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NO Addons please. There is another solution!

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The bottom line is this. If you don't use addons, they won't effect you. There are those of us who are power gamers and would like to have more features that the current UI lacks. If you want to use them, then that's fine. If not then that is fine as well. Ultimately it's up to Bioware if they want to take this on. People think that the Dev's can just snap their fingers by adding mod support for their game. The main reason to not add this support is security, hacks, bots, etc all being more easy to write a mod or addon to do so. It's a constant battle to make sure that someone doesn't take advantage of the addon system to hack the game.
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I love how people feel like they are incapable of learning how to play their character effectively without some type of add-on. Poor little scrubs can't live without their crutch. I wonder how some of you managed to raid back in the day before add-ons...oh wait you didn't as most of you had EZ mode WoW as your first MMO.


It's one thing to have a parser FOR YOURSELF to manage your rotation, but other than that, most add-ons were a joke and nothing more than a crutch for bad players to judge other bad players.

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Oh, it’s just dysgenics all over again and an example of what occurs in schools and the voting public around the world. We intentionally create societies and communities where the smart people can’t breed and ruin the fun for everyone else. *Shrugs*
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Please, no addons that will influence combat and force Bioware to design based around the "required" addon flavor-of-the-day.


Graphical and UI customize - yes pls, but only Bioware sanctioned and developed. Keep third party out.


My vote anyway, if they are watching and listening.



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i really still don't get this obsession with add-ons. it sounds like a WoW invention, and something the WoW players want. this isn't WoW. this is swtor. bioware promised that swtor would be different from all the other mmo's, and so far, they delivered on their promises. if all the WoW people want to keep up the comparison crap, maybe they should go back to it, and let the rest of us have a good time. so far, the non-avatar people are in the lead in negative campaigning against this game. shame on them for playing it, and then gripe, gripe, griping on it. shut it. really. shut it. it's not there, it would be a copy-right problem to add something from another mmo. let it go. talk about it, but quit insisting it must be there. it just plain won't.
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if some are going to just complain, they shouldn't play. it's not bioware's job to curtail the game for a limmited few to their liking. people can make a suggestion in a suggestion box, but coming on the forum for the sole purpose of complaining is not right. no logic to it whatsoever. so stop if it's that bad a time for some people. Edited by nostdurell
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What's with this "Have fun my way or don't have fun at all" mentality going around? If you don't want to use addons... don't. That doesn't mean Bioware shouldn't ever allow them.


I honestly can't see any actual negative impact to allowing players to have more UI customization and allowing Bioware to spend less time tweaking the UI and more time adding content or fixing bugs.

Edited by Sylriana
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What's with this "Have fun my way or don't have fun at all" mentality going around? If you don't want to use addons... don't. That doesn't mean Bioware shouldn't ever allow them.


I honestly can't see any actual negative impact to allowing players to have more UI customization and allowing Bioware to spend less time tweaking the UI and more time adding content or fixing bugs.


you're right. i personally don't care about the add-ons. i'm just tired of people dumping it on others with it must or it sucks mentality. i could care less either way. i don't think comparing swtor to other video games, then dumping on it, is right. it sounds like whining and i can't stand whining, crying, or moping on the game. it's like some are on it just to have something to complain about. they're never happy. i can't stand that kind of game playing mentality. that's all.

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What's with this "Have fun my way or don't have fun at all" mentality going around? If you don't want to use addons... don't. That doesn't mean Bioware shouldn't ever allow them.


I honestly can't see any actual negative impact to allowing players to have more UI customization and allowing Bioware to spend less time tweaking the UI and more time adding content or fixing bugs.


Because eventually BW would be forced to design the game around certain add-ons because they become so much of a crutch that bad players just cant live without them and it forces other players to use them because now the content is designed around them. People talk about dungeon finders being bad for a community? Add-ons are much more harmful than a dungeon finder tool.


The UI in this game isn't even bad, work with what you have and get some skill for once. Let BW work with their own design instead of bouncing around constantly and trying to accommodate the next big add-on...

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Sometimes I wonder if the SWOTR community is made up of all the bad players who got kicked from their WoW guilds for sucking. "No dps/hps meters! No combat logs! I don't want to be held accountable for my performance! There's a better way, and it includes you ignoring that our most recent wipe was my fault!" This thread is pathetic. If you don't want to use add ons, you don't have to. The very argument that it makes things easier should only mean that you have less reason to use them if you don't want to. The argument defeats itself.
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The UI in this game isn't even bad, work with what you have and get some skill for once.


What does skill have to do with this argument at all? With wanting more UI customization or the ability to parse combat logs effectively? (nevermind that staring at tiny buffbars for durations isn't really meaningful skill to begin with )


That has to be the silliest complaint I've ever heard.


What if BioWare adds healbot, threat meters, and DPS meters as ingame tools. Not through addons? Then it's cool?


Obviously. The argument just is though that by allowing modders to create addons for free, it saves Bioware time and money to develop content in other areas.

Edited by Sylriana
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imo i love dps meters and cant stand that we dont have them, it makes me feel like im competing to be a better dps then i normally would be without one. I think its nice to know if my dps is slacking and what not, it wont ruin the game it would just make players play better.
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Nah man. I need my auction, bank, bags, and professions addons as well. Lets not even talk about unit frames shall we?


My opinion on PvE addons is people will still fail even if the Devs place glowing neon signs that blink DO NOT STAND HERE! So hand holding is inevitable and instances will still be balanced around gimmicky mechanics to keep things interesting.


Might as well let the community do half the research and work for you.

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Honestly i dont think an mmo can survive without support for addons. I know i'm not going to continue to pay for something thats lacking what i consider to be a necessary feature. If you dont like addons, dont use them. I know several wow players that never used addons and still managed to complete the hardest content available every patch.
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I want a way to judge my dps and improve upon it through experimentation, as do countless others. I don't care if its an addon or not, we need it. If bioware can add it in for me I'll be a happy camper. If they do add a warzone esque dmg thing they should have it pop up at the end of every boss encounter, not at the very end.
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This, Addons become required because their assistance to gameplay becomes the measure of which content is balanced. That's the problem.


Where add ons become a requirement, it speaks more of a game developers failing to recognise and deal with players and the games needs.


I would have been quite happy to never use them in WoW but the provided facilities simply were *never* up to scratch - they had years to learn from what the independent mod makers were doing; The very few times they did try to take those mods on board, the attempts were either a complete failure or greatly misunderstood (by the Devs).


The base UI was vastly insufficient and equally bloated, threat management and 'dps race' fights were integral to many, many encounters but without add ons, there was no feedback available - it took them over five years to get around to the consideration of making procs more noticeable.


I would *love* to not need add ons but Developers have shown complete disregard and often times total disrespect for their own work and that of the community - and so independent devs try to fill the gap, without pay or any real recognition, working often quite hard to build and maintain additional software (sometimes in dedicated teams, for years on end) which the Game's Devs should have taken care of in the first place, *in* the game.


Any system that fails to provide appropriate feedback is itself a failure - and I'll restate this, wherever an encounter relies on a particular mechanic it *must* provide appropriate feedback or the Devs simply haven't done their job.


Addons are required where game developers fail.

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Nah man. I need my auction, bank, bags, and professions addons as well. Lets not even talk about unit frames shall we?


My opinion on PvE addons is people will still fail even if the Devs place glowing neon signs that blink DO NOT STAND HERE! So hand holding is inevitable and instances will still be balanced around gimmicky mechanics to keep things interesting.


Might as well let the community do half the research and work for you.


Solid. Also, Kynesis had a good post as well.

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Relax guys.


There is NO ANY reasons over one:

The game was created with fully static UI - now they didn't rly know how to make here addons like in WOW or WAR or RoM (God! Ever Korean f2p game have an addons system!) - it's requires a fully remakes game engine and client too.

It's another 6 years of development!



Smile and wave ^^

Edited by SilverWF
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This, Addons become required because their assistance to gameplay becomes the measure of which content is balanced. That's the problem.


Ok, so without addons you think that WOW (im not afraid to say THE name) would bring back harder content? Because last time I checked, it was dumbed down to the point where my dog can clear DS(ya my dog plays an arcane mage).


If they were balancing content based off addons, that content would actually become of a harder difficulty, due to the added tools one can simply download and have an easier time to down bosses, yet it is the exact opposite we are seeing, except for a few select bosses.

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Ok, so without addons you think that WOW (im not afraid to say THE name) would bring back harder content? Because last time I checked, it was dumbed down to the point where my dog can clear DS(ya my dog plays an arcane mage).


If they were balancing content based off addons, that content would actually become of a harder difficulty, due to the added tools one can simply download and have an easier time to down bosses, yet it is the exact opposite we are seeing, except for a few select bosses.


I think ppl missing the old good AVR days back at ICC :D

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Because addon's make the game easier, apparently all these people who are against addon's, have never done M'uru when he was first released in wow, how many guilds killed him before they had to nerf him ? like 3 and there where tone's off addon's during that time, so do some research before you say dumb stuff like addon's make the game eaiser.


I would love to see these people who are against addon's go fight pre-nerf pre-nerf M'uru or pre-nerf Rag in firelands or pre-nerf Lady VashJ or pre-nerf Kaelthas sunstrider, or pre-nerf hardmode miniron < just a few examples that addon's don't make the game eaiser.

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Because addon's make the game easier, apparently all these people who are against addon's, have never done M'uru when he was first released in wow, how many guilds killed him before they had to nerf him ? like 3 and there where tone's off addon's during that time, so do some research before you say dumb stuff like addon's make the game eaiser.


I would love to see these people who are against addon's go fight pre-nerf pre-nerf M'uru or pre-nerf Rag in firelands or pre-nerf Lady VashJ or pre-nerf Kaelthas sunstrider, or pre-nerf hardmode miniron < just a few examples that addon's don't make the game eaiser.


Your examples are VERY bad. If there were no addons no one would have beaten those encounters for a very long time. The thing is WoW had addons during that time. Had them for years before those fights. Blizzard admitted to tuning the fights extremely hard, but then again they HAD to because guilds were blowing thru content in a week and then crying about how the game has no more challenges and isn't fun for them.


Now on to this game. The hardest content in the game has been beaten many times by many people. Without addons. In barely one month of the games existence. WITHOUT ADDONS! Bioware is already working on making the UI customizable on their own, so that argument is null and void. So why do you need them? There is no valid reason for them at this time in this game. Would it be nice to know what your DPS is? I suppose so. I would hate to not know if I was the one not allowing my group to blow thru the entire endgame content in a few days. Poor WoW babies need their addons to stroke their e-peen. Has nothing to do with need.

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Because addon's make the game easier, apparently all these people who are against addon's, have never done M'uru when he was first released in wow, how many guilds killed him before they had to nerf him ? like 3 and there where tone's off addon's during that time, so do some research before you say dumb stuff like addon's make the game eaiser.


I would love to see these people who are against addon's go fight pre-nerf pre-nerf M'uru or pre-nerf Rag in firelands or pre-nerf Lady VashJ or pre-nerf Kaelthas sunstrider, or pre-nerf hardmode miniron < just a few examples that addon's don't make the game eaiser.


no one forces you to play this game. accept it the way it is. this isn't WoW, and will never be. it's swtor. completely different mmo. stop comparing it, or stick to WoW. WoW has no relevance to this game. i'm not against these so-called add-ons, i'm just saying constant comparison to WoW makes it sounds like you should stick to playing WoW if it's that much better. you can't make this game WOW just because you prefer it over swtor.

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