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Imp symbols/sith thrones on republic fleet


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holy humongous speeders and vanity pets, Mykiel!! there's a hutt ball sale on the GTN, and they're going faster than a jawa on speed.


quickly now, to our thrones!!


We can not allow the masses to get these hurt balls! Overlord Throne powers activate!

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People like what they like. Get over it.


If you don't like it, go play a roleplayer server.


I don't like seeing people with the chairs on the Republic side either.. but you don't see me trying to crap on everyone else's fun trying to force my views on them.


Hate to break it to you, but its the same thing on the roleplaying servers... mainly because they are chalk full of non-roleplayers.


and yes, it IS breaking our immersion, and that matters when you play on a roleplaying server.


Also, it would have been a simple thing for BW to bunch up these items and make them look different depending on your faction, so instead of having 2 flags, 2 holostatues and 2 thrones we would have 1 of each but they would look different depending on the faction.

but no, they went the greedy way instead so they could fill out their packs with fluff.


Ps. what i really want is just for the damned throne to change from the imperial symbol to the republic one if you use it on a republic toon.

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Chair is stupid as it is, it being a big red glowing hovaround just lets me know who the village idiots are.


Makes it easy to put them on my ignore list.



Posts like this usually come from someone who didn't get lucky one or can't afford one.

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Because if you could not use it as republic people would cry, cry, cry. cry and just when you think they stopped crying, they would cry some more.


Its the same reason why you see so many annoying people run around with red light sabers as jedi.


That reminds me, I worked so hard to stay a "true neutral Jedi" so I could use my red and blue sabers, then they removed the alignment restrictions on crystals. Oh well.


I'm still staying neutral, though. Screw the saber usage thing now - now it's just about me getting to 50 and finishing my story without ever straying into Light 1 or Dark 1 territory.

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Chair is stupid as it is, it being a big red glowing hovaround just lets me know who the village idiots are.


Makes it easy to put them on my ignore list.




Anger leads to hate, Hate leads to suffering.

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I am simply disgusted that there isn't a different skin for this cartel item throne when used by pub toons. I never quite believed all the "devs only care for imps" talk until now.


Are you guys gearing up to just get rid of republic faction support altogether?


"You Rebel scum..!!"



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Posts like this usually come from someone who didn't get lucky one or can't afford one.


The ability to buy one is not an issue for me, the want to buy something like that as a republic player is. It wouldn't be much of an issue for me if the chair conformed to the player's faction. I don't think it would go too well for anyone if they slapped their enemy's flag on their car and drove into town during/around a war in real life, same applies here.


The chair itself is silly, a glorified hovaround. I guess most of this wouldn't be an issue with me and other folks if they just banned speeders on the fleet.

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The ability to buy one is not an issue for me, the want to buy something like that as a republic player is. It wouldn't be much of an issue for me if the chair conformed to the player's faction. I don't think it would go too well for anyone if they slapped their enemy's flag on their car and drove into town during/around a war in real life, same applies here.


The chair itself is silly, a glorified hovaround. I guess most of this wouldn't be an issue with me and other folks if they just banned speeders on the fleet.


Or just switched the damned flag...

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Think of it this way. If it breaks your immersion, assume the person riding the throne is keeping it like a trophy after defeating or killing a sith lord. Everyone is force sensitive in my Legacy, so if it requires force to stay afloat, there is that solution. If someone is not force sensitive, assume they rigged it with some speeder engines. Edited by monkgryphon
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Think of it this way. If it breaks your immersion, assume the person riding the throne is keeping it like a trophy after defeating or killing a sith lord. Everyone is force sensitive in my Legacy, so if it requires force to stay afloat, there is that solution. If someone is not force sensitive, assume they rigged it with some speeder engines.


Wow! It's like you hear me roleplay man! I make epic stories on the Ebon Hawk why I have my chair even though I am light 5 and a Jedi Sage. You just have to use what you have. :)

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Edit: my response isn't so much about immersion as it is trying to give equal appeal to both factions for new, incoming players to swtor.


Personally I'm not bothered by the presence of the Imperil cartel items, but I do find it odd and quite obviously given more attention (I.e., more attention given to making imperial cosmetic appeal than Repubs).


The throne and the mask come to mind so far.


Looking at content that already exists, just the simple differences in legacy abilities given when you level 1 of each class, difference in spell graphics between the two factions, getting unique appearances for dark side corruption (t admit this isn't imperial just because it's dark side, but it's still the "evil" side getting more aesthetic option.")


I love being a pub so I don't really care. I'm not mad about it and I wouldn't leave my faction. But it's quite obvious that one side gets more aesthetic attention, and I think it unfortunatey has more of an effect than I'd like to see (e.g., people rerolling empire/leaving the republic).

Edited by Shlamorel
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while that is correct, explain to me why the imp throne was implemented first even though Bioware definitely knows we all have this 'empire is prefered' feeling?


we all know the answer to that one.



but it's cool, the underdog always gets screwed over (we're still waiting for sga, after all)


Because the Sith Throne was one of the rewards we voted on along with the Carbonite Chamber and the Party Jawa. Seeing they were already working on all 3 they just put the other two in the cartel shop. There you go simple none conspiracy answer to your question.

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I was thinking about this earleir today and was going to post a thread on it.


Basically i was going to ask what the equivelant republic throne would be? Just a blue variety of the overlords throne with a republic logo?

I cant think of anything similar that would be so iconic to the republic. Personally i think the throne looks silly


Uhm.. the hovering chair that Yoda used? :p

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