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Remove credit cap for f2p players / make a cartel item to remove credit cap


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I do not see much difference between 350k limit and 500k limit unless it's unlocking some of legacy perks.

All planet and class missions are doable with prototype gear (blue). I can tell that from my personal experience.

If You talk about making grade 26/27 artifacts there is no secret that most crafters will make them for mats+fee, which is where credit limit is not an obstacle.


If I were new player I would start with F2P model to learn how to play and advance class I want to lvl 50. After that I would pay for 2 months sub time, earn some creds to buy perks I want and after that I would carefully compare preferred status to subscriber status (costs, time I have for playing etc) and choose what suits me the most.

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I do not see much difference between 350k limit and 500k limit unless it's unlocking some of legacy perks.

All planet and class missions are doable with prototype gear (blue). I can tell that from my personal experience.

If You talk about making grade 26/27 artifacts there is no secret that most crafters will make them for mats+fee, which is where credit limit is not an obstacle.


If I were new player I would start with F2P model to learn how to play and advance class I want to lvl 50. After that I would pay for 2 months sub time, earn some creds to buy perks I want and after that I would carefully compare preferred status to subscriber status (costs, time I have for playing etc) and choose what suits me the most.


it isnt the difference between 350k and 500k...its the difference between 200k (F2P) and 500k.


At 500k buying unlocks for things on the GTN becomes MUCH more realistic. It makes going preferred alot more interesting to a F2P who perhaps does not want the commitment of a recurring Sub but can chuck some money in once in awhile.


Also as others have said every unlock on the GTN SOMEONE paid BW money for. So they don't loose on that. It is WIn/WIn for them. The F2P ponys up at least once (most more than once) and BW makes money from those that buy unlocks and sell them on the GTN.


As it is now F2P who can't commit to a recurring sub have little incentive to go preferred and contribute to the game. Make Preferred more attractive and give them the incentive.

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Imo the credit cap should stay but let F2P playres increase the cap by simply playing the endgame. For example, finishing your story, ops run, FPs, reaching X valor rank may increase your cap by 50,000 credits.


This way credit farmers will have to really work to get past the cap instead of just rolling alts and leveling it to 10.

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Imo the credit cap should stay but let F2P playres increase the cap by simply playing the endgame. For example, finishing your story, ops run, FPs, reaching X valor rank may increase your cap by 50,000 credits.


This way credit farmers will have to really work to get past the cap instead of just rolling alts and leveling it to 10.


Perhaps I phrased my previous reply badly. I did not mean increase F2P at all.


Increase Preferred to 500k. Which would make it a bigger jump and incentive for a F2P to go Preferred.

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Perhaps I phrased my previous reply badly. I did not mean increase F2P at all.


Increase Preferred to 500k. Which would make it a bigger jump and incentive for a F2P to go Preferred.


I actually meant to say Preferred as well instead of F2P. My fault. But my point still stands.


The arguements againts increasing or removing credit cap is valid and arguable. Adding a method that will allow Preferred players to incerase the credit cap as they spend time in endgame means credit farmers will have to spend as much time as an average player to go above the cap (enough for them to purchase unlocks without spending Cartel Coins).

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Yes cause Gold Farmers dont buy accounts.....swear people dont think sometimes....



Why hurt players in some vein attempt at stopping something that you cant stop...


I'm actually fine with credit farmers buying accounts to farm money. They help support a game I enjoy. And when they get shut down, they fire up a new email addy and pay another 15 bucks a month. It's money in the EAWare bank and I'm happy the farmers are willing to pay for the right to rip people off. Now if EAWare would ban their accounts faster, they might just make up lost development revue faster.

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You guys need to remove the credit cap for f2p players or make a cartel item to remove credit cap. You are missing out on a lot of money if you do not.


Most F2p players will never buy cash store items, but will spend hours on end to grinding huge amounts of credits to buy cash store items from other players; all that limiting the amount of credits f2p players can have does is limit the amount of items that paying customers can sell to f2p customers.


With a max of 250k credits none of the f2p players will be able to afford the high dollar value items.


This is a very good idea, Bioware. His reasoning is spot on. Make a $5 Cartel Market purchase (or whatever) to remove the cap on credits for f2p players. They will not only enjoy Preferred member status but will continue to buy unlocks off the GTN for in-game credits if they do not wish to subscribe; those unlocks would have been purchased with real money by subscribers looking for in-game credits. Everyone wins.

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You guys need to remove the credit cap for f2p players or make a cartel item to remove credit cap. You are missing out on a lot of money if you do not.


Most F2p players will never buy cash store items, but will spend hours on end to grinding huge amounts of credits to buy cash store items from other players; all that limiting the amount of credits f2p players can have does is limit the amount of items that paying customers can sell to f2p customers.


With a max of 250k credits none of the f2p players will be able to afford the high dollar value items.


You're probably "that guy" I saw trying to sell the artifact gear unlock for 1.5 million. Maybe if 5 of them pool their 350k credit cap resources, they could afford it for one of them, good thinking bro.

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You guys need to remove the credit cap for f2p players or make a cartel item to remove credit cap. You are missing out on a lot of money if you do not.


Most F2p players will never buy cash store items, but will spend hours on end to grinding huge amounts of credits to buy cash store items from other players; all that limiting the amount of credits f2p players can have does is limit the amount of items that paying customers can sell to f2p customers.


With a max of 250k credits none of the f2p players will be able to afford the high dollar value items.


Wow! I think that's kinda messed up them doing f2p like that, i've played other games that have a free-to-play option as well as members option & none of them have a cap on the common currencies. As for special currency like commendations and cartel, those should be harder for none pay players. I support this idea! :cool:

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I'm actually fine with credit farmers buying accounts to farm money. They help support a game I enjoy. And when they get shut down, they fire up a new email addy and pay another 15 bucks a month. It's money in the EAWare bank and I'm happy the farmers are willing to pay for the right to rip people off. Now if EAWare would ban their accounts faster, they might just make up lost development revue faster.


Too bad they don't really buy accounts and instead rely mainly on hacked accounts. Nevermind that the logic of having farmers around being seen as a good thing is very unhealthy.

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Yes cause Gold Farmers dont buy accounts.....swear people dont think sometimes....



Why hurt players in some vein attempt at stopping something that you cant stop...


It isnt about stopping it, it is about limiting the effectiveness of it to make it less worth it to Gold farmers


if gold farmers dont have to buy an account, they will be more frequent than when they have to do so


if f2p doesnt have a credit limit, they can endlessly farm with no limitations, meaning the price goes down, meaning more will come over to create more competition.

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I support a change to the credit cap, removal for preferred or an unlock to remove it would be great.

Most of the free to play games I've played have all had a way to convert time into the shop currency.

Someone is buying the item from the shop anyway so it matters little.


I think one of the problems is the way the F2P was implemented. Rather than restrict the hell out of the free players, that should have been the base game. Then add bonuses and incentives and such for subscribers.


I'm a subscriber and I've yet to spend any of my cartel coins.

I know one unlock I may buy, but I could just as easily buy it off the GTN.


Currently there isn't much of anything on the shop that makes me want to spend my coins.

A new sitting animation would be great! I dunno what the guy was smoking who made the male sitting animation.

Could make a fortune there =P

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  • 5 months later...
What about some of the Legacy Perks? http://i.imgur.com/uwLakYC.png


How is a Preferred Status player like me meant to get 1,000,000 credits for a shipboard unlock?

1. As you can post here, you are a subscriber, not a preferred player.

2. Noone said, that a prefered or f2p would be able to unlock 100% of the legacy.

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1. As you can post here, you are a subscriber, not a preferred player.

2. Noone said, that a prefered or f2p would be able to unlock 100% of the legacy.


Actually, I was still on the 30 day sub for getting Rise of The Cartel until today, not sure why I can post here if this is limited, I logged in earlier and got the subscription>>>preferred message, and my extra characters got made inactive.


Also, no-one may have mentioned that you can unlock 100% of the legacy as an F2P/Preferred status, and I will accept that the F2P's probably shouldn't, but I like to sink the occasional bit of money into something I enjoy, and outright blocking stuff that I could have gotten last week without making me sub or drop more cash for Cartel Coins, well that's just Bioware shooting themselves in the foot here.

Edited by derpman
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You blocked your payment, so you get blocked of some features.


Quite logical to me.


Yes, but the point is that including new features on the block list is a transparent attempt to get more people to get subs. Like I said, I don't mind giving back to something I enjoy, but when it gets to be an obligation to regain the old experience I had before, then that's not right. Perhaps this credit cap was introduced to counter credit/cash farmer accounts, but this change has affected more than people who play the Galactic Market, and I'm not sure a blanket cap like this is the best way to handle it.

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I pay my sub every month and i say open the gates on the credit cap so i can milk those F2P players for every credit they have on the GTN.

Also, having tried the F2P model on SW:TOR (easy to do, just create a new account and try it) i have to agree that alot of the restrictions make no sense whatsoever and make you feel like an unwanted nuisance...

I tried the game when they made it F2P, and it's perfectly playable (playing for 4 months). Restrictions just show you what you are missing not being a suscriber, but don't ruin your gaming, just make it more challenging.


Finally i suscribed. This F2P business model and his few restrictions worked for me and for Bioware. Now, and my main aim, i can create 12 characters and keep enjoying for months.

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F2P players should have the credit cap.. If for any reason, they are not playing to play.. You want the credit cap removed.. Subscribe to the game.. Problem solved.. It will be the best $15 for entertainment you spend a month.. :)
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All i'm saying is, have the option to remove it for a one off payment, it can only make you money, and hell, make it untradable or a per-single character thing if if bugs you that the gold farmers will abuse it.
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What about some of the Legacy Perks? http://i.imgur.com/uwLakYC.png


How is a Preferred Status player like me meant to get 1,000,000 credits for a shipboard unlock?


Buy the escrow withdrawals from the cartel market until you have enough money and then purchase it?

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