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POLL: What Improvements to SW:TOR Would You Like to See?


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For the past year, there have been debates over what the community generally prefers to be improved in SW:TOR. Some people prefer end-game content, others prefer story, others prefer PVP improvements, and then yet others want something else.


BioWare has disappointed much of the player-base by not including a lot of what players have been asking for. Granted, they do have a lot on their plate from layoffs and other issues, but this is due to the fact that they had not been doing what players wanted, and they and the players recognize this.


With the announcement of "Rise of the Hutt Cartel," many players, including myself, were yet again disappointed because BioWare tried to partially please everyone. Lack of story, no announced end-game content (operations, flashpoints, etc.), no announced improvements to PVP, and other lacking qualities made the player-base cringe when they read up on it. As it's been famously said by the poet John Lydgate, “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”.




So, players, what would you prefer BioWare focuses on in the next patch and/or expansion after RotHC?



A1. Class story additions (Chapter 4)

A2. Companion story improvements/additions

A3. World storyline improvements/additions

A4. Repeatable class story



B1. Flashpoint improvements/additions (including Hard and Story Modes)

B2. Operations improvements/additions (including Hard, Story, and Nightmare modes)

B3. World Boss improvements/additions

B4. Difficulty improvements/additions

B5. PVE specific Class Balance



C1. PVP specific Class Balance

C2. Warzone improvements/addtions

C3. World PVP improvements/additions

C4. Resolve mechanics improvements

C5. Queue improvements/additions (RWZ solo queues, cross-server queues, etc.)


D. THREE PILLARS OF MMOS (Graphics, Gameplay, and Community)

D1. Graphical improvements/additions

D2. General combat improvements/ additions (Abilities, mechanics such as cover, etc.)

D3. General out-of-combat improvements/additions (Mount mechanics, etc.)

D4. Improvements in-game for the community (chat bubbles, etc.)

D5. Improvements out-of-game for the community (Customer service improvements, forum improvements, etc.)

D6. Roleplay improvements/additions (other than chat bubbles, etc. (sitting/chair mechanics for example))


E. OTHER (Quality of Life, Please Specify; includes Space Combat and SGRAs)

E1. Space Combat improvements/additions

E2. Same-Gender Romance Arcs




Please phrase your posts in a one word or one letter answer. You may have more than one answer if your answers are from the same category, such as (A: A1, A2, A3; B: B1, B2, etc.). This will help me indicate what areas of that general subject (A, B, C, D, E) the community would like to improve. However, you may have no more than TWO general areas selected (ex: (A, B, C, etc.)). Appropriate answers may look like this:


A: A#, B: B#


Your first letter will count for more points in that category. In the answer above, A would get 2 points from that vote and B would get 1. Each Letter/Number answer earns one point in each category; it doesn't matter that it is the first or second letter in your answer. In the above answer, both A# and B# would count for one point, each in their own A# or B# category. I will count the Letter/Number answers separately from the general vote so that BioWare can see what players generally would like to be improved and in which areas that they can be improved in.


If you answer E. and your answer falls into one of the categories I have already designated, your answer may be included in that such category. This could be because your explanation is incomplete, incoherent, or too specific.


Results will be posted at the end of each day.


Again, please include ONLY YOUR ANSWER in these posts, not an explanation (unless your answer is E.). A separate post for discussion has been created here. Please post both your first and second choices, as well as an optional letter/number answer as well. The order they are placed in matters. The first answer will count for more points than the second.


The purpose of this forum is to show BioWare and the rest of the community what the people who play this game truly want. If you don't usually post on the forums, please at least post an answer on this one, it if for the betterment of your game. BioWare, please listen.

Edited by Ergavore
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A. STORY : 14

A1. Class story additions (Chapter 4): 5

A2. Companion story improvements/additions: 5

A3. World storyline improvements/additions: 1

A4. Repeatable class story: 1



B1. Flashpoint improvements/additions (including Hard and Story Modes): 2

B2. Operations improvements/additions (including Hard, Story, and Nightmare modes): 2

B3. World Boss improvements/additions: 1

B4. Difficulty improvements/additions: 0

B5. PVE specific Class Balance: 0


C. PVP: 3

C1. PVP specific Class Balance: 1

C2. Warzone improvements/addtions: 1

C3. World PVP improvements/additions: 0

C4. Resolve mechanics improvements: 0

C5. Queue improvements/additions (RWZ solo queues, cross-server queues, etc.): 1


D. THREE PILLARS OF MMOS (Graphics, Gameplay, and Community) : 1

D1. Graphical improvements/additions: 0

D2. General combat improvements/ additions (Abilities, mechanics such as cover, etc.): 0

D3. General out-of-combat improvements/additions (Mount mechanics, etc.): 0

D4. Improvements in-game for the community (chat bubbles, etc.): 0

D5. Improvements out-of-game for the community (Customer service improvements, forum improvements, etc.): 0

D6. Roleplay improvements/additions (other than chat bubbles, etc. (sitting/chair mechanics for example)): 1


E. OTHER (Quality of Life, Please Specify): 10

E1. Space Combat: 1

E2. Same-Gender Romance Arcs: 2


As of 19 December 2012

Edited by Ergavore
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For the past year, there have been debates over what the community generally prefers to be improved in SW:TOR. Some people prefer end-game content, others prefer story, others prefer PVP improvements, and then yet others want something else.


BioWare has disappointed much of the player-base by not including a lot of what players have been asking for. Granted, they do have a lot on their plate from layoffs and other issues, but this is due to the fact that they had not been doing what players wanted, and they and the players recognize this.


With the announcement of "Rise of the Hutt Cartel," many players, including myself, were yet again disappointed because BioWare tried to partially please everyone. Lack of story, no announced end-game content (operations, flashpoints, etc.), no announced improvements to PVP, and other lacking qualities made the player-base cringe when they read up on it. As it's been famously said by the poet John Lydgate, “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”.




So, players, what would you prefer BioWare focuses on in the next patch and/or expansion after RotHC?



A1. Class story additions (Chapter 4)

A2. Companion story improvements/additions

A3. World storyline improvements/additions

A4. Repeatable class story



B1. Flashpoint improvements/additions (including Hard and Story Modes)

B2. Operations improvements/additions (including Hard, Story, and Nightmare modes)

B3. World Boss improvements/additions

B4. Difficulty improvements/additions

B5. PVE specific Class Balance



C1. PVP specific Class Balance

C2. Warzone improvements/addtions

C3. World PVP improvements/additions

C4. Resolve mechanics improvements

C5. Queue improvements/additions (RWZ solo queues, cross-server queues, etc.)


D. THREE PILLARS OF MMOS (Graphics, Gameplay, and Community)

D1. Graphical improvements/additions

D2. General combat improvements/ additions (Abilities, mechanics such as cover, etc.)

D3. General out-of-combat improvements/additions (Mount mechanics, etc.)

D4. Improvements in-game for the community (chat bubbles, etc.)

D5. Improvements out-of-game for the community (Customer service improvements, forum improvements, etc.)

D6. Roleplay improvements/additions (other than chat bubbles, etc. (sitting/chair mechanics for example))


E. OTHER (Quality of Life, Please Specify)




Please phrase your posts in a one word or one letter answer. You may have more than one answer if your answers are from the same category, such as (A: A1, A2, A3; B: B1, B2, etc.). This will help me indicate what areas of that general subject (A, B, C, D, E) the community would like to improve. However, you may not have more than TWO general area selected (ex: (A, B, C, etc.)). Appropriate answers may look like this:


A: A#, B: B#


Your first letter will count for more points in that category. In the answer above, A would get 2 points from that vote and B would get 1. Each Letter/Number answer earns one point in each category; it doesn't matter that it is the first or second letter in your answer. In the above answer, both A# and B# would count for one point, each in their own A# or B# category. I will count the Letter/Number answers separately from the general vote so that BioWare can see what players generally would like to be improved and in which areas that they can be improved in.


If you answer E. and your answer falls into one of the categories I have already designated, your answer may be included in that such category. This could be because your explanation is incomplete, incoherent, or too specific.


Results will be posted at the end of each day.


Again, please include ONLY YOUR ANSWER in these posts, not an explanation (unless your answer is E.). I will create a separate forum for discussion if necessary. Please post both your first and second choices, as well as an optional letter/number answer as well.


The purpose of this forum is to show BioWare and the rest of the community what the people who play this game truly want. If you don't usually post on the forums, please at least post an answer on this one, it if for the betterment of your game. BioWare, please listen.


BTW , I don't think poll are allowed on forums.:eek:

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World PvP (ilum and makeb)

1 more hutball, (new map. I WOULD PAY FOR THAT)}

wz cross server (if we get this we would be able to choose our wz.)

group finder cross server

rwz cross server

this new expanion.

all the Flashpoints in HM. (hammet sttation...)

SSSP!!!!!!!!!!! (supr secret space project)

Guild Ship

Homes (our ships, i want to decorate my ship)

a good comunity in the forums. i hate the trolls lol

Better crafting!!!1

not PW2 (pve or pvp, i don't care about space gear)

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Well I had originally intended that you post your answers in a specific format. Please do so that I can properly tabulate official results at the end of each day.


Please read the rules section, thanks :D


Just trying to make this easier to get results.

Edited by Ergavore
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E - Day/Night/Weather on the main worlds

E - Less static worlds (soldiers moving around with a purpose, real actual fighting between NPC's)

E - More pleasing gathering system like in Aion



These, especially the first 2, would breath so much more life into the game. I might be able to actually level a character without it being a chore.

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Fix all the bugs. This is the buggiest game I have ever played.

Performance. I should not have to buy specialized computer hardware just to play this game.

My computer has no issues with EVERY other game on the market.

Fix your crappy game engine. GW2 figured it out, why can't EABIOMEGAWARE?

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Bugs. And I'm not talking about just simple bugs, like graphical glitches.( but still want all the bugs they can fixed) When they have bugs involving REAL LIFE money. ( people buy cartel coins..... don't get them, and don't get a refund something is wrong)


I really also don't need to hear " errrr games have bugs" I know they do..... and the reason they do is because we as gamers have allowed them to have them all the time.


We stop paying for buggy games.... they will stop making buggy games.

( flame suit on)

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To have EA not be the publisher and have LucasArts take the rights away for them because they know Star Wars best. Also more sandbox things along with more improvement along the lines of roleplaying things. Sitting in chairs, chat bubbles, all emotes voiced. Things like that :)


Oh and have them go back to sub only that's my improvement. They could have survived on 700k or so subs. Who cares if it doesn't have 10 mill like wow...seriously? That's ALL you are going to base your opinion on if a game is good? Anyway I'm ranting. The f2p brought TONS of players but, those players are very immature and don't really care about the game that much.


Kind of like a GOOD "nge" also for this game. Turn it from linear, wow cloneish stuff to nothing but skill branches were in time say 3 or 5 years they put it in and you can work towards whatver you want :) I am VERY glad to see them improving on the game continuously and can't WAIT for ROTHC!

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