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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

did you buy the expansion? are you gonna buy it? do you want to wait?or never buy it?


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I support the game, but two recent decisions from the EA execs (which more and more seem like an intervention team at. BIOWARE). First is the absolutelly great new Jedi Knght robe added as an adaptive gear useable at level 1, which costs 14 bucks. Thats an expensive item that reveals their cheap tactics and perhaps desperation to cash in. Second, the expansion was announced with just a few hints from Jeff Hickman and a few concept arts. I simply cannot spend a dime on anything on his word alone, specially if he would be the man behind the JK robe decision. Therefore i will be waiting for more to be shown or perhaps a word from someone with more credibility to me.
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I'm not pre-ordering at the moment, mainly because I don't have any lvl 50 characters yet and I'd like to wait for more information on the product first.


If it has some nifty stuff for lower-level players in addtion to what's already mentioned I may jump for it.

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Already pre-ordered and waiting. :)


A quick thought, though... I fully expect there to be bugs and glitches in it. Its a first expansion, and those things never go well. I don't care who makes them. The first expansion for That Fantasy MMO had more than a few gremlins in it. I was there, and i recall how Blizzy would release a patch on tuesday...spend wednesday through friday cranking out hotfixes as fast as they could...things would work for a couple days...and then start over again on tuesday. Oh, and with the occasional 'EMERGENCY SERVER SHUTDOWN NAO!' because some hotfix actually caused more problems than it solved. I also expect any fixes to take some time. Ive worked with computers and coding and such. Despite what some players may think, there's no key on the programmers keyboard labeled 'Fix all problems now'.

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Their current work effectiveness is as low as that of a hibernating poop.

And I should give them even more money so they can think "Hey, these guys are paying us more already. They must be thinking what we are doing is good. So let's do this some more. Cartel market, Cartel market, Cartel market. And considering how little we do to fix bugs and help people with problems, we can continue to do that as well, since they seem to be satisfied".

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I don't think so. I'm also going to turn my sub off as well, I didn't catch it in time for this month but it's gone next month. I don't like the way cash shop turned out and feel it's a big trick to get people to buy lotto boxes. If that is your thing, whatever hope you like it but I don't. I don't blame them on doing it the way they did it though, just look how stupid people are and how easy it is to get them to gamble for losses LOL.


I dont quite get what your problem is. You dont want other people to buy cartel packs? Or are you feeling compelled to do it?

All of the items always get sold by someone in the GTN so you can get anything you want. Actually even the packs themselves are on the GTN and you can get them with in-game credits.


Again, tell me how this affects you? You dont want other people to get them?

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Their current work effectiveness is as low as that of a hibernating poop.

And I should give them even more money so they can think "Hey, these guys are paying us more already. They must be thinking what we are doing is good. So let's do this some more. Cartel market, Cartel market, Cartel market. And considering how little we do to fix bugs and help people with problems, we can continue to do that as well, since they seem to be satisfied".


Ah! If they had prioritised bug fixing more than content you would be here QQing that theres not enough content.

Thats why most of my previous guild left. Bugs were annoying, but lack of content is unbearable.

Besides, different teams have different jobs. More bug fixing doesnt come at the cost of content.


I think its high time to smart up and realise that different people have different jobs. It wont do you any good to put the 3D animators, the writers or the designers on bug fixing duty. You would just be paying them to do nothing.

Edited by Nemmar
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I see from several pages the original poster just created this thread to pounce on the opinions of others. Super mature. I think you were a TA at a university I attended.


As for the expansion:

Not getting it. I never found Hutts very interesting and tried to slug through their bit as quickly as I could in KOTOR 2. I'm sure they may do something interesting later in the game that requires the expansion, but who knows it may be available for CC at a discount by then. So I guess to summarize: not unless I have to, to get to something interesting.

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I'm waiting. I'll continue to support this game via subscribing but I am not giving them more money until I know it's worth it. It will also go F2P eventually so im not sure there is a point in paying for it.


I paid around £15 for the digital upgrade pack which is now something like £2.99 since F2P hit. Im annoyed about that because you don't need the digital upgrade pack to play the game but im more annoyed at myself for buying the game then buying the upgrade pack separately.


But I digress. This to me isn't an expansion, its a content patch, a big one but a content patch nonetheless. I'll probably just wait until it goes free because even though it's £5 they are bound to do something with the content patch which is going to anger those who payed for it and I don't want to repeat the above mistake I made with the Digital Upgrade Pack

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I'll get it so long as it is not open world pvp; that is not my taste at all. I do wish they'd give more concrete info on Makeb. yes, they gave a little which sounds appealing to me. But I really want to know a bit more yet. The added skill points and abilities sound fun.
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Not Buying it - at least not right now.


More Information would be nice


- New FP/FPs?

- New Ops ? - probably impossible. if F2p get the "Patch" (I refuse to call it Expansion yet) they wont have access to ops anyways so why should they spend money if they cant get into those without a weekly Access Pass. Same for the mentioned question of FPs

- Really new skills or just Reworked animations. Ive seen it within other games.. u spend 2 points for 20% crit chance or whatever.. after the "patch" u spend 4 points to avoid tree changes and spend the new points.

- No mention of a new race? Disapointing in a Galaxy with Million Specias.

- Maybe a quick overview about the Size of Makeb. U guys already showed us u can create awesome Trailer for Patches or Intros. Show us something.

- (Now i am getting Greedy) I Preorderd the CE. Do i get something special for that or just: "thanks for the money and **** u!" A new CE only Mount on the CE Vendor. maybe a Unique Piece of Clothing.



1 Planet and 5 LvL.. tell us more


(Flame if u like, but thats what i want to know before i get this "patch". I can have fun Ingame without him aswell)

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Didn't pre-order yet, but I'm seriously considering ordering it before the early access offer runs out. I'll probably wait until the first week of the new year, see what info is available then, and then pre-order anyway. There'd have to be some pretty strong deterrents to keep me off it, such as everyone having the world PvP flag forcibly enabled on Makeb.
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Ah! If they had prioritised bug fixing more than content you would be here QQing that theres not enough content.

Thats why most of my previous guild left. Bugs were annoying, but lack of content is unbearable.

Besides, different teams have different jobs. More bug fixing doesnt come at the cost of content.


I think its high time to smart up and realise that different people have different jobs. It wont do you any good to put the 3D animators, the writers or the designers on bug fixing duty. You would just be paying them to do nothing.

But for BW is more: More content means more bugs to be fixed.

Fix the game/bugs first THEN release an Xpac and by xpac I mean a real xpac not some added content.

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I bought it straight away last Tuesday....


Reason I like the game, I play it so I support it as I can.

If we want the game to move forward and expand and become better, it is our only hope.


Does the game have many downfalls. Sure.

Has it improved since launch. IMO a lot.


That loads of work need to be done is a big Fact.


But when I get bored I just cancel my sub all together. So far I been here for 1 year plus, including 5 days of beta testing, and I still enjoy it.


May the force be with SWTOR!

Edited by limenutpen
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I was prepared to dish out cartel coins for the "expansion" but I am not prepared to pay real money ontop of my subscription for a mini xpack with a not-so-interesting-theme like the cat people (instead of any other interesting race like nautolan, jawa (swtor still lacks a small playable race)). then makeb a lesser intersting planet. It could have been Kashyyyk or Yavin, no it's makeb ? whats makeb anyway ? Can I continue to play without it ? we'll see but I am definitely not jumping any hype train and still far away from doing so.
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