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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

did you buy the expansion? are you gonna buy it? do you want to wait?or never buy it?


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But the post from Allyson clearly states we are getting only one new active ability...yes per AC. Brother, I truly am not hating I am angry and saddened that a game I do love is being cheapened instead of improved.


I think you are reading too much into what she said. The natural thing is for there to be different talents for different specs. Some might be passive, others abilities. We really cant say at the moment, but the last skill in a talent tree is always something good.

Edited by Nemmar
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i understand your point. I do not share, but i understand it


of course you have to know they promised makeb for free. but as we know many things happened. layoffs, f2p and more things. That is why makeb cost 10 bucks


This right here - is a whole lot of 'not my problem'. So they decided that they had corporate issues - that's not for me to pay for their mistakes.


sorry but those are poor excuses, only 2 or 3 are right.


I understand what you were trying to say as your opinion; however, I do agree that your presentation is terrible and agreeing with the others - if you don't like the answers, perhaps the questions should not be asked by you. You wanted to know - I gave you my opinions - I even stated so in my post I linked - and you have the audacity to tell me that my opinions are wrong?


You've just lost whatever credibility you were trying to discover in this post and these threads as far as I am concerned now.


And, thank you to those responding here to my post I linked - agree or disagree is fine. To tell me I am wrong however, gives you no points. :)

Edited by Amodin
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I think you are reading too much into what she said. The natural thing is for there to be different talents for different specs. Some might be passive, others abilities. We really cant say at the moment, but the last skill in a talent tree is always something good.


Would you think I am less a hater in hoping your right and I am wrong? I hope I am very wrong. But from past experience with this game, I am scared I am right.



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In the long run, the majority of the players will buy it. So listening to them whine and rant about not buying it is not true. They'll buy it soon as they can.


I will disagree with you here, knowing what my own actions are - and they won't include proceeding any further.

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yeah that is true. 0.5 dolars per day is too much.


and 10 dolars for an expansion which will give you hours and hours of fun is too much


No need to be condescending and sarcastic about it. You seem to take personal offense whenever someone says negative things about the game, so don't forget - you asked for answers and you were given one. Respect other people's choice and don't belittle them for it. Adding a "lol" at the end of your comment doesn't make it any less wrong.

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Bought it already. With 4 full instances tonight on both Belsavis & fleet (Harbinger) the chances of a healthy number of players who will do likewise seem pretty good. Of course I can't speak for the industry experts (self proclaimed or otherwise) ... only to what I see in game. My wife & I also bought 5500 CCs each as stocking stuffers. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Would you think I am less a hater in hoping your right and I am wrong? I hope I am very wrong. But from past experience with this game, I am scared I am right.




I think you are beeing way too pessimistic.

There are reasons why things happen, they are not illogical. When people say Ohlen lied when he said certain things, or when the team said other things during the guild summit, its difficult to hold them responsible. The team was revamped, the director left and the team had to be reshuffled and priority lists changed.


What i do know is that if we players support this game, it has a better chance of becoming the game we want it to. And to be honest, it already is a pretty good game. It just need more optimisation and catching of all of those nasty bugs once and for all. And both seem to be beeing adressed (slowly but surely) so i am hopeful.

Edited by Nemmar
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I think you are beeing way too pessimistic.

There are reasons why things happen, they are not illogical. When people say Ohlen lied when he said certain things, or when the team said other things during the guild summit, its difficult to hold them responsible. The team was revamped, the director left and the team had to be reshuffled and priorities lists changed.


What i do know is that if we players support this game, it has a better chance of becoming the game we want it to.

QFT. Optimism - however cautious - invites flaming. Fortunately it's only by the same few.
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QFT. Optimism - however cautious - invites flaming. Fortunately it's only by the same few.


Funny. A number of times we agreed on some issue's. Blindly being spoon feed, does not lead where you think it does. EA had a chance at a PR coup if they followed though, But sadly like many things when it came to this game...greed won out.

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I've already Pre-ordered it/Bought it just because i thought you know what, i will have faith for once in BioWare/EA again to see if it's worth my Money or something that should of been handed down for Subscribers for free. I've been a paying Member for SWTOR since they released the Game and never stopt, was part of the Beta and purchased the Collectors Edition. I've already stopt purchasing alot of EA Games because of the way they were just abusing those Games with Content etc... including Online Passes, so most of the newer EA Games i just rent from a friend now and once in a blue moon now i will buy one depending if it's worth my Money or not.


So i hope BioWare/EA won't let me down again or else i'm gonna cut my ties with this Game and from the Company.

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I'm going to wait and not boost EA's figures this financial year. This has really made me want to go FTP as there is no reason for me to pay a subscription (I've had no updates that interest me) but I've tried to support the game.


This ^^^^


Ill probably buy the expansion but not before EA drops their wall of silence and starts to share whats coming completely in the expansion


Just yesterday we had a Allison post info about Makeb that the design team and publishers had never mentioned once in their attempt to get cash from us


TORhead done datamining that says there is new operation and flashpoints and daily sectors and .....


I just want to know what im paying for so will not support EA in their backhanded policies of treating its cust base like mushrooms.




We demand it of our governments

Why wouldnt we demand it from a gaming company with a bad track record?


They want me to pay for a content update thats insultingly called a Expansion.




So ill probably get it in new year.

Or maybe Ill just say enough is enough and buy the Rift expansion that tripled the world size, changed pvp mechanics, added ton of new raids, and much much more for not much more then what Content update costs folks.


Time will tell

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I bought it. I'm glad they aren't continuing class stories in a way.

First off, as a Jedi becoming a Jedi Master in a matter of a months time in the story seems stupid. I kind of wished they slowed the pace of my story down by a bit. Granted I did kill the friggin Emperor. It still seems a bit ridiculous.

I still found the story very enjoyable though. I want more focus on the war though and this expac should deliver. I'm looking forward to it.

Edited by AmberGreen
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I bought it. I'm glad they aren't continuing class stories in a way. First off, as a Jedi becoming a Jedi Master in a matter of a months time in the story seems stupid. I kind of wished they slowed the pace of my story down by a bit. Granted I did kill the friggin Emperor. It still seems a bit ridiculous. I still found the story very enjoyable though. I want more focus on the war though and this expac should deliver. I'm looking forward to it.


Or... did you? >.>


This emperor is one tough cookie. He is only gonna go down in a full fledged Op when the game is about to end... or maybe only in a book. Maybe he is still alive in the time of the movies... he is one really tough cookie, and waiting millenia means nothing to him.

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I don't think so. I'm also going to turn my sub off as well, I didn't catch it in time for this month but it's gone next month. I don't like the way cash shop turned out and feel it's a big trick to get people to buy lotto boxes. If that is your thing, whatever hope you like it but I don't. I don't blame them on doing it the way they did it though, just look how stupid people are and how easy it is to get them to gamble for losses LOL.
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