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Anyone else feel unlucky with packs?


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Just curious here, as having compared what I've received through Crime Lord and Blockade Runner packs to other people I seem to have the worst luck on the server.


Yesterday for example I bought a few Blockade Runner packs when I logged on to see what was new.

1) Emote: Superflex

2) A Preceptor Headpiece

3) Credit boom

4) Stylish Dancer's Hat (for the love of God, please stop giving us this model)

5) Covert Torso

6) Imperial Banner


I eventually decided my character was cursed and tried on one of my Imperials, where I at least got a new vehicle and the Remote Control Starship.


However this morning I happened to see a player walking around in *full* Revan gear, long before the first Bound timers expired. Guildmates have been getting orange weapons all over the place, crystals, thrones etc.


This is not a complaint - I'm just curious if anyone else feels struck by the curse of the packs?


On the plus side it has helped me to get over my gambling phase and stop buying them. ^_^

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I got a pink purple stam crystal for my Guardian, and a couple of adaptive mounts for my alts, so I at least got some stuff I could use which is nice.


In hindsight though I wish I had saved my founder/sub coins for the spaceship upgrades cos I now I have to grind for them.

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Well it depends the Revan gear outside of the mask are only rare and not super rare. In 4 boxes I got the chest piece 2 times, lower robe 3 times, and boots 1 time. Never got the mask though which sucks. If people have the full look they most likely spent >$100 to get it which I guess is ok with them I do like to spend since I happen to have extra cash laying around but I don't keep opening boxes until I get the mask or the meditation throne. That would take a lot of money. :)
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Yeah I'm very disappointed with the cartel packs and my luck. I've opened about 15 of them and I managed to get a speeder and a pink crystal I'm not going to use(endurance). TONS of xp power-ups that I'm not going to use at 50. I've gotten like 5-6 Republic banners(as an Imp). About 3-4 droid customizations for the Republic droid(again I'm Imp). A bunch or pretty much worthless mats(deb star silk, etc that sells for like 1-2k at most on my server). Lots of silly emotes I'm not going to use and many multiples of leggings, boots, and hats. Nothing I can make a complete set out of. Out of the 15 or so packs, more than 3/4 of them had either no artifact quality items or only artifact cheap mats and/or companion gifts. Over 15 packs this is HORRIBLE odds. Considering I've spent probably close to $100 total on coins so far, hoping for the items I wanted, I feel severely cheated by BW/EA. I would have rather been able to pay directly for the items I want, even if at a premium. So all in all, FU BW!
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Sorry but you've only cheatet yourself ^^ why would you buy 100USD worth of packs if you have a problem loosing the money? It is gambling for gods sake ^^ you have to expect to loose ...


With 100USD worth of coins you can easily make 15-20million ... with that ypu'll be able to buy everything you ever wanted from the packs...


so do not blame Bioware or EA ... blame yourself!

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Yeah I'm very disappointed with the cartel packs and my luck. I've opened about 15 of them and I managed to get a speeder and a pink crystal I'm not going to use(endurance). TONS of xp power-ups that I'm not going to use at 50. I've gotten like 5-6 Republic banners(as an Imp). About 3-4 droid customizations for the Republic droid(again I'm Imp). A bunch or pretty much worthless mats(deb star silk, etc that sells for like 1-2k at most on my server). Lots of silly emotes I'm not going to use and many multiples of leggings, boots, and hats. Nothing I can make a complete set out of. Out of the 15 or so packs, more than 3/4 of them had either no artifact quality items or only artifact cheap mats and/or companion gifts. Over 15 packs this is HORRIBLE odds. Considering I've spent probably close to $100 total on coins so far, hoping for the items I wanted, I feel severely cheated by BW/EA. I would have rather been able to pay directly for the items I want, even if at a premium. So all in all, FU BW!


Oh wow, you spent $100 on Packs. But as you say, the odds are not that great. If it is something that you really like, get it from the GTN. The lottery is not a sure way to get a specific item.

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So far I've finished the Dancer's outfit (who even wants that?) gotten the bottom half of the Perceptor's outfit, and gotten the legs of the Revan outfit 8 times, never seen the mask or chest piece. I also have a nice collection of emotes and speeders, then the rest of the junk you get in the pack (exp boosters etc...)


This is the first time I've bought anything off the store, saved up all my points from when F2P hit and the extra I got this month from subbing and bought a few extra coins from one of the cheaper offers. I bought about 8 or 9 packs, got a lot of the Revan's Robes (as I mentioned) nothing else worth having.

Edited by MasterPetricco
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I got 7 of them and the only so called "Rare" items I got were.


Revans chest, Revans robes.


That's it, no crystals no pets, not really a thing. I kept thinking maybe the next one will have items in it......and nope.


So as of now I'm done buying those packs, waste of time and money.

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I got 7 of them and the only so called "Rare" items I got were.


Revans chest, Revans robes.


That's it, no crystals no pets, not really a thing. I kept thinking maybe the next one will have items in it......and nope.


So as of now I'm done buying those packs, waste of time and money.


I'd kill for anything Revan haha. If you are on Jedi Covenant I can give you the charater to mail those to. :p;)

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I haven't spent any money on packs, but I've used quite a few CC on them (after unlocking everything I cared about, there wasn't anything else to spend them on,) and never gotten anything good. I got a white war hero's crystal (I don't PvP and think the crystal is ugly,) which I was able to sell for a nice profit, but after more than half a dozen packs, I haven't gotten one thing I actually wanted.


I do like my gizka, though. He's fun.

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Yeah i agree with one fella here well more then one bu,t i too spent way way to much on packs like a dumbA&%^! and got between now, all 3 packs and between 9 toons maybe a half a dozen things i didnt want and none the stuff i did want, not saying i keep getting female outfits for my male toons and the same emotes over and over again, finally i didnt want to but i fixed up one of my Vetts with the full outfit and dressed up one of my main jedi females with a half female outfit. Out of the good stuff was a couple vehicled and crystals. I doubt i be buying any more packs not with real cash any more and. HEY BW HERE IS AN IDEA I WOULD BUY IS? WHY NOT JUST SHELVE ALL THOSE ITEMS AND LET US BUY EACH PIECE INDIVIDUALLY . FOR EXAMPLE ( IF I WANT TO BUY A VEHICLE, I BUY ONE OF THE MANY THATS ON THE SHELF OR IF I WANT AN EMOTE I PICK ONE OUT THAT I WANT OR IF I WANT A FLYING THRONE I PICK ONE OUT AND SO FORTH. That idea i could get behind you get what you want and every one is happy, BW gets their money and the players get what they want being F2P or and SUBS.


What about it BW, and the rest of the public thinks?

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I want that bloody meditation chair, my partner and I have opened some 20 or more packs and nothing. Got companion gifts, banners and crafting items coming out our rears but nothing overly decent.


Seriously, I'd happily pay my remaining CC balance of about 3000 coins JUST on that chair.

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