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So much for not charging subs for Makeb


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for the record, I am perfectly OK with this. 10 bucks is nothing. 20 bucks is nothing for an expansion this large.


I think they priced it perfectly. Remember when expansions actually cost 40-60 bucks in other MMO's?


"This large"? All we know about it at this point is that it's a single new quest zone and a modest level increase. If it weren't for the level increase, there would be no differentiation between it and the standard major content patch that MMO games tend to get twice a year or so. The reason expansions for other games tend to cost ~40 is because they actually add significant features to the game, like classes, races, crafting skills, etc. We have no reason to believe that ROHTC will have anything like that.

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No need to insult the Star Wars fans.


Something is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it.


If you're not willing then don't pay it. No need to get all angry about it.


Not angry bro lol. Bemused. The vast majority of people who have tried this game already said "it's not worth paying for." Up until this point I disagreed with them. This is the last straw though. Now I agree. There very last vestige of "this is a special thing subs get" was pulled away despite their previous marketing promises. I'm simply pointing it out.

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"This large"? All we know about it at this point is that it's a single new quest zone and a modest level increase. If it weren't for the level increase, there would be no differentiation between it and the standard major content patch that MMO games tend to get twice a year or so. The reason expansions for other games tend to cost ~40 is because they actually add significant features to the game, like classes, races, crafting skills, etc. We have no reason to believe that ROHTC will have anything like that.


I know right. We have absolutely NO IDEA what is in this expansion. There is no patch notes, no itemized list, no developer walk through, no video. So, considering this, why are they rushing people to preorder NOW before they've even shown us WHAT we're preordering? My guess would be so they can tack that money onto the next fiscal quarter's earnings in prep for a investor's conference. But it reeks of shaddiness.

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I know right. We have absolutely NO IDEA what is in this expansion. There is no patch notes, no itemized list, no developer walk through, no video. So, considering this, why are they rushing people to preorder NOW before they've even shown us WHAT we're preordering? My guess would be so they can tack that money onto the next fiscal quarter's earnings in prep for a investor's conference. But it reeks of shaddiness.


Because its probably a better buy and cost less than that stupid Life Day speeder. LOL

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First statement was subscribers won't be chrged. Then it became "wishy washy"....


This is not true, before the game went f2p and even before makeb had been announced, there was a leaked survey/e-mail that discussed how much makeb would cost and as it was leaked back in May, it was certainly subscribers that would be paying

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This is not true, before the game went f2p and even before makeb had been announced, there was a leaked survey/e-mail that discussed how much makeb would cost and as it was leaked back in May, it was certainly subscribers that would be paying


And here I though people forgot about the survey.

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Its $10 folks....for subs and $20 for anyone else, its fine. $10 dollars, thats it!


You're completely missing the point. It's $10 we were told we wouldn't have to pay. It's extra money ON TOP of a sub, so technically it's MORE for subscribers, $25 as it requires you to spend $15 to get a $10 discount.


And we have NO IDEA what we're even paying for. Quick, tell me, how big is Makeb? How many missions? How many class missions? Is there a daily area? How many flash points? Does it have a raid? New PVP tier? PVP area? Is Cathar included? What exactly are we paying $10 FOR. You can't tell me it's worth it because you have no idea what you're getting.

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But the fact is that no one expects to get it "free." I've spent hundreds of dollars on this game. CE, and now 12 months of sub. We were told that Subscribbers would never be asked to pay for additional content and now they are saying "WHOOPS SORRY THAT'LL BE TEN BUCKS."



Sorry but that's just ludicrous. Show me a quote or link that ever says that. We've been giving a ton of content for free this year. Asking only $10 for a new planet, cap, missions and more is not to much to ask for.

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I support the game with 15 dollars a month plus my pre-order long before it was released, and my loyalty through the long stretch of no content updates. Furthermore, it doesnt matter what the price is, the MMO market has competition and i compare this product to it's competitors, whom currently are providing superior content updates for their subscribers at no additional charge, with expansions that include far more content than a single zone and a 5 level cap raise. This is content-update level stuff, but they want to nickle and dime us instead of giving us content updates like should be given to paying subscribers.


Again i point to trion, i'm not a rift fan but their developer is great, they have already published more than triple the content through updates than SWTOR has done in its lifetime, all major SWTOR content so-far after this will be additional-expense content. Hell, even STO is outpacing SWTOR now with a whole planet, guild updates, and more quests at no additional charge to its customers. Its bad when STO is releasing more content updates without charging than SWTOR...


What? a new world, increased level cap by 5 and continuation of the class storyline is not enough to make and expansion? Didn't WoW do that twice? cataclysm and MoP.. they had a few other things in the like new races and classes but we DON'T KNOW WHAT BW HAS PLANNED. we have not played the expansion so we should not judge it.

And I don't know about you.. but I'm perfectly fine with the content they have put out. If you have played since launch you should have a good amount of credits.. and those credits can be used to buy 90% of the new cartel stuff. and rise of the ghouls, the constant addition to the legacy system, warzone/flashpoints and armor.

I don't know I've never really needed ALOT so to me this is all quite a good amount.

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This is not true, before the game went f2p and even before makeb had been announced, there was a leaked survey/e-mail that discussed how much makeb would cost and as it was leaked back in May, it was certainly subscribers that would be paying


The majority of "plans" on the survey had people who purchased the content patch receiving 30 days of sub time along with the content. Meaning that if you were a sub and you bought Makeb, it was very much worth it. This is not advertised as coming with any game time what soever. It does not say that the five days of "early access" whatever that means, will be added on to the length of your sub.

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What? a new world, increased level cap by 5 and continuation of the class storyline is not enough to make and expansion? Didn't WoW do that twice? cataclysm and MoP.. they had a few other things in the like new races and classes but we DON'T KNOW WHAT BW HAS PLANNED. we have not played the expansion so we should not judge it.

And I don't know about you.. but I'm perfectly fine with the content they have put out. If you have played since launch you should have a good amount of credits.. and those credits can be used to buy 90% of the new cartel stuff. and rise of the ghouls, the constant addition to the legacy system, warzone/flashpoints and armor.

I don't know I've never really needed ALOT so to me this is all quite a good amount.


They specifically said that this would NOT include a continuation of your class story. They have been VERY CAREFUL about how they phrase this so they can point back and say "we never said it had class story!" According to what they've said it has a planet arc and faction arc, but there is no character arc, this is not Act Four.

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The majority of "plans" on the survey had people who purchased the content patch receiving 30 days of sub time along with the content. Meaning that if you were a sub and you bought Makeb, it was very much worth it. This is not advertised as coming with any game time what soever. It does not say that the five days of "early access" whatever that means, will be added on to the length of your sub.


Actually, It had people getting 90 days free with their sub. But you are correct as there is no indication that it now comes with any time.

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I'm sorry if you were confused, but I never assume expansions are free. Playing all those Blizzard games with expansions taught me that expansions cost money, but are usually cheaper than what I paid for the original.


This is not an expansion. Just because you arbitrarily raise the level cap doesn't make it an expansion. From what they've advertised, the amount of "stuff" in this "expansion" is about the size of 1.2.


Basically what it looks like they're doing is anything that's the size of one of the first patches before F2P is now an expac and will be charged extra for, expect at least one of these every year.


everything that would have been considered a 1.1a is now going to be a full on stand alone patch. 1.6a is actually 1.7 and 1.7 is now 2.0. Forever.

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Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies. Is all we ever hear from you bioware. 5 lvl cap increase and 1 planet is your definition of paid expansion bioware? Really?


You havn't even seen the details yet and you are complaining? They just gave us an overview. I'm sure there is alot more they are offering with it. Also 9 dollars is not bad at all. Expansions and add on content on consoles usually costs between 9-15 dollars as well.

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Sorry but that's just ludicrous. Show me a quote or link that ever says that. We've been giving a ton of content for free this year. Asking only $10 for a new planet, cap, missions and more is not to much to ask for.


There have been like four links to the quote where the lead developer said that... go read the thread before you comment.


And no, we have NOT been given a "ton of content." That is a subjective evaluation that does not hold up to objective comparison.

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And no, we have NOT been given a "ton of content." That is a subjective evaluation that does not hold up to objective comparison.


Your opinion on this matter is also subjective, you are raging because of 10$ for new content for pages now.

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You know what? We're getting new content, a level increase, and other things. I bet there will be new HM FP's and new Ops. New high end gear and weapons. I will gladly pay my $9.99 to get it. I mean, look at how much they charged for Omega in ME 3. That was $15.00 and it was only a few hours of gameplay. This looks like it will be more than a few hours and I for one and anxious for it. Like is said all throughout this thread, they never said they wouldn't charge and that is fine by me. I have no problem paying for DLC's. I would like it to be free, but we don't know all the specifics other than a new planet and level cap. I for one will be here for it. Maybe it will take away from some of the anger I have for the Life Day non-event and the crappy Life Day things in the CM.
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