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Bolstered WFs are a joke.


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Oh for the love of God I hope you guys are planing on removing the WF bolster and adding brackets cause as it is now its a total joke. I am not sure if SWTOR was just lazy and didnt want to worry about PvP balance or they think bolster is just a good idea but both are wrong.


I am telling you guys RIGHT NOW... no one will be playing this game for the PvP if it stays bolstered none brackets as it is now.


I can think of only 2 reasons a bolstered PvP system would work.

1. It allows friends/guildies of ALL level to join a WF together.


2. You are lazy and dont want to have to worry about dealing with the balance issues that would arise from a bracket none bolstered system.


Now the reasons it is bad.

1. Difference in skills, when you got a bunch of low 20s/teens vs high 20s/30s the team with the higher levels, more amount of stuns/CC and just generally more skills WILL win.


2. A guild group of a few 40s can join a BG that have TONS more time PvPing together and wipe the floor with the other team and any new people that are in that BG will be turned off from WFs for ever like that. Granted that can happen in any game/PvP system but your not going to find some 40s beating up on 20s and teens in other MMO BGs.


3. Makes the worth of gear pointless. How many people do you know say (oh yeah that will be great for PvP) well now forget about it. A bolstered system means someone in crappy greens is at par with someone that has epics.


4. "Getting murdered in my bracket at level 19, oh well I will level up get some better gear and at 28/29 I will join that bracket and see if its better." Well not with a bolstered non-bracket system you wont, if one side is winning the BGs all the time and your getting murdered it will stay that way till...



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I love the bolster system. I like seeing a level 12 smuggler as a 30+ BH and still have a chance of losing.


Yes, I'm awful.


Edit: To add, I was in a WZ with 2 50s and 2 high 40s (guild group) and we got destroyed by the other team who had no one above 30.

Edited by arggonuts
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I don't quite know how this system works to be honest. What i do know, is i just watched a lvl 10 try and fight a lvl 39, and the lvl 10 could barely touch the 39. While the 39 destroyed the lvl 10.


Something isnt right here.


I LOVE PVP! But i hate PVPing in Warzones on this game so far. I'm fairly disappointed by the WZ system.


Please tell me they have something planned for this cause otherwise this system is going to continue to fail horribly if you ask me. Or people will stop PVPing in the early levels.

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Bolster is fine. If you're decent at PvP you can go in at 10 and hold your own against a lvl 20-30 guy 1v1.


Obviously as you level, things will get easier, but at lvl 10 you already have a fair number of abilities that when bolstered make you more than capable of staying afloat. Early on (10 or soon after) as an operative I had a stun, an aoe blind, stealth, ranged burst, melee burst, and my cc breaker ability.


It may be more difficult for some classes who don't have as diverse a kit to start with, but that doesn't mean that bolster should go away. It just means that those classes need to try harder :)

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I seem to see 2 different responses.


One from people that seem to be what I can only guess are fan boys cause they use the excuse that if you get beat by a level 30 at level 10 with the booster your bad and its the other way around. I dont want to be beating up on level 10s at level 30.


AND NO... your wrong, they do NOT have the same chance of winning, also what kind of answer to a piss poor designed system is "try harder".


"Oh yeah I see your complaint but if one class has his stuns and CC and the other class does not its not the system that is the problems its the lack of effort from the person with less of his abilities to try harder then the person who can CC."


And then to be told that the system is fine cause "you have been playing for a while and its just fine." Thats not even a logical address to the problems that arise with a bolstered PvP system. Thats like something a government tells its people as a meteor screams down to earth to destroy the entire population just so it does not insight panic.


If you guys have a GOOD reason to why bolster is better then a none bolstered bracket system PLEASE by all means share. The only person to even attempt to make a case on that end is someone that likes to get abused in warzones by lower levels cause he is bad. And that STILL is not even close to a good enough reason or have any bearing weight on the real issues to why bolstered none bracket warzones are a better idea.


Can ANYONE present a GOOD reason to have none bracketed bolster warzones???

Edited by Havocis
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I seem to see 2 different responses.


One from people that seem to be what I can only guess are fan boys cause they use the excuse that if you get beat by a level 30 at level 10 with the booster your bad and its the other way around. I dont want to be beating up on level 10s at level 30.


AND NO... your wrong, they do NOT have the same chance of winning, also what kind of answer to a piss poor designed system is "try harder".


"Oh yeah I see your complaint but if one class has his stuns and CC and the other class does not its not the system that is the problems its the lack of effort from the person with less of his abilities to try harder then the person who can CC."


And then to be told that the system is fine cause "you have been playing for a while and its just fine." Thats not even a logical address to the problems that arise with a bolstered PvP system. Thats like something a government tells its people as a meteor screams down to earth to destroy the entire population just so it does not insight panic.


If you guys have a GOOD reason to why bolster is better then a none bolstered bracket system PLEASE by all means share. The only person to even attempt to make a case on that end is someone that likes to get abused in warzones by lower levels cause he is bad. And that STILL is not even close to a good enough reason or have any bearing weight on the real issues to why bolstered none bracket warzones are a better idea.


Can ANYONE present a GOOD reason to have none bracketed bolster warzones???


Learn to play, my friend.


Bolstered PvP takes skill.

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Stop looking at peoples levels and you are good. Use the WZ's to have fun and level. If you are not 50 you should not be all that worried about who you can take 1 vs 1.


I have been playing WZs from level 10 and not once have I looked to see what level the person that just killed me was. I don't care. I am having a great time, the queues are fast and I am getting good XP.


P.S. They have said that once there are enough 50's, they are going to make a 50 only bracket so that they can leave all the non-PvP geared folks alone.


PPS. I would rather have fast queues then all wins.

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See if it was in brackets of at LEAST 10 then I would agree with you that the bolster just removes the difference in stats from gear in which case YES. Bolster WITH brackets would be about skill.


But I dont care WHO you are or how good you say you are or bad you think I am cause I have a legitimate complaint about the system.


If you put 2 people of the same skill and have them fight it out the higher level player with MORE stuns/CC and better abilities IS going to win.


With your logic its like bringing a sharp knife to a sharp gun fight but its fair cause both people have sharp items.

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I would much rather see a bolster system without brackets that allows me to immediately join a WZ with guild members of a significantly higher level playing against people from an opposing faction that I have seen on other toons throughout the life cycle of this game. Not to mention I have a REAL change of affecting how the game turns out, regardless of my level. New/different things are some times difficult to adjust to. This is no different. I will be PvPing in WZ's and in the OW for a while to come. And I wager you will be doing the exact same thing. Edited by Van_BlanK
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Now here I can't see any point in arguing for the system we have in this game, because I'll just be flammed by the OP for being a fanboy.


If you don't like that a lot of people enjoy the current system, then don't play PvP.


If you can't stand the fact that lvl doesn't matter the same in this game for PvP as it does in other games, play another game.


PvP here is more based upon skill, and your yelling at everyone shows more your lack of said skill.

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PvP here is more based upon skill, and your yelling at everyone shows more your lack of said skill.



I loved the bolster system at lvl 10, I love it now at lvl 20.

If I meet other players with more abilities than I have, I use my head, think a little and work around it. Fun, challenging and definitely not impossible!

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i find it extremely amusing as a lvl 50 shadow. man its easy to kill lowbies. i don't think its TOO bad though, its better than twinks used to be in wow, and it's probably still better than boa using chars vs no-boa using chars. It'll get worse when 50s start getting gear though. Edited by mimbs
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I like it, I never really pay attention to lvls since we're basically all equal. I'm more of a guy that immediately sees a target uses his stun pulls dots then uses force lightning and then shock and lightning over and over again
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