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Best and worst names seen...


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I saw one called "Eat Sith and die" that really stood out to me. A few others with the word Sith in it that I wasn't impressed with. I wouldn't mind joining a guild, but it has to be one I can be proud of having their name in my tag.
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Oy Vaderstein

Obi-wan Katzenberg

Yngwie Maulmsteen

Darth Mauleschewitz

Jar-jar Jawakowski

Mace Winjew

Han Cholo


Padded Brakowski

Mara Judea

Kosher Porkins


Jewk Skywalker

Grand-Moff Arkofthecovenant

Hasid Viscious

Darth Hasidius

Admiral Akbarukata



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My Gunslinger's name is Rolând..... :D


I wanted to make my legacy name Deschain, but it really only works for that characters.


Great series! Read em my last tour in Afghanistan.


I try to get Haplo every game every server but someone always beats me to it :(

(main character from The Death Gate Cycle)


Reading alot of Terry Pratchett lately, so maybe a disckworld name for the next one. . . .


I had rolled a body4 male named Jay'bulls that looked alot like Jack Black.

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The most entertaining guild name I've ever seen on my server was "No Not In The Face". I busted out laughing the first time I saw that on a couple players in Dromond Kaas. Even more entertain is that I finally joined their guild after holding off for over a month.


If you're going to have a guild name, at least do it with some style or humor. I'm tired off the constant Sith and bragging guild names. Darkest Sith of Sithness? Unbeatable? (Etc etc.) Wow... Why would anyone want to be part of a guild who's name projects insecurity?

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Worst name: Jamestkirk


I mean really? Not only is it unimaginative, but you're bringing a Star Trek name into a Star Wars MMO. That's just... rude.


I can't think of any "best" names, though i always liked my Chiss Sniper's name, Sull'ian'atille. It looks like a needlessly long mesh of letters, but it's actually a linguistically correct Chiss name I came up with when I originally created her on an RP server. Her core name is "Liana," though now that I'm on a regular PvE server, there's no reason to tell that to anybody :(

Edited by Greyfeld
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Worst name: Jamestkirk


I mean really? Not only is it unimaginative, but you're bringing a Star Trek name into a Star Wars MMO. That's just... rude.


kinda expected tho... my Toons name in STO was Han Solo


tho i have seen about 4 guild names in ToR that involved doing bodily harm to star trek fans

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Ran into a Smug on the Daragon Trail server the other day by the name of "SkidMark" was laughing so hard i pretty much just let him win.


Bad names: I mean seriously "OptimusPrime" and i have to say i love it when people who apparently never researched this game put Titles such as Darth or Lord in their name not realizing you get those titles.


But the list i have is way too long for bad names.

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