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So... everything now is pointless?


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I have absolutely no desire to play until the expansion. Why gear up only for our greens to replace our purples. I think I am gonna take a break til the expansion or just simply grind credits for the new gear. Thoughts?


Um....you're playing for the joy of playing. This isn't all about having the "brightest toys", it's about the joy of gaming in the Star Wars universe. So what if your gear will change next Spring? You still have at least four months of enjoying the game as it is now before that.

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Depends I guess. I still plan to complete each class story so I will continue to play. As for the grind, if you don't have fun playing the WZs or doing the Flashpoints and Ops then you aren't having fun playing the actual game it seems...


You're going to stop playing for the next... 4 months (?) Because gear will be replaced seems a bit rash.


Your gear gets handed down to your companions anyway (which you will need to play Makeb), so grind them up and then give them to Scourge or something.

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You're probably good either way:


Hi everyone,


I've spoken to the design team about the issue of Grade 7 ship upgrades and the cost in game (resources and time) versus the cost on the Cartel Market, since this concern was raised by a number of people on our forums.


Our Lead Designer for the game, Damion Schubert, has this to say:


Unfortunately, there is, in fact, a great disparity between these two costs. We want to apologize for this, as there was a miscommunication internally on how valuable these upgrades were, how challenging they should be to earn, and how fast a player should be able to earn them.


We are currently looking at solutions that cause the least amount of frustration for all players affected, while keeping the integrity of both the Cartel Market and the game intact.


It is not our intent to make the Cartel Market the “way to play" the game—we want you to feel that both the Cartel Market and earning gear in game are viable options as far as value goes, neither being far more efficient or effective than the other.


We truly hope you enjoy the challenge of the new Heroic Space Missions and apologize again for what we hope is a small distraction.


I want to reiterate that we are actively looking at solutions and they will be communicated to you as soon as we have a solid plan.


Thank you for your patience.


(operative words bolded for emphasis)


This is a snippet from the P2W Ship Gear thread, but the general consensus is that it is meant to pave the way for endgame character gear to reach the Cartel Market as well. We're still waiting for clarification though.

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I have absolutely no desire to play until the expansion. Why gear up only for our greens to replace our purples. I think I am gonna take a break til the expansion or just simply grind credits for the new gear. Thoughts?


From an end game point of view, yes you are correct.

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I have absolutely no desire to play until the expansion. Why gear up only for our greens to replace our purples. I think I am gonna take a break til the expansion or just simply grind credits for the new gear. Thoughts?


The possibility exists depending on your class that you can still look cool when the expansion comes out.

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I have absolutely no desire to play until the expansion. Why gear up only for our greens to replace our purples. I think I am gonna take a break til the expansion or just simply grind credits for the new gear. Thoughts?

Might as well quit until the expansion after that too...

Or wait for Expansion #3

Or #4...


See where this is going? All gear, in th end, is trivial as expansions will always make the last tier obsolete. That's the nature of the beast.

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I have absolutely no desire to play until the expansion. Why gear up only for our greens to replace our purples. I think I am gonna take a break til the expansion or just simply grind credits for the new gear. Thoughts?



You gear up to be able to complete PVE content. If you complete PVE content to Gear up you are doing it wrong.

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Have you finished 1-50 class quest lines?


I've been having fun wrapping up some of the other clases. Currently working on IA, then onto JK probably.


There's still plenty of stuff to do, even if you're worried that your end-game gear will become obsolete with the new expansion.

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I have absolutely no desire to play until the expansion. Why gear up only for our greens to replace our purples. I think I am gonna take a break til the expansion or just simply grind credits for the new gear. Thoughts?


That's probably a good idea. Who knows maybe they will send Columi in the mail like they did with Tionese. Who knows. I'm just gonna keep playing until I get all my toons to 50. But the worst part of the new expansion is maybe you can't even do them unless you are in at least Rakata or Black Hole gear.


Remember Section X? That daily area is pretty challenging to solo even with someone in Rakata and difficult in Columi. So maybe, just maybe the new planet will be ridiculously hard to level.

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Unless you've beat Terror From beyond HM, Nightmare Denova, Nightmare EV, Nightmare KP, and have a full 63 toon. Full war hero/Elite war hero then don't complain cause there is plenty to do in this game, you just don't want to do it.


I have 12 toons 6 50s now, and I don't have enough time to level toons/gear them etc.


Please keep this positive. Swtor is giving us an expansion, more to do, more skills.


A few months ago people were complaining there isn't anything to do, now there is a lot to do, but you either A don't like PVE or PVP...


Im happy to see them bringing this to us so quick, and staying on the ball. Well done Swtor/bioware.




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I have absolutely no desire to play until the expansion. Why gear up only for our greens to replace our purples. I think I am gonna take a break til the expansion or just simply grind credits for the new gear. Thoughts?

What "point" is there to doing anything in an online game?


You play, at the end of the day, you might get some gear or something so the next day you can play again.... either with ease... or able to tackle harder stuff.


Play until there is nothing left to tackle... Or just however it is you play.


I know I know... some people ONLY do the hard ingame stuff - ONLY - for the gear... Not to experience the content or anything.

Why? so they can parade around in their "uber gear"... Sad but true fact.

Edited by FooBard
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Why would the "greens" replace your "purples"? Best gear still comes from Ops/WZs. Makeb gear shouldn't affect your gear progression. The gear there will probably be an upgrade to say columi gear for the people who have just turned 50 and/or haven't done many ops, if you know what I mean. Best gear should still be Dread Master. At least that's what I think.
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Why would the "greens" replace your "purples"? Best gear still comes from Ops/WZs. Makeb gear shouldn't affect your gear progression. The gear there will probably be an upgrade to say columi gear for the people who have just turned 50 and/or haven't done many ops, if you know what I mean. Best gear should still be Dread Master. At least that's what I think.


there's a fear that with the new expansion even the green gear from it will obselete the top tier raid gear. WoW is apparently notorious for this (never played WoW so I don't know first hand)

however BW has said that they're going to be trying to strike a balance so that our old gear isn't completely worthless.

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there's a fear that with the new expansion even the green gear from it will obselete the top tier raid gear. WoW is apparently notorious for this (never played WoW so I don't know first hand)

however BW has said that they're going to be trying to strike a balance so that our old gear isn't completely worthless.


I see. I did play wow for a bit but never got far, so I don't know how it worked there either. But "best gear" should come from endgame, right? And endgame is operations so, to me at least, it wouldn't make sense that makeb will have better gear because it isn't endgame. So yeah I guess for the sake of the people who have spent a lot of time on gear I hope that they won't do it the "wow way", but we'll see how it goes. Although there is much more to come till the expansion (6 week cycle and what not) so I wouldn't quit just because the gear might be useless. May the Force be with you.

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I see. I did play wow for a bit but never got far, so I don't know how it worked there either. But "best gear" should come from endgame, right? And endgame is operations so, to me at least, it wouldn't make sense that makeb will have better gear because it isn't endgame. So yeah I guess for the sake of the people who have spent a lot of time on gear I hope that they won't do it the "wow way", but we'll see how it goes. Although there is much more to come till the expansion (6 week cycle and what not) so I wouldn't quit just because the gear might be useless. May the Force be with you.


There will be a new Best In Slot for each slot so those that play for that reason will be throwing out all their gear or handing it down to companions. I don't know why people bother to complain about this since this is how MMORPG gear grinds work.

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It depends on how dramatic they make the gear/stat changes with the new levels. It's possible that 63 level mats may be equivalent to green or blue 55 gear, it's also possible that green 51 gear could blow all level 50 gear out of the water by a large margin, MMOs have done both with expansions. We'll have to wait and see.


If you're really worried about it though it's a great time to level up other characters.

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