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Strange, after a year...


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So...I still like this game.* :D


I loved Star Wars ever since I was a kid. Star Trek too, but...STO...meh. (lifetime sub there

though.) I was ecstatic when I heard one of my favorite gaming companies, Bioware (well of the ones that still existed) was going to work on a Star Wars MMO.


I raved and raged through the beta. Enjoyed the ups and downs at launch and early on. Pre-bought a

Collector's edition and a Digital Deluxe edition (trying to get my friends to play.)


I enjoyed the story-based theme for the game. I was happy when the extras such as pets, events, and

content expansions were rolled out. I suffered through the many iterations of crew skills and even

took a break from the game (still paid, just had real-life to deal with and could not play.)

Sadly it was while purple crystals were available at the fleet vendor. *DOH*


And now with F2P...even with the new changes, some good, some I think could use some improvement. Yes I *still* enjoy this game.


Because for me, the core of this game "the *story*" is still there. And the irony with F2P is if a lifetime sub option was available I'd still pay.


Happy anniversary and many happy returns, Bioware. Just figured I'd say thanks.


If I have fallen to the darkside fanboi, so be it, jedi... :)

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Yup... it's the same for me.


There have been ups and downs. Bugs... too many for my taste. Great events. Bad patches. Great OP runs... bad OP runs... Good frustrations, LI HM. Bad frustrations, glitches with group finder. Stories... great stories, capped 5 toons so far. Some spacebaring. Some repeating dialogue choices to see all of the outcomes. Great exploring. Some exhaustion zones. Some ninjas.... and some new friends.


I still enjoy it everyday. Everyday...


Looking forward to more, much much more.

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I still love the aspects of the game that were present at release. There are very few notable or positive additions post-release. I will, however, gladly consume the release content as a preferred player until BioWare once again gives me reason to drop more money on the game.
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Even though people love to hate this game, just like they hate all things Bioware these days, i feel frustrated with those people. The fact is, the games are still awesome and a joy to play. While Bioware continues to make games that are fun to play, i will continue to support them, despite the bunch of trolls wanting to destroy them, or beeing overly critical ignoring that there is an amazing game behind the product and there is much to love.

SWTOR has the best target-based combat. Every melee attack has a different animation. This makes combat fun and varied and you feel like you are an awesome Jedi/Sith/Trooper/Smuggler/BH/IA. I played every class except sentinel/marauder wich im planning for my Cathar. They are all fun to play. The class story is different for every class on each side giving you a reason to level an alt for every one of them. These stories also make your experience with your character unique. You bond with your character.


I absolutely cannot wait until an expansion for this game gets announced. All those 8 stories you can experience will be expanded. If you want to see the story its worth it to level one of each and enjoy the whole game. Besides that, the PVP is crazy fun, the PvE is enjoyable with story flashpoints and amazing encounters, the crafting is not mind-numblingly boring and a chore. When i analyse the core of this game i see a quality product i am enjoying imensely. The critics get stuck on the bugs, and performance, but in the last patch there werent many at all and they are now turning the anger to the cartel shop.

They always will find something to hate because thats what they want to do. They do not want to enjoy the game, they refuse to see the quality product that is fun from beggining to finish and a joy to play, they focus their anger on the little things that will get fixed so they can proclaim their tortanic jokes and threaten with their subs some more in an effort to destroy the game and move on to the next one to destroy (probably will be The elder scrolls online).


In summary: this game is really good. It did get launched in a beta status in terms of performance and bugs, but its one really enjoyable game, and with these getting adressed and the content coming at the a good pace, i am very excited about the future. Just need to tone down those cartel shop prices a bit. They are over the top. For this though the solution is simple: dont buy the stuff.

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Yeah! Still loving the game!


The problem, I think, with all the "negative" comments we see sometimes is that it's Star Wars, and just that, by itself, started creating a long list of expectations and want-to-haves in our minds. Second, it's BioWare, some/most/all of us have played at least one of their games in the past and have gotten used to a certain level of quality, more expectations. Third, it was three years (three!) from announcement to release, talk about making us wait...and more expectation and speculations.


I've read in some news sites that there have been some internal "issues" in BW/EA around this game, and I do think it has had some negative impact in the game experience. But, I like to believe they've ironed out most of it and are getting back on track with the continuation of the game development, in content, features, bug fixes and so on. These may not come at the rate we might like or expect or... but they are coming, and apparently the new patches are becoming more frequent.


So, keep at it, BW, let us see more of the good stuff and lees of the not-so-good. Congratz on the first year of the game!! :)

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I'm pretty sure I'm done this month, haven't had the will to log on since the new space dailies were so difficult. I mean yeah it's great and all there's new content that people are going to have trouble tearing through, but this is a daily we're talking about. It shouldn't be a struggle. I actually bought the 3 packs to be able to get through these new missions and I really wish I had a way to get my money back.


Then again I'm a PvPer and classically Bioware hasn't been all that interested in PvP as more than a tack on. Now with the release of easily obtainable top end war hero gear with nothing beyond it, I can't say I have anything to log on and look foward to.


Without a doubt this game has potential to be great, but 1.6 was just a big step in the wrong direction. Paid subscribers shouldn't have to pay extra for content. Things sitting in the cash shop right now should be availible to the player who wants to go out and hunt for them in game through quest lines.


I hope they realize what a mistake they're making with some of these changes, but I fear that people posting things like this thread will only make them ignore more of us who want to see some things fixed. The only way I know to get the message to them that I am disappointed is through unsub.

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I'm pretty sure I'm done this month, haven't had the will to log on since the new space dailies were so difficult. I mean yeah it's great and all there's new content that people are going to have trouble tearing through, but this is a daily we're talking about. It shouldn't be a struggle. I actually bought the 3 packs to be able to get through these new missions and I really wish I had a way to get my money back.


Mission accomplished. :rolleyes: The reasoning behind the difficulty, and more importantly, the exorbitantly, unreasonably expensive in-game routes of progression is simply to coerce you to buy the items in your frustration.

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Mission accomplished. :rolleyes: The reasoning behind the difficulty, and more importantly, the exorbitantly, unreasonably expensive in-game routes of progression is simply to coerce you to buy the items in your frustration.


Buy packs* since no one else is really buying the overpriced sets. Cartel market? More like Pack Market. This game won't last long at this rate if the only thing inticing people to buy are packs.

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I still like it too, and it is still without doubt the best 1-50 MMO experience I've ever had.


If they could just make the endgame even half as engaging as the levelling they'd have been hailed as conquering heroes and the game would have millions of subs.


Alas, such a thing is neither easy nor cheap, so we find ourselves here, I'm still subbed, and will continue to be until I finish out the class storylines on my BH, Agent and Jedi Knight, but raiding with my guild no longer holds my interest, and even the HK-51 quest could not get me back into my 50's with their hideous new sound effects (seriously, why does grav round sound like my gun is farting, where did the boom boom boom go from my charged burst) so how long I stay after that is anybodies guess...

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Happy anniversary and many happy returns, Bioware. Just figured I'd say thanks


+1. Mostly. I'm not sure I can say thanks for a service I pay for (we unfortunately live in a mediocre age where we have to thank people for doing something they are reimbursed for). But I will say that I appreciate this game and consider it worth every nickle I put into it ;).


So yes, to many many happy returns to Carrick Station.


- Arcada

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I was starting to wonder if I was the only one left who still loves the game... Nice to see that I am not alone! :)


I think there's still a decent amount of work needed on part of the developer to make the game more polished, especially at endgame, but not enough that it makes playing suboptimal in my case. With most MMOs, I tire of them rather quickly though this seems to be the exception and the bugs here haven't been too hampering of my gaming time thus far. Overall, I have been pretty happy with my time in SWTOR since day one.


In any case, I expect to be here until the servers close down, which hopefully, will be a long time off from now.

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here brothers and sisters! Positivety! We should all ban together! I love this game, Ive watched it since its infancy, all the way to beta i was in, to the CE to now Ive stuck by and defended right or wrong. love till the day its dead
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