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Over leveling a Planet


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So I'm doing all the quests and bonus series on each planet, with the odd FP thrown in. But I find myself massively over leveling a planet. Do I miss out on anything by only doing the class quests and moving on? Should I bother doing the quests that are Grey'd out? Edited by Kaii
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Because of the gear possibilities I try to complete every quest on each planet and I've never so over-leveled a planet that I've had quests go "gray".


Of course, I don't do Space Missions on any character except for my main until new characters hit 50 so I miss out on that xp. I also don't WZ or FP much on leveling toons, another source of xp you may be getting that I don't.


It comes down to what you enjoy. If you don't need the gear or credits that come with missions then don't worry about it. Once you've seen the missions a few times on different toons they all start to run together any way...

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So I'm doing all the quests and bonus series on each planet, with the odd FP thrown in. But I find myself massively over leveling a planet. Do I miss out on anything by only doing the class quests and moving on? Should I bother doing the quests that are Grey'd out?


You just miss out on tangible things like credits and commendations, and intangible things like story.


But yeah if I were you I would move on actually. Right now while leveling a new character, if I am ready for the next planet, I ignore the Bonus Series.

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So I'm doing all the quests and bonus series on each planet, with the odd FP thrown in. But I find myself massively over leveling a planet. Do I miss out on anything by only doing the class quests and moving on? Should I bother doing the quests that are Grey'd out?


up to you really. I do the same thing and still have fun regardless

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So I'm doing all the quests and bonus series on each planet, with the odd FP thrown in. But I find myself massively over leveling a planet. Do I miss out on anything by only doing the class quests and moving on? Should I bother doing the quests that are Grey'd out?


I've been quite thorough on my first character (finished Quesh last night at almost L40) and I wish I hadn't now. I think I've probably spoiled some of the replayable value by doing all quests, minus a couple of heroics and I can certainly envisage my next characters sticking only to class quests on a couple of planets. Quest rewards are only one of many ways to equip our characters so, unless I have overlooked something important, I don't think you will miss out on anything by skipping some missions.


Ofcourse now I have written that, I realise that you may miss some of the thank you (or "lying scum"!) letters that appear in your mail box. I am dreading the day I get a "mail box full" message as I have hung on to every one as a memento of my character's adventures.

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By the time you hit Quesh, you'll be glad you picked up those extra levels along the way. Difficulty starts to ramp up around that place, while the leveling speed will have started to decline a bit already.


Sorry for the double post, but the patch that added the FTP 2 weeks ago also increased exp across the board and then increased it again for subbed players, so your past experiences may not be typical now. I hit Quesh at L38 and it was a walk in the park; I'd have preferred more challenge personally.

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So I'm doing all the quests and bonus series on each planet, with the odd FP thrown in. But I find myself massively over leveling a planet. Do I miss out on anything by only doing the class quests and moving on? Should I bother doing the quests that are Grey'd out?


You could skip the heroics and flashpoints and then do them later just to check what gear you get, but i wouldnt suggest skipping quests in general, since some of them give quite nice Orange items that can be used no matter how much you outlevel the quest.

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As others have mentioned, theres no right or wrong way about leveling.

For my first toon, I kept around par, sometimes below and it was challenging enough, for my alts, I run usually 5 levels over the planet, so I can just blast through them :)

If youre having fun doing everything, just keep going as you have been, and just take no notice of the numbers. :)

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BTW, This post is the reason why I don't understand those who experience the exact opposite. I have seen many complaints by peeps that are under leveled for a planet. wth?


I only know of one guy who hit Tatooine (I think) at L22 and couldn't understand why L27 mobs were taking no damage. When we asked him about his playing style, he admitted he had more or less only done class missions up to that point.


That may possibly be a style he had become accustomed to (and worked) in other MMOs, but I also suspect it might be easy to take a "wrong turn" when leaving Taris. Certainly for my smuggler (and I assume for all storylines), I was tasked to travel to Tatooine and Nar Shadaa at exactly the same point in game, infact the mission to travel to Tatooine was above the Nar Shadaa mission, if we are going in list order.

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I think a lot of this has to do with personal play choice. My first toon was ( in my opinion) rushed to 50. I think I missed out on a lot and due to missing out on some key items, skills, whatever, I now cant solo the end of act 3 on him. Not a big deal and Im sure that if I really wanted to, I could gear up right and wrap it up. I was in a hurry to max level having been a former power level type player in other games. On my other toons, Im doing everything I can possibly solo and trying to get into heroics when I can. Im finding it much more fun. I dont feel that maxing to 50 is necessary right now so I can casually work up and am having plenty of fun.
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I over lvl all the time. For example, my trooper didn't go to coruscaunt (spelling wrong ik) until 25ish. Now he's in the 30s and hasn't done narshadaa xD just kept pvping.

To answer ur question OP. you miss out on lore/codex entries, companions gear, your own gear (If its even an upgrade) and course the exp.

I usually just do the 2 main quest lines. The planetary one, and the story quest. Except on nar shadaa I hate that planet, I bum rush it all the way!!!!

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My first couple dudes I did all the missions, then I decided which planets I liked and which I disliked (Taris I'm looking in your direction here people) and just did the minimal class quests on those planets. Never really had a problem, sometimes I was overleveled for a planet, at least once I was underlevled (I think I started Hoth at like a 35) but I just grinded it out.


There is no wrong way to eat a Reeses, and as long as you are having fun, no wrong way to play SWTOR. Also now I want candy.

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So I'm doing all the quests and bonus series on each planet, with the odd FP thrown in. But I find myself massively over leveling a planet. Do I miss out on anything by only doing the class quests and moving on? Should I bother doing the quests that are Grey'd out?


You should really do all the missions; it's pretty much the entire point of TOR to experience all of the stories around you.


I outleveled planets all the time because I PvP'd a lot between worlds, so I was always a few levels over a planet. In a way, it obviously make the game feel a lot easier in those areas.

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So I'm doing all the quests and bonus series on each planet, with the odd FP thrown in. But I find myself massively over leveling a planet. Do I miss out on anything by only doing the class quests and moving on? Should I bother doing the quests that are Grey'd out?


if you are a subscriber, you will continue to overlevel the planets if you plan on doing all the quests on it.


You can do NO flashpoints, NO space missions, NO warzones. You will outlevel the planet. The only exception to this is making a stealther, and sneaking around the mobs at all times instead of fighting. Even then you'll finish at level or maybe 1/2 early.


This has been a major complaint of mine since launch, I've been playing MMOs since 1998, and this is by far the fastest I have ever leveled in one.


And thats fine, some people love to rocket to end game so they can whine about having nothing to do, but I enjoy the content, no matter how many times I play it (I have 5 going on 6 50s and still watch every cutscene), and I get agitated when I overlevel something and the next planet is boring.


So what frustrates me is they added legacy xp boosts, now cartel xp boosts, many many ways for people to level even faster in an already ridiculously fast game. Yet there is NO way to turn your xp OFF.


THAT bugs the hell out of me. HAVE ALL THIS XP! You dont want it? TOO BAD! HERE HAVE SOME OPTIONS FOR MORE XP!!!

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I did literally everything while leveling my Commando, quests/side quests, bonus series, lots of flashpoints, warzones, space missions, so i was 50 when i landed on Voss.:D


But i have to say that while playing that particular character i literally always leveled in a group with a friend, sometimes two, so we got lots of bonus experience that way, when you level solo and ease up on space missions and flashpoints a bit things tend to go on a much regular pace.

Edited by Vlacke
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"over-levelling"? Never heard of it. I guess some poeple would rather only do the class quests so that by the time you get to the end of chapter 2 you're only like a level 12 and have no hope of beating the boss?


Seriously, the planet content is there for a reason. If you like doing everything on every planet, do it. If you only want to class quests do it. But you are losing out on a lot more by not doing the whole planets than you are by doing them (credits, gear, experience, etc).

Edited by bahdasz
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You can do NO flashpoints, NO space missions, NO warzones. You will outlevel the planet. The only exception to this is making a stealther, and sneaking around the mobs at all times instead of fighting. Even then you'll finish at level or maybe 1/2 early.


Personally I'm always horribly under-leveled when I avoid space, FPs and WZs. Even though I try to avoid stealth as much as possible, practically the only fights I skip that way are elites, I'm still only 45 on Voss and that AFTER I am done with most of my class quest and the main storyline for the planet. All the quests I am getting now are for lvl 47 and while it's absolutely no problem with normal mobs, the elite bosses start being a bit of a pain...

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I am a relative newb, with SWTOR being my first MMORPG. I complete all planetary missions except the heroic, group ones. I complete no space combat, and have avoided the things like Black Talon and Hammerstation (mostly because i am still getting comfortable with the social side of the game and am skittish about grouping up with people). Also, an acquaintence who is crazy into mmorpgs tells me i have been playing my powertech very inefficiently. Despite all this, i find myself about 1-3 levels higher than each quest when i get it. The only quest I've been underleveled for was Mako's quest "Double Trouble" because it became available at level 32 but the quest is level 40 and I failed to check that, so i went to it and died several times before i figured out i was woefully underleveled for it.


All in all, i have a fair bit of fun in SWTOR, and find the increased leveling speed fun in most instances.

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Personally I'm always horribly under-leveled when I avoid space, FPs and WZs. Even though I try to avoid stealth as much as possible, practically the only fights I skip that way are elites, I'm still only 45 on Voss and that AFTER I am done with most of my class quest and the main storyline for the planet. All the quests I am getting now are for lvl 47 and while it's absolutely no problem with normal mobs, the elite bosses start being a bit of a pain...


I have justed leveled 50 BH that skipped all of the space combat, FP's and WZ's. I have ALWAYS been ahead in level except at level 1. I ALWAYS take on elites...in fact...I go out of my way to do so. But I also do every quest I can find with the exception fo Heroics. Still manage to out level. Have done this same thing on 6 other characters as well although I did mix in a very little space combat and a couple of heroics with friends on 3 of those. One thing I try to do is always have bonus XP whenever questing. If I run out, I park that character and play another till I have maxed it out and resume playing the previous one.

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... One thing I try to do is always have bonus XP whenever questing. If I run out, I park that character and play another till I have maxed it out and resume playing the previous one.


For those just playing one toon, this is what probably keeps them under-leveled, they don't watch the rested bonus.

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