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Companions are doom of this game


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Take away companions and folk will ask for content nerfs because they can't do class story quests.


Content WILL be nerfed because that's just how it goes and you still won't need a group.


Regardless of this being a multiplayer game, some people don't like grouping. I know, i'm one of them. I group with my wife when she decides to play but that is all.


I group for content I need to be grouped for (raids and PvP) but like to quest on my own at my own pace.


Me and you are like brothers from another mother. I want more companions not less, BW close this thread. If I did not have a companion I would just outlevel content and collect gear to beat bosses. With a companion I play this game undergeared all the way to 50.

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Me and you are like brothers from another mother. I want more companions not less, BW close this thread. If I did not have a companion I would just outlevel content and collect gear to beat bosses. With a companion I play this game undergeared all the way to 50.


Yes, more companions. If they did that then perhaps it might actually feel like having a party. The companions would actually talk to one another and not feel completely disconnected. Imagine the awesome arguments you could hear between Elara and Vik.

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Way to sidestep the issue. If you're going to accost people for being angry at you perhaps you shouldn't start off a discussion with a thinly veiled insult.




Not Heroic 4's. You need at least one other person for that. While it's fine when I'm playing with a friend it's annoying when I'm playing solo. I need to try to find someone, which can take a varying amount of time.


Actually once you get presence high enough you can solo the heroic 4s easily. You can also solo esseles and black talon at lvl 10 if you have high presence and good gear without alot of effort and no deaths. I tend to enjoy testing myself and my companions so will typically try everything solo first to prove to myself what i can or cant do. Then I will run friends or other folks who need the stuff through because I also enjoy grouping.

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Way to sidestep the issue. If you're going to accost people for being angry at you perhaps you shouldn't start off a discussion with a thinly veiled insult.




Not Heroic 4's. You need at least one other person for that. While it's fine when I'm playing with a friend it's annoying when I'm playing solo. I need to try to find someone, which can take a varying amount of time.


I have even solod some heroic 4's

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Companions are probably my favorite part of the game. Grouping up for regular questing is and has always been too slow and annoying. I love that I can quest 1-50 by myself if I choose all the while having things like heroics, FPs, and WZs if I want to jump into some group play. If I was forced to yell "LF questing partner!" every time I entered a zone because it was required, I'd quit. That crap died in EQ.... lets let it stay that way.
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Do you ever wonder why so many people complaining that SWTOR is single-player game? Or at least not MMORPG at all? I can tell you why - because of companions! Yeah, that's it! You don't need buddies to level up. You don't need budies to do major part of the game. At all. Companions can do the same. You can have whatever role you want to help you make it through without any contact with other players. Crazy opinion?


Kinda funny that this was the same argument against henchman and heroes in GW1, when all they really offered was a way to play the game when you wanted to and not gate you from content because no one else wants to do what you want to do when you want (or have the time to do it). One of the reasons why I decided not to play GW2 was because they dumped their companion system early on.


The fact of the matter is that this is no longer the 90's. The face of gaming and society have changed, and thus the MMO needs to change with it. That means providing players additional ways to play the game of their choice, including as a single-player game if that is what they prefer. I, for one, am glad that GW1 offered that flexibility because it allowed me to play and support a great game and lead to me experiencing many other great games, such as SWTOR. Because of henchmen/heroes/companions opening the door for me, I am now an active member of a guild here and team up with other players every chance I get, so don't even use my companions, unless we don't have a full group out and about.



Edited by BJWyler
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Sorry, but I agree with the OP to a point.


I hated the fact companions were in this game, and while i've learned to live with it, still think it'd be better off without them. Put your companion away while leveling, and tell me how easy it is.


Those who do it will notice its significantly harder, nearly impossible in fact. Except for tanks and people who will lie about it to make themselves sound better.


If I hop off my speeder and leap into combat against any group of mobs with a strong + at least 2 normals, or 2 strongs alone, I'm probably going to die if I forgot that Khem Val is out on a mission.


And thats just the thing, KHEM VAL.....I would much rather have to look for people to group with ALL the time, ala EQ.


Now I realize that its just MY opinion, and the majority of people playing MMOs today are more the instant gratification, do everything alone, work for nothing types, so mine will be the minority. But people still have it.

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If they took out companions (or made the game without them) they would just decrease the difficulty slightly to compensate.


the game would still be the same overall difficulty. the only reason they are there is because bioware games, and kotor in general had them. so we have them here. they are not designed to replace a human teammate.


they still wont help you much in heroic quests and flashpoints which is the real teaming game.

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Those who do it will notice its significantly harder, nearly impossible in fact. Except for tanks and people who will lie about it to make themselves sound better.


If I hop off my speeder and leap into combat against any group of mobs with a strong + at least 2 normals, or 2 strongs alone, I'm probably going to die if I forgot that Khem Val is out on a mission.


That's the very point - you can't easily solo this game outside of the starter worlds - you need to group. Whether someone does that with their companion or with real people is entirely up to them. The game does not force anyone to choose a companion over a real person, nor prevents them from teaming up with real people at any point. The impetus is entirely on the player, and I for one am glad that choice is a part of the game.



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I think that companions are one of the best parts of the game and actually make it worth playing.


As a side note to those who solo heroic 4s "at level" please link a video. I've tried it and failed. My characters just don't seem to have the horsepower to take down multiple golds and silvers at one time. I would much like to see how it is done, learn, and find out what I am doing wrong.

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Take away companions and folk will ask for content nerfs because they can't do class story quests.


I agree. Even today we see threads where people demand content nerfing even with companions!


The companion mechanics is one of the things I enjoy most about this game. And I think they struck a really good balance with companions and grouping. Two people, with their companion can do heroic 4s if they want, or they can old school do a group of 4 and the companions go in the footlocker for the heroic.

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The only thing i dont like about companions is that they are always around during boss fights.


My Inquisitor could be like "lets make this a fair fight....just man to man. You against Me to see who is the better fighter, dont worry about that giant nearly naked monster, he just like to watch."

Edited by kirorx
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I think that companions are one of the best parts of the game and actually make it worth playing.


As a side note to those who solo heroic 4s "at level" please link a video. I've tried it and failed. My characters just don't seem to have the horsepower to take down multiple golds and silvers at one time. I would much like to see how it is done, learn, and find out what I am doing wrong.


I have done this on some Heroic 4s, but others are impossible IMO. The easiest way, in general, is to use a stun to take out the most powerful mob (does not work on champions) and then focus burn one of the weaker ones and if your companion drops you bail and come back, resummon and rinse and repeat. If you focus burn one at a time you will kill it and can get away with this forever. It's cheezy divide and conquer tactics, but the mechanics support it so you can do it if you want. Of course you want to be in good gear for level for you and companion and have stacked presence buffs up and a good tank companion to make things less difficult.

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Yes, it's a crazy opinion. They still require you to get someone else's help for heroics, because they don't allow multiple companions. Of course because of that you can't get companion banter and you never feel like an actual group. I don't think I've ever heard my companions talk to eachother.


Pierce and Quinn went at it on Taris. Also Jaesa and Vette went at it in a love triangle. There were more but that's all I can remember for now.

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Do you ever wonder why so many people complaining that SWTOR is single-player game? Or at least not MMORPG at all? I can tell you why - because of companions! Yeah, that's it! You don't need buddies to level up. You don't need budies to do major part of the game. At all. Companions can do the same. You can have whatever role you want to help you make it through without any contact with other players. Crazy opinion?


You do realize that other MMO's allow you to play solo and level up.... The companion is just a staple of Bioware games.... Even if they didn't have companions people would still play this game as a solo game just like they do in Rift, WOW, Age of Conan, GW2, etc..etc...


The days of needing help to level up by other players is long gone, now it's just an option in MMO's

Edited by Monoth
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Do you ever wonder why so many people complaining that SWTOR is single-player game? Or at least not MMORPG at all? I can tell you why - because of companions! Yeah, that's it! You don't need buddies to level up. You don't need budies to do major part of the game. At all. Companions can do the same. You can have whatever role you want to help you make it through without any contact with other players. Crazy opinion?


So, Troll's equation is, MMO has to be hard enough to require other people to play which = success.


Blizzard called, they said their MMO is far easier than this game when it comes to single player and massively successful. You're advertising a false positive. If you're going to critique, maintain some semblance of logic. If you're going to troll and expect to be taken at least somewhat seriously, attempt to appear as though you're applying logic.


There seems to be a fine art to trolling and you, sir, are no Picasso.

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I agree with the OP.


Companions are great for their romance, story and the little cutscenes we get with them. But the fact that we are required to use them every time we want to quest just makes them feel like a crutch.


My own character feels far less heroic because I can't do anything without the help of my companion. It honestly feels like playing a permanent pet class.


That's the one thing I missed most while playing SW:TOR; being able to just go out into the world and kill things on my own without hearing or seeing another NPC attached to my side 24/7.


And yes, the fact that companions are an absolute necessity just to complete the most basic tasks in this game is one of the core reasons as to why it doesn't feel like an MMO. I can tell you with certainty that I would have enjoyed this game much more if companion characters either didn't exist or were merely an addition to your class story and ship.

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Do you ever wonder why so many people complaining that SWTOR is single-player game? Or at least not MMORPG at all? I can tell you why - because of companions! Yeah, that's it! You don't need buddies to level up. You don't need budies to do major part of the game. At all. Companions can do the same. You can have whatever role you want to help you make it through without any contact with other players. Crazy opinion?


Why innovate? Why create something new? Companions are great. It's been a real benefit to this game and I enjoy them. Not every game needs them but there is NO reason whatsoever to blame any problems in the management of this game on companions.

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They are one of the dumbest "features" of the game, but not because of what the OP says. Many MMOs are solo friendly and require no grouping at all. Sure, companions cut down on the players needed to group with (ive done a ton or heroics with a dps pet, plus solo'd a ton more heroic 2's and some 4's) but its hardly enough of a hit on grouping.


Companions are just dumb because it makes all classes a pet class ... requiring players to have one tag along or die while soloing is not good game design. Even I, who mains a Hunter in every MMO, like to play different now and then. Not to mention how they are horrible group companions breaking CC (how has this not been fixed yet???), are stuck cleaning the ship unless theyre a tank or heal, and are no where near as interesting as the companions we've had in ME or DAO.


Oh and lets not forget how Bioware can even program them correctly ....... not much of a good point since they cant seem to program anything right but w/e.

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There seems to be a fine art to trolling and you, sir, are no Picasso.


Get some meds. You are paranoid and probably seeing trolls everywhere. Not every different opinion than yours must be trolling ... sir. That's for everyone who calling me a troll or my opinion/thought as trolling.

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Crazy opinion?


Yes, since companions are a result of a decade of people complaining that they HAD to have others with them to do X content.


The reason SWTOR feels like a single player game is the way the planets are set up. It's not that complicated to grasp.

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