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Tauntaun mount!!!!!!!!!


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"Your Tauntaun will freeze before you reach the first marker! "


"Then I'll see you in Hell!"


Since we have the cartel store thingy I would like Bioware to add a tauntaun mount who else is with me.




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They would be helpful if we got stranded on Hoth.


"And I thought these smelled bad......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................on the outside!"

Edited by Lordmird
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Only if they were restricted to Hoth & maybe Ilum, otherwise no.


It shouldn't be restricted. As of right now, I can pull a mini tauntaun, a 2m wide bat-like pet or a taxi-like mount out of my pocket in a corridor, so it's not like a Tauntaun mount would stand out as unrealistic.

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It shouldn't be restricted. As of right now, I can pull a mini tauntaun, a 2m wide bat-like pet or a taxi-like mount out of my pocket in a corridor, so it's not like a Tauntaun mount would stand out as unrealistic.


They should leave a trail of poop to make them more realistic, for the realism lovers.

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