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The Importance of Player Feedback with the New Free-to-Play Option


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If there will be a vast increase in the number of characters that can be created per account I can see characters being created just to camp out names. This will make creating names for characters rather difficult.


Wait... you mean it's not already? LOL what names are you picking that aren't already camped out?

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With the removal of the global character limit of 50 (!?! I mean, seriously -- who is realistically going to be taking advantage of that perk??), does this mean we can get paid-for server transfers too?


Myself. And many others I know. Alts are the only fun thing to do in this game, since endgame is just raiding or PvP

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Problems since the patch:

1) unrelenting lag - constantly, always, all locations, all toons, all times.

2) Gold spammers in abundance (probably because they can now create unlimited accounts for free).

3) Social Bias against the F2P crowd - which is not nice for the game culture in SWTOR in general

4) Noob zone overload - which should fix itself in time.


5) In my particular case: there are like 3 players left in my guild who are even remotely active. The Guild master has not been on in 29 days as of last night. I am the only one who is still consistently active. I will be looking into how to takeover the guild and try to rebuild it.... I guess, if the guild master is still paying a sub, then I'll be unable to take it over. This is kinda sad. I may be looking for a new guild, which is probably the best solution.

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Here is an answer to all the problems... Buy a sub


Your playing for free, expect restrictions


F2P has a great advantage for families. Dad or Son can get the sub, and the other members can get F2p and then they can PVE to their hearts content and enjoy.


You don't serious expect a family to outlay $50/Month for the game do you?


If swtor had a family option that was reasonably priced, that would be different. but F2P is a close second, and the less restrictive the better.

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Two things around character customization that would make me happy:


-Let me see how dark side corruption will affect my toon DURING character creation once I hit DS5. After all, this is how I will look once all is said and done. I do not want to have to turn it off because i hate the way it came out!


-Let me go back and change the skin tone, hair, etc of my character even if I have to pay for it. I thought my Jugg would turn pale white and his skin tone stayed the same. Drives me nuts every time I play him.


That is all.

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F2P has a great advantage for families. Dad or Son can get the sub, and the other members can get F2p and then they can PVE to their hearts content and enjoy.


You don't serious expect a family to outlay $50/Month for the game do you?


If swtor had a family option that was reasonably priced, that would be different. but F2P is a close second, and the less restrictive the better.


With due respect, playing online games is a poor excuse for quality family time. EAware can't be expected to cater to a mere handful of people.

Edited by Darthvokur
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I am very grateful that the design team has taken the time to read our thoughts and suggestions for the game. One of the things on my mind lately has been end game. While I have not reached 50 on any of my characters, I will be there pretty soon on one of them. While there are many things that can be done with raiding, I would suggest adding a completely different kind of end game activity for large groups, such as perhaps managing, defending, and expanding an instanced guild base. To get certain upgrades or rooms, they might need to complete certain objectives in particular flashpoints or operations. Things like gathering particular components, defeating certain bosses, etc. As for defending the base, there could be events that can be activated at the guild's leisure that involve PVE challenges where they must prevent invading forces from taking parts of their base. Having to fight enemies out of your living quarters or risk losing it would certainly be an interesting challenge. The reason I am making this suggestion is that raiding has been a standard in MMOs for so long that it has grown old for many veteran players. Again, thank you for taking time to listen to us. Edited by lobotaru
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update since my last post, i called my net provider and thet did diag on my modem, all fine and every other net application i run is fine so ive eliminagted the net and computer as a problem. i then call support...again and the nice lady have me run a diag on the launcher, wich i did and emailed the file to her and then was put on holdfor 40 mins as my ticket was upgraded. i just couldnt hold any longer and as of 145 pm cst, have heard nothing from them. im still disconecting every few mins with no sign of an answer. this is jsut the cream on the top of the list of problems since ftp launched ( lag, long log in waits during peek, equipment issues, comp issues, gf issues server issues.........) ive asked for help every way i know how my only regret is that i cant get a refund or credit for my troubles. bioware, you had the beginning of a fun game and your lack of concern for members problems or support has it swirling in the bowl! Edited by farmmann
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With due respect, playing online games is a poor excuse for quality family time. EAware can't be expected to cater to a mere handful of people.


Contrary to your ignorance not everyone can afford to put there kids in hockey or football and gaming is perfect for children in inner city situations.... Or would you rather them steel your car?

Edited by CKNORTH
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So Bioware is saying feedback on F2P is important and they welcome it.


Really? Since when have they begun listening to anything it's players have to say? It seems not just to me but to many players that Bioware has not been listening to anything players have been saying. And this has been true since before the game went live.


What's the difference? Why all of sudden now? Definitely has to be all about money because what else can it be? F2P means selling cartel coins for real life cash. Therefore, this must be all the interest in player feedback.


But you know? Regardless of what feedback they get, everyone knows they'll do what they want anyway. It's what they've been doing all along. Whether it's players complaining since before launch about the rail space game which most hate or the many complaints about armor or pvp, bioware has continued to do it their way.


Do you really think it's going to change now?

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Additionally, in an upcoming patch (no exact date yet, but players won’t have to wait long), Preferred Status Players will be given four (4) additional character slots, which means that they will have a total of six character slots.


Does this mean subscribers will have a total of sixteen character slots per server? Was six a typo or am I misunderstanding somehow?

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Contrary to your ignorance not everyone can afford to put there kids in hockey or football and gaming is perfect for children in inner city situations.... Or would you rather them steel your car?


Contrary to YOUR ignorance, "putting kids in hockey or football" is not exactly a family event either. Most people go out and do/see things with their kids, doesn't have to cost anything. Besides, since when is gaming cheaper than a children's club?

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Contrary to your ignorance not everyone can afford to put there kids in hockey or football and gaming is perfect for children in inner city situations.... Or would you rather them steel your car?


SWTOR (Even MMO's in general) aren't exactly kids games, they are more suited to an adult. + kids should be playing kids games with other kids not with a bunch of strange adults.

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Contrary to YOUR ignorance, "putting kids in hockey or football" is not exactly a family event either. Most people go out and do/see things with their kids, doesn't have to cost anything. Besides, since when is gaming cheaper than a children's club?


Everything costs money, I mean really if you think gaming isn't good for kids, I can think of a lot worse things they could be doing. I mean its like saying cartoons aren't meant for adults either.......

Edited by CKNORTH
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SWTOR (Even MMO's in general) aren't exactly kids games, they are more suited to an adult. + kids should be playing kids games with other kids not with a bunch of strange adults.


It's Star Wars, games have parental controls do they not? Now I ask you what kid aside from third world country's hasn't heard of Star Wars?

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Everything costs money, I mean really if you think gaming isn't good for kids, I can think of a lot worse things they could be doing. I mean its like saying cartoons aren't meant for adults either.......


Gaming isn't good for kids. Large numbers of people have suggested it leads to psychopathic tendencies and a lack of social skills. While that's a matter of agree or disagree, saying gaming is good for kids is a stretch at best, as raising children around made up fantasy worlds is simply going to leave them unprepared for the real world.


As for your point about cartoons, cartoons AREN'T meant for adults. Using that as a serious point for your argument is... troubling.


It's Star Wars, games have parental controls do they not? Now I ask you what kid aside from third world country's hasn't heard of Star Wars?


Um, no? I don't think I've EVER played a game that has a parental control. They have an age label on the box, that's it. I'd heard of Babestation by the age of 10, does that mean it would have been appropriate for me to have access to it?

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Gaming isn't good for kids. Large numbers of people have suggested it leads to psychopathic tendencies and a lack of social skills. While that's a matter of agree or disagree, saying gaming is good for kids is a stretch at best, as raising children around made up fantasy worlds is simply going to leave them unprepared for the real world.


As for your point about cartoons, cartoons AREN'T meant for adults. Using that as a serious point for your argument is... troubling.




Um, no? I don't think I've EVER played a game that has a parental control. They have an age label on the box, that's it. I'd heard of Babestation by the age of 10, does that mean it would have been appropriate for me to have access to it?


I'm truly sorry for leading the post off topic, debate all you want. You can't teach a blind man to see. As for the limitations to the free to play it would help a lot to have credit cap lifted as I've stated in a previous post. And to have most unlocks affordable to people who wishing to pay credits to those willing to pay coins.

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Since when have they begun listening to anything it's players have to say? It seems not just to me but to many players that Bioware has not been listening to anything players have been saying. ?


the main thing people complained about on the forums after F2P was the quickslot bars, and they listened and added more.

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the main thing people complained about on the forums after F2P was the quickslot bars, and they listened and added more.



This is very minor thing compare to the more important things players have been clamoring for. Much more important stuff then slot bars. This is a cosmetic thing compared to the real issues and whats been desired and asked for, bioware has continued to turn a blind eye.


I don't trust them to listen to anyone but what they want. History is the teacher here, it has shown this repeatedly.

Edited by RikHar
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It's Star Wars, games have parental controls do they not? Now I ask you what kid aside from third world country's hasn't heard of Star Wars?


I agree Star Wars is a huge franchise and has several projects which are aimed at the younger generation (eg. Clone Wars) but SWTOR? NO. The community inside the game is just not suitable for kids, ask any youth worker and they'll tell you the same thing. And the closest thing SWTOR has to a parent control is the profanity filter but even then that doesn't block everything.

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There should not be XP restrictions on F2P and biowares work around is XP boosts off the cartel market which infact if not a sub you dont get Cartel coins each month and it makes them having to use their credit card to get cartel coins also not everyone can afford to sub or get cartel coins and their are restricted on leveling cause of it.
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