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Vote for SW:TOR on Massively's "Choose My Adventure"!


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TBH, I don't think that now is the time for Massively to be scrutinizing the game with a play through. There has been a bit of instability (old bugs reapearing) since Freemium and graphics issues since patch 1.2. Maybe in six months but, IMNSHO now isn't the time to have a weekly article writen about SWTORs game play.
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TBH, I don't think that now is the time for Massively to be scrutinizing the game with a play through. There has been a bit of instability (old bugs reapearing) since Freemium and graphics issues since patch 1.2. Maybe in six months but, IMNSHO now isn't the time to have a weekly article writen about SWTORs game play.


I do not have all these issues, so I think this is one of the best time to try out TOR.

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