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I agree with your post, but one thing they really need to do is either add more servers so other servers arent so overpopulated or add a GTN to every single place and include a daily mission terminal, so people arent just stuck with going to the fleet. But more servers would actually help. I am an active subscriber and my wife was going to be as well until she couldn't even play because of the high volume of people and she lags. I know her pain, was raiding with the guild the other day and we all started lagging on boss fights, now this is ridiculous. Fix the now issues first like lag and bugs.
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1.7 is the Ilum revamp. They have already stated as much.


Frankly... looking forward to what they do there. It has been a sore thumb for the better part of a year.


That means we are waiting until feburary or march 2013 for an update

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I disagree. No content was what nearly killed this game.


Keep the content coming and alongside bring some bug fixes.


Besides, the content creating team and the bug fixing team are different teams. What would be the point of the content ones stopping? It will not make bug fixing any faster. Sorry to burst your bubble, you're just gonna have to be patient. At least things are happening now when they werent 5 months ago.

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To OP, this is a good read, might help you understand how software companies actually work ;)


Why Haven't They Fixed My Bug??




Click above link and enjoy ;)


The company I work for, works in a similar way. However, If you look at other teams working on other MMO's. They do not have as much grief with bugs. Yes, they all have bugs. But NEVER have I been a part of an MMO that has this many and for so long. Some bugs still here since beta?! C'mon, who are you kidding. For every 1 bug that is fixed it feels like 3 more are created. Bioware is known for their bugs. Even KOTOR was absolutely littered with them. And still is! Plus that is a console game!


No, this is a Bioware thing. Not an MMO thing.



Is the Engine to blame? I say it is a huge part to play in it, yes. Did they hire way too many out of college graduates to work on the game back then? Creating a wobbly foundation that the game sits on right now? The foundation is so weak that creating a new addition on the second floor just adds more cracks and leaks in the foundation.


The article may explain the individual departments duties, and the why. It doesn't explain the teams incompetence or lack of knowledge on how to properly fix a bug. Yeah, they are getting better at it, maybe. I'm guessing their Engineers have very little experience in their field and are learning as they go along. Same with most of their other departments it seems.


So I purpose that 2.0 is a re-launch, with an Engine that is far less sensitive and much more welcome to additions.


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Bioware doesn't care about your line. They will push what they want.


For once, I agree with you.


As for the OP...I want the new Ilum in 1.7!!! Screw QOL crap. I want CONTENT! Bug fixes don't bring players back, content, which this game has slacked on from the start, is what keeps players.

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Stopped reading at 'We need to be able to sit in chairs'


It's a quality detail that shows the developer cares about the game.



For example it speaks volumes that in Wahammer Online there was never a /sit emote in the Live game, dispite 4 seperate attempts to get one working (the last of which was under Bioware EA).

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I have the feeling that nothing of that kind will ever happen in the game. Never.

They'll add a few instances, a few battle grounds, and that's all.

Dont understand me wrong, I'd wish to have all these features, but SWTOR looks like now like a game kept alive to "milk" the customers, get money from cartel points, and that's all. I suspect also the core engine to be totally unable to handle certain things (like sitting on a chair for instance. It's a static world, which starts to get terribly laggy if they put too much motions in it. They keep it static intentionally).

If you like SWTOR, play it for what it is, and dont expect things for the future, you may be disappointed.

Edited by Draksen
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Anyone find it ironic that quite a few bits of the OP are actually Content not QoL?


I think that is kind of the point, though. "Content" doesn't just mean a new Warzone or Flashpoint, it also means ways to distract yourself other than killing stuff: like an interactive pet system, a card mini-game, a WORKING codex (grumble), fishing, cooking, etc etc etc. Games have these things so people aren't just waiting on the Fleet for the queue to pop.

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For hating WoW you sure do like most of it.... aka if you like most of something then you must like it. I played wow for 7 years and UO for 7 years before that.... nither game was the same... SWTOR should not be the same as WoW...which is what you you are casically asking for...


BTW saying many of us want QoL instead of content means you are speaking for others... how about you let them speak for themselves and you only speak for yourself? I know that might be hard to understand... since you seem to think the SWTOR universe revolves around you.. but try and think that not everyone wants what you want. KK special snowflake?


Lol! Get off you douchy soapbox, troll.


You say speak for myself? The responses in this thread show that it isn't just me. As far as WoW, goes...hate the game because of the direction it went. I'm talking about the features that it did have that could help this game alot. Never said to turn this game into WoW, just to tend to some of the crap that's wrong with it.

Edited by ObiJuanShenobi
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No arena. Ever. It killed the game that created it, and I even remember a post from ghostcrawler asserting to that. This is not a game that could handle even the concept, and I don't want it to.


now...on your other topics, I don't care about pazaak or sitting in a chair at this point (though side games would be nice). What I really want in their next patch is 80% bug fixes. I'm tired of getting booted from FP's on the final cut scene. I'm tire of hitting a skill and watching the cooldown trigger and the skill never goes off. I'm tired of seeing skills that need windows of opportunity to use never go off during those windows even though your spamming the key like mad. I'm tired of glitches in armor, glitches in speeder flights, warzones that classify you as losing even though you won by a longshot, glitches in the holocron databases...the list goes. on.


they could easily fill multiple patches with the fixes. But as it was said before...this is not a SWtOR thing. it's a Bio thing. It's a structured approach to development that's the core issue, not the actual product. I work for a huge company, and I've seen multiple situations where they take a simple, efficient process, and incorporate 3-4 different teams to make it "more efficient" and the net result is 3-4x more work with a far worse process that is clunky and frustrating for everyone involved.


And these processes are standardized approaches for many higher ups. it's how they run business. So i honestly don't think were going to ever have a game as polished as some others out there. the internal clockworks within EA and BIo are probably designed specifically to NOT allow these things to run smooth and efficiently.


An average Dev who has their own time and unlimited resources can develop some amazing things (and we'll often see the idea of those things in early development). take that same dev, put them in a clunky business model, and force them to have to go through 12 different layers of approval to get done what they were getting done on their own in 1/10th of the time, and the net result is a dev who....only gets 10% of the real world stuff done.


there you go folks. that is the current business model for many large companies. and these large companies are the ones that are buying our small developers. And you can see the results.

Edited by Elyx
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I agree for the most part OP.


I really believe they need to have PTR up 24/7 and get Pre-Made toons working. So many bugs that need to get fixed that are breaking immersion and causing headaches. Fixing them before releasing more patches and breaking more stuff should be priority one. Some of things you have listed I think can wait, it's still a good list regardless of the Trolls telling you to go back to Wow. that is just a childish move in any gaming community.

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Lol! Get off you douchy soapbox, troll.


You say speak for myself? The responses in this thread show that it isn't just me. As far as WoW, goes...hate the game because of the direction it went. I'm talking about the features that it did have that could help this game alot. Never said to turn this game into WoW, just to tend to some of the crap that's wrong with it.


Why is he a troll, because he accused you of making a list of features which happen to exist in WoW?

Well you did just that and then you claimed how you don;t want this game to become WoW which is a bit odd to say the least.

And arena, seriously?


I don't pay subscription here in order to fish, cook, sit in chairs and visit barbers, these things aren't exactly giving me a huge Star Wars vibe.

So yeah, some of the things you mentioned are great like Pazaak and a better space combat system but they most certainly won't be here in 1.7, as for the rest it, i don't really see any reason whatsoever why they should even bother when they can focus on more important stuff.

Edited by Vlacke
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I have the feeling that nothing of that kind will ever happen in the game. Never.

They'll add a few instances, a few battle grounds, and that's all.

Dont understand me wrong, I'd wish to have all these features, but SWTOR looks like now like a game kept alive to "milk" the customers, get money from cartel points, and that's all. I suspect also the core engine to be totally unable to handle certain things (like sitting on a chair for instance. It's a static world, which starts to get terribly laggy if they put too much motions in it. They keep it static intentionally).

If you like SWTOR, play it for what it is, and dont expect things for the future, you may be disappointed.


Yes, it is a Static world. This reminds me of Star trek online. In STO you had different Sit emotes, Chair/Stool/Sit that way the world still remand static but you could still 'sit' in those chairs.

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