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So much for not charging subs for Makeb


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Throw in Cathar with it, and a couple of other species while you are at it, rather than a stand alone purchase in the CM. It is an expansion after all.


To the community...


We don't have much about what will be in the so called expansion and id be surprised if all we are getting is what is advertised on the website. What would you like to see moved into the expansion as opposed to the CM?

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Throw in Cathar with it, and a couple of other species while you are at it, rather than a stand alone purchase in the CM. It is an expansion after all.


To the community...


We don't have much about what will be in the so called expansion and id be surprised if all we are getting is what is advertised on the website. What would you like to see moved into the expansion as opposed to the CM?


It's one planet (people go through those in a day or two at most) and 5 levels, I would call it a Mini-Adventure Pack over an actual Expansion Pack.

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Money is not the issue, the issue is that we were lied to again.


Subs were not supposed to pay for expansions, now we have to. That is why there is complaining.


They said we wouldn't have to pay for the content patches. This is an expansion. Unless you're a total ninny who has never before played a MMO or videogame with DLC, there was always going to be a paid xpac model on top of the CM and sub.


There have been two content patches so far that we haven't had to pay for since F2P launched.

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Well to me its not an expansion at all but that is what they are calling it, a new race in an expansion isnt asking for much imo.


Edit: And i'm sure there is plenty of other stuff they could stuff the "expansion" with,

Edited by smexymage
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They said we wouldn't have to pay for the content patches. This is an expansion. Unless you're a total ninny who has never before played a MMO or videogame with DLC, there was always going to be a paid xpac model on top of the CM and sub.


There have been two content patches so far that we haven't had to pay for since F2P launched.


5 levels, one planet, and a little bit of extra stuff is more akin to a Mini-Adventure Pack than an actual Expansion Pack. DLC might be closer, but some DLC has far more content than others depending on the game.

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To be honest, I am pretty upset that I am being charged for such a paltry content update. There are patches that had more content than this. It had warzones, ops, flashpoints, etc;


This is ridiculous in my opinion, as many MMO's are now giving their expansions out for free. Only RIFT and WoW do this, for the most part. Aion, EVE, and others do not. EVE has less subs than this game and it can afford and has been able to afford, always free expansions.


Congratulations, EA. You lost a sub.

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not saying it didnt happen..


but if they said that then a strong argument could be made . I would like to see a link of an interview or article that someone said that. I don't mind paying 10 bucks at all, and i already ordered this morning, but that would be very interesting to see where that was stated.


Originally BW did say we would not have to pay for the Makeb expansion as a subscriber...


HOWEVER they then very publicly changed their minds and informed the player base that we may get charged for the Makeb expansion.


At that point everyone lost the right to play the "you said it would be free card" because the landscape changed AND they kept us all informed of this change....


If you arrange to meet a buddy at a bar for a drink in three days time, then in two days time your buddy says "I wont be there I have work commitments that have come up and I will be working late"......do you still turn up at the bar then moan at your buddy for not turning up?



Edited by ImperialSun
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Uhrm I really don't see the problem...


9.99 dollars


I think you'll be alright without one McDonalds meal. If you like the game then support it, creating digital products is not free, paying your bills is not for free.


Support the game!


What McDonalds are you going to? 10 bucks would buy me two of their meals off the menu, and I'd get change.


And if I used the dollar menu ...

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And you just know the expansion will be half baked. It will likely be like any other planet quests except it'll be missing your class quest. So, you'll have a chain planet quest, side missions and then a bonus series which will likely act as the new dailies. I doubt we'll get new FPs, Ops or WZ with this expansion. Though I'm sure that there will be tons of new cartel items. Bioware just doesn't have it in them to pleasantly surprise us anymore.


No class story would definitely hurt but I could have swore I read something on act 4.


That would have to be class story right?


Now to just find where I read it.

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5 levels, one planet, and a little bit of extra stuff is more akin to a Mini-Adventure Pack than an actual Expansion Pack. DLC might be closer, but some DLC has far more content than others depending on the game.


And the price is commensurate. So what is the problem?

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not saying it didnt happen..


but if they said that then a strong argument could be made . I would like to see a link of an interview or article that someone said that. I don't mind paying 10 bucks at all, and i already ordered this morning, but that would be very interesting to see where that was stated.


I don't save posts, but I know it was close(ish) to F2P launch and expansions came into question and we were assured that subs wouldn't have to pay. Sorry I don't know the link. :(

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Thakn God another person who gets it!


I this is cheap as hell, but the point remains that we were told that sub covers EVERYTHING and that we specifically would never have to pay for expansions.


No....They never said we wouldn't pay for Expansions. They did say after the E-3 release of Makeb video, and some postings on the forums asking questions that Makeb... would be free. That said, a company...like and individual can and more often then not change there minds. To be fair, If and I say if...EA/Bioware charges $9.99 every six-nine months for a DLC/Xpac or what ever title you want to place on it. It beats waiting 2+ years for a Xpac...with no content release's for 10 months+ before release said expac. Blizzard release an Xpac every 2 to 3 years for a price of $39.99 or more. But prior to said release....they don't add any content updates. So using WoW as an example of how to do things is just so wrong on many,many levels.

Edited by Taorus
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They said we wouldn't have to pay for the content patches. This is an expansion. Unless you're a total ninny who has never before played a MMO or videogame with DLC, there was always going to be a paid xpac model on top of the CM and sub.


I can't blame people for complaining.


This looks an awful lot like a content patch that they're only calling an expansion and raising the cap so they can charge for it.


It may turn out differently, but a quote of a dev saying "there's so much stuff to add and it's going to be exciting but I can't tell you what it is" is not particularly persuasive, considering the same thing was said that at launch. :p


People go by what they know, and what they know so far doesn't impress them.

Edited by Guancyto
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i know this expansion is small

How do you know that? So far we've only heard about a few things and the announcement also said more info will be coming up in the upcoming months. Why are people so eager to jump on the bandwagon and assuming what they have announced so far is the only thing coming? Saying it's small (or big for that matter) is nothing more than pure speculation at this point.

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It's not really a full expansion, it is an expansion pack. DLC in the parlance of Steam users. Think added civilizations and maps for Civ V and not Suspended Water Droplets of Kung-fu Panda's for Planet of Battlecrud.


The price is right around what you would expect to pay for DLC if you are a subscriber and we have yet to see what all this DLC is going to add besides 5 levels and a new planet/zone/whatever.


Contrary to the wails of the entitled BW/EA never promised a free expansion. They have repeatedly stated that they weren't sure if they were going to charge or how much. It probably depended on how much content was going to be included in the DLC. Since it appears they've dumped a large amount of resources into RotHC they would be foolish business beings indeed if they gave it away for nothing.

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If people got what they wanted, they would still complain. Its just the nature of things. If I recall from a basic mircoeconomics class 101 in college explains it well, people's needs will never be satisfied as their demand curves never touches or intercepts their budget constraints/limitations. Or something to that nature.


Anyways, you essentially get adjusted to what you have now and always seek more.

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i'm going to put like it is SWTOR could go on the route of world of warcraft and make all there SUB players to play like 40 dollars for EACH expansion stop complaining you think you could do it better then go make a game with everything you want and try and meet everyones demands
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Money is not the issue, the issue is that we were lied to again.


Subs were not supposed to pay for expansions, now we have to. That is why there is complaining.


I get your point,

But the thing that is going through my mind is get over it.

It will bring alot less anger,stress, etc.

Maybe i think this way because i'm in the military for some years now but one of the first things they tell/teach you:

Deal with the problem and move on so you can function correctly and have a good day.


I ask you, is it really worth to make a big problem about this ?

yes? file a complaint and stop getting angry about it and go do something else. (there is nothing more you can do right? )

No? Keep on playing/ doing whatever you do and be happy.


It's just that simple. ;)

Edited by NummSaul
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You know we were promised we won't get charged for it.....

It's not about price is about principle, they keep on promising us stuff then keep on backing out, it's infuriating.


Its easier (Not right) If you take what they say wit ha pinch of salt, They are run by EA at the end of the day and they WANT your money $£$£$£$£$£$


Il pay the 6 quid my self because I do like the game, I just try not to come here to often any more to read about it, because A lot of the "good" things they talk about are either way off in the distance or just flat don't happen at all.

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No class story would definitely hurt but I could have swore I read something on act 4.


That would have to be class story right?


Now to just find where I read it.


If I recall correctly, there is an item that has been data mined and appears on sites like TOR head and darth hater as some sort of token and it deffo had Class Story IV in the details....I am hopeful this is the story content being referenced in the Makeb expansion.



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And the price is commensurate. So what is the problem?


I don't really have a problem myself, as I have many other ways to keep myself entertained, but a game with weeks or months of enjoyment runs for 60 bucks, but this little blip of content will run for 1/6th of that, it just seems like it should be much cheaper. I mean, it isn't Horse Armor or Hearthfire, but it ain't Shivering Isle/Going Rogue/whateverisonEQLiverightnow/etc. It's a nice step in the right direction for content I guess, but the pricing seems like two steps in the wrong direction.

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I can't blame people for complaining.


This looks an awful lot like a content patch that they're only calling an expansion and raising the cap so they can charge for it.


It may turn out differently, but a quote of a dev saying "there's so much stuff to add and it's going to be exciting" is not particularly persuasive, considering the same thing was said that at launch. :p


People go by what they know, and what they know so far doesn't impress them.


They also said how amazing and how people are going to die when they see the life day speeder.. We see how that turned out. It seems their perception of what's cool and everyone elses is few and far between. If they say Makeb is going to be awesome, I'll expect quite the opposite based off past experiences.

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I don't save posts, but I know it was close(ish) to F2P launch and expansions came into question and we were assured that subs wouldn't have to pay. Sorry I don't know the link. :(


ive been looking and not seeing anything. i did find a few articles where they said it hadn't been decided yet as per Jeff Hickman http://www.swtor-life.com/video/the-future-of-swtor-jeff-hickman-interview/7112/


What (if anything) will subscribers have to pay for after F2P launches?


I wish I had a solid answer for you on that. We’re still in discussion about some of the larger content updates that we’re planning. Great example is the planet Makeb. We’ve talked about Makeb, we have a lot of plans around Makeb. I wish I could give you more details, but I can tell you that I think the playerbase is going to be really, really pleased. More story content. New and interesting things for the players to do. More systems and interesting functions in the game … I can’t go into a lot of detail, but around things like that … This is a pretty big piece (of content). It is probably all that I can say. It is definitely still for discussion whether we sell that to the subscriber or the subscriber gets that for free because it is a big beefy chunk of content.


and here they didnt commit either to subs getting it for free and they actually asked if people would pay 9.99 for it in this survey (screen shot below) . I assume many said yes. from an E3 article http://dulfy.net/2012/06/04/swtor-e3-announcement-new-level-cap-news-species-new-ops-etc-coming-this-year/





I am intrigued at the 90 days of additional game time they were thinking about but i wont expect it to happen tbh.


there are also a few other articles i read but none of them mentioned subs getting this for free..

Edited by CrazyCanukk
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Originally BW did say we would not have to pay for the Makeb expansion as a subscriber...


HOWEVER they then very publicly changed their minds and informed the player base that we may get charged for the Makeb expansion.


At that point everyone lost the right to play the "you said it would be free card" because the landscape changed AND they kept us all informed of this change....


If you arrange to meet a buddy at a bar for a drink in three days time, then in two days time your buddy says "I wont be there I have work commitments that have come up and I will be working late"......do you still turn up at the bar then moan at your buddy for not turning up?




This analogy is an accurate representation of the situation, and should be burned into the retinas of most of the posters on the past 30 pages. Or, if we were so lucky, Bioware would make an in-game message pop up quoting it.

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