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Anyone else annoyed by crowded planets?


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There are different instances on planets. You could try switching (it's on your map).

Other than that, the large population is a good thing.



The zones don't seem to be built for the number of people in them though.


Quest items and quest mobs just don't seem to spawn fast enough for more than 100 per zone, never mind rares and crafting nodes.

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Nope. If there are singles showing up for the same quest boss, we just group up. This game is an MMO, which means plenty of opportunities to "play well with others." If a player wants to solo, cool ... they can simply change instances. But crowded planets being a problem? Nope. There's always Xbox if single player campaign mode is the preference.


This is where open groups like Warhammer Online had would be a godsend, why on earth Bioware EA didn't copy them I have no idea. :confused:

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Is this thread actually serious?


Master Dar'Nala from Oceanic region doesn't even have that many people on the entire server nearly, let alone one *********** instance of a planet. This thread should not even exist :/ *** is wrong with you lol


DOnt blame the player, blame the developer.


If there were free server transfers (like in some other smarter MMOs) everyone could move where they wont.


I like medium pop servers the best. Where is MY option aslo?


Try doing Rep Black Hole dailies when theres gazzilion people around, its freakin terrible (goes for any daily area really, mybe not Blesavis, but Blesavis take ages to load even with SATA3 SSD so i avoid it - i do dailies between WZs).


So yah, channel your anger to the right spot :)


Spawn fights occur from time to time and ninjas are a plenty.


It bothers me a lot, its biggest immersion breaker you can have in RPG. Lining up for quest monster, what, we are in time machine to 1999?


It kinda sucks because they went as far as voice over every quest giver to CREATE that immersion.

Edited by GrandMike
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Sometimes. I had that quest for the Senator who wanted slave collar circuitry recovered and there was something of a queue to recover 7 of those things from the crates because a lot of people were there. Otherwise I'll live with it.


Yeah the closer you get to 200 in a zone the more ridiculous it becomes.


Doing some of the "destroy 6 object" quests can go from being a 5 min thing to quite literally 30 min+ just waiting for respawns.

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The problem isn't with how many individual players are competing for mobs; it's with how many separate groups are competing for those mobs. Everyone is flying solo, and so every single person in the area is grabbing their own mob. Mobs run out fast with that strategy.


If you see someone on the same quest as you, try grouping with them. I guarantee you you'll have an easier time finding mobs to kill when you're working with the rest of the players in your area, instead of against them.



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I honestly have mixed feelings about the higher populations. On the one hand, it's awesome to just wander into a heroic area and find half a dozen people already there already doing the quest. You don't have to formally group with them, you just jump in and start taking down champions and elites. That's nice. Having other people around who will jump in if you've bitten off more than you can chew in a fight is nice too and I try to return the favor.


On the other hand the chat on the starter planets is just a cesspool. It's awful. It's beyond awful. Every time I've tried to roll a new toon I end up giving up because the chat is ALWAYS a fight about politics and/or religion. When it's not, it's a talk about bacon or explicit talk about how they want to have sex with the various NPC. It is by far the worst I've seen. It's awful.


Fortunately, this filters out by the time you get to 20-25. Apparently no one is sticking around that long.

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It would solve a lot of problem if quest item / mob changes spawn rate base on number of players in the area.


It was painful try to do the last named npc in bonus quests in beta and sometimes people run in and steal it while I and rest of 3 players have waited for 5+ min. I can't remember how many time I wrote the ticket, the spawn rate remain the same but named npc of bonus quests finally changed to be activated for low level planets.

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I kinda enjoyed the low pop experience but gosh now there's like 3 zones on the lower level planets and totally fr00bed up. Just made a new shadow and really hate this "competing for clickies" experience. Would be cool if subbers could get a separate zone.

Just another "stupid MMO has too many people playing I want single player" post.

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heh the server im on isnt packed at all. the only thing i hate are rude *** jerks that try and kill steal or they will run up while you are killing a mob an take the mission item/crafting materials that is behind the mob that im trying to get to. that pisses me off more than anything!! makes me wish we could attack our own side sometimes!!! and it usually happens when i haven't seen anyone around me all dam day then all of a sudden this guy pops up and takes the stuff i was working on getting to then pops away
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I'm also confused as to how so many lvl 6 Jedi have 2 geared 50s and "just spent 330k on a cyan cuz bored" yet they just hang around the temple and chat all day :/


They're enjoying themselves. Why does it matter their reason? How does it hurt you? If you don't like playing with or around other people, go find a single-player game. Skyrim is a good one.

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While I do wish this game had less clickie things to compete for (see Guild Wars 2 on how to do this the right way) I have not had any really big issues regarding this and have enjoyed leveling a new character since there's actually people there again. Am actually able to do the lower flashpoints and heroics also with people. If there was one area particularly bad I'd move instances and usually is better.
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Let's just be frank here; and please forgive me if your name is Frank and you feel like I'm picking on you....



It's a non issue by the time you complete Act 1. The majority of the people leveling do not make it that far, and it becomes a lot easier; as a lot stopped playing to not liking the AC and/or are not subscribers and it has become to difficult to level. This is based on comparing the population that's on Korriban to Hoth. The most I've seen is 22 on Hoth, versus 117 on Korriban.

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First we complained that the worlds were to empty, now are people seriously starting to complain the worlds are to crowded? I don't get it..........


Can some of you people find a happy place and at least enjoy that without complaining?

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Can some of you people find a happy place and at least enjoy that without complaining?


Generally, no. Some of us can, but the majority cannot. American society is based on 'more, better, faster' and people who are happy with what they have are considered lazy, fanbois or blind. This goes for more than just video games. People are actually encouraged to pick things apart and find ways to improve them, get more with less, etc. The problem is, many people these days also lack basic common sense, courtesy and the education needed to make viable complaints.


Remember when people complained about the phase system and it was blatantly obvious most of them had no idea how the system worked? Yeah, that's one example of what I mean.

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Let's just be frank here; and please forgive me if your name is Frank and you feel like I'm picking on you....



It's a non issue by the time you complete Act 1. The majority of the people leveling do not make it that far, and it becomes a lot easier; as a lot stopped playing to not liking the AC and/or are not subscribers and it has become to difficult to level. This is based on comparing the population that's on Korriban to Hoth. The most I've seen is 22 on Hoth, versus 117 on Korriban.


I agree that it's a complete non-issue after chapter 1. I think the major reason for that is the leveling. I've seen people leaving one of the starter planets at level 8 or 9 and this is after doing all the side missions and heroics. That seriously handicaps you going forward and with XP limited on F2P I can only imagine that gets worse as you level. I decided to roll a Jedi just for fun and there were 200 people on Tython. When I switched back to my level 37 trooper on Hoth there were 60 people in instance 1 and like 10-12 in instance 2. And there were no fights about politics and religion in the chat either which was a huge plus.

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Wow...Okay. Okay.... okay. Let me break down why you man-children will never be pleased with anything in an MMO ever.


At launch there's queues and full servers. Constant whining.

Few months later, there's a lot less people. The whining for merges begins.

Another few months pass. Total whinefest about low population.

F2P launches. People now whine about full planets; not even server queues, but just having full planets is enough to whine about.


The circle is now complete.


You didn't illuminate anything at all. You just ranted about what is known and engaged in the same behavior you decry by ranting. Ironic? :rolleyes:

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I kinda enjoyed the low pop experience but gosh now there's like 3 zones on the lower level planets and totally fr00bed up. Just made a new shadow and really hate this "competing for clickies" experience. Would be cool if subbers could get a separate zone.


This can be mitigated by increasing the spawn rate of mobs and objects. :cool:

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