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Share Your 1st Anniversary Celebration Moments with the community!


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This is an amazing thread. The first positive post to address the thread's subject is response #68!


What an eye-opener. I knew there was hostility and resentment, but I had no idea the bitterness was this deep.


I wonder if Bioware is as shocked as I am? Wonder how BW will react?


Time for new strategy.


Post #11 was the first non negative, and my first post #17 is the first of only 2 "thank you's" in this thread. So are we up to 4 positive comments to 88 negative? This community is awesome!!!!:rolleyes:

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That guy likely was happy with Bioscam all along and will refuse to see what the rest of us are upset over


Nope you assume wrong, just a point that really annoyed me today. We are allowed to make a single non encompassing point in one post.... :cool:

Edited by Drpineapples
word fail
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Post #11 was the first non negative, and my first post #17 is the first of only 2 "thank you's" in this thread. So are we up to 4 positive comments to 88 negative? This community is awesome!!!!:rolleyes:


Yea, if only all of BW's "Oh S.H.I.T" moments were not outweighing there good moments things wouldn't be perceived as negatively as they are now.


Cause I wont lie. Whoever thought of putting ship upgrades that gave BH comms in the cartel market needs to be smacked on the back of the head.

Edited by Quraswren
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An in game mail with attchments can be deleted, you miss the point its the sentiment behind the cost and quality of the items and the context they are used within game and season, its a missed oppertunity. :rolleyes:


Well, if there was an event, it would make sense to give items and we all dress alike and put up our holo-trees and sparkles. But, guess what... no event! That's a whole 'nother conversation, as I think they should have done an event. But, since they didn't, I don't want the items. People who want to organize their own events now have access to the appropriate accessories.


Nothing to see here. Move along.

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Post #11 was the first non negative, and my first post #17 is the first of only 2 "thank you's" in this thread. So are we up to 4 positive comments to 88 negative? This community is awesome!!!!:rolleyes:


Here's another positive note about the fireworks. I think the fireworks are appropriate and we may all organize celebrations as we see fit.


Seems a lot of this thread also focuses on Life Day stuff, but that is completely separate. The fireworks are fine for a one-year anniversary and it will be cool to see where people set them off.

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People who want to organize their own events now have access to the appropriate accessories.


Nothing to see here. Move along.


For a price even though I subscribe....getting warmer HO HO HO! :mad:


Seriously all us guys have dedicated hours of our time to this game and this is why we are on this forum, we want it to work and have fun and immersion but they can be serious churning out this cack and expecting us to pay extra for it can they seriuosly?

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I am sad there was no IG event for life day. I guess I got acquainted with SOE's christmas stuff after the 7-8 years I played. There is a bad taste in my mouth about all the cool stuff in pay to play. I would like to buy some of the items but I am already paying a sub fee.
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For a price even though I subscribe....getting warmer HO HO HO! :mad:


Seriously all us guys have dedicated hours of our time to this game and this is why we are on this forum, we want it to work and have fun and immersion but they can be serious churning out this cack and expecting us to pay extra for it can they seriuosly?


Here's to hoping that some day they wise-up and post a survey or something to find out how people want to celebrate.


That being said, I have no idea what their workload is or how many hours they all work. Maybe the legitimately didn't have time for anything more this year.

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Not much to celebrate.

The fireworks are less impressive than a Jawa fart. All the other life day items are in the cartel market instead of being a reward from quests. The red outfit is expensive and doesn't look very good ( plain red ... ), same with the speeder.

I like the space missions and was very disappointed by the requirements to run the new ones, mandatory grade 7 that you either buy of the cartel market or have to grind a huge amount of fleet comm to acquire.


Nope not very much to celebrate, it feels like Cashmas not Christmas.

I think EA/Bioware will not see much of my money in 2013 ( I am a subscriber ).

Edited by Inkanto
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(Portions of ) a Year in TOR - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly




- Visiting Empire fleet for 1st time. Taking Interfleet transport for first time. This was a huge thrill. Generally speaking it ticks me off how people seem rather keen to dis fleet; it was a very cool idea from BWs part.

- In general, I really love it how in TOR they sacrificed some thought to internal credibility of stuff game mechanics make necessary; you don't get teleported to instance, you take a shuttle from fleet to get there.(<.- obsolete now due to grp finder, ofc) You don't fight opposing faction for some arbitary flag caps, you fight for control of turrets. World is credible. Stuff players end up doing often make sense. I really appreciated this.

- Combat is so much fun! Charge a dude in upper ramp of Hutball stadium. Force push him down. Charge another. YESYESYES. It is awesome how much removing autohit can do to the bit obsolete WoW model of combat.

- Hutball is awesome. WZs in genral are pretty good.

the Bad

- UI from December to February(or beyond, I 1st stopped playing on Feb, unsure when they repaired most severe of its malfunctions) What a clunky terrible dysfunctional piece of ****. Hard coded keybinds around WASD??!?1+1+1 Operating any menu like inventory, vendors, paperdoll, GTN made me want to kill myself. Who designed and tested this horrible piece of ****?

- It is to this day nearly impossible to see your procs or debuffs mid combat. Ultimately, what made me unsub in Feb was UI. I really, really hated it. They have now fixed around 62% of stuff I hated back then.

- TOR lifted questing from Vanilla WoW? 200 million budget and it buys em nostalgy trip to Elwynn Forest. Seriously. It can be argued even TBC has more modern, varied and exiting questing mechanics going. WOTLK and beyond are beyond arguments in this regard.


the Ugly

- In WoW, you get gnomes dressed as elves, orc as a Santa. Xmas tree with gifts underneath. Come Eve, you get to open these gifts and get varyingly fun/silly looyt. You get couple of varyingly silly quests inspired by Grinch and stuff. You get to go and fetch Santa cookies and milk. In TOR, you get to spend five dollah for a holo pine tree. Merry Christmas/Life Day!

...More examples of the Ugly but in my mind, but this sums everything up in beautiful fashion.

I hate it how eagerly people vote with their wallets here. Thanks to derping of masses, It is much more profitable for EA to release idiotic zero effort recoloring of old Armor skins than it is to release real content. I hate it. Woooooo lets spend 5 euro for an ingame lottery ticket!! FU.

Edited by Stradlin
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Post #11 was the first non negative, and my first post #17 is the first of only 2 "thank you's" in this thread. So are we up to 4 positive comments to 88 negative? This community is awesome!!!!:rolleyes:


Sort of telling no?


I haven't seen such negative feedback in a very, very long time in an MMO, they all have it of course, but this..... In a celebritory post by a CSR, that actually needed to un-stickied may be unprecidented...


I hope behind the scenes, this is working out for them, and this is all worth it.


As far as the negative posts go, i wouldn't be blaming the consumer if it was my business...



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Hmmmm my first anniversary memories.


I logged in. I looked at the GTN and did some crafting. After 45 minutes the game crashed to desktop as it has every 45 minutes since update 1.4. :mad: What a celebration!


Afterwards I looked at my desktop and thought. "I miss my SWG" :(

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I feel like I'm being forced to say thanks, like i'm supposed to thank them for reskinning some gear or speeder for the 4th time. The new warzone is nice and all but how about fixing the game breaking exploit in the other warzones that have been out since release?


(yes i know novare came in 1.2, yet still an exploit 8 months later)

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So, time to reflect on this year.... This is almost depressing lol


Between all my characters, I spent 59 days, 7 hours INSIDE THE GAME THIS YEAR! That's 59.29 days, divided by 366 days this year (leap year)... that's 16.37% of the ENTIRE TRIP AROUND THE SUN THAT I WAS PLAYING THIS GAME! lol :) That's not counting all the time I spent on forums, my guild website, planning out names/race/classes of characters, theory crafting, etc. etc. Holy cow... And that's with work, grad school, and being on some sports teams. I can only imagine how crazy this is for other people... lol.

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Well, checking out Twitter it looks like fans that don't browse the forums have found a cool way to share their SWTOR memories with a cool hashtag. I'm not going to share that hashtag here for fear it'd be hijacked.




What a cool hashtag.

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Ive seen no childish rants on here. Just people expressing they are upset, and deservedly so. Should they just remain silent? No. You just don't LIKE other opinions is the problem. Intolerant, just like most humans.


I suppose you call other peoples opinions "hate" and "whining" and "crying" too?


So, tell me, how exactly should people show they are upset with this "event" and the utter lackluster "content" in it? Flowers and smiley faces? Yes, we enjoy getting slapped in the face after playing 15 bucks a month for a year.....and this is all they could come up with, and have the gaul to call it a "celebration". I see zero celebration. Zero. Go try Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2, they understand what a "celebration" is. Then, just maybe, you'll understand why so many people are upset. Because when a FTP game like Guild Wars can do things 10 times better than a monthly fee game like SWTOR, you know something is very wrong and lacking at Bioware.


^This is so true, I can't believe they didn't put any effort into either Life Day or 1st Year anniversary than want us to celebrate with firework that last like 5 seconds. Fine you can’t find the time to do an event like every other MMO, than at least make the Firework really cool. I love the game, but I’m very disappointed with the 1st Year Anniversary and Life Day event. I just wonder why they can’t get more done, other game are putting out new items in there store, events, and content updates.

Edited by TheSeer
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