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"Star Warsy" -> crafting, ops, loot | Extravagant and crazy -> Cartel Market


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We are all now aware of the Bioware's approach to the gear in the game. I think all of you are aware of the end-game and pvp gear apperance. It's nothing we'd expect from Star Wars characters to wear. We are all aware of the designers' hood and massive shoulder guards and spikes love.


Problem is that the the more "classic" Star Wars looks which everyone was looking forward to are starting to appear on the cartel market and we've to pay heavy money for it. Valiant Jedi set being the first one, and devs already said that "iconic" looks are on their way.


We've seen the new picture of new gear introduced in Makeb. Inquisitor's girly and shiny robe with a dozen of weird spikes coming of its back, mask and gloves. The mask has a huge metal plate attached to the forehead. Is he connected to the Holonet? And the Transformer look of the Sith warrior... Oh just see for yourselves!


http://img.digitaltrends.com/image/star-wars-the-old-republic-2-625x1000 - Empire


http://toroz.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Star-Wars_-The-Old-Republic-News-Articles.jpg - New possible Jedi Guardian look from one of the trailers.


Do we honestly want to run around in those oversized suits with funny colours? I understand that the ancient Sith and Jedi found armored but those sets are more reminiscent of other FANTASY mmo games out there.


Didn't they say that their team is now moving away from "crazy" and the future achievable gear will be more Star Wars like? Those pictures are just denying what they said.


In my opinion this is completely reversed. It should be those crazy and extravagant designs of the swamp monsters and space samurai (which surely takes a good piece of time to make) which should be sold on the cartel market. Not the simple and generic gear you'd expect to be in the game already.


Don't you think this approach is completely reversed when the crazy stuff is making it into loot tables and the most popular and iconic robes are sold on the cartel market?

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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You expect good looking gear, without spending poo coins?

EAWare says no


Extravagant can be good looking as well. I am just surprised with their direction of putting the crazy stuff into the loot tables and starting to sell the simple and familiar looks on the cartel market. They said that they are moving away from crazy designs for the future gear in the game.

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Extravagant can be good looking as well. I am just surprised with their direction of putting the crazy stuff into the loot tables and starting to sell the simple and familiar looks on the cartel market. They said that they are moving away from crazy designs for the future gear in the game.


Well, if it's looking terrible or paying $10-$12 for an armor set on the CM, plans have changed. Many players would rather do the latter, and armor that was not used from development because it was so terrible (remember the F grades?) will be what is introduced.


That picture is so terrible. Why not at least put CM armor in your promotions? Who the hell would want to look like any of the imperial classes in that photo?


It screws people over, but what else do you expect from the current leadership and EA? This game will in large part be about selling Star Warsy-things to people, and, if the past is any indication, they will make a lot of money doing it.


And I blame the player-base for that.

Edited by arunav
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They still have their 'crazy' hats on. They honestly need to ditch any of the devs that are currently playing WoW still.


Was hoping for some iconic mounts.. instead we get a speeder with xmas lights on it. :rolleyes:


The two pilot outfits are what really boggle my mind since you can already get them in game. Granted it takes a long and boring time to do so but still. I would rather they come up with new items and not keep recycling existing gear.

Edited by Avatarless
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OK ... so the complaint is that they want to make money, and they are making it through the coin shop.


This is news? They are a company, of course they have to make money. Esp after they went F2P - now they have to nickel and dime. This is, after all, the F2P model = We'll give you these to wear/use/consume because you need them - but if you want THESE it will cost you.


This is news?


It really isn't much different than the subscription based model if you think about it. Wanna sit around the major gathering place and talk sh*t? Then you don't get the shinies to wear. To get those - you have to RAID. Period. In every game there are things you HAVE to do to get the best looking stuff - P2W it's pay $, subscription it's sink your time into RAIDing.


I don't understand the problem.

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I agree, in the "endgame" sets, Tionese and above, everything is godawful.


However, there are some gems in the mix that can easily be upgraded to make great endgame appearances:


For the Agent, the Vendetta set looks great. Perfect look for this sort of character. There are also a number of casual trench coat and flight-jacket sets that work well.


The Life Day robes make an awesome look for a Sith, color match a belt and other items to them and you have a great look not unlike the Emperor's Royal Guard robes from the OT.


On a Bounty Hunter, the Imperator set is superb. A great olive green, well worn military look. Color match a Boba-Fett type helmet to it and its fantastic.


I could keep going but there are really a lot of great armor sets mixed in with the crap if you rummage around and find them. My biggest complaint: armors that look good on male models but then turn into skimpy tank tops on the female model.

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We are all now aware of the Bioware's approach to the gear in the game. I think all of you are aware of the end-game and pvp gear apperance. It's nothing we'd expect from Star Wars characters to wear. We are all aware of the designers' hood and massive shoulder guards and spikes love.


Problem is that the the more "classic" Star Wars looks which everyone was looking forward to are starting to appear on the cartel market and we've to pay heavy money for it. Valiant Jedi set being the first one, and devs already said that "iconic" looks are on their way.


We've seen the new picture of new gear introduced in Makeb. Inquisitor's girly and shiny robe with a dozen of weird spikes coming of its back, mask and gloves. The mask has a huge metal plate attached to the forehead. Is he connected to the Holonet? And the Transformer look of the Sith warrior... Oh just see for yourselves!


http://img.digitaltrends.com/image/star-wars-the-old-republic-2-625x1000 - Empire


http://toroz.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Star-Wars_-The-Old-Republic-News-Articles.jpg - New possible Jedi Guardian look from one of the trailers.


Do we honestly want to run around in those oversized suits with funny colours? I understand that the ancient Sith and Jedi found armored but those sets are more reminiscent of other FANTASY mmo games out there.


Didn't they say that their team is now moving away from "crazy" and the future achievable gear will be more Star Wars like? Those pictures are just denying what they said.


In my opinion this is completely reversed. It should be those crazy and extravagant designs of the swamp monsters and space samurai (which surely takes a good piece of time to make) which should be sold on the cartel market. Not the simple and generic gear you'd expect to be in the game already.


Don't you think this approach is completely reversed when the crazy stuff is making it into loot tables and the most popular and iconic robes are sold on the cartel market?


The problem with your line of thought is that its all subjective, yet you're stating it as some kind of fact.

My favourite sets are made up out of in game gear, a real mix and match affair, but in game none the less, I've seen nothing in the shop that looks better in my opinion.

With end game gear, now that they have done away with shells being the set bonus, there's no reason to use said shells, so you can mix and match to get the look you desire while keeping your set bonuses.

With the new sets coming, I will check out the respective weights light medium heavy, and see if there are any parts of those that may enhance the look I'm after and i will get them, the rest, I will pull the mods out of and move along as I always have.

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I agree, in the "endgame" sets, Tionese and above, everything is godawful.


Hmm no let's not exagerate, they only been called out since the campaign gear. (banana fiasco era)

The Tionese/Columi/Rakata tier is fine as extrapolations of what exists in the movies.


- Tionese scoundrel is on par with THIS GUY and it is thus iconic.


- The very first original design for consulars is directly taken from Luminara Unduli and exists in game as the force-magister set. Then what they did for consular end-game is expand on that and go toward the "queen of Naboo" style because consulars are ambassadors.


- Trooper set looks like a trooper...


- Same for the Sith Warrior... Nothing shocking here...


- Agent is a tad new and we don't know of proper archetypes in the movies so can't comment.


- Ok Jedi knight is a bit over the top because of the shoulders but it's a continuation of the line of style that is in game at lower levels (cape and armor inspired from clone wars CGI), and isn't *that* far-fetched.


- BH is BHish...


What did I forget ?


I mean I agree that many people would prefer (myself included) the basic ep IV-V-VI style of gear, but please let's not bash a design that's not so bad and quite in line with the period while forgetting that the huge forum disapointment only really showed up at campaign/war hero lvl. (and about war hero, some sets are quite popular : the smuggler one for example, the chest is nice, the boots are awesome)


Let's not rewrite history please...


I'm disapointed too and voiced it before, that the WoWish style is still here while we'll only get what we really desire in the cartel market, but on the other hand it doesn't mean that all the gear sets haven't been through an intelligent design process.

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INB4 a Bioware rep comes here and says: "but if you are a subscriber we are giving you free cartel coins, so you should be able to purchase gear you want from the Cartel Market".


Ya... The robe is what ? 1440 CC ? That's 3 months of subscription (since 2 months won't give you enough CC), a.k.a 45 USD.


Best deal EVER!

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http://images.mmorpg.com/images/galleries/formatted/492011/372df45a-c34e-4a8e-9fea-1f6eb6e76c91.jpg - This is what we're getting in the game. And cartel shop is likely to get robes without the "extras". Maybe this picture will make it more clearer to what an iconic look is and what sort of ridiculous stuff was/is being thrown into the loot tables. Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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http://images.mmorpg.com/images/galleries/formatted/492011/372df45a-c34e-4a8e-9fea-1f6eb6e76c91.jpg - This is what we're getting in the game. And cartel shop is likely to get robes without the "extras". Maybe this picture will make it more clearer to what an iconic look is and what sort of ridiculous stuff was/is being thrown into the loot tables.


Ahh, I get it now, you want to run around saying, Im obi, and want the game to be something it isnt :rolleyes:

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I for one don't mind that Jedi gear in the first post. It's kind of reminiscent of the KOTOR 1 Jedi tunic, except more heavily armored. The Imperial side though, yeah...it's kind of...meh.


Finally, that Valiant Jedi set was always going to be an expensive microtransaction, because it's Ven Zallow's gear from the trailers. Though, Sith kind of get screwed with their set, which I think is supposed to be reminiscent of Darth Malgus, but just...isn't.

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Ahh, I get it now, you want to run around saying, Im obi, and want the game to be something it isnt :rolleyes:


Oh no. I want the game to remain exactly what it was meant to be. A Star Wars game. And I don't want to be Obi. I want to look like every other Jedi on Tython, not like a space samurai or a Warhammer character.

http://postimage.org/image/6us2x0l5v/full/ Compare this with this: http://media-titanium.cursecdn.com/attachments/40/182/egjc.jpg


Would you even say that the half-naked guy in toga would show up in Star Wars? No, you wouldn't.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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I agree a little, but I personally think the armor is cool too.

In the picture though–– isn't that bounty hunter gear already in-game???


Yeah, it's just a recolour.


To say more regarding the comparison pics - I want to find the Jedi gear, like on the picture from Tython, in the game, not in the Cartel shop. I'd rather have cartel shop selling the things shown on the OP pictures and the latest one.

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Yeah, it's just a recolour.


To say more regarding the comparison pics - I want to find the Jedi gear, like on the picture from Tython, in the game, not in the Cartel shop. I'd rather have cartel shop selling the things shown on the OP pictures and the latest one.


Ahh, thats fair enough, it just came across differently.

The orange gear in this game is one of the highlights for me, being able to mix and match for desired results, I just wish that none of it was class specific, and all of it was adaptive.

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I really like the armors they're putting in the Cartel Market though. So much so that I keep buying coins to keep buying more of the armor sets.


The new armor sets are $10.47 each, while some of those artifact chests are $2.36 each. I probably would have been okay with them charging more for the Makeb update, but then again I've spent $160 or so on coins, hopefully that can fund those game expanding efforts as well.


Somebody better be working on the SSSP! BioWare's got a year or two before I get to fly my shiny new 300i...

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