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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Best and worst names seen...


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Names: Variations of 'Skywalker' 'Obi (whatever)' 'Sugar(other name for female chest area plural)'

[Looks] Imp:Darth Maul.Really?Reeaallly? Repub:How many Ewan McGregors are there?


Guild:Running with Sabers.Happy.Sith Happens.Sith Stole My Bike.Galactic Core.Ubese.


There are so many bad names.Maybe I'll just start writing them down. LoL!

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Reported a few already, but don't expect Bioware to treat those tickets until after launch rush calmed down. Won't name them here, for obvious reasons =P


you created a ticket just to complain about someone's name? wow. no wonder my tickets complaining about farming bots on ilum are going seemingly ignored. they have to sort through your dreck first.

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I remember in Fallen Earth the GMs would just rename people who broke the naming policy. Every so often you'd see someone called "Sam Samson" log in and go "...***?" in general chat. That was in the beta, not sure if they did it for release or not.


EQ's GM's, I'm sure, used to have fun with that. When they forcibly changed a name on my server, it was usually to something slightly embarrassing like "Pinkflower" or "Ponylover."

Edited by Pink_Saber
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you created a ticket just to complain about someone's name? wow. no wonder my tickets complaining about farming bots on ilum are going seemingly ignored. they have to sort through your dreck first.


The kind of names he was obviously referring to? I would, too.

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Indeed and that's why he keeps shouting Winter is Coming. I guess you have to have read the book/seen the series to understand :). It's a bit like being called Scooby-Doo and shouting Shaggy all the time. Or being called Fred-flintstone and shouting Yabadabadoo!


On my server we got the whole Game of Thrones...


We have Daenarys Targaryen


We have Eddard Stark, Stanis Baratheon and Davos Seaworth.


We also have Melissandre though I do not remember her Legacy




as "inspired" names go, I actually enjoyed Margot Fenring.




And I wonder on how many servers there are Imperial Agents by the name of James or Jason with the Legacy Bond or Bourne...

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Actually I don't know if I am allowed to post in this thread, having both a trooper called Combatcookie and a sith warrior called Warwaffle...


lol thats pretty epic ^


I have a couple of uninspired alts.

2 jedi's one called ful (soon to be master ful)

and one called beta... soon to be... well...


But they were just for fun and are still level 1.


my actually chars are named decently e.g. flare

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Alright I went ahead and named my inquisitor Thanaton after reading the web comic....in my defense I had no idea that BW would actually use this name in game and it actually is starting to kill my immersion when I read the synopsis of my story and I have to distinguish between "lord" Thanaton and "darth" Thanaton. *sigh* guess thats my fault tho.



Best name I have seen is Bad'Horse, leader of the guild Evil League of Evil


Worst is a bot I keep seeing in pvp named Getshidon

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I honestly don't see a problem with people who have unoriginal names (as in they took names of characters from the movies such as Luke, Han, etc.)


A name that actually sounds like a name is good enough for me. There are many people in the real world named Joe, so why does it annoy everyone that more than one person is named Han?


The only names that annoy me are the names that are nonsensical. Names like "Trololo" or "FJGJFJGJF" or "Imawesomftw" and stuff.

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