adversaries - the Pre-launch had these feature but guess it was only designed to get people on the same servers - and once they were poof they might as well have been any other guild. It would have been great if this could have been properly intergrated into the game aka the Legacy Family Tree graphics to allow cross-guild chat, in game tools and quests etc. We tried using custom channels but it is a huge pain and impossible to get all guild members to join.


Guild Quests One of the things I enjoyed most about Rifts guild system was that there were Guild guests e.g. kill 100 of creature x or complete 5 x instances in a week, that boosted your guild xp which gave access to perks.


It wouldn't take much tweaking of the current Legacy system to make it work for Guilds too surely?



Ideas For Guild Improvement


- Mentor Option; so you can scale down to that players level to help them out in quests/flashpoints without decreasing their experience gain. Maybe even adding in a Mentor Exp Bar, more people you Mentor the more exp you get (Think the Social/Valor Rank) and have a Vendor that lets you buy fluff and stuff.


- Guild Calender; Guild Leader can set permissions on which ranks can post events, people that sign up to events can be messaged in advanced as a reminder. Maybe when creating an event, the Event Creator can make a request to those that sign up to fill in a form that asks for details on level, spec/role, class, gear etc if the event requires details on these things (the person creating this event could just tick an option to have this form or not; if requesting sign ups to fill one in then the Event Creator can select which questions they want asked.)


- Mass Guild Mail; To avoid unwanted spam being sent to guildies you could make this feature an option also that the Guild Leader can set up in Permissions. Have it so you can select which ranks to send it too (if you don't want to flood the inboxs of everyones alts with messages theyll see on their main.)


- Guild Search; Those looking for a Guild could head to the Guild Register to find out which guilds their are on the server. Guild Leaders can submit their guild details and a description and details on their Recruitment (what classes they are looking for etc) and if they are recruiting.


- Guild Ships/Bases; If you bring these in make them beneficial to guilds. When purchased, Guilds can start out with the a basic Meeting Room or whatever and in time can purchase different buildings that brings something else to those in the guild. For example: Meeting Room - Able to create an Alliance with another guild on the Server, Barracks - When resting in the Barracks you gain rest experience at a faster rate or you get a refreshed buff that gives you an Endurace boost, Armory - Go here, use something an gain a temp buff to increase crafting times/criticals, Common Room - Games for guilds to partake in Socially (Guild can enter a Huttball map and play a game, no comms will be awarded etc as it is done socially and maybe help guildies practice their warzones.) Ship Hanger - Gives an exp to Space Combat missions or a boost to ship defences.


- Raidable Guild Ships/Bases; Have it so Guilds can set up an attack on another guilds base. Bases can have defences built inside and members protecting their base from the oncomming attack. Attack must be agreed upon. Repairs can cost either credits or guild members going in with craft materials to rebuild the base. Nothing drastic or people will be put off doing it.


- G/quit Log; For the Guild Leader to see who has left and when they left. I know as a GM I like to find out why people leave so it can be improved upon. Most of the time it is because raid times don't suit or they want something more dedicated to raiding but sometimes it might be because they felt bullied by another member which is a problem that would need to be solved. But as Im not on 24/7 I might miss a person leaving so it would be good to have a log saying who and when. (If there is one that does exist can someone point it out to me lol)


- A More Descriptive Guild Panel; When opening up your Guild Panel I believe the layout could be alot nicer - some people I've found don't realise they need to scroll down with their mouse wheel on the Guild Description to read more so miss important info like Vent Details, Website details etc. So improve the layout. You dont need to clutter it either, Have the guild description shown then below the guild description and above the Member List, have a buttons that say Website, Voice Server, Rules so that when a Guild Member clicks on these buttons a box pops up with the information the Guild Leader has entered.


- Alt Linking - If most people are like me in SWTOR they'll have alot of alts, currenlty I have members name their main in their Alts Member Note and put them in a Member Alt rank. This can get messy though so if there was a way Members could link their Alts to their Main or a way for the Guild Leader to do it then I would be quite handy. Would also help during an Inactive clean out as sometimes alts can be removed.


- Tax System - Ability to opt in or out of course, but when questing take a % off the credits you loot from a body or missions you complete. Have it in the Ledger to show what Members have contributed from this System so that if Guild Leaders want to reward Members for doing this they have a way to see who is contributing and who isn't.


- Guild Bannar/Armor Logo/Tattoo (Wishing with the Guild tattoo I know hehe) - Depending on what your character wants to wear; the Trooper could have his guild logo painted on his armor where as a Sage might wear it on their bracers. Guild Banner could be bought and used as a Buff during fights which affects those in guild.


Very sorry if reading that was hard for some, no doubt Ill think of more ideas. ^^

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I'll try and be constructive. I was a leader of a pre-launch guild that started with 35 members at launch. By the end of the second month 5 of us were still playing. We reinvented ourselves multiple times. In total, we had as many as 400 members who came and went with the rising and setting of the game.


When the first server merger happened, we were the largest active raiding guild on the server Juyo.


A. From a guild standpoint, there was a total disconnect with our lower levels. Unless you had an alt character who happened to be at the same level and near the same quest, it was always a hassle to group with new lower level guildmates. Grouping while leveling just never functioned. We would recruit many low level players and try and get them to group. It would last for a few levels, but once someone leveled ahead, it was over. To fix this would be some type of element that would allow a lvl 50 char to scale down levels when grouped with a lower level guild mate. This way, their exp would not be negatively impacted. It would also allow replay value to lower level content.


B. Pre launch, guilds had ingame public and private forums on SWTOR. They need to come back. It was a great hub for communication. We ended up using facebook but not everyone wanted to use it.


C. It hurt that there was no guild mail, guild calender, or guild search feature. B. would have helped but in game is better.


D. Guild halls, guild progression/ guild mini games. We never had a place to call our own. Other than flashpoints , raids, and some warzones, guilds really don't have much to do together. Yeah, there was some internal crafting but that system is very lackluster in this game. It would have helped to have had a place to plant our flag.


Guilds are about community. The stronger the community, the more likely people are going to invest time and money into this game.


Sadly, they know all this. They knew enough to have a guild summit and never really enhanced guilds beyond a bank. If they had a team working on guild or community features, they have produced nothing in the past year.


For the most part, my guild is inactive now. We just got sick of the same content. I figured out that we had run EC 64 times (mains and alts) since it had launched and we were waiting for new content.


I love many of the ideas in this thread, but this is a great summary of a few essential points.


Bioware should pay my guild, because these people are quickly becoming the only reason why I'm sticking around.

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This is a great post by Greywatcher and sums up most of what I'd like to see added. There's a few others of my own;-


Allies/Adversaries - the Pre-launch had these feature but guess it was only designed to get people on the same servers - and once they were poof they might as well have been any other guild. It would have been great if this could have been properly intergrated into the game aka the Legacy Family Tree graphics to allow cross-guild chat, in game tools and quests etc. We tried using custom channels but it is a huge pain and impossible to get all guild members to join.


Guild Quests One of the things I enjoyed most about Rifts guild system was that there were Guild guests e.g. kill 100 of creature x or complete 5 x instances in a week, that boosted your guild xp which gave access to perks.


It wouldn't take much tweaking of the current Legacy system to make it work for Guilds too surely?


OMG Guild questing would be so awesome!

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Ideas For Guild Improvement


- Mentor Option; so you can scale down to that players level to help them out in quests/flashpoints without decreasing their experience gain. Maybe even adding in a Mentor Exp Bar, more people you Mentor the more exp you get (Think the Social/Valor Rank) and have a Vendor that lets you buy fluff and stuff.


- Guild Calender; Guild Leader can set permissions on which ranks can post events, people that sign up to events can be messaged in advanced as a reminder. Maybe when creating an event, the Event Creator can make a request to those that sign up to fill in a form that asks for details on level, spec/role, class, gear etc if the event requires details on these things (the person creating this event could just tick an option to have this form or not; if requesting sign ups to fill one in then the Event Creator can select which questions they want asked.)


- Mass Guild Mail; To avoid unwanted spam being sent to guildies you could make this feature an option also that the Guild Leader can set up in Permissions. Have it so you can select which ranks to send it too (if you don't want to flood the inboxs of everyones alts with messages theyll see on their main.)


- Guild Search; Those looking for a Guild could head to the Guild Register to find out which guilds their are on the server. Guild Leaders can submit their guild details and a description and details on their Recruitment (what classes they are looking for etc) and if they are recruiting.


- Guild Ships/Bases; If you bring these in make them beneficial to guilds. When purchased, Guilds can start out with the a basic Meeting Room or whatever and in time can purchase different buildings that brings something else to those in the guild. For example: Meeting Room - Able to create an Alliance with another guild on the Server, Barracks - When resting in the Barracks you gain rest experience at a faster rate or you get a refreshed buff that gives you an Endurace boost, Armory - Go here, use something an gain a temp buff to increase crafting times/criticals, Common Room - Games for guilds to partake in Socially (Guild can enter a Huttball map and play a game, no comms will be awarded etc as it is done socially and maybe help guildies practice their warzones.) Ship Hanger - Gives an exp to Space Combat missions or a boost to ship defences.


- Raidable Guild Ships/Bases; Have it so Guilds can set up an attack on another guilds base. Bases can have defences built inside and members protecting their base from the oncomming attack. Attack must be agreed upon. Repairs can cost either credits or guild members going in with craft materials to rebuild the base. Nothing drastic or people will be put off doing it.


- G/quit Log; For the Guild Leader to see who has left and when they left. I know as a GM I like to find out why people leave so it can be improved upon. Most of the time it is because raid times don't suit or they want something more dedicated to raiding but sometimes it might be because they felt bullied by another member which is a problem that would need to be solved. But as Im not on 24/7 I might miss a person leaving so it would be good to have a log saying who and when. (If there is one that does exist can someone point it out to me lol)


- A More Descriptive Guild Panel; When opening up your Guild Panel I believe the layout could be alot nicer - some people I've found don't realise they need to scroll down with their mouse wheel on the Guild Description to read more so miss important info like Vent Details, Website details etc. So improve the layout. You dont need to clutter it either, Have the guild description shown then below the guild description and above the Member List, have a buttons that say Website, Voice Server, Rules so that when a Guild Member clicks on these buttons a box pops up with the information the Guild Leader has entered.


- Alt Linking - If most people are like me in SWTOR they'll have alot of alts, currenlty I have members name their main in their Alts Member Note and put them in a Member Alt rank. This can get messy though so if there was a way Members could link their Alts to their Main or a way for the Guild Leader to do it then I would be quite handy. Would also help during an Inactive clean out as sometimes alts can be removed.


- Tax System - Ability to opt in or out of course, but when questing take a % off the credits you loot from a body or missions you complete. Have it in the Ledger to show what Members have contributed from this System so that if Guild Leaders want to reward Members for doing this they have a way to see who is contributing and who isn't.


- Guild Bannar/Armor Logo/Tattoo (Wishing with the Guild tattoo I know hehe) - Depending on what your character wants to wear; the Trooper could have his guild logo painted on his armor where as a Sage might wear it on their bracers. Guild Banner could be bought and used as a Buff during fights which affects those in guild.


Very sorry if reading that was hard for some, no doubt Ill think of more ideas. ^^


Cross Faction Guild Link

Link an IMP and REP guild in a chat room, so members on both factions can chat away as one


Allies/Adversaries - the Pre-launch had these feature but guess it was only designed to get people on the same servers - and once they were poof they might as well have been any other guild. It would have been great if this could have been properly intergrated into the game aka the Legacy Family Tree graphics to allow cross-guild chat, in game tools and quests etc. We tried using custom channels but it is a huge pain and impossible to get all guild members to join.


Guild Quests One of the things I enjoyed most about Rifts guild system was that there were Guild guests e.g. kill 100 of creature x or complete 5 x instances in a week, that boosted your guild xp which gave access to perks.


All of the above please.

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I just wanted to step into this thread to voice my opinion that these type of features should stay on the back-burner if it pulls people away from delivering better operation content, story content, pvp content, etc. If it doesn't take away from any current resources BW/EA has, then, by all means, go for it.


Most of the guild features present here can be implemented by using a guild website. Good quality guild members stay together because they like each other and are getting something out of being in the guild. If you have a functioning guild website, then I've never seen a guild member leave because of any of the problems listed.


Even guild quests are so-so in their delivery. Rift had something like this, but most of the time you had a few people doing it out of sheer boredom rather than getting the guild together to do this stuff. From everything I've seen of guilds you have people who are only on during guild functions (raids primarily) and then you have other members who are online during many off-nights who just end up doing whatever to pass the boredom until the next scheduled raid. Having more in-game content would fix this... not things such as a guild calendar.

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I just wanted to step into this thread to voice my opinion that these type of features should stay on the back-burner if it pulls people away from delivering better operation content, story content, pvp content, etc. If it doesn't take away from any current resources BW/EA has, then, by all means, go for it.


Most of the guild features present here can be implemented by using a guild website. Good quality guild members stay together because they like each other and are getting something out of being in the guild. If you have a functioning guild website, then I've never seen a guild member leave because of any of the problems listed.


Even guild quests are so-so in their delivery. Rift had something like this, but most of the time you had a few people doing it out of sheer boredom rather than getting the guild together to do this stuff. From everything I've seen of guilds you have people who are only on during guild functions (raids primarily) and then you have other members who are online during many off-nights who just end up doing whatever to pass the boredom until the next scheduled raid. Having more in-game content would fix this... not things such as a guild calendar.


I think that irregardless of whether it pulls from other development areas, these guild features will keep this game alive and vibrant a lot longer then some new operation. New ops that players are going to blow through in a couple weeks and than complain about it being too easy (or take months to complete and complain that it is too hard) are not going to keep this game alive like guild features that bring the players together with an "invested in the game" feeling will. I played WoW for over 7 years and there were many, MANY times that I would have quit if not for the friendship of guild mates and various guild activities we did.


New in-game content does very little to keep players unless you are going to release new content every few weeks. This game has put out new content faster than any game EA has been involved with. EVER. Yet that has done little to stop the slow drop in the player base.


Making guilds feel more like part of your in-game family will keep people playing longer and more often than adding new content every few months. For the people that leave because of content ,or the lack of it, the new content may draw players back for a few weeks, but then they will just leave again until more new content is added.


Then again, I play MMORPGs as much for the friendship and camaraderie as I do for the game content.


Otherwise why bother with an MMORPG? If community has nothing to do with your game play go play a MMOFPS or just go buy a single player game that has updates or community mods and play that instead.

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I think that irregardless of whether it pulls from other development areas, these guild features will keep this game alive and vibrant a lot longer then some new operation. New ops that players are going to blow through in a couple weeks and than complain about it being too easy (or take months to complete and complain that it is too hard) are not going to keep this game alive like guild features that bring the players together with an "invested in the game" feeling will. I played WoW for over 7 years and there were many, MANY times that I would have quit if not for the friendship of guild mates and various guild activities we did.


New in-game content does very little to keep players unless you are going to release new content every few weeks. This game has put out new content faster than any game EA has been involved with. EVER. Yet that has done little to stop the slow drop in the player base.


Making guilds feel more like part of your in-game family will keep people playing longer and more often than adding new content every few months. For the people that leave because of content ,or the lack of it, the new content may draw players back for a few weeks, but then they will just leave again until more new content is added.


Then again, I play MMORPGs as much for the friendship and camaraderie as I do for the game content.


Otherwise why bother with an MMORPG? If community has nothing to do with your game play go play a MMOFPS or just go buy a single player game that has updates or community mods and play that instead.




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I think that irregardless of whether it pulls from other development areas, these guild features will keep this game alive and vibrant a lot longer then some new operation. New ops that players are going to blow through in a couple weeks and than complain about it being too easy (or take months to complete and complain that it is too hard) are not going to keep this game alive like guild features that bring the players together with an "invested in the game" feeling will. I played WoW for over 7 years and there were many, MANY times that I would have quit if not for the friendship of guild mates and various guild activities we did.


New in-game content does very little to keep players unless you are going to release new content every few weeks. This game has put out new content faster than any game EA has been involved with. EVER. Yet that has done little to stop the slow drop in the player base.


Making guilds feel more like part of your in-game family will keep people playing longer and more often than adding new content every few months. For the people that leave because of content ,or the lack of it, the new content may draw players back for a few weeks, but then they will just leave again until more new content is added.


Then again, I play MMORPGs as much for the friendship and camaraderie as I do for the game content.


Otherwise why bother with an MMORPG? If community has nothing to do with your game play go play a MMOFPS or just go buy a single player game that has updates or community mods and play that instead.


WoW didn't have many in game features to support Guilds. What does it have now? The reason you stuck around is because of quality people in the guild... not any features Blizzard gave to your guild.


I feel a lot of the problems that this game has in keeping people playing and guilded are:

1 - Guilds can accomplish anything as 8m groups. Back in the old days of WoW you needed 40 people to get stuff done. When you can take those same 40 people and split them into 5 8m groups they never have to group together. That creates disconnect with your fellow guild members.

2 - Content is too easy. Back in the day it took a few months for your average guild to clear a raid... now it takes less than a week. This creates faster burnout of repeated content.


Give people a reason to stay active in big guilds and the rest falls into place.


Fyi... I just gotta point this out: "irregardless" is not a word. It's a double-negative that cancels itself out. Sorry, that doesn't have any bearing on the point you made. I just wanted to educate you so you don't use it anymore.

Edited by Lostpenguins
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