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Everything posted by DanikasDad

  1. Now that we have strongholds, and can display all out pretty things, can we please please pretty please with sugar on top, have mannequins to display full outfits that we have collected either through packs, or the seeker droid or whatever? It would be so cool to have the ability to display all the outfits we have owned. I would even pay a decent amount of cartel coins for the mannequins to act as storage for a full outfit so it doesn't take bank space, and maybe allows for a quick switch of mods/armors/enhancements. If I could switch outfits like that easily, I would be the happiest person ever.
  2. I DPS with Darek a fair amount, and can help out as well. As long as the start time is early enough. We have cleared NM DF to brontes, so not terrible.
  3. I agree with your edit, all the body sizes are keyed to try and push the attractive envelope. Like the only way you can make a less than beautiful character is with scars or something. It's like in hollywood where you throw glasses on a chick and she is suddenly ugly. I don't like it, give us more realistic body options BioWare
  4. See that is what I am saying, I think there are people who would like to have more variety in appearance.
  5. Why can't that behavior be moderated by reports and bannings though? Like I go to a decent number of forums, the most well populated one is also the most heavily moderated, because the trolls who would make stupid comments have been eliminated. BioWare has the power to do the same thing. No one with a paid account is going to risk bannings and the like due to making sexist or sizest comments if they know BioWare will respond appropriately. If you lose a couple free to play players who can't stop being dinks thems the breaks. You will gain other players who want to play with more options for body type I think. I don't think I've ever seen someone snicker at my body type 4 mara who wears the invisible armor to show off his rippling flesh. Certainly not to my face, I think a female would be handled the same way.
  6. Incorrect, I like big girls. I'm sorry if there are immature people in the community (if my ignore list is any example there are lots) but I've heard and agree that for at least a certain number of males they build female characters because they will be staring at their bum for 50+ hours so they might as well enjoy the view, I am asking for the same consideration.
  7. Women who look like all 4 body types are generally healthy in real life. My wild assertions and internet hyperbole aside I realize that actually most women with eating disorders are generally average to slightly heavy due to poor diet and lack of exercise. That doesn't change the fact that the male in body type 4 doesn't appear to be in shape. He is wide with some definition to his arms (I could see the power-lifter physique comment) but he clearly has a gut. Maybe a former power lifter who has let himself go somewhat. I want a female character who looks the same way. Once thick and healthy, now slightly or more than slightly off the healthy wagon. Why can't I have this?
  8. Just because some animator put a 6 pack on his gut doesn't make him defined or not fat. He has saggy man *****, and a gut. He is fat. And I love him for it, and wish to make him a wife. BIOWARE LET ME MAKE A FAT CHICK.
  9. Yet both are fairly slender. And I clearly stated that 4 is not anorexic. I want a chick like what you would see in walmart. lots of rolls and a super wide hips.
  10. So I went to make a new Toon for myself to run with my son who is setting up a F2P account. I already have a fat dude, and I wanted to make a fat chick (mostly so I could put her in a bikini, what can I say, more cushion for the pushin) and I can't. What is the deal BioWare? Why are my only options for female characters conventionally attractive? You can make a fat dude, why not a fat chick? To all the folks who will consider this, if you think body type 4 is fat you are nuts, and I hope you enjoy aneorexic chicks, cause that is what the rest of them look like.
  11. Never at that Candlewood (not sure I've stayed at a Candlewood suites before) but I travel a decent amount for work. Sometimes the internets at hotels are good, sometimes mediocre, sometimes bad. Depends on the hotel not the brand (stay at a lot of Holiday Inn Express hotels cause I'm not a doctor, some have fast internet some super slow)
  12. I did it, just log on to your profile here and type in the info. Pretty easy, and the statue looks ****** over my TV
  13. My first couple dudes I did all the missions, then I decided which planets I liked and which I disliked (Taris I'm looking in your direction here people) and just did the minimal class quests on those planets. Never really had a problem, sometimes I was overleveled for a planet, at least once I was underlevled (I think I started Hoth at like a 35) but I just grinded it out. There is no wrong way to eat a Reeses, and as long as you are having fun, no wrong way to play SWTOR. Also now I want candy.
  14. I call shenanigans on the whole "I haven't seen them online so they must not be playing" I play almost every day for at least a couple hours a day. I haven't seen my friend from work online in at least a month. Yet he has been playing quite a bit as well. Part of this is due to the friend system being busted if you are on different instances it doesn't always show, some of this is just different schedules. But otherwise I agree with all the posters. Lots of whining, about such a trivial issue.
  15. I've been pretty unimpressed with the CS with regards to complaints about behavior. I got a couple warnings that I felt were deserved, but just finished serving a ban that I felt was wholly undeserved, and have not been able to get a straight answer as to what it was that I said that deserved the ban, I've been told it was generally inappropriate, but I can't get what was inappropriate about it as it was a self deprecating comment, and not harrassing or cursing. Meh, I won't quit over it, but it has impacted my enjoyment of the game as I am not sure what I can say now that won't be risking a ban.
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