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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

did you buy the expansion? are you gonna buy it? do you want to wait?or never buy it?


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One of the main reasons I've been subbed is the class stories, and companion story lines.


The expansion much to my disappointment is not expanding either. So I see no reason to purchase this new expansion, in fact when it is released and I am no longer to do Ops with my guild, I will no longer have a reason to stay subbed either. So I will go free to play just play through all the story lines and be done with this game.

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I pre-ordered!


But I'm beginning to think that it might be my line in the sand moment, for several reasons. I'm pretty annoyed about not receiving any CC so far this month, and have sent tickets/emails to EA with no reply.


The fact that there's no class stories in the expansion also ticks me off, while the cost of things in the Cartel shop is getting depressing. 1440 coins for a new outfit? That's three months of my CC stipend right there. And I'm a subscriber.


Then there's the life day, 1 year anniversary debacle.


Just beginning to realise that the direction this game is taking may not be to my taste. I'm probably going to pick up the newly-minted Buy2p TSW after Xmas ..... Might be time to put my SWTOR toons into carbon for a bit after that.

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Funny. A number of times we agreed on some issue's. Blindly being spoon feed, does not lead where you think it does. EA had a chance at a PR coup if they followed though, But sadly like many things when it came to this game...greed won out.
Well, the game is still coming out of the first inning with plenty more to play. As long as EA doesn't pack it in before Bioware's SWTOR reaches its prime like they did with Westwood Studios' Earth & Beyond, I'll wager 500k credits that it becomes an MMO industry top 5 (maybe top 3) revenue generator if it isn't already. It's close now as most other "AAA" MMOs seem to be struggling to maintain 300k subscribers.


But whether or not I have faith in "the system" - EA's or anyone else's - has no affect on my fun meter. After all, this is a game and it's all about extracurricular entertainment courtesy of disposable income. My self esteem is established enough to where I don't need them to keep me posted on why I'm not getting everything I want; or keep me in the loop regarding their P&L. What EA does behind closed doors is no one's damn business but theirs and their shareholders'.


Ostensibly, if they kill the game - oh well ... I'll find a new one. If they don't kill the game I'll keep paying and playing. Pretty simple really. The game is fun and well worth my 50¢ a day to play. That's all that matters. If that makes me blind or spoon fed, then I'm okay with that.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I'm on the fence, leaning toward no at the moment.


I don't feel that subscribers should be paying for this; nor am I pleased that Cartel Coins cannot be used to buy this. I feel that EA slapped the word expansion on this to "justify" charging subscribers.


I'm not pleased that class stories are not being continued; as this is the most exciting part of the game to me.

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I'm on the fence, leaning toward no at the moment.


I don't feel that subscribers should be paying for this; nor am I pleased that Cartel Coins cannot be used to buy this. I feel that EA slapped the word expansion on this to "justify" charging subscribers.


I'm not pleased that class stories are not being continued; as this is the most exciting part of the game to me.


the thing is. an expansion or DCL is not an update. THEY HAVE TO give us Update for free. but DCL and Expansion they can sell it.


second they are using the cartel market because they must sell this. they have been working on this for months and they have to sell it. if they put makeb in the cartel market they don't get too much money

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Did you buy the expansion?


No, not yet.


Are you gonna buy it?


Most likely yes.


Do you want to wait?or never buy it?


I'm waiting for more to be released about it. At a minimum to request any amount of money from me BW needed to release more. While they have cleared somethings up in their posts, not everyone would see those. They need to do a better job there.

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I'm on the fence, leaning toward no at the moment.


I don't feel that subscribers should be paying for this; nor am I pleased that Cartel Coins cannot be used to buy this. I feel that EA slapped the word expansion on this to "justify" charging subscribers.


I'm not pleased that class stories are not being continued; as this is the most exciting part of the game to me.

They aren't charging subscribers ... they are charging everyone. Just happens that subscribers get a huge purchase discount. As a subscriber the expansion will cost less than a music CD with as much - if not more - replayability. IMHO (having btdt) anyone whose RL situation forces them into the conundrum of having to choose between buying a game expansion and buying a CD has other greater priorities that dictate they shouldn't be buying either. Edited by GalacticKegger
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They aren't charging subscribers ... they are charging everyone. Just happens that subscribers get a huge purchase discount. As a subscriber the expansion will cost less than a music CD with as much - if not more - replayability. IMHO (having btdt) anyone whose RL situation forces them into the conundrum of having to choose between buying a game expansion and buying a CD has other greater priorities that dictate they shouldn't be buying either.


The issue is with worth, not cost.The expansion should actually add a decent amount of content and upgrades to justify the purchase. If this really is just a content patch that Bioware slapped a price tag on because they could, then it should not be supported simply off principle.


No one should give Bioware more money just because they asked for it. Doing so supports bad business practices and basically makes you one of those drone consumers that corporations love so much.

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I'll "buy" it if I can use my CC for it. Otherwise, I may buy it once my subs run out, then wait 1month or 2 (depending on the price of the add on when I'll buy it) to resub.

I won't pay a sub AND the DLC in the same time, because it shoule have been free for subs, just like in others freemium I play.

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I'll "buy" it if I can use my CC for it. Otherwise, I may buy it once my subs run out, then wait 1month or 2 (depending on the price of the add on when I'll buy it) to resub.

I won't pay a sub AND the DLC in the same time, because it shoule have been free for subs, just like in others freemium I play.


okay, okay but just think, it's only 10 bucks, we are not talking about 100 dolars. you spend more than 10 buck per day

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The greatest fear of most of us, i think (And if i am misrepresenting anyone's view, i apologize), is that this may lead to the end of the content update that has always been the heart of the subscription worth in the past. This new "Mini-expansion" fits the diameters of almost all content updates minus the level cap raise.


Will pazaak/swoopracing/minigames cost us an additional 10 bucks? Will open world pvp cost us more money? Will guild ships and guild content cost us 10 bucks? I think a lot of people see this as EA opening pandora's box.

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The greatest fear of most of us, i think (And if i am misrepresenting anyone's view, i apologize), is that this may lead to the end of the content update that has always been the heart of the subscription worth in the past. This new "Mini-expansion" fits the diameters of almost all content updates minus the level cap raise.


Will pazaak/swoopracing/minigames cost us an additional 10 bucks? Will open world pvp cost us more money? Will guild ships and guild content cost us 10 bucks? I think a lot of people see this as EA opening pandora's box.


for be honest. i would love to pay 10 bucks sometimes for get a good DCL or Expansion


this doesn't mean i don't want Update. i love update. waiting for ilum ::)

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